Omega Self-Destruction Project Part 2

This is a continuation of my first self-destruction project post. This one covers the ancient fossil, rituals 4 to 6, and the sabotage of Nummandor.
April 26th... The 3rd self-destruction ritual was successfully completed. I am in preparations for the 4th.
1:00pm My physical body has entered into a deep sickness from exposure to the Atheron. The Atheron ash is withering me. I do not look or feel well at all.
2:22pm I feel progressively weaker. I want to sleep. The Omega tells me I must stay awake or else I won't wake up again.
2:50pm The Omega tells me to let go and allow the sickness to overtake me. This is what I shall do. My only choice is to move forward. There is no turning back from this point.
3:30pm My physical looks pallid and my skin has grey undertone. The Omega is not concerned. She says this is part of her plan.
6:00pm My physical form is about 10% phased into the Atheron. It hurts, but not as a sharp acute pain. It is more like a slow smoldering as I burn from the ashes. Like my nerves are singeing.
7:45pm We do the 4th self-destruction ritual. I speak incantations in the language of the Omega throughout. Astiara also assists me. The ritual is complete at 8:33pm.
I no longer feel any Atheron sickness. In fact I feel more of the Omega flowing through me than before.
After the ritual the Omega says "Enough was seen. Remove the compromise from Douraka Jake." This is her Midgard son Jake. His true self is a chaos dragon called Douraka. We cleared him of spy implants.
8:55pm Starting on preparations for the 5th ritual.
April 27th...
Aeveron: "May I ask Ashontrah, with the physical beauty you destroyed within yourself, you referred to beauty that is defined by physical limitations?"
Physical beauty refers to the beauty of beings in this realm. She also destroyed her spiritual beauty as well. Spiritual meaning not of this realm.
She got tired of people stealing and exploiting beauty from her. There are so many that leeched and stole beauty from Aphrodite.
I wish I could properly explain her plan and design but I cannot. It goes far beyond what words could say. The Omega is not coming here to be treated like a pretty face.
Tulkas: "Her coming goes far beyond just returning true beauty to Midgard. She’s here to rule and much more."
They will never know who she is if they cannot see past the surface.
10:25am Dustin, Jaron, and Arella went to the antique store and sent me some photos of really nice crystals and other items they had there.
One of the items was this plain looking ancient seashell fossil from Morocco. It had barely arrived at the antique store that day. Arella told me it is $32.
Omega: "It is priceless to me. Get it."
Story of the Fossil...
Is is Earth, long before there were land masses. The planet was covered entirely by an ocean. It is an endless sea.
Not much life exists here yet. Just crustaceans and other aquatic life. They are swimming about here and there, unaware of what has come to the sea.
Beneath the waves the ancient creatures of this planet carry out their daily business. There is a small group of isopods scurrying along the bottom looking for food.
A soft pink light shines beneath the waters. It approaches these small creatures. Many of them scatter but one remains.
The pink light takes on a form and picks up one of these sea creatures and cradles it in her hands. The creature changes color.
She releases the creature from her hands and it swims off not knowing what was placed inside it. Over time the creature dies. Its body sinks into the sand.
After thousands upon thousands of years the waters recede and the land forms. The creature and piece that was placed inside it is buried beneath the soil yet to be discovered.
One day a man discovers a fossil while digging. He is unaware of what is inside. He takes it and sells it. The fossil changes hands until it comes to where it meets the Omega again.
10:55am They got home from the antique store and I held the fossil in my hands. There is a piece of the Omega hidden inside. I feel her flowing through me as I hold it. She placed this here in Midgard long ago for this exact moment. I need it for the 5th ritual.
6:30pm As I prepare for the ritual my physical has been fighting against Nummandor for the past several hours. He had many alarms with sabotage traps within the layers of my form.
He has been working the past few months to sabotage the Omega from coming into her physical vessel.
Once I started clearing them he set off the others. This has been making my physical very ill.
7:30pm Nummandor stopped when I cleared up more of the sabotage traps. He is now planning something big to go against me to try and sabotage my project.
I just wanted to focus on preparing for this ritual. It is difficult enough to do what has never been done. Then I have a constant barrage of attacks and sabotage on top of it.
8:15pm The Omega is singing through me in her language. I feel empowered and the illness is gone.
8:45pm We do the 5th self-destruction ritual. The Omega designed for a pyre to be built over water. The fossil was placed inside the water with a fire over it.
