Artemis Chapter Two: How Autriatah Became Artemis

This true self past vision is a continuation of chapter one. The real history of the Olympians Artemis and Apollo.
Autriatah stands in the middle of a large arena. There the sisters of Dehmont chant and taunt at her. They yell and scream cries of death to her.
Autriatah stands there silent. She looks to her left at a cage hanging high holding her brother Aupah. There is a concerned look within Autriatah. She is worried for her brother. They have come so far, traveled so long, and fought so many enemies.
They came to a safe world and lived among the beings there until Dehmont and her armies came through conquering, enslaving, and converting new sisters. Autriatah and her brother stood in defense of the beings of the world. Many of Dehmont’s sisters fell to Autriatah’s blades.
Instead of having Autriatah killed, Dehmont was impressed. She herself had offered Autriatah a position at her side as a mighty general in her armies.
Autriatah almost accepted, but she thought of her brother and what would become of him. When she asked Dehmont what would happen to him she was told that he would be executed.
Autriatah then denied Dehmont’s request, and said she would rather die than watch her brother be killed. Dehmont was displeased with Autriatah’s reply so she sentenced her to the arena where she said she would watch her die.
Here Autriatah stands ready to face her fate, but she has other plans in mind. She will not die today nor will her brother. Instead on this day she will make a point to all those beings up there who caused suffering and destruction upon those across realms and existences. She will no longer run. Today she will stand.
The sisters of Dehmont draw silent as she enters at the top of the arena and a grand overlook. Without a word Dehmont then blows a horn.
A gate opens across the arena. Out steps the champion of Dehmont. Her name is Keenrix, and she is an Arniyx being like Gorvag. However she does not float on a throne. She is strong and agile.
The sisters of Dehmont cheer. Keenrix acknowledges the crowd then turns to face Autriatah. She points her large axe at her making a notion that she will die soon.
Dehmont speaks. ‘I have given you the choice to become a sister of mine, but instead you spit on my offer. So I will watch you die. Keenrix, bring me her head.’
Keenrix bows to Dehmont, and then in a quick motion she rushes towards Autriatah. The two clash together. Keenrix seems to overpower Autriatah with almost every blow. Autriatah moves swiftly dodging most of these blows. She moves to strike Keenrix. Keenrix is swift knocking her back with closed fists.
She flies across the arena and rolls on the ground, but recollects herself. She rushes forward again jumping up high within the air and coming down with a swift kick across Keenrix’s face knocking her back. Keenrix swiftly moves her fourth arm and grabs Autritah’s leg slamming her to the ground.
Then with her other two arms she tries to punch downward on Autriatah. Autriatah moves swiftly, and Keenrix’s fists strike the ground.
She swings her axe within her third arm. It barely misses Autriatah’s head. Autriatah turns around and grabs onto her third arm. She twists backward and there is a snap. Keenrix’s arm lays limp for a second, but then begins to regenerate.
Autriatah must move quickly. She jumps on the back of Keenrix and wraps her legs around Keenrix’s neck trying to squeeze the life out of her.
Keenrix reaches behind her grabbing Autriatah by the back of her cloak and tossing her across the arena. Autriatah hits the wall and then falls to the ground.
Dehmont is pleased with this, but then she hears a voice from behind her. It is a hooded figure. The voice says in a soft female voice ‘She is a mighty one sister. You do not know how powerful she is.’
Dehmont says ‘Ah Mokunae. My dear sister. You have come for something. What is it?’
Mokunae replies ‘I have been searching for something, and I believe you have found it for me. Just watch, sister. You will see what I mean when I say that this woman here who fights your champion is not to be misunderstood. She has a power within her greater than you can possibly imagine.’
Dehmont says ‘We shall see sister. Do you care to place a little wager?’
Mokunae replies ‘I do. If this woman wins against your champion you will give her to me and the male as well.’
Dehmont says ‘But they have killed many of my sisters. Why would I give them both to you?’
Mokunae replies ‘Because I have something. Something that a very powerful being seeks. I will give it to you. This will give you much advantage and very good leverage with Eternal Death.’
Mokunae calls for two servants who are carrying a large chest with a lock on it. Mokunae takes a key from around her neck and unlocks it. She opens the chest and a piece is revealed. It is a strange object.
