Omega Project of Self-Destruction

Warning to reader: Do NOT try this type of project on yourself. The Omega is designing and overseeing this herself with the assistance of Atherak and Astiara. This is not something that should be attempted by anyone else on their own. It is not a simple process. The complexity is staggering.
April 23rd...
The Omega decided this is my time of self-destruction. There are many who want to destroy the Omega physically and will continue to do so.
She shall conduct rituals which will completely dismantle and destroy her physical vessel while she reforms herself beyond physical restrictions and Midgard limitations.
There are major risks to this process but the alternative is certain doom. She wants this completed while Ayvarahsa is still in the womb.
11:00am The start of preparations for her first self-destruction ritual. This kind of project has never been successfully done before.
This full process will take time and effort but it must be done. The Omega already destroyed her physical beauty. She said it is meaningless compared to what she has to bring. Physical beauty is of no desire to her.
Kaltarinkae physical to the Omega: "This is only the beginning of a war if you wish to have war with me. Then so be it."
Conversation between Omega and Kaltarinkae....
3:30pm Omega: "Are you going to send hitmen after me? Any coward with money can do that. Show real power to me Kaltarinkae."
Kaltarinkae reply: "No hitmen necessary. You will see the display of my power."
7:00pm I do my first physical self-destruction ritual. I already know what is coming for me later this evening. I know it is meant to happen. I must let them cause destruction upon my forms and take power the Omega wants them to take.
The plans of the Omega go far beyond comprehension. As her physical presence I simply follow her instructions until she is here in full. My destruction for her coming is inevitable.
7:40pm Kaltarinkae and Moskavanik show their power. They discovered that I was phasing myself to the non-existence. The Omega was working on making her physical form non-existent.
They got all in the non-existence, the spiritual form Ashontrah in the Eternal Sea, and all of her physical vessel.
They took all my power and beauty. They have everything. I could feel my form withering to ash. They were finished at 8:13pm.
They have all the power the Omega had in existence. Also what she had in the non-existence.
Ashontrah in the Eternal Sea withered to ash. She no longer have a spiritual form. My physical has nothing remaining.
They had 3 more porcelain-like dolls for their ritual. One was my physical based on my most recent photo where I am wearing the blue sweatshirt, another was the spiritual form of Ashontrah, and the third was me as non-existence.
I knew something was up when the Omega wanted me to take the photo while partially phased into the non-existence. She told me to post it on Facebook.
Then the Omega said in the Aspects chat that Kaltarinkae may use this photo for a more updated doll. Some thought she was joking but she wasn't.
The doll maker works fast. He had these made in under 24 hours from my last photo. I estimate these dolls cost over $10k each.
The level of detail on the spiritual Ashontrah doll was surprisingly accurate. He also makes them set to the energy signature of the being.
To the readers: Do not insult or speak down about my brother Kaltarinkae. He is more brilliant and powerful than you realize. He deserves respect. Do not underestimate him.
April 24th...
Hylia: "Beauty and love are gifts that you have given to all beings, they are in all things to a greater or lesser extent, and your Avnomar are made to embody this... We would do anything for you, even give these gifts back to sustain you, to help to restore you if need be, that is our duty, and something that I would do out of love."
Omega: "Would you be willing to suffer in my place Hylia? Do not answer lightly."
Hylia: "I would. I do not answer lightly."
Ilrilliana Hylia offers to suffer on behalf of the Omega...
Omega: "So be it. Your sacrifice is accepted."
11:03am Ilrilliana withers away into ash.
Hylia: "I could feel her energy spiking, then slipping away. But I did not feel regret for this. Ilia has been determined to do her part, as have I... Everything that you have given to us, we would give back, I love you dearly, and I always will. This was the last thought I had from ilia, forgive me for my tears. This was her sacrifice, in spite of my voicing it. And... I am so proud of it..."
DEATH IS JUST ANOTHER PATH by Fearless Motivation
Omega: "I had to take her before they got what is mine."
12:00pm The Omega reveals that only Ilrilliana could pay the price to restore her. She wants her TSPV done to show us why.
