Vilanea: History of Volheim

This true self past vision takes place after the Urthak War. Volheim itself is torn between civil wars while different tribes of shifters fight to gain total rule over the realm.
Among these is the leader of the Kruual. These are mighty wolf shifters. Their leader is A'ra Ponom. His most loyal and trusted subject is Takatin the commander and general of his wolf army.
Takatin is the father of Vilanea. He comes before the Cheiftan of the wolf shifters to speak.
Takatin says 'My Lord, I bring news from the coyote shifters of the great desert. They offered their surrender and allegiance to you.'
A'ra Ponom says 'Ah, one war ended.'
Takatin says 'Ar'rikan of the bear shifter clan still opposes your claim to the throne of Volheim.'
A'ra Ponom says 'Ar'rikan cannot oppose the claim to the throne. It is I who united the great clans. I brought all the Kruuals under my rule.
We shall have peace in Volheim once Ar'rikan bows before me and accepts me as Karastami of Volheim. Ar'rikan must accept this. It is to bring an end to the wars.
I shall usher in a new age of peace and prosperity. The great hunt shall be grand and there shall be no hunger. All mouths shall be fed. There shall be meat for all.'
Takatin says 'And they other shifters?'
A'ra Ponom says 'They may be the ones who end up being the meat. They will learn to adjust to a society where they are class based. They will learn their roles in society and that of Volheim under my rule.'
These lesser shifters are called volwynnkir. They are rabbit shifters and smaller creatures of Volheim. Many of these side with Ar'rikan.
A'ra Ponom is supported by the Koarim, the tiger and panther shifters. Ar'rikan is supported by the coyote shifters and the volwynnkir along with the bear shifters.
The bitter fued between A'ra Ponom and Ar'rikan has gone on for some time. Ever since Volheim closed itself off from the other realms during the Bentian War.
Volheim itself no longer trusts the other realms. The mightiest of all was Jaiddaka the bear shifter. She led armies in support of the exiled Joutnn Queen. There Jaiddaka and many Volwynn met their end.
It was decided after that between the Kruuals that Volheim should be forever closed off. Or'ratie was one of the Kruual who decided this. He is Tenomachi's grandfather.
The unsteady alliance which was placed there between the great shifter clans and Kruuals soon fell apart.
Many of the chieftains and those born in their litters claimed the throne of Volheim which has sat empty since the first times.
It was said in the first times there was a great shifter who could change into any animal form. He was the first Karastami of Volheim Ahkuraunae.
When Ahkuraunae left the throne sat vacant waiting for the true Karastami to come.
A'ra Ponom tells Takatin 'I wish for you to deliver a message to Ar'rikan. Tell him that he is to lay down his weapons and cease with this claim to the throne. If he chooses not to then I shall meet him and his army upon the field of battle.'
Takatin bows and then returns to his yurt where his beautiful mate Nommeien awaits him.
Nommeien was the great chieftess of a tribe of volwynn wolf shifters of the high snowy mountains. They are known for their ways in ancient magic and knowledge.
To seal their alliance, A'ra Ponom had offered his finest warrior. It was common for the male to be offered to the female in Volheim. It was the female who chose their mate. Nommeien fell in love with Takatin.
On this night before his long journey he may not return from, Takatin makes love with Nommeien.
Across the way, A'ra Ponom sits in his great yurt. He sniffs the air and listens. The entrance to the yurt opens and there stands a small volwynn pup.
A'ra Ponom smiles 'My son, come sit with your father. Tell me my son, why are you awake at such a late hour?'
Tenomachi says 'I cannot sleep. I saw her again father. The white wolf.'
A'ra Ponom says 'Maybe you dream of your mother. I miss her.'
The early morning sun rises and Takatin says goodbye to his beloved mate Nommeien. He makes the run for his long journey to deliver the message to Ar'rikan.
A'ra Ponom is joined by his brother the wise mystic and sorcerer Tenahach.
Tenahach says 'Your bravest speeds off brother. Carrying your message in hopes it will grant you Karastami of Volheim.'
