Fihazia in the Urthak War

The true self past vision for Fihazia of House Orion begins... On a lone realm, far off in this existence, the forces of the Great Houses have come. This realm has been devastated by those that wish to overthrow the Great Houses.
Ares stands close to Nolrenrit a House Orion Commander. They are overlooking the field of many slaughtered beings. Beings of elvish features, whose heights span that of trees and skin of goldish white.
Corpses are strewn about, birds of prey peck at their carcasses. Deep within his soul, Ares feels the pain and suffering of so many that gave their lives to defend the Houses.
A portal opens behind him, and out steps Fihazia. She has black hair and royal blue skin with red markings. Ever since the beginning of the Urthak War, Fihazia has been keeping record of all crimes that have been done.
It was tasked to her by the Great Houses to keep record of such crimes of destruction by the dark forces of Kronos. She is here to do so.
But as she stares across the realm, her heart weighs heavy. She feels the tears in her eyes, but she fights them back, knowing she must persevere.
Fihazia approaches the side of Ares, and places a hand on his shoulder as to ease his discomfort. He looks over to her with a lost look on his face and in his eyes.
Ares says 'Nelfheim is gone. All who dwell here are gone. Only the birds of prey that come to scavenge the bones remain.'
Nolrenrit replies 'Well at least they didn’t run like cowards. We can thank them for that. They stood up against a greater evil and paid with their lives.'
Fihazia then speaks 'And were their lives worth it in the end, I wonder...'
Ares becomes angry and says 'Find who did this Fihazia. Find them. I want to make them pay. I had great respect for these people. They even erected temples to me. I came here personally to train their warriors. The King and Queen were dear friends of mine.'
Fihazia walks across the scattered field, searching among the dead. The birds of prey cry out at her for interrupting their scavenging. She senses something...
She walks faster searching among the dead when she finds a fallen Nelfheim warrior. A female with death quickly approaching her. Fihazia leans down and cradles her head.
Fihazia looks into the dying Nelfinian’s eyes. She touches her cheek. Fihazia asks 'Who did this to you child? Show me.'
Fihazia possesses the ability to see the past within one’s eyes. Images begin to form within her eyes. There was a great battle.
She watches the warriors of Nelfheim, including the King and Queen themselves, battle the forces of Jotunheim and other realms. Ones that have aligned themselves with Kronos and the dark presence that wishes to destroy the Great Houses and conquer the realms.
As she watches, the battle seems to be swaying towards the forces of Nelfheim. But then there is a dark looming presence that builds in the sky. She can see through the warrior’s dying eyes as she looks up.
What appears like large black clouds begin to form. Fear falls within the armies of Nelfheim, even the King. They know what comes… the Hungali.
The dark clouds amass behind the armies of Kronos. There three large beings appear, towering over the armies.
The Hungali Danaark speaks 'You choose the side of the corrupted houses, take up arms against us. And now you shall all die.'
His voice booms over the armies of Nelfheim, piercing into their ears and causing them pain. Just then the Hungali strikes. His shadows pierce through the armies of Nelfheim. Hundreds of thousands fall to them.
Through her eyes, the female Nelfinian can see that she herself has been stabbed and is bleeding out. She crawls over to her King, where he is making a final stand against these dark tentacles of the Hungali.
As she watches, one of the Hungali comes closer, his dark shadows pierce through the King in every direction. The Hungali’s large face draws closer to the King.
As the King dies, she can hear Danaark say 'And all the realms who stand with the Houses shall die and wither away to nothing.' The shadows retract themselves, pulling the King to pieces.
The Hungali Danaark sends his shadows piercing into the ground of every part of the realm. Throughout the realm, everything starts to die. All the inhabitants of Nelfheim, all Sential beings are sought out by the shadows and pierced.
The only things that remain are the Naturals. They are confused, scared and frightened. They can feel the powerful energy of the Hungali piercing through their realm.
The female Nelfinian takes her last breath. Fihazia says 'Now walk. Walk in the world hereafter.' She lays the Nelfheim warrior down. Her eyes begin to well up again as she looks out across the realm. Across the Sential beings who are gone, killed.
Fihazia thinks to herself 'How much more? How many more? Must this slaughter go on...'
Nolrenrit and Ares approach her. Ares asks 'Well, who is responsible?'
Fihazia replies 'The ones responsible for the destruction of this realm have powers beyond ours. I ask you Ares, control the anger that is within your heart. Now is the time to mourn. Not the time to act on your vengeance.'
Nolrenrit snickers 'Oh just get on with it. We don’t need a whole damn session of poetry. Now tell us, who is mainly responsible?'
Fihazia’s face grows stern. She simply says to him 'The Hungali. The Hungali Danaark.'
These words seem to strike fear within the eyes of Nolrenrit. For it is known among all that Danaark is the most powerful of the Hungali, able to destroy complete armies with just a wave of his hands. They are powerful beings. They have sided with Kronos to bring down the Great Houses.
Ares then grabs his sword, his teeth clenched. His face turns to anger and he says 'I swear, I will find him.' Ares turns around and walks away.
Fihazia disappears and reappears in front of Ares. She places her hands upon his chest.
She says to him 'Wait, Ares, do not throw your life away so heinously. This war has taken from us parts that we will never ever regain. It has changed many of us. But please, do not throw yourself away. There will come a time when those responsible will pay for their crimes.'
Nolrenrit walks to them slowly with a cocky grin on his face. He says ‘And it’s your job, according to House Orion, the same Lord that you serve, Orion himself. And the Great Houses that have tasked you with bringing in these criminals. I’m with Ares. We don’t need to have trials once this whole thing ends. We should destroy them and destroy them now.'