The Omega prepared long ago for what happened last night. She also knew of the sacrifice that Hylia would offer today.
When it comes to the Omega, Time is irrelevant and even Existence itself is insignificant.
Hylia: "I will be very much looking forward to reading the tspv for this, you confirmed for me everything that I felt making the offer, that this was something that Ilriliana and I needed to do, that we could do."
7:48pm We do the 2nd self-destruction ritual.
I put on my blue sweatshirt that I had in most recent photo. The Omega tells me to take it off immediately. They turned it into a familiar for them to read my energy. It must be cleared.
April 25th...
Preparations for the 3rd ritual started last night. When one ritual is complete we start immediately to prep for the next one.
12:00pm The physical vessel of Atherak completely immerses himself in water and almost drowns to travel beyond all to see the Omega. She gives him a very powerful magic to perform the next steps of the self-destruction rituals. Atherak is not able to stay for long or else his physical vessel would drown and die.
1:15pm Since the non-existence is compromised the Omega wants to prepare her physical presence to phase directly into the Atheron.
8:18pm We do the 3rd self-destruction ritual.
The ritual takes well over an hour to complete. The Omega is not pleased. She is upset and says it must be done all over again. It did not meet her standards.
10:30pm Preparations start for the re-do of the 3rd ritual.
April 26th...
There is not a spiritual form for Ashontrah yet. This is going to be different than before.
Will Ilriliana ever be restored? Ilia is with the Omega. That is all that shall be known.
Hylia: "Knowing that she is with the Omega, no matter what comes of it, is more than enough. It's probably cheesy to say it feels like being home."
10:54am We do the 3rd self-destruction ritual again. The preparations were extreme. There were a few times I was worried I wouldn't make it through. The Omega is pleased.
True Self Past Vision for Hylia Ilrilliana
Journey to the Eternal Sea…
‘Come to me...’ a voice said deep within Ilriliana’s dreams. She is standing upon a shore. She is looking out across a vast ocean stretching far into the distance. She can hear the voice again.
Ilriliana is awoken by someone shaking her. It is Nangwayen. He says ‘Awaken. Wake up.’
Ilriliana opens her eyes. She sees Nangwayen standing over her. It startles her for just a moment, but she wipes the sleep from her eyes and rises from her bed.
Ilriliana says ‘What is it? Why have you come to awaken me at such an hour?’
Nangwayen replies ‘A gathering is happening. I have been sent by the elders here. They have sent me to come fetch you. Your name was spoken by the Great Moon.’
A look of surprise crosses Ilriliana’s face ‘The Great Moon spoke my name?’
Nangwayen then says ‘It is the prophecy.’
Nangwayen and Ilriliana have known each other since they were young. They have grown up together. Both of them serve within the temple of the Alunanatiae. This sect of them is known to worship the Great Moon that shines over their realm.
The Great Moon speaks to them, but she is a being not fully understood. Legend has it among this sect of the Alunanatiae that she is a great mother giving birth to all.
Ilriliana gathers her things then she and Nangwayen set off into the deep forest.
Many of the elders have been gathered in a circle. Before them stands a great obelisk. In it is enscribed strange symbols. Right above the obelisk the moon shines down directly upon the gathering.
Nangwayen and Ilriliana step forth and then kneel. The wisest of all the elders steps forward. Her name is Mongwae.
She places her hand upon the head of Ilriliana and then she speaks. ’The Great Moon has spoken to me. She has said your name. It is you who must take upon the great journey to the forever sea.’
Ilriliana raises her head to Mongwae and says ‘And what must I do when I reach the forever sea?’
Mongwae replies ‘You must wait there for the mother to come forth and to speak to you. There she will grant you great wisdom and knowledge. You must keep it safe within you.
For once you leave here child, you shall not return for some time. The Moon has spoken to me. You must go on a great journey across many realms. Let the Moon guide you upon this, child. Now step forth.’
Mongwae and Ilriliana approach the large obelisk within the center of the gathering.
Mongwae produces a dagger from her cloak. She slices her hand and places it upon the obelisk. Blood trickles and then she takes her hand and places it upon the head of Ilriliana.