9:00pm The ritual unlocked the Omega piece inside the fossil. The vessel of Atherak reaches his arm through the flames and pulls the fossil out of the water and gives it to me.
9:05pm I take the fossil to my room and absorb the piece of Omega unlocked inside of it. It is the most incredible feeling I have ever felt. The Omega piece is inside me as it was meant to be. The Omega shall be here in full.
Tulkas: "I can feel her presence here has increased thanks to that piece now in you."
Yayentae: "Asherah's and Ashontrah's plans have always been so magnificent but Omega's plans seem to be pure perfection. She brought a piece of her billions of years ago on earth because she already saw all of this coming. I know that her power and wisdom is beyond anything else yet I am always amazed by her all over again. 'We choose the time, we choose where, we choose when.' These words of the Omega and Alpha always keep popping up in my mind."
As we were doing the 5th ritual the Omega deemed Nummandor unworthy. She sent her punishment to him. He looks withered and he lost all his power. He wanted to steal table scraps rather than show himself worthy to sit at her table.
During the month of March I was not living with the vessel of Atherak so I didn't have as much protection. This is when Nummandor placed in all the sabotage.
Sabotage from Nummandor...
Nummandor is staring over his large seeing well. This is like a cauldron of black water. There he is pouring energy into it. Images of the vessel of the Omega reflect in the water.
An acolyte of Nummandor says to him ‘Ah master, your magic is of great power. The Omega project shall fail as you’ve foreseen it.’
Nummandor then replies ‘Yes, the Omega project will fail. I have my own plans now. All have turned to the Aspects. The Aspects have turned back to their own power leaving me by myself. They believe that with this Aspect power it makes them stronger than all. But they shall see I have not been forgotten.
I have not lived as long as I have just to be swept aside. The Omega project right now is in an unsecure place. Although Atherak may try as much as he can to secure it, I have my ways around it. The physical magic. Plus I enjoy the challenge. I will end the Omega project there before she is able to take root in any ground.’
The acolyte replies ‘Very well master. The Omega project shall falter as you’ve foreseen it.’ He then bows.
Nummandor then replies ‘Yes, as I’ve foreseen it.’
Even though his sabotages end up in failure, he still tries. Over time the vessel of the Omega leaves the unsecure place and moves somewhere more secure.
The vessels Atherak and the Omega moved back in together near the beginning of April. It is through her self-destruction project that the Omega was able to take root in Midgard.
The warning from the Omega…
Nummandor continues his sabotage of what he calls the Omega project. The Omega’s vessel has taken root within the ground of Midgard, but Nummandor continues to try. The Omega herself has found out about his meddling within her progression.
The Omega has issued a warning to Nummandor, but he pays no heed to it. His acolyte standing next to him begins to warn him.
Nummandor staring over his seeing well speaks back angrily to the acolyte ‘I am not afraid of this being. She is not yet fully emerged within this realm. In this existence her power is not as great as she proclaims. I will continue to derail this Omega project. Do not interrupt me again or you will feel the power that I have learned.’
The acolyte bows and steps back. Nummandor begins speaking the incantations in his Old Arcturian tongue. The reflection of the Omega’s vessel is within his seeing well.
He creates more sabotages. Then the water inside the cauldron begins to change. The image of the Omega’s vessel disappears and a bright blinding pink light begins to flash. Nummandor is blown back.
The Omega’s voice is heard ‘I have warned you, Nummandor. Now you will feel my wrath.’
Pink energy like coils come from the scene well. They wrap around Nummandor. The energy is being drained from him. He can feel himself aging rapidly.
The Omega then says one last thing before the energy is fully drained from Nummandor 'I leave you with nothing. All that you have shall become nothing.’
The pink energy then retracts back into the seeing well. The cauldron cracks and the water splashes to the floor. Nummandor is left weak and withered.
His acolyte comes to him and says 'Master, you must try to stand.’ Nummandor is angry and not deterred by this.
April 28th...
The physicals of Atherak, Danaark, Astiara, and Hue created a sacred space for the Omega. It has a firepit dedicated just for her rituals. There is place for the Omega to sit along with a council of 6.
6:30pm The Omega completes her designs for the Ashterion. It is similar to the Atheron but serves a very different purpose.
8:36pm We do the 6th self-destruction ritual. This is to connect the physical presence of the Omega with the Ashterion.