Fihazia becomes angry and her voice raises ‘And how? Our forces are spread too thin. The Ourhkina are the only ones that can match the Hungali. They themselves will not meet them in open battle. Not yet, for their power is still too strong.'
Nolrenrit says 'I think the Ourhkina are cowards. I think they’re running away from something they can’t possibly defeat. Yet they boast about their presence upon all the realms.
They are guardians, yet I see nothing but cowards. There are those of us that are training, hardened by the battles and the hard strife of war. We should act, we should draw the Hungali in a place, and then finish them off.'
Fihazia looks into Nolrenrit’s eyes and sees images. Cruel images of things that she must erase from her mind, of things that are carried out by this commander that Orion trusts so much.
Fihazia says 'And if you gather them there, It will not be their destruction, but ours.'
She then opens a portal and says 'Come Ares, I am going to speak to the council now. I’m sure your father would wish to see you. I must deliver my report. I must tell them that those of Nelfheim are no longer. I will deliver this news myself to them.'
Ares sighs 'You are right Fihazia. It is why so many trust you. I need a break. I need some time to rest.'
Nolrenrit sneers at this 'Well I’m not staying here alone. This place is beginning to stink.' The three of them enter the portal, leaving behind a realm of cold silence and the chill of death.
The Council...
The three step out of the portal and onto Mount Olympus. Fihazia makes her partings with Ares and Nolrenrit. She places her hand on Ares’ shoulder and says 'Get some rest. We will need your strength in times to come.'
Ares smiles at her 'Thank you. I think I will have a long bath and enjoy some wine.' Ares turns to Nolrenrit and asks 'You care to join me for the wine?'
Nolrenrit laughs 'Hah! A wine and bathing within the great bath houses of Olympus? Sounds inviting. But... I have business elsewhere.' He then leaves.
Fihazia makes her way up to the council chambers where the Great Houses are meeting. The guards let her pass and when she enters there is a bustle of activity. The Great Houses in the council chamber are full of commotion.
Many are arguing back and forth, yelling at each other speaking of the Urthak war. Several of the pantheons are blamed for their defeats, while others are boasting of their victories.
Orion sits high upon the council chamber. He has taken lead position as Minister of Affairs. Zeus has taken command of the Houses great armies as their top Commander.
Fihazia’s presence is noticed. Zeus perks up looking at her as if some good news has come. The Great Houses are yelling at one another. Fihazia stands quiet waiting for Orion to call the Houses to order.
Orion raises his hand and the bustling of the Houses dies down. He speaks 'Fihazia, you have returned. Tell us, what news from Nelfheim? Do we have victory, or do we have defeat?'
Fihazia looks up directly at Orion. Tears well up in her eyes as she looks around at all the Houses that have gathered. She speaks ‘We have nothing.’
All of the council members in the chamber begin looking at each other. They are confused. They wonder among themselves ‘What does she mean?’
Fihazia says 'All of those within Neflheim are dead. The King, the Queen, all of them. All Sential beings have been wiped out. The realm is dying.'
Zeus grows angry and stands 'And who has done this!? Who has brought this massacre?'
Fihazia gathers her strength and says ‘The Hungali, led by Danaark, armies of Jotunheim, and the Dark Elves. But it was the Hungali who brought their end.’
Zeus slumps back down in his seat as if his breath has been taken away in shock. The council goes into an uproar, as many speak and argue about the Hungali.
One from House Centaur speaks 'We must seek peace! And we must seek peace now! The Hungali are too powerful.'
From House Pegasi, a pegasus says 'I agree. We have already lost too many. And once the Hungali appear upon the realm, the realm and all within it die.'
From the Norse pantheon, Thor, who is a general within the army stands. He says ‘But the Ourhkina... We have had victories against the Hungali. We have pushed them back with the help of the Ourhkina.’
Across the aisle, from House Titan, Hera stands. All eyes focus upon her. She says 'And the Ourhkina are spread too thin. They will not make a decisive strike on the Hungali.
I am Mother of all Olympus. I am wife of Zeus. Too many nights, the mountain is lit with the pyres of the dead.
The Ourhkina are our guardians, but if they do not make a decisive move soon, I fear we may lose too many and become overwhelmed. And then surrender will be our only option.’
The Houses uproar again at the thought of surrender. Many cry out ‘I will die first! Never surrender to them! That means to give in to total darkness, total evil.’
Hera raises her hands and says ‘But we must fear not. For we sit here in the great Houses, while many of those who serve us within all our realms die upon the battlefield. They are losing hope.'
One from House Phoenix shouts ‘They are losing hope because of that traitorous girl Asherah Aphrodite! She goes around spreading her propaganda, her lies! She scares them.
She speaks of total destruction if this war does not come to an end peacefully, and both sides begin to agree with each other again. She speaks of some strange darker force controlling everything. It is her poisonous words that suck the morale out of our armies.’
A drakon from House Dragon stands 'I agree, she is a poison. Her and her partner Prometheus. Who knows what they are into, probably more than sleeping in the sack together.
They are spreading a disease... This fanatical ideology that there is a greater evil behind all this. It is not a greater evil. There are those who chose their sides. Kronos walked away, and for what? Over the creation of a new species.’
Fihazia replies 'Yes. Is this all about the creation of mankind, the humans? Or is there something more? We cannot sit here and simply blame Asherah and Prometheus for this.'
Several faces in the audience look down at Fihazia and she notices them. Poseidon, Artemis, and Thor. Many others who were friends of Asherah Aphrodite. Many of those who have been with her through the Bentian War and know.
Asherah has sacrificed and has uncovered many things. For it was her who helped end the Bentian War. If she speaks of a greater darkness, many of them believe her.
Orion raises his hands to calm down the audience, which goes in another uproar. There are exchanges between the Great Houses. Those condemning Asherah’s actions, and those standing up in support of her, like Poseidon and Artemis.