Dehmont’s eyes widen. Mokunae says ‘Do you know what this object is? Have you heard of it? This and ones such like it?’
Dehmont replies ‘Yes I know what this object is, and I know why Eternal Death would seek it. We have a bet sister. Your wager is placed. If this woman wins against my champion then I will give you them both. If she loses I shall kill them both, and you will give me that piece.’
Mokunae’s servant says ‘My lady aren’t you afrai-‘ Before he can finish, Mokunae strikes him across the face.
Mokunae says ‘Do not question me. I know that I will win this bet.’
She focuses back to the arena where Autriatah seems to be losing stamina. She is tired, and has taken many blows. She has delivered many blows as well, but still Keenrix regenerates.
The two clash back and forth. Keenrix strikes down with her axe, but this time when Autriatah tries to dodge it slices her right arm. She screams in pain.
Keenrix strikes her with a closed fist from her second arm. Autriatah goes flying across the arena. She is face down and lays there. She tries to regain her strength, but feels all her energy fading away.
There in the cage dangling above the arena Aupah cries out ‘Sister get up. Come on, you can do this!’
Mokunae whispers while standing high above the arena ‘Use what is inside you. You have a power inside you that is greater than this foe.’
In the arena Autriatah hears these words enter her ears. She concentrates hard then her chest begins to glow with a soft pink light and her eyes change to the color.
The sisters around the arena are chanting for Keenrix to strike the final blow and bring the head to Dehmont.
Dehmont is up in her viewing box. She says to Mokunae ‘Ha. Apparently you have lost this bet sister.’
Mokunae replies ‘I have lost nothing.’
In the arena below Autriatah begins to grow in energy and strength. She lays there letting the energy flow within her. Keenrix moves to make the final blow taking her axe high within her two top arms ready to strike down.
As she goes for the blow Autriatah moves. The axe slams into the ground. Autriatah with all her force jumps upon Keenrix knocking her into the ground. Autriatah with both hands rips through Keenrix’s eyes.
The pink energy in her eyes glows brightly as well as in her chest. She pushes her arms and hands all the way through to Keenrix’s skull wrapping her fingers around her brain.
Autriatah begins to pull and tug ripping the brain out through the eye sockets. She throws the brain down to the ground. She flies up backward into the air. With all her might she screams, and pink energy like fire comes from her burning Keenrix and setting her ablaze.
The energy dies down within Autriatah. She feels herself as she falls to the ground. She lays limp there for a moment watching the body of Keenrix burn.
Dehmont’s eyes widen in surprise. All the sisters around her are silent as they gaze in awe and amazement. They cannot believe that the champion Keenrix has been killed by one so small, and wonder about the power displayed.
Dehmont begins to grin and smile. ‘It appears we have a draw sister. It seems your champion is lying dead as well. Give me the piece, and I will give you the male slave. That is my only offer in such that we have a draw.’
Mokunae grins and says ‘You should look again sister.’
Dehmont slowly turns around. She can hear the gasping and chitchat of her sisters in the crowd. She looks down at the arena and sees Autriatah standing.
All the sisters in the crowd begin to cheer. Dehmon with a grin of anger on her face looks down at Autriatah. She motions for her sisters to be silent.
Dehmont says ‘You have proven yourself, and one has come to wager on your life. I set you free along with your brother. Release them and bring them here to me.’
Aupah is lowered to the ground and the cage opens. He runs to his sister. He embraces her and puts his arm around her to hold her up.
He smiles at her and she smiles back. Aupah says ‘I never doubted you for a moment. I knew you could beat that big slag.’
Autriatah replies ‘It is you who has always given me confidence. Thank you brother.’
Sisters of Dehmont enter the arena. They surround Autriatah and Aupah then escort them to Dehmont and Mokunae.
When they are before them they are forced to their knees. Dehmont speaks ‘You have proven yourself well, and my dear sister here has wagered upon your life which she has saved. You have her to thank.’
Mokunae steps forward and says ‘I am Mokunae, and your lives are in my hands. I shall not take you as slaves, but you will join me in my realm. Will you serve me mighty champion? I am very impressed with your skills.’
Autriatah looks at Mokunae. She is taken by her face and she seems genuine in her word.
Autriatah says ‘I thank you for wagering to save mine and my brother’s life. I had no doubt that I could beat Dehmont’s champion, but I did fear what would happen to us if I did. I truly owe you a debt. I will come with you and serve you as long as you can guarantee that my brother will be safe.’