A'ra Ponom says 'Yes, long have the Kruuals warred against each other. It is time for peace.'
Tenomachi joins his father A'ra Ponom and uncle Tenahach at their side. He looks up at his uncle as his uncle stares back down at him. Tenahach lifts his lip a little showing Tenomachi his fangs. This goes unnoticed to A'ra Ponom.
Tenahach says 'The great hunts that will follow in the celebrations will be grand. It will soon be time for your son Tenomachi to run with his father and the pack.'
A'ra Ponom looks at his beloved son 'Soon, but not today. He must grow first.'
Tenahach says 'But he must be strong in order to follow in the place of his father, when his father becomes Karastami of Volheim.'
It has been many moons now. Takatin continues his run for his long journey. He makes his way into the great valley and is approached by the bear shifters.
A large bear with white and grey fur speaks to him. 'What are you doing wandering all alone in these lands little wolf?'
Takatin says 'I bring a message from my chieftain A'ra Ponom, great warlord of the high plains and heir to the thorne of Volheim.'
The large bear Shaddaka laughs 'Heir to the throne? He believes he is the direct descendant of the first Karastam Ahkuraunae. Many make this claim.'
Takatin says 'That is not for you to decide. I wish to speak to Ar'rikan. This message is from a chieftain, and only another chieftain may respond. Such are the ancient laws of the hunt.'
Shaddaka says 'That they are.'
Takatin waits inside the volwynn camp. There many of the bear shifters and volwynnkir have gathered. Ar'rikan's army has lost battle after battle. Many of them look weary and the morale seems low.
Takatin notices as he sniffs the air, but his senses also pick up something else. There is a sense of wonder as he wanders through the camp and the eyes look upon him. Has he brought a message of peace?
Shaddaka leads Takatin into the tent of Ar'rikan. The bear shifter turns. He is a mighty bear with black and brown fur. Dark brownish colors, and a scar across his face.
Ar'rikan says 'You bring a message from A'ra Ponom. What is it?'
Takatin says 'He wishes to end the bloody conflict of the never ending wars. He wishes for you to lay down your arms, and declare him Karastami. He is willing to grant amnesty to all. None will be brought forth or tried. There will be no crimes committed here. He even wishes for you to join him at his side as Chancellor.'
Takatin reads from a scroll 'If you will accept him as Karastami of Volheim then these terms he will live by and honor.'
Takatin closes the scroll. He has faced Ar'rikan in battle before. They have respect for each other as warriors.
Takatin says 'Ar'rikan, your army has lost its morale. To throw away your lives for something that has been offered. A'ra Ponom is honorable. He will keep his word. You should join him as Chancellor at his side.'
Ar'rikan says 'And what of his brother? You know I have no liking for him. He dwells deep in the underworld of Volheim. Ancient and evil magic lurks down there. Magic which no Volwynn should ever possess.'
Takatin says 'A'ra Ponom has named his brother advisor to the Karastam. Listen to me Ar'rikan. Like you, I do not trust Tenahach. But if peace can reign, and the wars end, Volheim will grow. Tenahach may be advisor to the Karastam, but you will be chancellor. You will have his ear, and you will have mine.'
Ar'rikan says 'For all Volwynn to join each other on the Great Hunt. No more wars. This would be grand. It is decided then. I shall accept the offer of Chieftain A'ra Ponom. I must announce this to my army.'
He steps outside and roars loudly signalling for all to gather around. There he reveals to them the terms of A'ra Ponom are accepted. Much to his surprise they cheer.
The Volwynn endless wars are over.
Ar'rikan, Shaddaka, and the army are escorted by Takatin to A'ra Ponom's camp. There upon a hill A'ra Ponom awaits him.
As Takatin returns he sees his beloved. Her belly has grown with pups inside. He smiles. A'ra Ponom crosses the field he is greeted by Ar'rikan. They shake hands with a warrior embrace.
Ar'rikan says 'I kneel before you' and kneels. 'Great King of Volheim, may you rule long and may peace prosper throughout the Realm. May all Volwynn join together on the Great Hunt.'
A'ra Ponom says 'Arise my friend.'