Orion then speaks 'Asherah Aphrodite is doing what she believes. We must keep fighting for what we believe, to quell this darkness. The loss of Nelfheim pains me within my soul and my core.
I declare, three days of mourning. Let the words spread to our armies. Let them mourn for three days so as to remember the sacrifices given to quell this evil darkness.’
The council all nod and agree. Then Orion adjourns the council. Many start to leave.
Orion focuses down on Fihazia. He asks her 'May I speak with you for a moment?' He pulls her aside within the corridors of the council chamber.
Orion says 'Your investigation has been going very well. We have many who are guilty of such crimes. Saurzon, the Jotunn Queen, and many others. We shall bring them to justice, once this war has ended.'
Fihazia says 'And how do you think this war will end? You must tell me. I can see the truth within the eyes. Please do not hide it from me. You never have hidden anything from me before, be honest with me.'
Orion’s eyes begin to well with tears and he looks deep within Fihazia’s. He says 'We are losing. The Hungali are too powerful. I fear that they will come here, destroy the council and all of us. Everything we have fought for will fall to darkness.
That is why I need you. This Asherah Aphrodite is known to the Olympians. I believe there’s some truth in what she might say, that there is a greater darkness behind all of this.
Possibly something behind Kronos himself. But I must be sure Asherah's intentions are good. That her intentions are to bring peace and end this horrible war and butchery.
That’s why I need you. I need you to go to her. Find her, look within her eyes. And tell me that she is for what is right. Tell me that you will find the truth in her, that she really wishes to end this war and the slaughter.
But if you find that she is in league with the dark forces who wish to consume all the realms then please, when you tell me.
And when you stand before the council and the truth must be known, please be gentle. For many within the Houses love her. It is going to break their hearts and we need them strong. Find the truth.’
Fihazia then says to Orion 'I shall.’ She leaves the grand council chamber. She knows exactly who to ask. She knows of a friend who can help.
She goes to the villa of Eomeya. There Eomeya and Asteria are sitting enjoying some fruit and wine. Fihazia enters the chamber and is announced by one of the guards. Eomeya stands up and they embrace each other.
Asteria then turns to Fihazia and they embrace each other as well. Fihazia looks into Asteria’s eyes and says 'You grow stronger every day Asteria.'
Eomeya says ‘We are having lunch, please join us.’ The three sit together. Eomeya asks 'Tell me, what has brought you here?'
Fihazia has always been straightforward and even sometimes bold with her answers. She says 'I want to know where Asherah Aphrodite is. I need to speak to her and I believe you know where I can find her.'
Eomeya sighs and takes a sip of her wine. She says ‘I will not lie to you, for my eyes will always tell you the truth. I know where to find her, but there is something else you must understand. Asherah has a love, a love that is forbidden. I believe she is working through him to help find an end to this war.’
Asteria speaks 'If the Great Houses will not find a peaceful ending where it won’t lead to total destruction, then I believe in Asherah.’
Asteria is about to say more when Eomeya cuts her off 'We have spoken too much Asteria. There are spies everywhere. There are those who wish to find Asherah and Prometheus and cause them harm.'
Fihazia looks long at them and asks 'Who is this love? Who is this love of Asherah Aphrodite? What is so forbidden about it?'
Eomeya replies 'I believe it is best if you ask Asherah yourself.’ Eomeya stands up and goes towards a chest sitting on an altar. She opens it and pulls a small pink sphere from within it. She hands it over to Fihazia.
Eomeya says 'This will take you there. But please Fihazia, do not give her away. Believe in her, you will understand. She wishes to bring all this to an end, so that we may have peace again.'
Fihazia says 'I will do my best for everything. Thank you.' She stands and embraces both Eomeya and Asteria. She says to them ‘I will return soon.’
Asherah’s Secret Garden...
Fihazia heads back to her own villa where she is staying temporarily on Mount Olympus. She seals and locks the doors. Then she takes the small pink orb from her pocket. She closes her eyes and concentrates on it. She can feel a warm light wrap around her and there is a flash.
When she opens them, she is in a beautiful garden. The moon is high and its light seems to illuminate every beautiful flower. There is a fragrance in the air that is as sweet as none she has ever known.
She makes her way to the garden stepping quietly. Then off in the moonlight, standing upon a hill, she sees silhouettes. She can tell that one is Asherah Aphrodite, and the other with his long black wings, is a Ourhkina.
She watches as the two silhouettes hold each other beneath the moonlight, their faces leaning close as if they are kissing. They appear to hold each other tightly.
Fihazia begins to approach. Just then she notices the deep red eyes of the Ourhkina. He has noticed her and with quickness, he flies away.
Asherah brings up her left hand and casts a pink field all around her. She shouts out 'Get closer and you will be struck down. Who are you?'
Fihazia takes a step to show her face within the moonlight. Asherah recognizes her. She lowers her shield and looks up in the sky where a silhouette of a winged black figure watches. She nods her head. The winged figure returns the nod and flies off.
Fihazia looks into Asherah’s eyes as she turns back around and notices her. Fihazia says 'Your secret love I presume?'
Asherah then answers 'You already know the answer to that. Yes.'
Fihazia closes her eyes and shakes her head. Raising a hand she says 'You need not tell me his name. I know a thing or two of secret loves. I am not here to speak to you about that.'
Asherah asks 'Then what have you come for?'
Fihazia replies ‘There are many within the council that believe what you and Prometheus are doing to be demoralizing to the armies that fight against the darkness and the forces of Kronos and the Hungali.’
Asherah then says 'They do not understand what is fully going on. There is something worse. Something more terrible behind this.
If they would come to speak to me instead of driving me into exile as if I was someone who would betray. I have not betrayed anything Fihazia. I have gone with what my heart tells me. What my heart tells me is the truth.'