Mokunae smiles and says ‘You both shall live without want. All that you need I shall provide as long as you serve me. Now come. Let us go to your new home.’
Mokunae smiles and grins at her sister and says ‘Until next time dear sister.’ Mokunae, her servants, Autriatah and Aupah leave.
Dehmont signals for one of her sisters. Dehmont says ‘I wish for you to send a message to Eternal Death. I know of someone who has something that he desires.’
Autriatah and Aupah are headed to the realm of Mokenhia. It is a pleasure realm ruled by Mokunae. She takes them within her grand palace and lavishes them with gifts, the finest foods and wines. Mokunae has offered Autriatah to be part of her Royal Guard that will protect her with their lives.
Aupah takes to these new surroundings with delight. There are many servants of Mokunae. Very young attractive females from many different races. They find Aupah very strong and handsome.
Autriatah however is wary and always watchful. She does not fully trust Mokunae. This realm seems untouched by Eternal Death, the Bishberrin, or Dehmont and her coven of sisters.
There is more to this place and Autriatah knows it, but she must put on a face until she can discover what else is behind Mokunae’s realm. Why she is not under threat like so many others.
After a long day Autriatah retires to her chambers. She finds Mokunae sitting on the end of her bed. Mokunae says ‘Come in. Close the door. I wish to speak to you.’
Autriatah closes the door then steps inside. Mokunae rises from the bed and walks across the floor. She puts both her hands on Autriatah’s shoulders and looks into her eyes.
Mokunae says ‘I have been watching you now for some time. I cannot help but notice how beautiful you really are. You are strong and yet you have a look in your eyes like a wild cat ready to pounce upon your prey. You are stealthy and that has attracted me in ways that I wish to share with you.’
Mokunae leans in and kisses the lips of Autriatah. Autriatah however does not return it. She does not wrap her arms around Mokunae. Mokunae finds this a little strange and pulls back.
Mokunae says ‘Is something wrong? Do you not find me beautiful? Do you not desire or lust for me?’
Autriatah begins to think. She replies ‘It is not that my lady. It has been a long day and I am very tired. My mind is wandering.’
Mokunae returns to the bed where she lowers the top of her dress. She says ‘Here, come and relax with me. Lay next to me and I shall take all your troubles away. Let me show you pleasure. Let me show you what is meant to be held and caressed and cherished like the jewel that you are.’
Autriatah replies ‘Please my lady. I am not worthy to lay next to one who is so grand as you are. You deserve a lover who could fulfill your every desire. I am not that lover. I do not have it in me. I do not know what it is to hold someone and caress them, and to make love to them. These sorts of things I have never really desired.’
Mokunae pulls the top of her dress back up and stands. She says angrily ‘You have disrespected me. I have offered you my love. I have brought you here to my home. I have saved you from your fate, and this is how you repay me?’
Autriatah bows to her knees and says ‘Please forgive me my lady. I meant no disrespect. I thank you for everything you have done for me and my brother.’
Autriatah continues ‘It is just I am not one who has ever known love or compassion, and feel that I would fail you in these matters of pleasure. It is not you my lady. It is me.’
A small grin crosses Mokunae’s face. She walks over and places her hand upon Autriatah’s head. She says ‘I understand, but in time you will know pleasure and love. For now rest. I will need you to be at your best.’
Mokunae leaves the chamber and closes the door. Autriatah rises and says ‘At my best she says. I am always at my best, and I will not fall for your tricks.’
Autriatah then retires for the evening. Mokunae is making her way to her chambers when one of her servants approaches her.
The servant bows to their knees and says ‘My lady. There is a visitor here who wishes to speak with you immediately.’
Mokunae replies ‘A visitor coming unannounced wishing to speak to me? Send them away.’ The servant does not rise from her knees as Mokunae walks past her.
Mokunae notices and turns to the servant ‘Did you not hear me? Shall I have you lashed? I said send them away.’
The servant replies ‘But my lady. It is an Aspect.’
This catches Mokunae’s attention. She says ‘An Aspect here? Who? Which one?’
The servant replies ‘The Aspect of Truth, my lady.’
Mokunae grows angry. She walks up behind the servant hitting her hard on the head with a sceptre in her hand.‘Her presence here can only bring trouble.’
