Fiayuah: Investigator of Strange Happenings

This true self past vision is a bit different from others. She asked for it to be focused on recent events and what her true self is currently involved with. This helps her understand what her true self has been up to lately. These are events from the past few months.
Fiayuah Lunastar is a light elf with light blue eyes, long straight light blue hair, and very light ice blue skin.
The Pleasant Field Murders...
Fiayuah walks through the library of Alfheim. Behind her are several other students and acolytes, performers of magic. For in Alfheim, most issues are solved with magic. The magic flows strong in Alfheim.
She pulls down a book from a shelf and reads through it. She turns to one of the acolytes and says 'This book here should solve the problem down by the eastern shores.' She hands it to the acolyte who bows and then scurries off.
Fiayuah then calls another acolyte forward. The young elf hands her a parchment. She unrolls and reads it. 'Hmm. Seems they’ve been having problems with their crops lately along the High Greenlands.'
Fiayuah Lunastar walks along the aisle, looking for a certain book. She finds what she is looking for and pulls it down, flipping through the pages. There she stops on a page, pressing her finger on a passage, and begins to read.
She says 'Yes. This spell shall do. Use this spell upon the High Greenlands and the crops should be restored.' She hands the book off again to the acolyte who bows and then scurries off.
This is a daily routine for Fiayuah, for she is High Scholar of Alfheim Magic. A position given to her by Lyindrinar Silverleaf.
With her other time, she teaches at the great universities that have opened up to the many kinds. They go there to hear her speak.
In the free time she has to herself, she continues working on her life’s work. A collection of all the wisdom and knowledge of Alfheim.
However, most of the time, Fiayuah’s daily life seems rather slow. She hears about the many adventures of her elf kind.
She is also sometimes present when King Lyindrinar holds court, and the different kinds of the realms come to visit. There has been peace among the realms for quite some time.
However despite all that, deep down inside Fiayuah feels her life to be sometimes quite boring... Except when she is called upon as investigator of strange happenings.
Fiayuah has extensive knowledge of the realms and the kinds that exist within them. She is the one who investigates certain mysterious matters. These moments are called strange happenings.
This is where the story begins. This is one of those strange happenings....
Fiayuah continues to walk down the aisle as the next acolyte hands her a scroll. She looks through it and sees the problem. She continues her walk down the row of books for what she is looking for.
Then she hears footsteps approaching from the great hall of the library. She turns her head along with the other acolytes to see a very finely dressed elf. She recognizes the face.
It is Elararis Lunastar. She turns and greets him with a smile. He opens his arms and embraces her. He says to her 'It’s been too long.'
Fiayuah replies 'It has. I would like for us to take a walk down by the river like we used to.'
Elararis smiles 'I would like that. But I come here on other matters.' He pulls out a letter from his robe and hands it to Fiayuah. The royal seal of King Lyindrinar is upon it.
Elararis Lunastar says ‘Matters of investigation.’
Fiayuah knows what this means. There are strange happenings that are occurring. This excites her. She enjoys investigating such things. Fiayuah opens the parchment and begins reading.
Elararis Lunastar is curious. He asks 'What does it say?'
Fiayuah replies 'King Lyindrinar wants me to investigate strange happenings that are occurring in the far settlement of the Pleasant Fields.'
Elararis Lunastar is confused. He then says 'The Pleasant Fields is far out. What could be occurring there I wonder?'
Fiayuah closes the parchment 'Whatever it seems to be, it has gained the attention of the King. He wishes to meet with me. I must go there now.'
She turns to her acolytes and calls for one of her main assistants. She tells the acolytes 'She will be able to help you. I must go now. The King awaits me.'
Elararis stops Fiayuah before she leaves the library and says 'Please be careful. I have a bad feeling about this.'
Fiayuah replies 'I will be fine. Nothing much happens in the Pleasant Fields. I am sure the matter is not dire.'
Something Familiar...
Fiayuah makes her way up the steps of the great palace and hands her parchment over to one of the guards. The guard reads it and then escorts her to the royal study, where King Lyindrinar is pacing back and forth.
Fiayuah enters the room and bows. Lyandrinar makes a motion for her to rise.
Fiayuah says ‘I came as quickly as I could. Tell me, what do we know of these strange happenings far out in the Pleasant Fields?'
Lyindrinar’s face shows a deal of concern. He says 'There are murders going on out there. Four so far. I need you to investigate this. I just have a sense of something familiar. Something...'