He then takes his paw in his, and raises it high into the air.
A'ra Ponom speaks out amongst the masses 'The wars are ended. Volheim has peace and a Karastam now that shall sit upon the throne. Come, all Volwynn. It is time to return to the Ancient Castle. If you accept me as your Karastam then run with me now. And I shall place myself upon the Throne of Volheim as your true Karastami.'
A'ra Ponom then takes to all fours and starts running. The Volwynn begin to follow with Ar'rikan pacing at his side.
Takatin goes to his beloved. 'I will stay here with you. I know you should not travel. I am happy to see you are with younglings.'
Nommeien looks into his eyes 'And I am happy to see you.' They embrace.
Nommeien says 'But run now with your Karastami. I shall catch up and meet you at the Ancient Castle. We shall stand together and see our beloved Chieftain as Karastami of Volheim.'
Takatin and his love return the howl. He then takes off on all fours to join the others on the Great Run to the Ancient Castle. Nommeien watches her beloved. She can feel a dark presence join her at her side. It is Tenahach.
Tenahach says 'Your husband is a great one. He is a fine mate. However, he rushes off and leaves such a beautiful creature such as yourself behind. I would never have done that.'
Nommeien says 'But I did not choose you as my mate. As many times as you ask, and as much as you keep persisting, I will never be your mate. Now please. Your presence disturbs me.'
Tenahach then places his hand on Nommeien's belly. She feels quite queasy.
Tenahach says 'Yes you didn't choose me. And I see you are already with younglings. Takatin will be proud.'
Nommeien feels dreary after being touched, but she begins her journey along with her sisters escorted by her Royal Guard to the Ancient Castle.
When she arrives she sees many have come. There before them stands A'ra Ponom. Nommeien looks at him and sees her mate standing beside him. She stares in awe at Takatin. She closes her eyes and touches her heart. Then she feels dreary again.
Celebrations continue as A'ra Ponom sits upon the Ancient Throne. His son Tenomachi joins him at his side along with Ar'rikan, his new Chancellor. Volheim is celebrating.
The Volwynn have found peace to the endless wars.
Many months follow and the Great Hunts take place throughout Volheim.
A'ra Ponom has kept his promises, and has brought peace to Volheim. He has taken Tenomachi on his first hunt.
Takatin has stayed behind. His beloved is about to give birth, but the labor is hard. The first three pups died. The fourth then born lives for only a few minutes and then dies.
The final one that is born is smaller than the others and has pure white fur. This is Vilanea.
This pup struggles to live, but she makes it.
Nommeien seems weary and drained after labor. She wishes to return to her mountain lands. A'ra Ponom, much to his dislike, knows that he needs her and Takatin in the Volheim Kingdom. He is the General of the Army. But he grants him time to join his mate in the High Mountains.
This is where Vilanea spends her first few years growing up. She is only a few years younger than Tenomachi when they first meet.
Takatin has returned from the High Mountains. Karastam A'ra Ponom greets him.
A'ra Ponom says 'My friend and trusted General. You have returned. Tell me, how fares your mate?'
Takatin replies 'She has grown better over the years although she has never chosen to have more young ones. I bring forward to you my daughter Vilanea.'
Vilanea looks up at the mighty Karastami, and sees standing beside him young Tenomachi. He looks down at her, and she glances back at him. Their eyes connect. Something between them begins to grow.
A'ra Ponom has decided that Vilanea is welcome here within his Kingdom, and will have the finest tutors. Her and Tenomachi quickly become very close friends.
They watch the Volwynn on the Great Hunt together, and even begin to run with them. Vilanea runs beside her father as fast as she can trying to keep pace.
Nommeien has returned from the High Mountains and watches. Although she has regained her strength she has never really been the same. With a look in her eyes she stares at her beloved mate and daughter. She feels happy inside.
A Coyote shifter comes running across the plane looking battered and torn. He cries out to the Karastami. A'ra Ponom, Ar'rikan, and Shaddaka turn their attention towards him. Takatin has noticed this and joins his King.
