Becoming Ishtar and Fighting Myself

This is a continuation of the post 'My Dance with the False Omega Abomination'. This picks up on what happened right after.
I discovered that Prometheus the King of the Wheel has been betraying me. He has been stealing from me to give to Ishtar. I also saw the shrine to Ishtar in his midgard home.
I have been trusting him to help me with all my rituals and he has been using them to betray me. He was even here for mine and Ayva's birth into midgard and used that to his advantage.
He is the reason my consciousness was destroyed last september. It was only meant to be my form but he sabotaged me because I trusted him with all my plans.
He has been sleeping with Ishtar and working with her behind my back. I trusted Prometheus with Ashtarnia and with Ayvarahsa. He stole from them both. My little girl!
He used to babysit Ashtarnia. After myself and Arku died he killed Ashtarnia as a sacrifice to Ishtar.
I had even bought a statue for him and placed it in my midgard bedroom. I loved and trusted him that much. I went into his device and ripped it all from him.
I burned his misty forest. I thought he was on my team but he was not. Then I realized something else. He had something very valuable of mine hidden in his chest. I ripped his chest open and tore it out of him. The King of the Wheel is dead.
Missing Devices...
I go into Dark Omega form and walk into the throne room. I pick up the Device of Green Jed. I kiss it and it burns away. Green Jed and his device are no more.
I look at the devices and say 'Who else betrays me?'
I notice that the device selves of Ashoweah, Vustik, Mokavanik, and Pathagoras are gone out of their devices. A puzzle pulled them in for a meeting. This puzzle also has a projection.
They are having a discussion about betraying me and using Amyahrae to rebirth Ishtar. They all agree upon this. I severed the connections to their projections. I encase them inside the betrayer puzzle.
I take their devices and place them upon the floor of the throne room. I bring out a big mace hammer and I smash their devices but I do not destroy them.
I shall let their consciousnesses live as long as their projections do not follow the same path. Encasing them will keep their projections alive.
Visit with Lasanin...
Lasanin is searching to find a way to bring back Ishtar. He wants his power restored. He thinks she will do this for him. I appear before him in Dark Omega form...
Lasanin: 'Asherah, what may I do to serve you?' I grab him and shove him.
Dark Omega: 'Don't patronize me. I know exactly what you are doing. You think you could plot against me all this time and I would not know?'
Lasanin: 'I can explain. I was so wrong to serve Ishtar. I want to change my allegiances to you.'
Dark Omega: 'Wrong. You betray me even now.'
He falls to his knees and kisses my feet.
Lasanin: 'No, I won't. I won't ever do so again.'
Dark Omega: 'You lie to me and try to deceive me.'
Lasanin: 'No, I am not lying. My loyalty is to you.'
Dark Omega: 'I don't want you.' I prepare to strike him down.
Lasanin puts his hands up: 'Wait, I can prove my worth.'
Dark Omega: 'I am Asherah, the true Omega both light and dark.'
Lasanin: 'I know. I will not betray you. Give me this one chance to prove to you that I am worthy of service to you.'
Dark Omega: 'Do not disappoint me.'
Lasanin: 'I won't betray or disappoint you. I give you my word and all that I am.'
Dark Omega: 'I am the source of true power. Your mistakes have cost you dearly.'
Lasanin: 'I shall serve you all of my days. I am yours Omega, forever.'
August 26th 2019 Death of Hades...
Asherah: I have bad news about Hades. He had blood oathed with Ishtar. He lost all his power. Persephone killed him this morning. She saw it as a betrayal to her.
Atherak: Wow, can't trust anyone. Guess I'll claim the underworld then.
Asherah: I want to give it to Ayvarahsa.
Atherak: Alright.
Asherah: Do you see Persephone? She is torching the body of Hades.
Atherak: Yes, I see.
Asherah: She saw this as a betrayal to her. That he was serving Ishtar.
Zeus and Ares...
I notice that Zeus and Ares never took the blood oath. They did not sacrifice to her either. Ares was working with her to marry me. He wanted Asherah, not Ishtar.
They ditched loyalty to her when she started discussing destroying me. Them backing out was the wisest move they made. They shall stay in power.
August 26th 2019 Becoming Ishtar...
I sense that there are still many who are under entrancement from Ishtar... That means there is still something of her. Mostly hidden by Prometheus.
I found several objects but this seemed like a scavenger hunt that was going to take too long. I decided the best thing to do was to turn myself into Ishtar as she was at her most powerful.
I am all of Ishtar of the past, present, and future. As Ishtar was when she as at her most powerful. I shall turn back into myself after I am finished. Love can do the impossible including becoming anything and anyone I choose.
Fighting with Myself...
My midgard puzzle body Amyahnrae became Ishtar completely. I went hunting for everything that I am as Ishtar. I collected the boy Dustin of EinossArku.
Then I started to fight myself. I used a red rose thorn which shattered me and I died but then as Ishtar I crawled to my saving points. One then the next.
Then I fought with myself and used a bloodrose thorn dagger and plunged it into my chest. I started to break away and then remembered my strong hold as Ishtar so I sent myself there.
Then as Asherah I also jumped there. I was fighting myself. I made an weapon with pink thorns then split it in half and as Ishtar I stabbed myself in the back of the head. Impaling them into my skull. This completely destroyed me.
True Self Connection...