Fiayuah finishes his sentence 'Something dark and evil.'
Lyandrinar looks at her in the eyes. Fiayuah notices his eyes look sunken in and reddish as if he has not slept in a long time.
Fiayuah says 'You look tired, my King. What has been troubling you?'
Lyindrinar replies 'I worry about Queen Valeyta. She has not been herself lately. seems to coincide with these murders.'
Fiayuah says 'So I will be investigating more than just these murders.'
Lyindrinar says 'Yes, if you can find a connection between these murders and Valeyta’s illness, please.'
Fiayuah says 'I will do my best, my King.'
Lyindrinar then stands and straightens his robe. He says 'I will send an attachment of my finest guards. My cousins shall accompany you.'
Fiayuah raises a hand and shakes her head 'If there is a murderer hidden within the Pleasant Fields, they will flee at the sight of the royal guards, or any elven guards for that matter. If I am to find the murderer and discover where they are, it is easier to go there unknown and then arrest them.'
Lyandrinar then says 'But there may be great danger. And I worry for your safety.'
Fiayuah then again raises her hand and shakes her head. She says 'I will be fine. I can take care of myself. You forget I was once a commander under the former King. I am not a novice to combat. And I still carry my trusty blade with me in every investigation. I even carried it on the last one.'
They both chuckle, as memories come back of the last investigation of strange happenings. It was along the river. There was a swamp troll that was dragging boats under. Many fishermen almost drowned.
It was Fiayuah who uncovered the swamp troll. A very smelly beast. All he wanted was rotwood. He was not trying to harm the fisherman. He only craved the rotting wood underneath their boats.
They both smile. It was a memory they both cherish, for it was an interesting event of strange happenings.
Lyindrinar’s face soon falls back from a smile to concern 'You will figure out who is behind this, and they shall pay for these crimes. Peace reigns throughout Alfheim.
The kinds intermingle and are friendly towards one another. We cannot have people just killing, even if it is far out in the Pleasant Fields.'
Fiayuah bows 'I will do everything I can. Rest assured my King, if there is a connection between these murders and Valeyta’s illness, I will find them.'
Lyindrinar then nods his head 'I trust that you will.'
'The journey may be long,' Lyindrinar says as he and Fiayuah walk back down from the study out to the royal courtyard. 'I can have my fastest steed take you there.'
Fiayuah raises her hand and shakes her head 'I trust in Myal.' She pulls out a small whistle from around her neck and blows it.
A beautiful melody comes from it and then, flying high above, is a white owl. A large white owl lands next to Fiayuah. She reaches into her robe and pulls out what appears to be a treat that the owl takes and chews on.
She touches the owls head 'Are you ready to travel, my friend?' She then climbs upon the owl's back. She looks down at Lyindrinar. 'I will return soon, my King. I will find the answers to these murders.'
Myal then lifts up into the air, and Fiayuah sets forth on her journey towards the far reaches of the Pleasant Fields.
The moons set as Fiayuah and her owl approach the region known as the Pleasant Fields. These are long stretching meadows, rolling hills, and sparse settlements.
But there is a diversity of kinds among Alfheim who live here. Many who escaped after the Urthak War. Many who wished to escape the persecution of King Ysherah. Here, dark elves, gnomes, elves, fairies, all live in harmony with each other.
There is a central square, not very big, mostly markets. There is also the house of the Magistrate, who is a gnome named Keudrin.
Fiayuah also learned that Lyindrinar has sent word to Keudrin that she will be arriving to investigate these strange happenings. She can see the torches of the town square as she makes her descent. The owl lands softly as she makes her way to the town center.
As Fiayuah gets off the back of her owl Myal, she looks around. There seems to be an overwhelming presence of fear here. Several of the shops and windows you can see eyes looking through the curtains and blinds staring at her.
She hears a voice 'You must be Fiayuah Lunastar.' Fiayuah turns to see a small gnome, who is quite stout looking up at her.
The gnome says 'I am Keudrin. I am Magistrate of the Pleasant Fields. You are in the town of high hill. This is the main market square.
I have received word from King Lyindrinar that you would be arriving to investigate these strange happenings. I have set up quarters for you within my manor house. Call it home for as long as you need to stay.'
Fiayuah bows to Keudrin 'Thank you. I appreciate what you have offered.'
