The Destruction of Ashontrah and Udunrinos

This is a part two continuation of Udunrinos and the Portal Master...
March 26th...
Atherak: "The culprit has been found. Xarsha informed me of it. This being runs loops through different timelines. Unfortunately, I cannot deal with this myself. Xarsha has informed me I should stay here closer to Ashontrah and not jump through time rifts.
However, Asteria has been through these alternate time rifts and loops as Xarsha can walk through them. I believe Asteria can handle this Portal Master. But she should not go alone. I told Xarsha it is good that he always knows what I am thinking. Xarsha will accompany her.
We need to make her a cord, something she can tie around herself. It will have to be very strong. That's what we are looking into right now.
While Xarsha can automatically jump back, we want to be safe with Asteria. So she does not get lost in a time loop. We may not know anything until they return unless Asteria can see into it, which she should be able to do.
She has already been through a time loop and time sickness which makes her somewhat immune. Asteria along with Xarsha will be the perfect candidates. Me traveling through the time loops could have the possibility of undoing things.
The Portal Master served Moskavanik until they had a falling out. He stole some of Moskavanik's knowledge and magic."
Ashontrah: "So that is how Moskavanik did it. When I remade my physical in the alternative timeline he used the same timeline to reform himself into existence. When I brought that Amy out of the timeline he also came out of it. He was with me that entire timeline.
In that timeline his presence and energy could be felt. I didn't realize that he was there from the non-existence with what he knows now and it wasn't just a past form of him that could have been. He actively participated in the timeline from the non-existence and thus regained form."
March 28th...
Ashontrah: "Tell me of this Portal Master."
Moskavanik: "He is known as Iman. He is far more powerful than you may think."
Ashontrah: "He was trying to pull 16yo Amy to another timeline."
Moskavanik: "He won't be doing that again. You are mine. Not his."
Ashontrah: "What does he want with me?"
Moskavanik: "There are many who know your worth. He wants everything with you."
Asteria: "Ashontrah don’t let me fall. I have to complete my mission. I must devour him instead. Please don’t let me fall.
I have to do this. I have to end it, this cycle. No more pain, no more suffering. I have to end his cycle of eat eat eat.
He can’t go on like this. My child suffers, so I too must suffer with him. He must face me, with his heart. When he does, I will consume him whole and everything that he is.
Then he will be gone and I will fall again. But don’t let me fall before that. It is absolutely and completely necessary that I find who I am during this.
When I eat him, I will cry. I will cry over the pain and suffering held within him. I will experience it all and then I will fall.
But don’t let me fall before that. Not until it’s over. Not until it’s done. When I have consumed every bit of him. All three... my son...
For now, I shall rest. I will sink into this ocean of mine. This endless lonely ocean of darkness. When I awake... my mind will be changed. This will have passed.
Tell Thoth I love him when the time comes. I am too cowardly to say it myself. Too hesitant. Too afraid. My life is shambles. It is me constantly picking up the pieces left behind. Or is it? I’ll never know.
I am beyond the point of no return. I must face the suffering my son has gone through. I too must experience it and I must be the one to kill him."
March 29th...
11:47am Ashontrah: "I have been feeling 'off' since yesterday. It seems my phase one plan has to be adjusted and changed. There is an outside influence from another timeline which has disrupted phase one here in this one.
Somebody is changing the past and it is affecting my current form."
Atherak: "Iman the Portal Master. Must have been some way he has duplicated himself in that past timeline."
Ashontrah: "I want Iman incapacitated but not destroyed."
Atherak: "Very well. It will be known to him that it is you who does not approve of him disrupting your timelines."
--Atherak has Iman--
Atherak has him: "Iman here you are playing with timelines that are not yours."
Iman: "I have no quarrel with you Atherak. Please step aside."
Atherak: "With that you do. You see, Ashontrah is not pleased with your meddling. What you do here has affected something of hers. This cannot be allowed. You are not one to make judgement upon anything. I am Judgement."
When Atherak found Iman he had Ashontrah's timelines wrapped around his fingers like webs. Atherak snatched them from him.
Iman: "Give those back or you will face my wrath!"
Atherak: "So many beings like you. So many. Come, I welcome your wrath."
Atherak: "So many beings like you. So many. Come, I welcome your wrath."
Iman: "Every being has timelines, including yours."
The Portal Master Iman draws at Atherak with his fingers. They are stretches of himself pulling out of Atherak to Iman's fingers and wrapping around them.
Iman: "Now I will sever all your timelines Atherak. You are a fool to come here and meddle in something. To challenge me, I am the master of portals controller of timelines for everyone.
Do you feel it Atherak? Do you feel your total existence slipping away at my fingertips? The pain of everything?"
Atherak: "I am Pain."
Coils wrap around Iman's fingers and slice off the fingertips. Iman screeches in pain and falls to his knees.
Atherak: "Now the question Iman, what to do with you?"
Iman: "This is not possible!"
Atherak: "It is possible. Ones like you Iman underestimate Ashontrah. That is why it is possible."