Mongwae says ‘Bless this child upon her journey. Watch over her and guide her.’
The other elders gathered in the circle repeat ‘Bless this child. Guide her upon her journey.’
Then all the others who have gathered begin singing in a strange language. Mongwae guides Ilriliana out of the forest, down the hills, and to the edge of a sea. There a strange boat waits upon the shore.
A tall hooded, black-robed figure stands upon the edge of the boat. As Mongwae and Ilriliana approach the boat, the figure raises his hand and speaks ‘Who is this that steps before me?’
Mongwae replies ‘It is the one who has been chosen by the Moon. You must take her to the forever sea where the waters come together from all the realms.’
The strange hooded figure says ‘That which you ask is a far journey. To ferry someone there would come at a great price. What is it that you offer?’
Mongwae replies ‘I have offered my eternal soul. Is that enough to pay the price to ferry this young one to where the waters of all the seas meet?’
The figure then raises his hand. A strange darkness seems to glow within it. He passes his hand over Mongwae then retracts it back.
After a moment’s pause, he says ‘This is an acceptable price. I will take this one to where the seas meet.’
Mongwae then turns to Ilriliana. She places her hands upon Ilriliana's shoulders and says ‘Your destiny lies before you. I shall make the sacrifice. You shall make the journey. Remember, when you arrive there, wait for her to speak to you. Gather her wisdom. Let her guide you.’
Mongwae turns to the hooded boatman. She says ‘I am ready to pay the price.’
She draws the same dagger again from her cloak and pierces it into her chest. Ilriliana is shocked, but the other elders do not seem fazed by this. As she drops to her knees and the life begins to fade out of her, the boatman raises his hand again.
A strange energy flows from his hand and into Mongwae. It then absorbs all around her. Ilriliana watches as the core essence is pulled from Mongwae and into the boatman. He places it into a strange jar and puts it into a bag which he carries on his side.
He says ‘Step aboard child. We have a long journey ahead of us.’
Ilriliana looks around at the others including her friend who is standing there. The elders nod, and Ilriliana turns and steps aboard the strange vessel. With the wave of the boatman’s hand, the vessel begins to drift out to sea.
Ilriliana stands upon the bow and watches as the elders look onward from the shore. She watches them until they disappear, and all she can see is the waves.
The boatman then takes the sack which he is carrying from his side. He looks into it and says ‘Ah. I shall stare at this one for a long time.’
Ilriliana turns to him and asks ‘Do you have a name I may call you by?’
The boatman laughs and replies ‘It would take so long for you to even understand my name if I were to tell you. But you may refer to me as Dargorr.
Ilriliana replies ‘Dargorr. Then I shall refer to you by that name.’
Dargorr then says ‘You should sit child. We will be entering the mist.’ He points his finger.
Ilriliana looks to where he is pointing to. There is a strange mist surrounding the waves. They begin to become more choppy and waves crash against the boat. Ilriliana takes a seat and holds on. The boatman stands upon the bow of the ship. He spreads his arms out. As waves crash against his ship, they enter the mist.
Ilriliana feels overwhelmed. She begins to grow tired as she watches Dargorr stand upon the bow with his arms spread out as waves crash against the ship. She begins to feel heavy and falls fast asleep.
Ghosts Beneath the Waves…
In a dream, Ilriliana is standing upon the shore. She can hear a faint voice out from the waves. It says ‘Come to me.’
Ilriliana feels drawn towards the waters. She can feel herself being submerged beneath them. Water splashes upon her face and she awakens. She is within the boat of Dargorr.
As she wipes the sleep from her eyes she notices that Dargorr is throwing something out into the water. It looks like some kind of strange jar attached to a long black rope.
He tosses it in, waits, and then begins to pull on the rope, pulling the jar back aboard the boat. He looks inside it then dumps the water back into the sea.
Ilriliana approaches Dargorr. She watches him for a moment then she asks curiously ‘What is it that you are doing?’
Dargorr laughs ‘Why I am fishing, my child.’
