The Physical Death of Ashontrah Omega

On April 21st at 9:50pm PST the physical of Moskavanik along with three of his colleagues did a powerful ritual to kill my physical vessel. No expense was spared for this event.
There was a very expensive ceramic porcelain-like doll with my exact appearance from a recent photo on my Facebook profile. The doll had her lips stitched shut and a pregnant belly full of blood.
During the ritual the belly was stabbed and blood poured out of it. This was to cause me to hemorrhage and make my death look like a terrible miscarriage.
The lips were stitched so no one would hear me when I call out for help. I would die an agonizing death all alone in silence.
They considered me officially dead and the ritual complete at 10:18pm. The physical of Moskavanik sends a text to the physical of Kaltarinkae to let him know it was complete.
Mosk text: "It is done."
Seed text: "Good. This is the best day of my life in a long time. We will meet soon to discuss the future."
The meeting for the ritual ends and they all quietly depart ways.
Moskavanik gets into a car with his driver and says "Play my song." The song comes on 'I can see clearly now the rain is gone...'
This was phase one of a three phase plan by the Seed of Life Kaltarinkae.
Phase One was to get rid of the Omega in the physical before she got too powerful. He knows she would prevent him from succeeding with the rest of his plan.
Phase Two is to kill the physicals of all the Aspects. He already has dolls being made. The physicals of Asteria and Vustik are next on his list. He has plans for all of them.
He plans for Arella's death to look like a suicide from grief over the loss of the physical of Ashontrah. While Vustik is planned to have a fatal accident.
He wants all the physicals of the Aspects to die in a way that looks like a tragedy instead of a murder.
Except for Mono, he wants the physical death of Mono Baphomet to start a war. This would play in well to his third phase.
Phase Three is the complete destruction of Midgard and all who dwell here. He desires to bring his own form of Final Judgement.
Considering his high-level connections and insane wealth he figures he could complete all of his plan with the Omega and Aspects out of the way.
So what happened? How am I still alive? To explain that I must go back a bit.
April 20th...
10:56am Starting to work on another purge. This is basically what the Omega wants me as her physical to be doing. I purge and she adds in. Her spiritual and physical forms are her main priority.
11:50am This purge is already at a level none of the others before have reached. As I pour into the ash I am almost in a trance-like state. We are finally getting to the deeper parts.
12:09pm I get close to blacking out while pouring into this purge. My physical feels really strange. Like it is disappearing from the inside. Layer by layer I am no more.
1:42pm This is still going. When I pour in I feel a layer removed from me and then a floating sensation in its place.
It is like I am here in the physical yet I am not all here. I am becoming something other than physical. This is very difficult to describe. It goes beyond words.
4:37pm I feel very determined in this purge. What the Omega wants done today MUST be accomplished.
4:44pm The Omega yelled 'No!' She found a sabotage in the physical form. She is angry. It is from Moskavanik.
4:54pm The sabotage was to hold back my progress and set me back. Are you scared of me being here in full Moskavanik?
5:00pm The sabotage is removed.
5:05pm Atherak was going to look for a protection upgrade. The Omega said she has a better plan and gave Atherak instructions for a ritual to be completed tonight.
5:14pm Seed of Life I see your plans to try and stop me. Do you think you could keep them hidden? You underestimate me. Just as Vustik does with all his hidden parts.
6:00pm Atherak prepped the fire pit for the ritual as the Omega instructed.
6:47pm My heart is racing and I feel like crying as the Omega tells me I won't survive the night. There is something she must change inside me.
7:30pm Starting the ritual soon. Goodbye.
8:14pm It is complete. I physically died for several minutes. Atherak could not bring me back right away. I remember him saying 'Live again.'
*I mentioned the hidden parts of Vustik because I knew they were part of Kaltarinkae's plans. He is using Vustik as a pawn to go against me and distract me from the real plan to take me out.
Moskavanik has turned Vustik into his fall guy. Then when the Omega would make her checkmate move against Vustik it was already set up by Seed of Life and Moskavanik to have every hidden piece of Vustik destroyed. They knew every location and made arrangements.
The Omega knew the real plan behind the game. So I decide to strategically make my next game move. This would both appear that I am distracted in this game with Vustik and also thwart their plans to fully destroy him.*
The Day of the Event... April 21st...