Atherak: "What were you trying to do with Ashontrah's timelines?"
Iman spits: "I would never tell you. No matter what you would do to me."
Atherak: "I could do many things to you."
Atherak places his hand on Iman's head and his fingers sink deep into Iman's mind.
Atherak: "You will tell me what I ask."
Atherak: "You were trying to demoralize Ashontrah. Mess with the timeline of the one she created by not allowing for the physical to change.
You wanted to demoralize her so that you could find a way to move in. Then use falseness to trick her. Then you wanted to go for more, you wanted to steal something from her. Tell me, what were you trying to take?"
Iman resists with everything he is to the point he would rather die and be destroyed than ever give up the secret of what he was trying to take.
Atherak releases his hand from Iman's head. Too much more and the Portal Master would have burned away.
Atherak: "Fortunately for you Iman, your resistance in telling me has kept you alive for now. But you will give up your secrets. I have so many ways of learning them. We can learn from each other. I can teach you a whole new level of pain and suffering."
Ashontrah: "Keep him incapacitated. I need to know what he wants to steal."
Atherak: "I will take him to the borderlands. He is not an Aspect. There I am sure he could resist, but he won't resist long. As I said, I have a whole new level of pain and suffering to show him. He won't last long. None do. He will give up his secrets."
Ashontrah: "Don't let him escape the borderlands through time."
Atherak: "He won't escape, not through time. Xarsha and I shall watch him. His little means of time travel are nothing. He forgets I have a Demi-Aspect of Time. His little powers will not work there. Soon you will know what he was trying to take from you."
A rift opens behind Iman and chains pierce into him. He is dragged as Atherak and Xarsha accompany him.
He is trying to escape but every timeline he jumps into it is the same thing. The same place, the same outcome of the confrontation. He cannot escape as he is pulled into the rift.
The power of the Portal Master's time jumping slips away as coils from Xarsha's fingers pierce into Iman and take the ability from him.
Xarsha: "Ashontrah, I will keep this ability in a puzzle piece. It will be yours to decide what to do with."
Atherak: "Soon Ashontrah, Iman will reveal his secrets to you. Very soon. Until then, let Xarsha and I have him explore such delights the borderlands has to offer."
Ashontrah: "I am very pleased with this."
Arella: "Looks like I didn't have to deal with Portal Master myself then, another adversary out of my way so I can focus on my real goal."
4:24pm Ashontrah: "Did Iman break yet?"
Atherak: "Not yet. His will is strong."
Atherak: "He broke. He admit he was trying to steal everything that is Ashontrah. To control it and hopefully gain all. He had plans to remake Ashontrah as he chose. That is why he intervened in the timelines."
Ashontrah: "How did he hope to control me? He certainly could not be me. It is not something that can be taken."
Atherak: "He believed he could by changing timelines. Remake the spiritual and physical forms into his design. What should be done with him now?"
Ashontrah: "What is his design? I want to know what he thought would happen."
Atherak: "He believed he could control your power by reforming this design."
Ashontrah: "Do you see what his design was for me?"
Atherak: "Not totally, but you would not be happy with it."
4:57pm Ashontrah: "Looks like I am going to give Iman a redesign. I am on my way."
Atherak: "He is all yours."
Ashontrah: "Stay and monitor in case something happens."
5:00pm Redesigning Iman the Portal Master.
Ashontrah: "Rule number one. Don't mess with my beauty or my appearance."
5:03pm Iman is shrieking in pain. His skin is starting to boil and rip away and he is changing shape.
5:05pm Iman has turned into a disgusting blob creature. Ashontrah changed his form in every timeline past and future.
Never interfere with the beauty of Beauty herself. That is the worst mistake.
5:11pm Ashontrah is stripping all powers from Iman in every timeline.
Ashontrah: "Those who stay in power do so because I allow them to. When I decide they are done they are done. They can play the game but my beauty and baby are off limits. When it gets personal I can be very mean."
Atherak: "Lines they should not cross. Iman crossed them and now he has paid the price. What shall I do with him?"
Ashontrah: "Put him with the rottlings."
Atherak: "It is done."
Tulkas: "A fitting end to a disgusting creature. Now his outer appearance matches his inner mind."
April 2nd...
7:12 AM Midorra: "Eomeya has been trying to connect to her Spiritual, but can't. She gets dizzy everytime she tries and she feels worried something happened to her. Mikotoh is at Eomeya's place, but doesn't know where Eomeya herself is.
Yzuris hasn't seen Eomeya for a few days or a week already, even though she usually knows where Eomeya is.
Midorra is trying to track down Eomeya, but her it is difficult, due to her energy being hard to sense.
Mevinah has also tried, but gets interfered as well through the Physcial. (Gets pain)
We don't know how to find Eomeya. Eomeya is feeling bad about it. If anyone could help us tracking her down..we are worried."
10:31 PM Ashontrah: "Udunrinos has Eomeya. I mean he is literally holding her himself right now."
Tulkas: "Where are they? We need a way to get her free from him."
