Sariassa: A Long Way in the Dark

The incarnation story of Sariassa begins... She focuses hard. Her mind is peering through the small black swirling rift that she has opened up. She thinks ‘I must make a way. I must break through.’ Just then the door slams open. It is her father Nurbedon. He looks down at her angrily. ‘How dare you practice such evil in my domain.’ Sariassa stands up to face her intoxicated father. She says ‘I do not practice such evil. There is enough evil here in you to fill all of the Void.’ Nurbedon raises his hand ready to strike her, but he does not. ‘You disgust me.’ He turns as he stumbles away. A short time earlier, Sariassa bore witness to the burning of her stepmother, killed at the hands of her abusive father. He beat her to death in a drunken rage. Sariassa has had enough of the Void. She has heard of other beings creating a vessel upon a place in Midgard known as Earth. It was said here that the dominant sential beings created were the cause of the whole Urthak War, but still many, many b...