Keudrin then points to the direction of his manor home 'Please come. You must be tired after a long journey.'
Fiayuah Lunastar's gathering some things off the back of her owl. Another, what appears to be a gnome but not quite a gnome, can be seen rushing from the manor house. He looks a little taller than the average gnome.
Keudrin then says 'Come come, Frigit. Help the Lady Lunastar with her belongings.'
Frigit runs up close. He then stops short. His eyes grow large as he looks at Fiayuah's grand white owl.
Keudrin then speaks again 'Come come, Frigit. Do not keep her waiting.'
He gathers the belongings of Fiayuah Lunastar. She looks down at him 'You're quite an interesting gnome. I've never seen one as tall as you.'
He replies 'I am Frigit. I have lived here in the Pleasant Fields all my life. I have never seen such a grand white owl.'
Lunastar smiles at him 'Thank you, Frigit.'
The three of them make their way to Keudrin's manor house. Frigit takes her belongings upstairs, as Keudrin and Fiayuah sit there drinking tea.
Fiayuah asks 'What can you tell me of these murders?'
Keudrin replies 'They only appeared but a few months ago. Worst of it was the first one. A young gnome maiden went wandering out into the field to collect the glowing berries.
They only bloom once during the season. Her body was found by some huntsmen. She was brought back here. Her neck has been sliced, and all the blood drained from her.'
Fiayuah says 'Draining of the blood?' She opens up her manuscript and begins to take notes. Fiayuah asks 'What can you tell me of the second victim?'
Keudrin says 'The second victim was a light elf. A farmer named Bogunan. He was also our main blacksmith here in the Pleasant Fields. He was found at his shop. Same thing. His throat sliced and all the blood had been drained.'
Fiayuah asks 'The third victim I presume died in the same manner? Throat sliced, all blood drained?'
Keudrin answers 'Yes, the third victim was also a light elf. A young girl. She was found here in the town center, but no one saw anything. Just her body was found in the morning as the sun rose. I must warn you there have been tensions here.
Some light elves and gnomes believe the dark elves are up to their ancient practices under the wicked lord Saurzon. Many of the dark elves, who have had shops here within the market place upon high hill have left.'
Fiayuah asks 'So is there suspicion that the murderer might be a dark elf?'
Keudrin says 'That is what some thought, until the fourth murder.'
Then, the door opens and a large dark elf in black-clad armor steps through. Keudrin smiles and stands. He makes the announcement 'This is Simmark. Simmark is the sheriff of high hill. He has also been investigating these strange murders.'
Fiayuah replies 'It is a pleasure to meet you.'
Simmark, who is a large older dark elf with a scar across his cheek, says nothing. He makes an acknowledgment of greetings by simply bowing his head.
Fiayuah then turns her attention back to Keudrin 'And the fourth victim?'
Keudrin looks up at Simmark, then says 'Maybe you should come examine the bodies yourself. We have kept them. We have not yet let them have the right of passage for burial or burning upon the pyre. We must find this murderer who terrorizes the Pleasant Fields. Come, there is something I must show you.'
They make their way from the manor house and down the streets of high hills to where the office of the sheriff is. As they enter through, they head to a back room. There lie four covered bodies.
Simmark walks up to the first two, revealing that of the light elf victims. He then reveals the unknown victim.
Fiayuah looks at the bodies. She takes out an instrument from her cloak that appears to be a wand. As she waves it over the bodies, the wand goes from white to a dark black color.
Keudrin notices Fiayuah using the wand. He says 'The dark elves used to use such magic. I have heard of such wands that can detect the moment of death.'
Fiayuah says 'Yes, this was a great wand. It used to belong to a very powerful dark elf magician. It was a gift from him to me.'
Keudrin says 'Speaking of the dark elves, the fourth victim.' Keudrin notions to Simmark, who then pulls back the sheets, revealing a dark elf female.
Fiayuah walks over slowly. She notices the throat is slit. On further examination, as proven to be the same as the other victims, all the blood has been drained.
Simmark looks down with anger in his eyes. Fiayuah has noticed this. She says to him 'She was kin to you.'
Simmark rolls the sheet back over. He turns to her and with hasting breath he says 'She was my wife.'
Fiayuah bows her head in sorrow 'Then I know how much this investigation and finding this murderer means to you. I will need all your help and your assistance.'
