Ufyea: Children of Pyrus

The origin story for Ufyea an 8th element nymph begins...
The layers roar and rumble across each other. They twist and turn with the will of the Omega. Cycling out across the layers. As she sings, the layers turn and twist. They come together, and things begin to form.
The Omega sings loud once again and speaks the name of Pyrus. An entity begins to form. With the direction of the Omega, a strange object of almost solid black rock begins to form.
Pyrus then becomes consciously aware. He speaks out across to the Omega 'What is your will?'
The Omega sings to him in her language. He responds 'As it shall be. All that you wish shall come to pass.'
With this, the black rock Pyrus begins to glow with pink energy. Across the layers, lands and waters and seas begin to form.
Pyrus continues taking instructions from the Omega, creating different types of the primordial elements. Of all the different primordial elements that form within the layers.
The Omega sings her song again, and Pyrus begins to glow brighter and brighter. This is the forming of the primordial elements through the Omega's song.
When all the layers have fully constructed and the lands, seas, mountains, skies, the worlds, and different parts of the layers have all settled, Pyrus speaks again 'And now what do you wish of me?'
The will of the Omega stretches out again, and Pyrus begins to glow rapidly, changing from glowing pink into many many different colors. This is where he begins to form the elements. The great waters in the sea begin to churn and swirl about.
The Omega sings to him, and Pyrus says 'So it shall be amongst the waters, rivers, lakes, and seas of the many layers.'
Pyrus then turns his attention and again begins to glow brightly in colors.
The song of the Omega is heard out again. Pyrus responds 'And the great mountains and lands shall stretch from the seas and the rivers and the lakes, surrounding the layers.
There life shall take place within the seas and upon the lands. The fires that burn, the many different colors of fire shall stretch out across the layers as you desire.'
The Omega sings her song one last time and the skies then begin to glow brightly with many different stars and other cosmic entities.
When the song of the Omega dies down and can be no longer heard, Pyrus stops glowing and is once again in a solid black rock shape.
Time goes by and other life begins to form amongst the layers. Pyrus watches as these strange beings called Elements begin to extend out across the layers.
The Omega's song is heard once again, and other lifeforms begin to form. Pyrus sits happily as he feels the energy of the Omega flow through him. The Omega sings to him, and Pyrus glows bright with energy.
As the Omega's song dies down, Pyrus is once again alone. He watches as the layers develop, and certain beings and species begin to extend out across the layers.
Pyrus thinks to himself 'How happy I am, this is true bliss'. But inside Pyrus feels somewhat alone. He can watch, but he never interacts with any of the elemental beings. All he does is watch.
As Pyrus watches alone with his thoughts, he can hear the beautiful voice of the Omega singing to him again. Pyrus begins to glow brightly.
The song of the Omega touches his inner core. It is a song of loneliness. A song of desire for companionship. In the song, Pyrus can hear the Omega singing to him.
There he begins to glow brightly. He feels quite strange. Then, many bright energy orbs break off him.
As the energy orbs float away, Pyrus can then hear the song of the Omega dying down to a whisper until it is gone.
The bright orbs of energy swirl around Pyrus. He is happy. 'What a beautiful gift my Omega has given me, for these are like children of mine as I am like a child of her.'
Pyrus watches with the many energy orbs that flow around him. He watches the layers expand, and watches the Sentials, Naturals, and Elemental beings within them. For a long time, Pyrus is content.
His little orbs swirl around and watch with Pyrus the events that happen within the layers. So eager are his little children to explore among the layers. They ask him many questions. 'And when will be the day that we may see these for ourselves up close?'
Pyrus says 'It will come. Now sleep little ones, let us dream.' Pyrus and his little children begin to sleep. Within his dream, he hears the song of the Omega. This fills Pyrus with much love and comfort.
In the song, the Omega says 'Now wake, my Pyrus. See the beautiful gift I have bestowed upon you.'
Pyrus can feel his energy grow stronger and stronger as he dreams. When he opens his eyes, he can see the little energy orbs around him begin to glow brightly. They begin to flash, and there they take shape.
Pyrus observes as the primordial nymphs come to life, and take upon their own forms. Pyrus names each and every one of them. But one of his favorites is the one he calls Ufyea.
Some time passes, and the primordial nymphs go forth within the layers and begin to explore the many existences. Pyrus says 'Be safe my little children, and remember that I always watch over you.'
Before Ufyea leaves, she dances around Pyrus, and Pyrus hums the melody of the song of the Omega. They are happy.
True Self Connection...