The servant recovers and begs Mokunae for mercy and forgiveness. Mokunae raises her scepter again to strike, but stops.
Mokunae says ‘I want you to make sure that my Royal Guard Autriatah does not leave her chambers. I will speak to this Aspect of Truth, and I will find out why she comes to meddle in my realm.’
The servant recovers and heads towards Autriatah’s chambers. Mokunae makes her way to her throne room. Standing there in a grey hooded robe is the Aspect of Truth.
Mokunae says to her in a sour tone ‘What are you doing here unannounced in my realm? I have not called for you.’
The Aspect of Truth replies as she lowers her hood revealing her face ‘And I do not come to one’s beck and call. I come on other matters. You are keeping someone here.’
Mokunae laughs and says ‘I keep many here. Many serve me. I take them away from their pain and suffering and devastation. I take them away from the slaughter that is brought on by the Bishberrin, Eternal Death and others. They love me here. That is why they serve me. There are none here who are slaves. I do not keep them as pets.’
The Aspect of Truth says ‘But you are keeping one, and for reasons that you know can be dangerous.’
Mokunae replies ‘Who is this you speak of?’
The Aspect of Truth says ‘The one that you rescued or so called saved from the demise in Dehmont’s arena. She must not remain here for danger is upon her and her life is at risk. There is a power within her. An ancient power far beyond your understanding, Mokunae.
Far beyond any of our understanding. Something that came before the existences themselves. If this falls into the hands of Eternal Death or the Bishberrin, I fear that all will be lost and we will know destruction even worse than we do now.’
Mokunae laughs and says ‘Autriatah is loyal to me, and she is well protected. You are a fool. You say you speak the truth, but you do not know of anything. All you do is spread fear. The Bishberrin, Dehmont, or Eternal Death will never come here. I have made arrangements with all of them. They will not bother me, and I shall never intrude upon what they do.’
The Aspect of Truth becomes angry and says ‘You are wrong and foolish, blinded by your own lust and desires. Eternal Death is coming. Your sister Dehmont has betrayed you. He knows now that you have one of the pieces he seeks. Save yourself and leave here, and hand over the one you call Autriatah to me. If they are to fall into the hands of Eternal Death you will not understand the consequences.’
Mokunae says ‘Begone. You will receive nothing. Go and spread your truth somewhere else to some peasant little race of beings who will listen to you. Leave my realm and never return. Because I know the Bishberrin hungers for Aspects. Wouldn’t you like to meet him? Hm? And just like that I can call him here.’
She snaps her fingers and a servant comes running up and kneels holding up an orb.
The Aspect of Truth’s shadows are cast upon the walls. Whispers are heard in the Aspect of Truth’s ears. Yes at a moment Mokunae can call the Bishberrin, and he can be here. She knows of the danger and the hunger the Bishberrin has for Aspects.
Mokunae says ‘Yes you know that is the truth. Now begone. No harm shall ever come to me.’
The Aspect of Truth says ‘So be it. But you will see the truth of the words I say to you.’
Shadows grow darker over the wall and fade over the Aspect of Truth. Like that she is gone.
Mokunae laughs and says ‘To think she came here trying to threaten me. Demanding that I hand over what is mine. I know what lies inside Autriatah. An ancient power of eternal beauty.
One that will give me the power to rule over all. They will be blinded by my beauty and my lust. And the Bishberrin, Dehmont, and even Eternal Death will beg to be at my side. If Autriatah will not share a bed with me and give me what is inside her willingly then I shall take it.’
Mokunae heads into a secret room where she dons a blackish blood red robe. She begins speaking an incantation. She becomes transparent.
She walks through the walls into the bed chamber where Autriatah is sleeping. She waves her hand speaking in a strange language. On Autriatah’s chest a soft pink light begins to glow.
Mokunae in her other hand is holding a crystal. She begins to draw some of the pink energy from Autriatah’s chest which flows into the crystal. Then Mokunae begins to feel a pain. The energy shoots back from the crystal into Autriatah’s chest.
Mokunae grins angrily and says ‘If I cannot possess the power inside then I shall duplicate it and find a way to take it.’
Mokunae leaves the chamber and heads back to her secret room where she sets the crystal upon an altar and begins to spin rapidly. The darker color begins to take on a light pink color.