The coyote shifter says 'I come from the Great Planes, my King. Horrible beasts have risen in the land. They are not Shifters of any kind that we have ever seen. They have come here and raided villages killing all within them.
We tried to defend. A war party was sent out, but they were all slaughtered. I escaped, and tried to make my way back to my home. When I did I saw it was under attack by these horrid creatures. I ran back here. I lost everything- all my kin, my younglings, and my mate.'
A'ra Ponom looks concerned. He tells Takatin 'We must assemble our best. I will investigate this myself.'
Nommeien notices the commotion and looks worried. What could be going on that has stopped such a Great Hunt? Then she feels the heavy presence of Tenahach at her side.
Tenahach says 'There must be trouble brewing within the Desert lands. Do not fear. the Karastami will figure these out. These ones.'
Nommeien says 'What do you know of this?'
Tenahach says 'I have seen it coming. A new kind of Volwynn which wishes to devour the rest of us. They come to claim the Throne of Volheim for themselves.
Great Shifters from the Underworld not seen since the first times. They burrowed deep beneath Volheim. Now they have heard the calling for them to claim the throne and rule over all Volwynn.'
He tries to take Nommeien's hands.
Tenahach says 'Don't worry I will protect you and your beautiful daughter if anything is to happen to your mate.'
Nommeien quickly pulls her hand away. 'I will be fine on my own, and nothing will happen to my mate. He is brave and strong unlike you.' She walks away.
Tenahach says 'Oh we will see about that.'
Vilanea is sitting with Tenomachi. They have overheard what happened. She grasps his hand tight. 'How horrible. I'm so afraid.'
Tenomachi squeezes her hand. 'Don't worry my beloved. I will never let anything happen to you. My father will find these horrid beasts and bring them down. I will protect you.'
She embraces Tenomachi. The two have grown together and are older than when they first met. Around the age of 12 or 13 by Midgard standards. They have fallen in love and have a deep bond between them.
A'ra Ponom, Ar'rikan, Takatin, and Shaddaka leave the castle of Volheim. They have assembled the finest to deal with the threat. They run towards the Great Desert where the Coyote shifters dwell.
Vilanea watches her father as he disappears into the distance. Her mother joins her at her side and places her arms on her shoulders.
Nommeien says 'Don't worry my child. Your father will return.'
Vilanea turns to her mother and says 'I know he will. Father is strong.'
Her mother notices something and asks 'What's troubling you my beautiful daughter?'
Vilanea answers 'Mother, when you met father did you know that you loved him?'
Nommeien says 'From the very first glance I knew he was my bond, my mate in this life and the next, and that we would run together.'
Nommeien smiles 'This is what you feel for young Tenomachi? I have seen it. You two are inseparable. Remember no matter how much in times to come, no matter how things may weigh against that love, that bond you have for each other. No matter what tries to break it, it is always strong as long as you keep it within your heart.'
Vilanea smiles. She then hears Tenomachi approaching.
Nommeien smiles at her. 'I will leave you. I will be in my chambers. Come see me when you are done.'
Tenomachi and Vilanea sit together on the Great Wall of the castle. There they watch the sun go down. They hold each others' hands.
Vilanea lays her head close to Tenomachi.
With a soft sweet voice she says, 'I love you.'
Tenomachi replies, 'And I love you.'
Tenomachi sees Vilanea to her mother's chambers. He kisses her hand, and bids her goodnight. Vilanea closes the door with a smile. She loves Tenomachi, and he loves her. She goes to bed to sleep.
Then she has a strange dream. She dreams that she is awake in the castle while others are sleeping. Vilanea tries to wake her mother, but she can't.
She hears a strange humming sound. She opens the door to her chambers to walk out, and sees the chamber guard is asleep.
She tries to wake him and says 'Guard. Guard, there is a strange noise.'
Vilanea decides to go to Tenomachi's chambers. She opens the door to find he is sound asleep. She goes to him and says 'Tenomachi wake up. Something strange is going on.'
She shakes him, but he doesn't wake. She leaves the chambers to follow the strange noise.