Fihazia looks long at Asherah Aphrodite and says 'I know... I know you follow your heart. I do not believe you to be a traitor. What is this dark force you fear so much Asherah?'
Asherah’s eyes look towards the ground. She says ‘I do not fully know yet. But Prometheus and I are so close. And my love...’ She says this as she looks up towards the moonlight where the Ourhkina was. She continues 'My love will help us. He’s finding a way. I trust him.’
Fihazia asks 'A way to what?'
Asherah says 'A way to expose the true darkness that is behind all this. A greater threat to the Houses and those who fight against them. Those who would devour all of us and bring about all our destruction.
We are so close Fihazia. So close to finding out. Ein-‘ She stops before saying the name ‘My love is close to finding an answer to bring them down. We must be given time.'
Asherah then approaches Fihazia and places a hand upon her shoulder. 'I’m so close. Just give me time. Tell the council I will come with the proof. Where I go next, I know I will find the answer. I will be able to expose it all. This war will end, and the true enemy will be revealed.'
She lowers her head and says in a solemn voice ‘And those we must never forget. Those who have died and sacrificed, we must do it for their memory.’
Fihazia takes Asherah’s hands within hers. 'I will go to them. I will go to Orion myself. I will tell him that you are so close and that you will be coming with the proof of those who are truly behind this. Of the greater threat to all of us.'
Asherah kisses Fihazia on the head and says 'Thank you.’ She then turns and heads back up the hill to look up at the stars and the moon as the light shines down. Fihazia smiles and turns around. She opens a portal and steps through.
My Little Star...
It is late when Fihazia finally returns to Mount Olympus where she is staying and enters her villa.
There in a chair, next to a bassinet, Asteria sits with her eyes gazed upon a small child. She then turns her head to notice Fihazia has entered.
Fihazia smiles. Asteria makes a motion putting a finger to her mouth. She whispers 'Shh, she's sleeping so well.'
Fihazia walks over to the bassinet and looks down. There is her daughter, Niangawen. Her daughter is a secret Fihazia has kept. As is the secret of her love, the father of her child.
Fihazia says to Asteria 'Thank you.'
Asteria smiles at this and gathers her things and gets ready to leave. Fihazia says before Asteria exits the villa 'And Asteria, please...'
Asteria replies 'I know. Not a word to anyone.' As Asteria is about to walk out, she says 'Oh, I almost forgot. A message came for you.'
She hands over a beautifully wrapped letter that is threaded with golden string. There are just two letters upon it in elvish... E.L. Fihazia smiles, and warmth fills her heart.
Asteria glances at the letter and smiles. She says 'If you need me again Fihazia, I will be staying with Eomeya. Just let me know if there's anything I can do to help.'
Fihazia says 'I shall come see you soon. I have word. I have spoken with Asherah and I know you are both anxious to hear what I have discovered.'
Asteria smiles and bows. She exits the villa and closes the door. Fihazia sits next to the bassinet, staring at her beautiful daughter, holding the letter in her hand. She unties the bow of golden thread and opens it. She begins to read.
The letter reads 'My dearest love, how I long to be next to you. How I long to look into your eyes once again. I believe soon this war that has torn us apart and kept us from each other's arms will end soon.
There is a decisive battle coming up my love. A battle against Saurzon himself and the armies of Jotunheim and the dark elves. King Yserah has assured us victory. But if I am to fall, know that I will always be with you within your soul, and forever within your heart.
For we have such a beautiful child together, that is each a part of us. But I shall return. And when I do, we will be together and raise our daughter. I look forward to the day that we will stand together in a new light. With all my love, E.L.'
A tear falls from Fihazia's eye. She dreams of a time when the war will come to an end and she and her love can take their child and raise her in happiness and peace.
The little girl makes a noise and Fihazia touches her face. She says to her 'Soon, my little star. Soon, we will all be together.'
Fihazia hears a knock on the villa door. She says 'Enter please.' A servant has entered who has come to watch over Fihazia's child. This is a very trusted servant.
Fihazia says to her 'You were not followed were you?' The servant shakes her head that she has not been followed.
Fihazia says 'Alright then. I will return shortly. I must speak with Eomeya and then I must go speak to Orion. I have great news. News that may bring about an end to this terrible conflict.'
The servant smiles and says 'Yes mistress. I will watch over her until you return.'
Fihazia gathers her things and then heads off in the direction of Eomeya's villa.
Things I Enjoy...
Asteria makes her way down the streets closer to Eomeya's villa. When she steps up to the door, she notices it is slightly open. On the inside, she can hear sounds of a struggle.
She rushes into the room and sees Nolrenrit. He is striking Eomeya. He is saying 'You wish to come tease me?! You wish to not give me what I come for? Huh?! You stupid bitch!' He then strikes her again.
This angers Asteria. She grabs a large golden candlestick and rushes towards Nolrenrit and strikes him on the back. She says 'Let her go you brute!'
Nolrenrit regains himself. Asteria goes for another strike with the candlestick, but he grabs it mid-air. 'Oh you want to play dirty, little bitch? Well, these are things I enjoy.'
With his other hand, he strikes Asteria across her face, knocking her down to the ground.
Nolrenrit laughs over her 'When I'm done with her, then it's your turn.'
Anger crosses Asteria's face 'There are things I enjoy too.' With an upward strike, Asteria hits Nolrenrit in the groin. This causes him to roll back in pain, but he quickly regains himself.
Eomeya rushes, pounding her fists on his back. He then backhands her, knocking her down to the ground.
Nolrenrit grabs Asteria by the hair and strikes her in the face. He knocks her to the ground and stomps on her while he says 'Don't you ever put your fucking hands on me!'