Simmark then turns and looks down at his wife, the sheet covering her face. He says 'I will not rest until whoever this is is brought to justice or dies by my blade.'
Fiayuah approaches him, placing her hand upon his wrist. 'I will do everything I can. Tell me, what evidence have you gathered?'
Simmark replies 'I have found a few things, but not much. I have kept the evidence in my personal office. We can look at it now if you choose.'
Keudrin says 'It is late. You can rest overnight Lady Lunastar, and then we can proceed in the morning.'
Fiayuah Lunastar raises her hand and shakes her head 'There is no time like the present, and who knows what might happen between now and the early dawn.
Simmark, please, show me the evidence. And Keudrin, would you send Frigit to bring us some wine and some green herbed tea? I feel it is going to be a long night.'
Lonely Road...
The moons of Alfheim shine high and illuminate the road. Lokko makes his way to the settlement of high hill. The moons shine on the road and make it easier for him to travel.
Lokko is the traveling gnome barterer of rare oddities and antiques. He pulls the cart behind him. He then reaches into his robe, revealing a flask of elven wine. Lokko does have somewhat of a drinking problem. He knows this.
He downs the flask of wine and throws it into the back of the cart. 'Augh I should have gotten more at my last stop. What do I have left?'
He stops his cart and begins looking through it. 'There has to be another bottle of it somewhere. Come on, I know it’s gotta be in here.' Lokko pulls out a bottle and with excitement stares 'There it is! Hmm.'
He looks at the bottle more closely and then a look of disappointment crosses his face. 'Aww, it’s only dwarven wine. Ah well. Beggars can’t be choosers.' He pops the cork and begins drinking. He then hears a sound as if footsteps were approaching.
Lokko looks up into the distance on the road but he sees nothing. 'Hmm. Must be rabbits.' He then begins drinking more from the bottle of dwarven wine.
Lokko is disturbed again by the sound of footsteps. He turns, holding a small dagger in his other hand. 'Whoever you are, I'm armed! With a great dagger of doom! One slice, and you will evaporate.'
'I doubt that little gnome.' Lokko then turns in another direction to see a large robed figure.
Lokko stares at the figure for a moment. He cannot make out the face. 'Who are you?'
'I am one who is broken-hearted. I'm one who seeks blood.' There is a single motion of the dark figure's hand right across the neck of Lokko.
Lokko drops the bottle of wine and the dagger and reaches for his throat. He then falls to the ground. His throat is slit, and blood drains out onto the ground.
The dark-robed figure then brings out a bottle from his robe. He places the bottle down near the blood, and with magic, the blood begins to collect inside the vial.
The figure then corks the vial and then puts it back into his robe. 'Just one more.' The dark figure then turns and makes his way back down the road. Lokko's body lies there, in the moonlight.
Fiayuah and Simmark are within the office upon the next morning. Simmark is still going through the evidence trying to piece things together, but there doesn't seem to be any connection or anything that would reveal the identity of the murderer.
The door to the sheriff's office comes flying open. It is Frigit. 'Fiayuah! I-I apologize. I-I mean Lady Lunastar. Please come, quickly.'
Fiayuah and Simmark then make their way towards Frigit. Fiayuah asks 'What has happened?'
Frigit then looks into the eyes of Simmark 'There has been another murder. Upon the road.' Fiayuah looks at Simmark.
Simmark says 'I will gather my things.' When Simmark returns, Fiayuah says to Frigit 'Take us to the site. Hurry.'
They make their way from high hill down the road. There, other kinds have gathered. They are standing around in a circle. Fiayuah and Simmark push their way through the circle.
Simmark announces that he is the sheriff of high hill and for them to make way. They get to the inner circle and there lies the body of Lokko.
Fiayuah leans down to the small gnome body. She notices that the throat is slit, but there is not a drop of blood. Simmark then begins looking through the belongings of Lokko.
Simmark says 'There doesn't appear to be any clues here. We should bring them back to my office.'
Fiayuah says 'We should also gather his body.' She signals to Frigit 'Find me something to cover him.'
Frigit looks around and takes the cloth covering the items in Lokko's cart. He hands it to Fiayuah who places it over Lokko and tucks him in it, picking him up in her arms as she does so.
She says 'We shall proceed.' Fiayuah and Frigit along with Simmark are pulling Lokko's cart back to the sheriff's office.
When they make their way in, Fiayuah takes the gnome's body and places it with the others. Simmark then closes the door.