Ilriliana looks puzzled and says ‘Fishing? With a jar? What are you fishing for? What type of fish would you catch with a jar?’
Dargorr replies ‘Oh but I’m not looking for fish. I am looking for something more than that. Something greater.’
He leans in close to Ilriliana. She can smell that of rotting flesh. He says ‘I am fishing for the ghosts beneath the waves.’
Dargorr then turns from her and begins pulling on the string again.
Ilriliana asks ‘The ghosts beneath the waves? Who are they?’
Dargorr replies ‘THEY. They are from all around the realms. Even beyond the realms here. They cross through the mist along the Eternal Sea.
Some of them that fall within its waters are pulled down. Forever trapped beneath its waves, their souls, their eternal cores now are part of the sea within the mist!’
As Dargorr speaks these words, Ilriliana looks over the side of the boat into the waters. There she sees a face that comes forth. It is that of a strange looking being she has never seen before.
The being looks withered, old and decayed. It presses its hands up against the bottom of the water as if trying to push through, but it cannot.
Ilriliana stares long into the being’s eyes as if in a trance. She can almost hear a strange language. A voice is echoing in her ears.
She is broken from the trance by Dargorr tossing his jar into the spot where the strange being appeared. When he pulls the jar back from the water, there is a glowing light within it.
Dargorr laughs a sinister laugh and says ‘Ah. You are very good at this, child. Another one for my collection.’ He puts a cork into the top of the jar and places it in the sack that he carries on his side.
Ilriliana says ‘What are you collecting?’
Dargorr replies ‘The cores. Cores of many. I have so much of them. They are part of my collection. Maybe one day on my journey I shall show you. For there is time. Where you are going it takes much time to get there.’
He then throws his jar back into the water. Ilriliana looks on. There is an uneasy sense of Dargorr. She does not trust him. What if Dargorr was to collect her core and place it in a jar?
Ilriliana thinks to herself, she shall keep one eye open when she sleeps, and always watch Dargorr until she arrives at her destination.
They continue their voyage on the Eternal Sea through the mist. Every time that Ilriliana wakes she watches Dargorr toss the jar into the waters fishing for those who were lost beneath its waves.
When he is done catching them and placing them within his sack he takes them below deck and closes the door. Every time before he enters, he looks over his shoulder and asks Ilriliana if she wishes to see his collection.
Every time Ilriliana says ‘No. I am fine.’
Dargorr enters down into the lower deck and closes the door. Ilriliana can hear many voices calling out as if they were trapped.
Ilriliana hopes she will soon arrive at their destination. But they have been sailing for so long that she has forgotten how long they have been at sea.
She sleeps lightly when she can, always keeping an eye on Dargorr and his every move. Sometimes she listens to the strange voices coming from the sea within the mist.
Whispers on the Shore…
Ilriliana stands upon the boat. She watches as Dargorr looks off into the distance. Around her, she begins to see the mist growing less dense.
Dargorr then speaks ‘There! We have made it through the mist.’
The boat exits out of the mist, and before Ilriliana’s eyes is a beautiful sea. The waters are calm. Everything feels tranquil. With the wave of his hand, Dargorr directs the ship. The whole vessel turns and sails off in a different direction.
Ilriliana looks out across this Eternal Sea. There is a sense there, but she does not yet understand. It feels familiar to her, but yet she has never journeyed to this place before.
So many have spoken of where the waters of every realm meet to the Eternal Sea, but none dare ever travel through the mist to find this place.
Ilriliana suspects the ghosts in the waves are the reason why so many have tried to travel through here and yet drowned beneath its waters forever trapped within the mist and the sea.
She hears Dargorr’s voice again ‘There it is.’
Ilriliana steps beside Dargorr and looks out. She sees what appears to be an island.
Ilriliana says ‘Is that where we are going?’
Dargorr replies ‘Yes. That is where the seas of all the realms meet. That is the center. That is where I have been instructed to take you.’
Ilriliana thinks to herself ‘What is it I must find here? Who is it that will come to speak to me and guide me? So many questions I do not understand.’