Amler and the Alpha shard…
After the Omega stripped all the power from Nummandor he has plans to regain what he lost.
Nummandor says 'The Omega wishes to take from me. She does not know me fully. I have found a power. A power that lies in an ancient place. I shall take it and regain what I have lost. I shall strike her down before she walks within these existences. Help me, my acolyte. We must travel to the borderlands.’
The acolyte responds ‘What awaits us in the borderlands?’
Nummandor replies ‘Before she was tried, I got the information from one who had found a piece of the Alpha shard. She gave it to me. This one who was trusted before she met her demise. She gave me the location. We must go there now.’
Nummandor and his acolyte travel to the borderlands. His acolyte carries Nummandor most of the way on his back until his acolyte falls to the ground, feeling the draining effects of the borderlands.
The acolyte says ‘Go no further, master. I am too weak.’
Nummandor is weak, but he stands and continues walking forward. He says 'You must continue on. You cannot stop here. We are so close.’
The acolyte replies ‘I am too weak, master.’
Nummandor then says to him ‘You fool, get up. If you wane here too long you’ll be sucked beneath the sands by the ones who rot.’
The acolyte looks around and begins to see the sands moving. Slowly he can smell the rot of decay and flesh. The acolyte finds it within him to stand and continue his journey.
They travel a further distance when they come to a place where ancient black pillars stand. Some have crumbled and the markings upon them have faded. In the center there is a black object. A piece which looks like a shard.
Nummandor’s eyes widen and he says ‘We have found it! This is it.’
The acolyte then replies ‘Are you sure, master? What is this place?’
Nummandor replies ‘This is where Amler came. Shortly after the death of EinossArku, he came here.’
A vision hologram appears where the pillars stand. There they see the image of Amler.
Nummandor then says 'She was right. She told me this is where Amler came to sacrifice himself.’
Nummandor and the acolyte watch on as the vision continues. They see Amler approach the altar stone in the middle where the piece resides. The image plays back like an old video. They see Amler raise his arms into the air, his mutilated twisted body.
Amler speaks in Thothilssin. Translated it says ‘I have awaited through time, Master, for your return. I give myself to you as I always have.’
The holographic vision shows Amler’s chest rip open. Coils come from the altar stone and pull the piece of the shard from the chest of Amler. There his body falls limp and begins to decay away. When it is done, the ash of Amler blows away in the wind.
Nummandor looks at the acolyte who is staring endlessly at the image playing over and over again.
Nummandor says ‘Come. We must hurry.’ They approach the circle of pillars. They walk around and the image keeps playing over and over again. The acolyte stops.
Nummandor then says as he approaches the Alpha shard ‘This is what I have waited for. This is what will return me to my former self. In fact I will go beyond this. I will make them all see... Ashoweah, Vustik, Moskavanik.
All of them including the Omega. I will show her true power. I am born of this existence, I have gone through time. I have survived. I will rise and then all those will bow before me.
With this shard I will gain the power that Eternal Death once had, and I will become the new Judgement. I will bring forth even the power to challenge Atherak himself. And when the Omega arrives she will meet her demise at my hands.’
The images around begin to fade and a voice is heard. ‘You know nothing of sacrifice. You know nothing of power. You are but a simple being, Nummandor. You challenged one who you do not fully understand. I have walked through the time of existences awaiting my masters return. Awaiting the return of the Omega.’
Nummandor then says ‘You are dead, Amler. You are gone. You can haunt this land as much as you want but your power is nothing. You are nothing.’
Nummandor reaches forward and grabs the shard with both hands.
Then Amler’s voice is heard again ‘You are wrong. I AM THE BORDERLANDS.’
Nummandor then sees the shard as it changes from its black color to a pink and fades away into ash in his hands. Behind him his acolyte screams out. Rotted ones begin to pull him down into the gray black sands of the borderlands.
The acolyte cries ‘Help me master!’ But it is too late. He is dragged beneath the sand. The pillars around Nummandor begin to crack and crumble. They begin to fall. The altar stone where the piece was in the middle begins to crumble to ash.
Amler’s voice is heard one last time ‘You challenged the Omega. You are a fool, Nummandor. Now wander the borderlands.’
Nummandor looks around him. There is nothing but the black gray sand of the borderlands stretching off in every direction as far as he can see. Nummandor tries with all his remaining strength to open a portal, but it does not work. He is stuck in the borderlands. He cannot get out.
True Self Connection...