Mokunae says ‘I will have this in time, but for now this will improve and transform me into the most beautiful being in all existences.’
A visit from Eternal Death...
Mokunae is sitting on her throne inside her palace. Within the main grand hall there is a large orgy going on. Autriatah is standing behind Mokunae. She is not taking part in this lavish display of pleasure. Mokunae has many servants before her caressing her body and massaging her.
Aupah is having his feet and back rubbed by two of Mokunae’s young servants. He is smiling with delight. He is drinking wine. The festivities are going on.
Autriatah is thinking to herself ‘I cannot wait until this is over when I can retire to my chambers.’
A servant comes rushing in. She looks weary, tired, and very frightened. The servant rushes up to the throne where Mokunae sits.
He kneels and cries out ‘My lady please. We are in great danger. The skies outside have turned black. Many have been slain already. My lady, he comes!’
Mokunae rises from her throne and shoes away the other servants that were massaging her. She says ‘Who comes? Who dares enter my realm and cause such havoc? Tell me!’
The servant looks up into Mokunae’s eyes with fear gripping him and replies ‘Eternal Death has come.’
The large doors to the grand chamber crash open. Eternal Death floats through.
Another servant standing next to Mokunae says ‘It is just as the Aspect of Truth predicted, my lady. He has come. We shall all Perish.’
Mokunae says ‘Ha, the Aspect of Truth is a fool. There is no being that exists who can resist my lust or my desires.’
Mokunae then steps forth towards Eternal Death and says ‘Eternal Death, you grace us with your presence. Tell me. Why have you come to my humble little realm?’
Eternal Death ‘Do not play naive games with me, bitch. You know why I am here. You have something that belongs to me.’
Mokunae then looks sharply and grins at Eternal Death. She says ‘Oh yes. I have so much that can be yours.’ She lifts a little bit of her dress revealing her leg. ‘So much I could give you. So much that you desire.’
Eternal Death has a look upon his face. He walks forward to Mokunae silently then reaches out and grabs her by the neck. She can feel deep pain within her as if her life is being drained.
Eternal Death says ‘You take me for a fool as so many others have. I come for what’s mine. Not your pathetic self or what lies between your legs, but for a piece of true power.'
He raises his hand and Mokunae’s grand throne breaks apart. There within it is the missing piece that Eternal Death has sought. It floats to him and gathers around three other pieces that are floating around him.
Eternal Death tosses Mokunae to the floor and says ‘You are a fool. And now I shall punish you.’
Coils come from everywhere piercing into almost all the servants of Mokunae, striking them down, draining them of their life essence and causing their bodies to decay and wither away.
Another hooded figure steps to the side of Eternal Death. He says ‘Master. Both pieces lie here. The other one I spoke of. The one that the Bishberrin failed to obtain. It is here. The being that the Omega shard lies within is there. That guard. Her!’
Eternal Death laughs a hideous wicked laugh and says ‘Ah Mokunae. You are in luck today. I shall spare you and your realm. You have a treasure that my apprentice has sought. A treasure that combined with the pieces that I have now and will obtain more of will lead to ultimate power.’
Mokunae says ‘Yes, take her! Spare me and my realm. You can have her.’
Eternal Death then raises his hand. A coil reveals itself from his palm. He says ‘Come to me. Come to me little one and give me what lies within you.’
The coil comes forth from Eternal Death’s hand in the direction of Autriatah. Aupah jumps in front of her and says ‘You will never take her!’
The coil pierces through Aupah. He turns and looks at his sister. Autriatah cries out ‘Brother! No!’
Aupah begins to fade and decay away. He reaches for his sister’s hand and says ‘Please. Run!’ He then breaks away. His body decays and withers into ash.
All that is left is a small piece of volcanic rock. Autriatah gathers this in her hands. Her eyes begin to glow a soft white pink, and the same color comes from her chest. She looks angrily up at Eternal Death.
Autriatah says ‘How dare you. I have ran all my life from beings like you. I run no longer. You will feel the power that dwells within me!’
She stands up and screams with all her might. A flashing bright light of pink energy burns from her mouth like fire upon Eternal Death.
Eternal Death is engulfed in flames. Autriatah screams until she can scream no more, and she is exhausted. The fire burns around Eternal Death and then dies out.
