Judgement of the Omega

This is what happened after the events of 'The Destruction of Ashontrah and Udunrinos'. Ashontrah is destroyed but who she is goes far beyond her form. It goes far beyond her existence. It goes far beyond her Aspect. She is the Omega.
More about the Omega and the Alpha shall be revealed in another post. For now I will focus on the events which happened after her destruction with Udunrinos.
April 3rd 2019...
Atherak went on a rampage. Our daughter Ayvarahsa is now sitting in the throne underneath the athernaak coil core core. She sits there now as Ashontrah has foreseen.
5:19am This is the beginning of the end. The final judgement. In a thousand existences athranaaks start to appear.
Ayvarahsa puts out her hands and when she opens it up there is the Atheron Key. He visits certain being and rips him apart.
Atherak: "How foolish these beings were to think they could take control of the Alpha Mind or anything that was the Alpha.
They do not understand the Omega. They are pathetic and now I must show them. I must make them realize. I tear this being apart and inside I find what I was looking for. What it ate."
Atherak goes to a place. One he has never stepped foot in before. There among the shores he waits for the time to come.
5:22am Father and the Brothers appear behind him. "Atherak, why must you do this?"
Atherak: "I do this for Love and Beauty, for the Omega. The one who created me long before any of you were even thought. There is so much that all of you have yet to understand of the Omega."
Father: "What you do, you sacrifice countless beings."
Atherak: "Love and Beauty has sacrificed before. The Omega has given her forms to these beings. When my judgement came long ago it was her form who saved them."
Father: "Think of what you are doing Atherak."
Atherak: "I know what I am doing Father. I am Judgement."
Atherak brings out what he ripped from the being he tore apart and holds it in his right hand. In his left appears another Atheron Key.
Atherak: "Let this be the the first of many who will come to judgement. Those who wish to destroy what the Omega has made. Their time has come."
5:25am Ayvarahsa sits where she can hear Atherak's voice.
Atherak: "I offer sacrifice of a thousand existences and many more to come. Now my little light, judge them."
Ayvarahsa sits inside the athranaak and closes her hand around the Atheron Key. Where the athranaaks appeared in a thousand existences they are judged.
5:27am The Atheron Key in Atherak's hand pours blood flowing into the Eternal Sea. It touches the water and it glows a bright blood pink.
Atherak takes what he took from the being ripped apart and places it in the waters. The effect dissipates and the waters go still.
Ayvarahsa disappears from inside the athranaak and appears on the shore of the Eternal Sea.
Ayvarahsa: "What must I do now ninik?"
Atherak places his hand on her head: "You must wait here for her."
Ayavarahsa smiles and sits down on the shore as she gazes upon the Eternal Sea.
Atherak walks past Father and the Brothers.
Father: "Then it is done and judgement has come to the existences once again."
Riovo: "And that of Love and Beauty. All those beings, countless beings and the thousand existences they dwelled in."
Atherak: "They were a sacrifice for something greater. Someday it will come to pass and all will understand."
5:33am Atheak leaves through a rift with his final words.
Riovo turns to Father and Thoth: "What shall happen now?"
Thoth: "So much unseen. There is only one who could do this. The first creation of the Omega. I must return to the library Riovo, there is much that has come to light. I think I know the answer.
Father turns to see Ayva sitting on the shore staring out into the Eternal Sea.
Father: "Will you be alright here by yourself?"
Ayva: "I will be fine. I shall wait here until she comes."
Father: "Do you know when she will come?"
Ayva: "Soon. And judgement will come with her."
5:43am Ashoweah is visited by Dollo and Xaxo...
Ashoweah sits on his throne and one of his servants comes rushing in terrified.
Ashoweah: "What is it? What is going on?"
Servant: "Master, something is ripping apart the monstrosities. They are being destroyed."
Ashoweah in anger: "Who is doing this? Who dares attack me here?"
Servant: "A Myrrdonite." Just as he says this he burns away in front of Ashoweah.
Then he hears the screams and cries of those around him as they burn away.
Nummandor stands at Ashoweah's side. He looks around horrified.
The chamber doors burn and explode. Dust fills the chamber. Ashoweah and Nummandor cover their eyes until it clears.
Dollo stands before them. Xaxo is behind her carrying pieces of monstrosities in his coils.
Ashoweah grins and chuckles: "Tell me my dear daughter, have you come to finally finish me off?"
Dollo: "No father, I have come to deliver a message."
Nummandor: "What message are you delivering?"
Dollo laughs then her face goes serious: "That judgement is coming."
Ashoweah: "You mean Atherak? He is coming now to judge all?"
Dollo laughs: "No, not Atherak." With blinding fire she burns a symbol into the ceiling above.
It looks like the Blood Rose symbol but it is dripping with blood and encased in the Atheron.