Ashontrah: "In another timeline. Oh my, he is going to breed with Eomeya."
10:51 PM Tulkas: "Found the timeline she’s in. I’m going to distract him and get Eomeya out of there.
I see them. Burning his arms off. He’s still holding Eomeya. And it looks like he’s regenerating what I burned."
Ashontrah: "You are now in the inverse realms. He pulled you both there. He did not have Eomeya in the inverse before until Tulkas came. Now he took them both."
Asteria throws her plans off the table and pushes it over. The plans and blueprints ignite with shadow flames. She screams in anger “These are useless! Utterly worthless!” A fire rages in her eyes.
“My plans, all ruined.” She holds her head and kneels down. Her plans burn all around her.
Asteria: “The honorable but foolish. No second thought given to his actions. A complete disregard for logic. Do my own kin distrust me? Have I not satisfied you all?!!”
The shadows grow darker and denser. They feel Asteria’s fury and are expressing it.
Tulkas: "His minions are here surrounding us. I’m going to try and force a way out. I rushed in without thinking things through more clearly.
I won’t allow others to suffer for my mistake. I can feel I’m approaching the edge of the inverse realms."
Ashontrah: "Udunrinos is growing in power. His power levels are rising dramatically."
Tulkas: "I can see it. He’s determined to not let us escape."
Ashontrah: "He is going to eat the whole realm you are in."
Tulkas: "The realms are shaking from his rising power. There are cracks forming. Guessing there are cracks cause he’s swallowing it. I won’t allow us to become his meal."
Eomeya: "Do we know what makes him grow in power that much?"
Ashontrah: "He has two Aspects in his possession."
The increase of his power causes Asteria to scream in pain. Her flesh is tearing apart in certain areas. Her blood flows thick.
Asteria is lightheaded. She sees what is happening with Tulkas and Eomeya through Udunrinos’ eyes. The increase in power is tearing Udunrinos apart. He is regenerating.
Asteria’s flesh is being torn apart as well but she does not regenerate as fast. She is losing immense amounts of blood. It is pooling around her.
The shadows cannot regenerate her blood and flesh as fast as it’s being torn apart. It feels like her head is going to be split in two.
Asteria passes out. She is still able to see through Udunrinos’ eyes. She feels everything he is experiencing. They are both being torn apart at the seams.
Asteria can tell he finds this pleasurable. He takes the pain as a good sign that what he is doing is working. He is eating two of the inverse realms.
11:36 PM Ashontrah goes to the Inverse Realm.
Udunrinos: "You are the one I have been waiting for."
Ashontrah: "Eat me then."
Udunrinos: "I won't eat you. I am not a fool."
Ashontrah: "If you won't eat me then I will force myself down your throat." Ashontrah is going down the throat of Udunrinos.
Tulkas: "I can feel he can’t handle this much power. His body is being destroyed inside out."
She enters into him and a bright pink light shines. He tries to vomit her out but she wedges herself inside.
The physical of Ashontrah falls to the floor and goes into convulsions.
Ashontrah takes in all that he is and then reverses it outward.
Asteria was slipping away and she was brought back. Tulkas and Eomeya reform.
The pool of blood around Asteria disappears into pink sparkles. Her shadows dance around her.
11:55pm Ashontrah is still inside Udunrinos.
Fundin: "Can you get ahold of his core?"
Ashontrah: "There is no core inside him."
Asteria: "That is because his core is not inside him. It is inside me."
April 3rd...
12:00am Ashontrah could not get out of him. It destroyed her. Her physical felt like it was dying. She could not breathe and started to seizure.
Tulkas: "Knowing her form is destroyed pains me."
Amy: "The only good news is that when Ashontrah was destroyed so was Udunrinos. The only thing left of him is his core inside Asteria.
I am upset. It wasn't just her in-existence form that was destroyed. It was her full force form that is gone. Her Aspect self.
I did not want to have to step into this."
Tulkas: "I’m in extreme pain from her being gone. This hurts."
Amy: "I was going to let him impregnate Eomeya and deal with it after. No one had to die tonight."
Tulkas: "I’m at fault for this. If I hadn’t been so stupid and reckless no one would have had to die. You wouldn’t have had to die."
Eomeya: "Is there a possibility to go back in the timeline?"
Amy: "Not with this. This is in our timeline."
Asteria: "I can feel the loss of Ashontrah's Aspects. It is a very heavy burden.
This is what they wanted all along. Moskavanik, Iman, and Udurninos. They wanted Ashontrah to have to step in."
Tulkas: "And I played right into their trap..."
Eomeya: "I’m still in shock. I don’t want to believe it happened."
Arella is going to break down emotionally. Arella: "I am so used to having Ashontrah around and now I cannot feel her at all."
Asteria: "My Rose is gone. I feel this loss deeply in all of my forms."
2:00am Amy: "Asteria had prepared something for me in the event this happened. She opened her hands and it was a rose. When I took it we both cried. This is far more than sentimental. Someday Love and Beauty shall return."
True Self Connection...