There stands a smoking Eternal Death. He brushes his shoulder and says ‘Impressive. But you do not know the true power of what lies within you.’
Coils then come from Eternal Death’s hand and pierce into Autriatah wrapping around her. They begin to drain her. Her body suffers and feels as if it is burning away. It begins to wither. Suddenly the pink light burns all around her. It burns the coils of Eternal Death, and Autriatah drops to the ground.
The coils retract back into the hand of Eternal Death. He looks at his hand and says ‘It is more powerful than I expected.’
He pulls a blade from his belt and says ‘When she dies, my apprentice, cut it out of her.’
Moskavanik walks over to where Autriatah is laying. She can feel herself dying. She looks over and there is the piece of volcanic rock. She tries to reach for it, but she doesn’t have the strength. Moskavanik stands over her blade ready in his hand.
Moskavanik looks down upon her and says ‘So long have you ran. Finally it comes to an end.’
He strikes the dagger down, but before it pierces Autriatah’s chest coils wrap all around Moskavanik and pull him back. He says ‘What is this?’
More coils wrap around Eternal Death. He breaks them away. Out from the darkness behind Autriatah steps Amler.
Eternal Death says to him ‘It has been a long time my friend. Tell me. Do you still serve the master?’
Amler replies ‘I have always served the master. I still serve him now. And the one he serves.’
Eternal Death says ‘You cannot save them, Amler. Not even in death.’
Amler says ‘No. She will die here today. But what is within her and her core shall not.’
Eternal Death grows angry and says ‘Then I see you no longer serve the master.’
Coils strike forth from Eternal Death. As they head toward Amler they seem to go through him as if he was just an image.
Amler turns solid again and the coils break. He says ‘I am sorry Eternal Death, but you shall not have them.’
He reaches his hand down and thrusts it inside Autriatah’s chest. He pulls out the core, and within it is the Omega shard. He waves his other hand over the volcanic rock and it floats up into his hand.
Eternal Death screams ‘Amler! How dare you!’
Amler replies ‘Know in time, Eternal Death, you will be reformed. The prophecy speaks of it.’
Amler steps back into the darkness. Autriatah’s body withers away into ash.
Eternal Death grins and says ‘We shall see if such prophecies will come true. Come my apprentice. There are more pieces to obtain.’
Mokunae who was watching it all says ‘And what about my realm and me?’
Eternal Death replies ‘You shall live, but I will have all of these souls.’
He waves his hand. Spiked pillars come up through the ground piercing all around Mokunae. All those impaled begin to decay and wither away.
Inside the borderlands Amler is standing before the Athraanak. Off to his right side stands Xarsha, but he looks different from how he did before.
Amler speaks to him ‘I see that you have survived the trial, and that Judgement has accepted your sacrifice. Now we must carry on with the plan set forth by the master and the Omega. In time Xarsha, it will be up to you to see it through.’
Xarsha replies ‘And I will see it through throughout time until the end.’ Then Xarsha disappears.
Artemis and Apollo...
Amler looks up at the Athraanak. In one hand he holds the core of Autriatah containing the Omega shard. In the other hand a small piece of volcanic rock. A flock of ravens fly down and forms into Great Father.
Amler turns to Great Father and says ‘You have come as I have asked. Here, take these two. Keep them safe.’
Great Father opens his hands and Amler places the volcanic rock and the core of Autriatah with the Omega shard inside. Father can feel the strange energy of something ancient.
Great Father replies ‘I shall take them to a new existence where they will grow, and one day this being known as Autriatah will fulfill her destiny. She has sacrificed once. In time she will sacrifice again. And as for her brother… they will always be together.’
Amler says ‘Yes. Make sure of that.’
With that, Great Father forms into a flock of ravens and flies away. Amler turns and looks up at the Athraanak.
Amler says ‘All has been placed into motion. One day the Omega will rise and the shards will return. I have served you master, and I will continue to serve you.’
Amler reaches down and opens the cloak revealing his chest. Inside is a small black looking Athraanak. That of an Alpha shard.
In this existence they are born as twins. The Olympians Artemis and Apollo, who shall share a childhood alongside Aphrodite.
When the mother looks down upon Artemis’ face she sees a strange pink light that glows only briefly then fades away. A wise woman standing next to her takes notice and says 'This child is destined for greatness. She has a destiny to fulfill.’
True Self Connection...