The door crashes open, there stands Artemis with an angry look in her eyes as she observes the scene. Artemis stares long at Nolrenrit 'You fucking bastard!'
With all her force she rushes Nolrenrit, knocking him against the wall of the villa. She strikes him over and over again.
Fihazia is making her way there when she hears the commotion. She signals for a passing guard. 'Something is happening. Quickly!'
The guard blows a horn, as to signal for other guards.
Fihazia rushes into the villa of Eomeya. There she sees Asteria on the floor bleeding badly. Eomeya is knocked out against the cabinet. Artemis is holding Nolrenrit against the wall, striking him repeatedly.
Fihazia cries out to Artemis 'Stop! Stop now! Restrain yourself!'
The guards grab Artemis' arms and push her back.
Nolrenrit, whose face is bleeding and badly cut, wipes the blood from his face. He then laughs 'Oh, I bet you're a wild one. I'd like to have you in the sack. We could have so much fun.'
Fihazia asks 'What is going on here Nolrenrit?! What has transpired?'
Nolrenrit shrugs his shoulders 'I just came over here to pay my respects and these two bitches attacked me.'
As Nolrenrit finishes, he covers his eyes with his hands, knowing Fihazia can see the truth within them.
Fihazia signals the guards 'Arrest him!'
Nolrenrit then draws his sword 'No one's taking me anywhere! I am guilty of nothing. All I was doing was trying to defend myself.'
Fihazia says 'You will come quietly without a commotion. We will go forth and see Orion. He will decide. Now come!'
The guards take him away. Fihazia rushes to Asteria's side. She pulls something from her cloak. 'Here, drink this.' She touches Asteria's head. She can feel a scar on the back along the bone. Fihazia looks at her 'Not again, not again...'
The guards come in to help Eomeya and Asteria. Fihazia tells one of the guards 'Take her to my villa. A servant there will know what to do, quickly. Take Eomeya to Eurynome, she will be able to help.'
The guards signal in acknowledgment and gather the wounded Asteria and Eomeya.
Fihazia then marches outside where the guards are standing with Nolrenrit. 'We will go to see Orion now. Come!' They make their way to where the council chamber is.
Fihazia, the guards, and Nolrenrit make their way towards the chamber. She can see figures sitting upon the steps. As they come into view she notices Poseidon, Ares, Artemis, and several others.
Poseidon is sitting with his elbows upon his knees, his face in his hands. Artemis is placing her hands at his side. Ares stands in front of them, a distraught look upon all their faces.
As Fihazia approaches them she asks 'What has happened?'
Poseidon, with a voice of tears, cries out 'She is gone! She's gone.'
Fihazia is shocked. She asks 'Who?'
Ares speaks 'Aphrodite.... She has been killed.'
As if a dagger had struck through the heart of Fihazia, she cannot believe this. The news is overwhelming and shocking.
Artemis notices Nolrenrit. Her anger swells within her and she says 'I need to finish something.'
Ares grabs her shoulder 'Not now. Not, now.' He looks long and hard into her eyes. Ares turns to Fihazia and says to her 'The council is meeting to discuss... what has happened to Aphrodite.'
Fihazia says 'What of her children? Her children must know.'
Artemis says 'Apollo says he wished to deliver the message himself. He is very torn by this, as we all are.'
Fihazia makes her way up the steps signaling the guards to escort Nolrenrit. As they enter the council chambers, Orion is standing with Zeus.
Orion signals for Fihazia to step forth. He says 'Fihazia, I have called the council to a hearing. You must know now the death of Asherah Aphrodite. This has been a great loss, and many things have been discovered. I will need you present.'
Fihazia bows and says 'I shall be here for this. But there is a matter I wish to address, that of Nolrenrit. He had attacked Eomeya and Asteria. He must be shackled, and thrown into prison. Then we must decide his fate. We cannot have him doing this.'
Orion turns and says to Fihazia 'We cannot have this now. We are so close.'
He looks over to Nolrenrit and Nolrenrit grins. He signals to the guards and the guards remove their hands from around Nolrenrit's arms.
Orion continues 'There are more pressing matters to be handled.' He signals to the guards and Nolrenrit to leave.
Nolrenrit looks long and hard at Fihazia, he grins and smirks. They leave the chamber and the doors close.
Fihazia turns with a look of disbelief upon her face 'But he has committed a crime.'
Orion replies 'That will be decided. But for now, there are other pressing matters. The death of Asherah, I believe may have been caused by what she was trying to uncover.
There may be a dark force behind all this. We must address the council. But do not worry Fihazia. When this is all over, if Nolrenrit is found guilty, I will give him the sentence of death myself.'
Fihazia nods in acknowledgment. 'He is guilty, and he will stand trial.'
Then the council chamber doors open and all those of the Great Houses come in and take place in their seats. Orion signals for Fihazia to sit next to him and Zeus.
When all have gathered, seated, and centered their focus upon Orion, he stands, sighs, and begins to speak.
He says to all 'We must mourn today, for there has been a great loss, and a great truth has been revealed. Asherah Aphrodite, who some of you loved, who some of you hated, she has sacrificed herself to find out what greater evil lies behind the darkness of Kronos and his minions.
We must thank her and hold her forever within our hearts and cores. She has gone to great lengths, and in the end, like so many others, have sacrificed herself to bring this horrible war to an end. I would declare three days of mourning, and tournaments to honor her name. This shall begin tomorrow. And furthermore -'
Just then the chamber doors open. In steps, Tulkas and Alakin Silverleaf, followed by Elven King Yserah and Raugunitar.
Orion stands 'What is this outburst? King Yserah, you have intruded when I am getting ready to give counsel on an important matter.'
Tulkas reveals a head from behind his back. A dark elf still encased within the dark helmet itself. It is the head of Saurzon.