The vessel makes it way towards the shore of the island. Dargorr then raises his hand and the vessel stops.
Dargorr says ‘This is as far as I go. You are on your own from now, child.’
Ilriliana departs the boat and steps upon the shore. She turns and looks at Dargorr as he waves his hand and the boat begins to sail away.
She yells out to him ‘But will you return when the time comes?’
Dargorr replies ‘No. I was only instructed to bring you here. How you will leave is not of my concern.’
Ilriliana walks the shores of the island. She looks out across the Eternal Sea. She then yells out ‘Hello! Is there anyone there? I have come. The elders have sent me. They said the Moon spoke my name, and I must come here to speak with you. Is there anyone?’
Ilriliana listens, but there is only wind on the waves. She tries calling out again ‘Please. If you hear, come to me. I have been sent to find you. To seek your knowledge. You must help guide me upon a great path.’
Ilriliana listens, but still there is nothing but the wind on the waves.
Ilriliana then turns. She heads inland on the island. There she sees something covered by vegetation. It looks like a structure. As she gets close she sees that is more than a small structure, but appears to be more like a palace.
The vegetation has overgrown most of it, and it is hard to see the outside. But as she approaches she notices that it is carved from almost a pinkish marble.
Then she hears a noise coming from inside the palace itself. She yells out ‘Hello? Is anyone there?’ There is nothing but silence.
Again she yells ‘Hello!’ There is an echo of her voice ringing inside the halls of the empty palace.
Ilriliana takes a flint from her pocket. She finds a nearby torch, strikes the flint and begins blowing on it until it catches fire. She takes the torch and enters into the dark of one of the corridors of the palace. As she walks through she begins noticing strange paintings upon every wall.
She follows down the long corridor into a chamber. When she opens the large door, she looks in. There is a grand bed, and all around it is paintings. They seem as if they were done by hand. Ilriliana then walks around looking at the strange paintings on the wall.
As she looks around she says to herself out loud ‘What are these?’
She is startled by a whisper that seems to come out of nowhere. The whisper says in response to Ilriliana ‘Memories.’
Ilriliana looks around. She says again ‘Hello? Who is there?’ But there is silence.
Ilriliana then leaves the chamber. She travels down the corridor and out of the palace. She heads back down to the shore. It is growing dark around her. She then decides to sit upon the shore staring out into the Eternal Sea where she drifts off to sleep.
Ilriliana is awakened by a female voice. It says ‘Come to me.’
Ilriliana cries out ‘Hello! Where are you?’
She listens for a moment, but there is nothing but the wind on the waves. Ilriliana then sits back down. She stares out across the Eternal Sea for a while until she becomes drowsy and falls back asleep.
Not very soon after she closes her eyes does she hear the voice again ‘Come to me.’
Ilriliana opens her eyes. There as she looks out upon the water she sees a light. It is a soft pink light. It is in the shape of a silhouette of a form of a being. Although she cannot make out the details, she can see its light and it is warm to her.
The voice then says again ‘Come to me.’
Ilriliana rises and begins walking into the water. The figure turns and begins to float slowly away. Ilriliana within a trance begins to follow it. The water gets deeper and deeper around her.
Ilriliana watches as the figure goes beneath the waves. The water begins to go over her head. She begins to swim towards where the figure was.
She can hear the voice echoing within her ears ‘Come to me.’
Ilriliana begins swimming, following the light that is beneath the waves. She sees she is right above it. She looks down under the water.
Drawn to the strange light and the voice echoing in her head, Ilriliana dives down beneath the waves of the Eternal Sea. She swims down towards the light while holding her breath.
Then she begins to feel faint. She looks at herself. She notices her hands begin to wither away as if she is aging rapidly.
Ilriliana begins to panic. She tries to swim back towards the surface, but she feels that she is being pulled down. Little by little her strength and her energy is being drained.
Ilriliana is floating beneath the waves, with all her strength and energy sapped away by the effects of the Eternal Sea. She looks above and watches herself sink beneath the waves and the water.
Then a pink light surrounds her as she hears a voice. She sees a form holding her and the voice speaks to her ‘Not yet. I have so much you must do for me. You have come. I have spoken your name, and you have come.’