6:00am Vustik likes to play games. He had hidden parts of himself all over so he could reform. I sent them back to him with the message... 'You seem to have misplaced these. I have returned them to you.'
Vustik: "How dare you!" He is cussing. "You want to gather up pieces? I will gather up pieces and give them to you."
Well Vustik should at least realize I didn't do him or his parts any harm. They are in his possession unscathed and untainted. I am not heartless after all. He is still my brother.
6:36am Starting another purge because this vessel is still too physical. This body must be beyond this realm.
5:00pm I continued to work on a purge throughout the day. Then the Omega told me that Moskavanik was going to kill her physical that night. They found a vulnerability and plan to exploit it while they still have a chance.
Moskavanik convinced Vustik to put a thoughtform with my physical as retaliation for moving his hidden parts.
The thoughtforms that tried to attach themselves to me were to sabotage my physical defenses and report back to Kaltarinkae.
I deeply focused on removing my physical vulnerabilities leading up to the evening.
The Omega prepared a counter ritual and I had to be ready before time was going to run out. If I am not fully prepared the counter ritual itself would kill me.
Atherak does a sleeping spell on the physical of Juleen to get her to go to sleep early. Her spiritual also told her to go to bed. She will not be aware of what happens tonight.
8:45pm Atherak informs me that the ritual by Moskavanik is planned for Midnight CST which meant 10pm our time. There was still so much for my physical to do to prepare.
We knew that if we didn't complete it in time that my physical would be killed. With the help of Atherak and Arella with her shadows, we were able to get the Omega's counter ritual ready a little after 9pm.
My physical form takes on the illusion appearance of the physical of Juleen. Moskavanik sees an illusion of me going to sleep early in my bedroom by myself.
Looking like Juleen I go outside to the fire to do the counter ritual. The Omega yells out in her language 'I will NEVER die!'
The Omega's counter ritual is complete at 9:30pm. A mere 20 minutes before his began. We knew that if the counter ritual failed I was going to be killed soon.
After that I sat out by the fire and watched as Moskavanik and his colleagues began their ritual 10 minutes early before their planned 10pm event.
They did not do a simple dabbler ritual or curse. Without intense changes inside me and the counter ritual by the Omega it would have killed me exactly as they planned it to.
The Omega speaks incantations while they attempt to kill her physical along with Ayvarahsa. She has her own plans set in motion.
Moskavanik thinks it is a complete success as he senses me die. He sees the illusion of me in bed covered in blood while everyone else is outside relaxing by the fire pit.
Kaltarinkae scans over the backyard through a satellite. He sees me as Juleen sitting by the fire along with with Tenomachi, Vilanea, Atherak, Danaark, and Arella. He is waiting for someone to go inside an discover my physical dead.
The physical of Moskavanik gets on Facebook to check out the True Self Connection group. He is looking for any sign from anyone who lives at my home. A post or a comment. Anything that indicates they found out what happened.
Kaltarinkae scans over several more times and decides to go to sleep because we are boring. He has someone listen out for the Emergency 911 call and to report to him as soon as it happens.
The Omega makes her retaliation against the three colleagues that helped Moskavanik in his ritual.
The first falls down a flight of stairs in their home and crashes through their banister. A piece of wood lodges into his abdomen and he bleeds out.
The second one shoots himself in the head.
The third one was driving and went off the side on a steep curve into a lake. She could not get out of car since her seat belt would not come undone. She drowned and died in her car.
April 22nd...
The physical of Kaltarinkae has a dream vision where he was standing underneath the physical of Omega. She has her foot on the back of his neck and he is pinned to the ground.
Kaltarinkae Seed of Life wakes up early concerned that there was no reported 911 call. He calls Moskavanik...
Kaltarinkae: "I don't believe she has perished."
Moskavanik: "Nonsense, there is no way she could have survived."
Kaltarinkae: "Make sure. I have a strong feeling that she awakes this morning."
Moskavanik tries to get a hold of the three colleagues but there are is no answer.
Kaltarinkae tells his apprentice to keep an eye out and contact him at first sign of any activity from the physical of Ashontrah Omega. This post is my sign.
This was a ritual that is known to be impossible to survive. They are wondering how it could be possible for me to still be alive.
True Self Connection...