Tulkas raises the head high and drops it to the ground. He announces 'Saurzon and his forces have been defeated. The armies of Jotunheim are shattered and have scrambled back to Jotunheim themselves. We have victory.'
The chamber uproars in cheers. Tulkas, the Vala, Alakin Silverleaf and King Yserah all bow in acknowledgment.
Orion raises his hands in the air as to signal everyone to remain calm and to focus their attention back to him. He then says 'Today which has been marked by sorrow and tragedy, has shown its light in victory, and in honor.'
Tulkas stares for a moment as if confused. He whispers to himself 'Tragedy?'
Just then, Poseidon whispers into the ear of Tulkas. His face goes from pride and honor at this great victory, to sadness. He pulls Tulkas aside, and the two begin to speak privately.
Orion continues on 'This great loss and great victory, has driven us forward.'
Elven King Yserah steps up 'But the battle is not yet over. Great Houses, we must gather our strength now, and descend upon Jotunheim.
The Jotunn Queen and her armies have taken refuge within her fortress. If we can bring them out of the equation in this war, then we are close to victory. I call upon you all to join us. I go there now.'
Fihazia is taken in the moment of the room, as she looks around. As Orion continues to speak to the Houses in preparations for the final fight against Jotunheim, she notices two Ourhkina floating high above the scene of the councill in a corner.
She stares long and hard at the two Ourhkina. She recognizes them both. One Melek Taus, who is the leader of the Ourhkina. And the other, EinossArku, keeper of Fate and Destiny. She can see the two discussing something.
When Orion said 'Remember the sacrifice of Asherah, who has brought us this great victory...' the look upon EinossArku's face seems to turn to anger.
Melek Taus tries to stop EinossArku's anger, but he turns abruptly to exit the room. EinossArku shrugs off the hand of Melek Taus and leaves the chamber with Melek Taus following him.
Fihazia ponders this, and also ponders other things, for she knows that EinossArku is the love of Asherah, so she deices to follow him.
She exits the top of the villa and enters a platform where there is a large garden overlooking Mount Olympus. She can hear voices. She approaches the two Ourhkina. Melek Taus and EinossArku's attention then focuses on her.
Fihazia bows to EinossArku. 'I'm sorry. I know what she meant to you. She meant a lot to all of us.'
But the reaction from EinossArku is not what Fihazia expected. EinossArku turns angrily. 'You all know nothing. You all think you know something, but you do not understand. Look around you, Fihazia. You see the truth in their eyes. You can tell what their memories are. What their eyes have really seen.
Look into my eyes. Tell me, tell me, that I am wrong, that Asherah was wrong. There is something else, something greater. More evil and full of darkness than we can possibly imagine. Something beyond Kronos, beyond all the Houses, that twist all of us.'
Fihazia looks long into the eyes of EinossArku. Then she says 'I know that you are pained deeply, and your suffering is great. But, the time is getting closer where this will end. Asherah's sacrifice, or what she believed in... it was her fate-'
EinossArku cuts her off. 'It was not her fate.' He then flies up, leaving Fihazia and Melek Taus alone.
Melek Taus yells to him 'Brother! Please, what you search for, and who you search it from... you must stop.' But EinossArku has flown out of reach of hearing.
Fihazia steps to the side of Melek Taus. 'What is he searching for?'
Melek Taus replies 'He believes he can find the answer to bring the end. But he is searching for the answers in a place that is full of death.'
Fihazia stares long up into the night sky that hangs over the mountains. She says 'Whatever he is searching for, he will not stop until he finds it.'
Melek Taus replies 'That is what I'm afraid of.'
Just then a guard enters out onto the garden. He bows to Fihazia 'Mistress Fihazia... Orion, Zeus, and the Great Houses wish to see you back at the chambers. It is urgent.'
Fihazia bows to Melek Taus and then escorted by the guard returns to the chamber. As she enters, all eyes set upon her.
Orion speaks 'Fihazia, it has been decided that we will go to Jotunheim to bring about an ending to their involvement in this war. I ask of you to come with us to Jotunheim to speak to the Queen under a flag of truce. Maybe your wisdom can help convince her to surrender and not fight to the death, bringing an end to her kingdom.'
Fihazia bows to the council. 'If we can end Jotunheim's involvement in this war peacefully, then I will go, and bring all my wisdom with me.'
The council cheers. Orion then stands ''So be it. Let us bring this war closer to an end.'
Until the Last Drop of Blood...
On the following day, the armies of the Great Houses have made their way to Jotunheim. They surround the great fortress. Along the walls, dwarves, trolls, and Jotunn alike have taken up arms. These are the remnants of the great Jotunheim army.
In the throne room, sits the Queen. She is nervous. Scarred from battle, she sits in silence. Down below, her son stands high upon the wall. Lemniskarun sees the flag for truce as Fihazia rides forth on a gold stallion, followed by Ares.
A troll says to Lemniskarun 'A truce. Do we smash?'
Lemniskarun raises his hand and turns to Fogbeard. He asks him 'What do you think?'
Fogbeard replies 'I think we should hear them out, lad. Maybe we can avoid destruction upon ourselves today. You should listen to them.'
Lemiskarun, even though he was not very old in Jotunn years, is already somewhat battle-hardened. He had fought bravely at the battle of Nelfheim.
His mother has lost so many of her kind. She knew this day would come, and has locked herself up within her throne room.
Lemniskarun now stands with the others. 'I shall speak to my mother. Keep them waiting.'
Lemniskarun turns and heads towards the main keep of the fortress. He signals to the guards to let him into the chambers where his mother sits high upon the throne.
Lemniskarun says 'They wish to speak to you, mother.'
The Jotunn Queen Frigia slowly turns her head. Tears are within her eyes. She stands and walks towards her son, embracing him. 'I lost everything. I will not lose you.'