As Vilanea journeys through the castle she notices all are asleep including the guards at their posts. She heads down an old staircase far beneath the castle. The noise is growing louder. It is dark.
She makes her way through the darkness with the noise growing louder as she descends deeper into the old catacombs.
She comes to a room and can hear a voice speaking. Inside is a robed figure speaking in a strange tongue before a crystal vial that seems filled with a black sandy substance.
He raises a dagger in his right hand and slices his left. He pours the blood into the vial. The vial cracks and shatters. The black substance forms into a decayed figure that looks like a Dwarf.
The robed Volwynn speaks 'I have taken the power you gave me. This realm will rain with blood, and you shall rise again, Master.' Vilanea doesn't know, but it is Tenahach.
The decayed Dwarf figure speaks, 'You must release me from where I am. I will bring you all the power you need. But free me. Release me with the blood of the Volwynn, and I will journey into this Realm. And you will become the most powerful Volwynn of all time.
I have given you the power to unleash the cursed ones who dwell deep within Volheim. They will crush the King and his armies. And when you are done you can destroy them with this. But not before many Volwynn souls will be sacrificed so I may return from the Realm of the Punished and the Damned.'
It is a projection of Moonstone taken from Moonstone's Ashes when he burned away at the end of the Bentian war.
Moonstone says 'Now bring me the sacrifices and blood of the Volwynn.'
The Dwarf crumbles into ash as Tenahach bows.
Tenahach says 'I will, master.'
He notices a scent. He speaks an incantation in a strange language. Vilanea feels heavy and faints.
Tenahach gathers her in his arms. 'You and your mother will be mine soon enough.'
He places her not far from her room, and walks away. In the corridor he speaks an incantation, and the guards wake up. One of them notices Vilanea on the floor and returns her to her chambers.
Nommeien says 'She must have been sleepwalking. Thank you for bringing her.'
She puts Vilanea in a bed and tucks her in.
A few months go by with no word from A'ra Ponom and the force that went out to vanquish the cursed beings.
Then there is a call from the tower high in the castle, and a howl is heard. The Karastami is returning.
Vilanea, Tenomachi, and Nommeien rush to the top of the walls as they look down with joy.
Their joy turns to confusion, and almost despair. Only a few from the army have returned, and they look battered and torn. A'ra Ponom and the others have entered.
Vilanea sees her father. He is wounded, but alive and standing. She rushes to him along with her mother, and they embrace.
Tenomachi runs to his father. 'What has happened, father?'
A'ra Ponom says 'They were too strong for us. We made our way back as fast as we could. They are in pursuit. Many have fallen. We must make ready.'
A'ra Ponom raises his voice for all to hear and says 'Volwynn, they come to claim the throne of Volheim. To kill us all. We must stand here. They must not take what is ours, and the peace that we enjoy.
If you are with me then stand with me. I will die before any cursed beings sit upon the Throne of Volheim.' Volwynn around let out roars and join their King.
A'ra Ponom instructs Tenomachi 'You must go with Vilanea and her mother down to the Great Catacombs of the castle. There others will join you. Other younglings.'
Tenomachi says, 'But father I wish to fight at your side.'
A'ra Ponom becomes more strict.
A'ra Ponom says 'Listen my son. If I am to fall remember you are heir to the throne. And if I die fighting these beings you must escape, rise up and grow strong. Then return and avenge me. Cast the cursed ones from the throne. Promise me you will do this.'
Tenomachi says, 'I promise father.'
A'ra Ponom says 'Then go.'
Takatin says to his mate 'Take our daughter and go to the catacombs. You will be safe there. If I am to fall know that I will always be with you, and we shall run together in the Great Hunt of the life hereafter.'
Nommeien says 'You will return to me in form, or in spirit.'
Tenomachi then leads Vilanea and her mother to the catacombs below along with all younglings and all Volwynn who cannot fight.
Vilanea's mother has given her Royal Guard to the Karastami to fight alongside them.
Just then a watcher from the tower lets out an alert that there is movement upon the Great Hills.
An army has gathered. He can sense the air and smell that they are the cursed ones.
True Self Connection...