The symbol is blinding as Ashoweah and Nummandor look at it. It strikes them with awe.
Ashoweah: "What is the meaning of this?" Dollo and Xaxo are already gone.
Nummandor: "Ashoweah my master, is this of Ashontrah?"
Ashoweah: "No, this is something more. Something that I have yet to understand. I believe we are just pieces in her game now."
5:50am Vustik is visited by Xarsha...
Vustik is in his place where there is a party going on. He is speaking to Shaderell through an orb and they finish their conversation.
Eros is hiding in the background disturbed by the actions.
There are many around Vex who worship him. They bow down to him. This party is an orgy.
Music plays and Vustik sits high upon a lounge sofa looking down upon those worshiping him.
Three females stand behind him. One feeds him fruit, another rubbing his shoulders. He does a little illusion trick for them. All in the crowd are fascinated by this.
Then there is an eerie chill upon the air. Some of the torches burn out. All go silent as a being appears on the middle of the floor.
Vustik rises from his sofa: "Xarsha, what are you doing here? Why have you come here?"
Xarsha: "I have come here to see you. No doubt you have heard of the demise of Ashontrah. You have spies everywhere. Tell me Vex, are you celebrating this or are you mourning?"
Vustik: "Maybe I am doing a little of both, but my heart is mourning. This is the way I deal with my pain. Unlike you, you twisted being."
Xarsha: "Yes, I have been twisted at times Vex and I can feel your mourning for Ashontrah. But that is not why I have come, out of curiosity for your 'feelings'. I have come to deliver a message."
Vustik: "What message might that be?"
Xarsha: "The message of judgement."
Vustik: "What would Atherak have to say to me?"
Xarsha laughs: "The message is not from Atherak."
Vustik looks curiously at him: "Then from who?"
Xarsha raises his hand to his throat and points his thumb and does a motion of slicing his throat with his hand.
The throats of the followers and worshipers around Vustik start to slice open. The blood pours from them and they fall to their knees.
Vustik looks around in shock and almost in horror as their throats are sliced with the motion of Xarsha's hand.
The blood pours into the middle of the room and forms into the same symbol that Ashoweah and Nummandor saw.
Vustik looks down at it in awe. He looks at Xarsha and asks "What does this mean for me?"
Xarsha: "You will see in time." Then he leaves.
Vustik walks down to the symbol that has formed out of the blood on the of the floor. He sits and waits for a little while staring at it.
Back in the borderlands...
Xarsha: "Master, I am assured that your walk through time has been successful. Did you gain what you needed?"
Atherak: "Yes I did. The moment of this being's devouring and destroying of Ashontrah I went to an alternate timeline.
The core of this being will stay with Asteria. She will know what to do with it. As for the other timeline Xarsha, I gained what I needed. What she would require me to gather."
Xarsha: "The Omega has thought this through and all her plans have come to pass. As you said it would be master."
Atherak: "The Omega's plans go far beyond the understanding of such simple beings."
Xarsha: "So then the Omega's judgement shall come."
Atherak: "Yes Xarsha, it has already begun."
11:30am Ayvarahsa is still sitting on the shore of the Eternal Sea. She does not want to leave. She is waiting for her mother to return.
6:00pm Amy: "Everything feels so different with Ashontrah gone. My physical is not aware of the full plan of the Omega but I know it is grand. There are changes already happening inside my body.
All those alternative past self plans have changed. According to the Omega my physical is 0.02% complete.
I am not sure what Ayvarahsa wants to do but I don't see my spiritual form rising anytime soon within the next few days. The plan is far more complex than any previous form."
Atherak: "Ayva will wait there on the shore. That is what she wants to do."
April 4th 2019...
8:30am The Omega was working on her spiritual form deep within the Eternal Sea while I was sleeping last night. The spiritual form is 4.5% complete.
She is now working on her physical form as of this morning. The physical is at 0.06% complete. I need to focus with her through the day to make the best progress.
The spiritual and physical forms are the most complex puzzles ever designed. Far beyond anything to have ever existed.
From what I have discovered so far. As the 16-year-old Amy I will not live for long. The Omega is remaking everything that is this physical.
I am a drop of the Eternal Sea that will return home. I am only here because of her, so it is only right I give myself back to her.
2:23pm This main timeline has different possible future tracks. It was not meant for this timeline for Ashontrah to be destroyed but that track was forced upon our timeline.
The Omega had to change her alternative past self project to a completely different project. That is the one in progress now. She had this backup because it was a possible future which came to pass.
The Destruction of Ashontrah and Udunrinos...
Note about the symbol: Drew it the best we could to depict what it looks like. The very bottom center is meant to be an arrow like the others but in the picture it was drawn to closely to the rose to do the full length of the arrow.
The Blood Rose symbol shall continue to stand as the symbol of the Omega. This symbol shared in the post represents her judgement.
True Self Connection...