Lemniskarun replies 'Mother, to surrender to them, we will be under their rule again of King Yserah's occupation. You have told me of the Bentian War and how cruel it was, what they did. I am sure Raugunitar will wish to oversee until this war comes to an end.
I have heard the tales of the elders. Of the event that had happened during the Bentian war and the last time King Yserah occupied Jotunheim. We cannot surrender, we must fight. Fight to the last one of us, until the last drop of blood flows from our veins.'
Lemniskarun then leaves the chamber, closing the door. He takes his place back on the wall, looking down at the massive army before him.
At his side, Fogbeard asks 'Well? We going to talk to them?'
Lemniskarun answers 'I will not speak to them.'
Fogbeard says 'Well my Prince, somebody's going to have to do something.'
Lemniskarun looks down upon Fogbeard. 'Go find out what they want. Tell them we will not surrender.'
Fogbeard bows to Lemniskarun and makes his way down. The gates open slightly enough to let Fogbeard step through. Fihazia then steps down from her horse and meets Fogbeard halfway.
Fihazia bows and Fogbeard returns the bow. He says 'The Prince and the Queen wish to hear what you have to offer. If you are here to surrender, we accept it.'
Fihazia smiles 'You can always find humor within something, Master Fogbeard. But we are not here for surrender. You know what we are here for.'
Fogbeard replies 'Aye, lass. But those terms will not be met, you know this.'
Fihazia says 'You must plead with the Queen. Almost all of you will die here today. You must surrender. Better to live under occupation and out of the war so that none of you may die -'
Fogbeard cuts her off 'I've lived under occupation before lass,' He raises his missing hand 'And I gave more than you can possibly imagine.'
Fihaziah pleads 'I give you my word Fogbeard. I promise you, there will be no harsh treatment for any of those who surrender.'
Fogbeard replies 'And I believe you lass, but I don't believe them. I'm sorry, I really wish we could come to terms.' He turns around and walks away back through the great gates and they close behind him.
Fihazia lowers her head 'Has it come to this?' She then returns to King Yserah.
King Yserah asks 'Well? Will they hear our terms?'
Fihazia looks up at King Yserah with a distraught look upon her face. 'No. They will not surrender.'
Yserah then says with pride and in an arrogant sense 'Then so be it. Raugunitar, signal when to begin the attack. We will advance forward. We will tear down their walls and kill every last one of them. If this is what Jotunheim wishes, they have brought it upon themselves.'
Raugunitar raises his sword high above the air, signaling to other generals. Flags wave, horns blow. The armies march forth towards the Gates of Jotunheim.
Lemniskarun stands high upon the wall. Fogbeard returns to his side. 'Get ready. They're coming.'
The tattered army of Jotunheim make ready. Many are still wounded, but they will carry on and fight to the end.
Just then, the great gates of the kingdom come crashing open. It is Jotunn Queen Frigia. She takes her place next to her son and says 'Stop! No more. Lower your flags. I will offer them a formal surrender.'
Across the field, Yserah notices. One of his scouts right next to him says 'They are lowering the flags. It is the Queen, my King. I can see her, right above the gate.'
Elven King Yserah looks off into the distance to see the Queen. He says 'Yes, keep advancing.'
Jotunn Queen Frigia heads down to the great gates of the fortress. The gates open.
King Yserah gives a signal to Raugunitar to tell his army to halt. Raugunitar takes a silver horn from his side and blows to it three times, the army stops.
Elven King Yserah rides forth with several of his guards. Fihazia notices this and rides forth with them.
When King Yserah reaches Queen Frigia he says 'Great Queen, I am honored that you have decided to lay down arms and accept terms. You and your kind will be treated with all the respect you deserve as prisoners of war.'
Queen Frigia lowers her head 'I understand.'
King Yserah then signals back to Raugunitar, and some of the army begins to move forward.
Lemniskarun leaves with Fogbeard, escaping and sneaking away unnoticed.
As the armies enter Jotunheim, they meet no resistance. Armor and weapons alike are gathered, and the warriors who were leftover from the broken army are bound.
The Jotunn Queen returns to her throne room, where she places her head in her hands. 'Now, I am Queen of nothing.'
They begin to ransack the Jotunheim's fortress. Ares, whose personal guard has joined for this battle, walks through the great halls of the Jotunheim fortress.
Just then, two of his personal guards approach him. 'My lord, there is something we found. You must see, quickly!'
'What is it?' Ares asks. Raugunitar enters the room and asks 'What's going on here?' The guard replies 'You must see for yourself, my lord. Come!'
The guard, Raugunitar, and Ares go rushing off through a long corridor inside the fortress. There they come to separate cells in a deep dark dungeon.
At the very last cell, the guard points through the barbed window. 'My lord, it's her.'
Ares then moves the guard aside. On the ground, laying there half unconscious in tattered rags is Aphrodite. This is the impostor, but Ares does not realize it.
Ares with all his strength busts down the door. He then rushes to the side of impostor Aphrodite. He picks her head up looking into her face.
Her eyes barely open, 'Where am I?'
Ares looks down at her and smiles. A tear falls from his eye. 'You are safe.' He gathers her up in his arms and makes his way across the corridor.
Ares goes to the throne room, kicking open the doors. Raugunitar is close at his side.
There the Queen of Jotunnheim sits. As the Queen looks up, her face has a look of shock.
Ares angrily stares at the Queen eye to eye for what seems like an eternity. Finally, he says 'You, and all of Jotunheim will pay for this.'
Still holding impostor Aphrodite in his arms, he exits the chamber. Raugunitar stares long and hard at the Queen of Jotunheim. A mischievous grin crosses his face.
She Has Returned...