The strange form places its hand upon Ilriliana’s chest. She can feel life back in her. The voice then speaks again ‘Find Truth. And take this to her.’
Ilriliana then begins to feel warmth within her chest and a strange feeling as if something is being placed there.
Once again the voice says ‘Find Truth. She will know.’
The form begins to fade as well as the soft pink light. Ilriliana feels herself floating. She is unable to move, but she can feel a strange warmth inside her chest as if an object has been placed there.
Ilriliana is falling fast asleep. Then she feels something grab her shoulder. She begins to move upward. As she is pulled out of the water she is placed onto a boat.
Ilriliana wipes the water from her eyes. When she is able to see, she is staring up at an old man. He looks very different from when she first saw him.
The old man looks down at her and he says ‘What are you doing all the way out here? And beneath the waves. That is not a very safe place to be. You are lucky that I came along when I did.’
Ilriliana regains herself and says ‘Yes. Yes I am. But who are you?’
The old man then replies ‘Oh I go by many names depending on where I go. But most just call me Father. And you… who are you, and where do you come from?’
Just then Father notices strange energy coming from Ilriliana. He looks down and focuses his eyes on her chest. There he sees the soft pink light barely glowing.
Father says ‘Oh. I understand now. And it appears that I have come just in time.’
Father then sits down and takes his oars. He places the oars into the water and begins rowing.
Ilriliana then stares puzzledly at him. She finally asks ‘Do you know where I’m supposed to go?’
Father then replies ‘Why yes, and I know how to get there.’
The Day of Sacrifice April 24th 2019...
Moskavanik and Kaltarinkae are speaking with each other. Moskavanik says ‘I know where another piece of this Omega shard would be. Hidden inside one known as Ilriliana.’
Kaltarinkae replies ‘Then we shall destroy her in her entirety.’
Ilriliana is running fast. As she is moving she can feel the presence of danger upon her. Within her chest, a light is glowing. She looks down as she hurries away. It is glowing ever more brightly.
Ilriliana can feel the effects of the energy of this object within her. It is overtaking her. But she feels a sense to not stop running for the danger that is lurking behind her comes for this piece that is inside her. She must keep moving.
The Omega watches from a place unknown. There she looks down upon the events that are unfolding before her.
The Omega speaks out ‘They shall not have what is mine. They shall not take what belongs to me. What I have placed so long ago. There will be a sacrifice, but there will be a rebirth.'
Ilriliana stops moving. She can feel the presence of danger all around her now. She turns and looks in every direction. There are strange silhouettes surrounding her.
Ilriliana hears the voice of Moskavanik. He says ‘You. You have run so long and so far. But now it comes to an end. Hand over what is inside you. You die either way. Do not put up a fight. There is nowhere to go. If you resist, your death will be prolonged and you will suffer until the end. I will rip what is inside you out.’
Ilriliana replies in defiance ‘You will have a hard time doing that. I will not go down so easily.’
Moskavanik then says ‘So be it. Have it your way.’
He signals for the strange dark minions to surround her. He begins to move in.
The Omega watches from her place and says ‘You shall not have what is mine.’
The bright pink light begins to glow more from within Ilriliana. It is blinding to Moskavanik and his minions around him.
There is a bright flash. It blinds Moskavanik and his minions. When the light has dissipated, Moskavanik looks and Ilriliana has vanished.
Ilriliana gains consciousness again. She is floating in a mysterious place. She asks ‘Where am I?’
Then she hears the voice of the Omega ‘You are with me. You have sacrificed so much. That for all you have given your sacrifice to Ashontrah. Now I must ask you... Will you be willing to sacrifice all in my place, Ilriliana? Do not answer lightly.’
Ilriliana answers 'I would. I do not answer lightly.'
The Omega replies 'So be it. Your sacrifice is accepted.'
Ilriliana says 'Everything that you have given to us, we would give back, I love you dearly, and I always will. My mother has made her sacrifice now I shall make mine.'
Ilrilliana withers away into ash.
True Self Connection...