Fihazia has already made her way back to Mount Olympus when King Yserah, Ares, and the others return. Fihazia stares in amazement. For there, at his side holding his hand, is Asherah Aphrodite. The crowd is cheering.
One cries ou 'She has returned! She has returned to us!'
Another cries 'Love and Beauty herself is again with us.'
Orion and Zeus step forth. Zeus says 'This is a great day. Jotunnheim has formally surrendered and will be no longer a threat. And what we thought we have lost, the great Love and Beauty Asherah Aphrodite, is once again at our side.'
The crowd then cheers at this. Ares raises Aphrodite's hand in triumph. She then turns to him, places her hands around him and kisses him passionately. The crowd smiles, some even make a motion as to how precious the moment is.
Fihazia takes her place by the side of Asteria. 'This is a good day. We have won a great victory without bloodshed, and Asherah Aphrodite has returned.'
Asteria looks long and hard at Asherah. 'Something's not right.'
Fihazia then asks 'What do you mean?'
Asteria says 'There's just something off about her. I need to speak with Orion.'
Before Fihazia can react, Asteria steps towards Orion, pulling him aside and whispering in his ear.
They step away from the crowd and Orion asks 'What is it, Asteria?'
Asteria replies 'There's something strange. Something strange about her.'
Orion looks back. 'Hmm, she may be under the influence of a dark force. But we will have the best healers.'
Asteria says 'No, it's more than that. It's almost like it's her, but it's not her.'
Orion looks into the eyes of Asteria. 'Do not trouble yourself. Come, I must speak with you alone.'
'It's been some time,' Orion says as he and Asteria walk 'Since you have lost your memories. Since that tragic day. Fihazia has informed me that you are growing stronger. That you soon will make a full recovery.'
Orion then signals to a servant who brings forth two chalices of wine. He offers it to Asteria. 'Here, drink this. You must understand that we all have our places within the Cosmic Houses. We all have our places within the realms themselves.
Flowing together, as the way that wine would flow when poured out of a carafe. You'll understand your place soon, and I shall guide you. I wish to meet with you more often. Fihazia says you can be of great use to House Orion and the other Cosmic Houses. Now drink.'
All that had gathered in great victory now begin to disperse as Zeus declares three days of great celebration.
Artemis steps forward and says something to Zeus. His eyes widen. He then nods his head to Artemis. 'During the tournament, a challenge is set forth to declare the mightiest warrior and strongest among all of us! Artemis has offered a challenge to Nolrenrit.'
Nolrenrit stands across the way and sneers at Artemis. Zeus asks 'Do you accept this challenge in this competition of sport?'
Nolrenrit, who is drinking through a gauntlet, throws it to the ground. He bows 'I accept.'
Artemis stares long and hard at Nolrenrit. She whispers to herself 'I'm going to hurt you.'
Impostor Aphrodite is still holding the hand of Ares. Across the way, some of the Ourhkina are gathered.
EinossArku stares with Melek Taus at his side. Melek says in an almost whisper 'She's safe, and that's all that matters. The love you had, you must let go.'
EinossArku looks at Melek and says 'No. There's something I must know.'
Ares embraces impostor Aphrodite and kisses her passionately. He then bows and leaves with a royal escort. Impostor Aphrodite starts walking away.
As she enters down the paths, EinossArku steps in front of her. He looks into her eyes. She seems almost confused, and a little bit startled. EinossArku asks 'Is it you?'
Impostor Aphrodite giggles softly 'Who else would it be?'
EinossArku then looks back towards the direction where Asherah Aphrodite has come from. 'And this thing with Ares. What is this?'
Impostor Aphrodite says 'Ares is my champion. He is who I love.'
EinossArku replies 'Do you speak that from your heart?' He takes her hands. 'Do you not remember?'
Impostor Aphrodite pulls her hands back. In a dissatisfied voice, she says 'I remember Ourhkina are not allowed to touch Divine. That Ourhkina should know their place. That they are the guardians and servants of the Great Houses.'
EinossArku's face turns to sadness. 'I thought you were dead and every part of me broke apart. My eternal self was empty when I thought you were gone.'
Impostor Aphrodite replies 'Whatever you felt, was nothing. It meant nothing to me, and it means nothing to me.'
EinossArku looks into her eyes one last time. 'Then you are truly dead. As am I.' He turns around and flies away.
Fihazia who was off in the distance has noticed this interaction. She stares for a moment as Asherah Aphodite seems to carry on without care back to her villa.
Fihazia is shaking her head. 'Something... something isn't right.'
She hears a voice from behind her. 'Oh there you are Fihazia, just eavesdropping again. Who you spying on now?'
Fihazia then turns and sees Nolrenrit. She asks 'What are you doing here? Are you following me?'
Nolrenrit says 'No. No no no. Orion sent me to find you. You need to come quick.'
Fihazia pushes past Nolrenrit. 'I know where to find him, and I do not need you to escort me.'
Nolrenrit bows and removes himself from obstruction of the path. 'Very well.' He turns and whispers to himself 'You can find your own way, you meddling bitch.'
Fihazia makes her way back up Mount Olympus to the council chambers of the Great Houses. There she finds Orion. She bows as Orion notices her.
Fihazia says 'You have called for me?'
Orion turns 'Yes. I have spoken to Melek Taus and the Ourhkina. They have found a way to overcome the Hungali. There is a weapon that has been discovered. Powerful enough that a Ourhkina can bring down the Hungali and this war to an end.'
Fihazia says 'A weapon? If a weapon of such great power can bring down the Hungali, then it is too dangerous for anyone to possess.'
Orion sighs 'Fihazia, such power was used before long ago. That almost brought us to an end. I can assure you, that once the Hungali are defeated, this power will never be used again. You must trust me.'
Fihazia looks Orion directly in the eyes, 'I will trust you, until you give me a reason not to.'
True Self Connection...