Frigit is still standing there. He says 'Do you think it's the ones from Vlackheim? I have heard, we all have, that they have recently visited Alfheim. There are strange stories, all kinds of strange stories of people from Vlackheim draining their victims.'
Fiayuah Lunastar grins and chuckles a little bit. She says 'Oh Frigit, you read too much of the Publishing.'
Frigit smiles 'But the Publishing is where they tell of all the different realms. I read them every day.'
The Publishing is the name of the Alfheim newspaper. This was set up by King Lyindrinar. Under King Yserah there was hardly any news shared. Now there are reporters that go around and gather news stories, though they sometimes like to embellish a bit here and there for the tabloids.
Fiayuah then begins to walk 'Come Frigit. I will need your help. You will be my assistant on this. Anything I will need, I will ask of you. Do you think you can do that?'
Frigit says 'I can help you with anything. I know the Pleasant Hills better than anyone.'
Fiayuah says 'Then I shall have you take me to certain places. I need to look out further. I do not believe the murderer is hiding within high hill itself.'
Frigit's eyes light up with wonder 'I know of some strange places. I can take you there. Far out on the highest hill, there is a cave and it doesn't seem anybody can enter it.
There is a large stone that blocks the entrance to the cave with a strange seal upon it. Most of us around the Pleasant Fields do not journey there, for they say it's cursed.'
Fiayuah replies 'Then that is the place I wish to see. Can you take me there?'
Frigit says 'Of course I can. But it's quite a ways. We'll have to begin walking now if we wish to reach there before nightfall.'
Fiayuah says 'Oh, we will not be walking.' She stops and smiles 'Tell me, would you be able to spot it from the air?'
Frigit's eyes light up with delight 'Of course. Of course I could. That means we're going to take your owl. What an excitement.'
Fiayuah pat's him on the head 'See? Maybe someday people will read about your adventures in the Publishing.'
Frigit smiles at the delight of this 'My own adventures, in the Publishing. Can you make that possible?'
Fiayuah nods her head 'I will speak to King Lyindrinar myself of the matter. He knows the head editor of the Publishing. I guarantee, your story will be known throughout Alfheim.'
Frigit smiles in amazement 'Throughout Alfheim.'
They make their way out of the sheriff's office into the courtyard. Fiayuah brings out the strange whistle from around her neck. As she blows it, the beautiful melody plays out, and her owl appears in the sky and flies down.
Fiayuah then climbs on the back. She reaches a hand down towards Frigit and says 'Your adventure awaits you.'
Frigit smiles and takes her hand. Fiayuah pulls him up to the back of the owl and it lifts up, flying high into the skies over the Pleasant Fields.
My Master, my King, my Love...
In a dark chamber, the same robed figure who murdered Lokko, bows before a strange looking altar. There upon the altar lies a decaying hand.
The dark hooded figure leans over and kisses the hand. He produces the vial of blood from his cloak. He opens the vial.
'My love. I will bring you once more. We will be together again. I bring you the blood of six. I will find a way to return you. Return you from your judgement.'
The robed figure stands. Right above the altar, there is a strange-looking pike and what appears to be a shrouded head.
The robed figure pulls the shroud away, and there is the decaying head of King Yserah.
The robed figure pours the blood into the mouth of King Yserah. When the blood is fully drained from the vial, the robed figure leans forward and kisses his lips.
The robed figure says 'Soon. Soon you will rise again. Just one more, and then the next step will begin.' The robed figure turns and opens a portal. He steps through and closes it.
Fiayuah and Frigit fly across the Pleasant Fields. There she spots a tall hill in the distance. Frigit points out 'It's over there. On the far side of the hill.'
Fiayuah then nods. She speaks some strange words into the ears of her owl. It begins to fly faster. They make their way to the point of the hill where there seem to be many jagged rocks and what appears to be a closed opening to a cave.
Frigit and Fiayuah then depart from her owl. Frigit says 'See? It's strange. Nobody ever comes here.'
Fiayuah takes out what appears to be a deep purple wand with a large purple crystal on the end. As she presses the crystal upon the strange symbol that is engraved upon the caved entrance, the crystal goes from bright purple to black.
Frigit watches in wonder 'What does it say?'
Fiayuah says 'It is in a language of thothilssin, although I'm not able to make it out. The language of thothilssin itself is a puzzle, forever changing. You see?' Her eyes direct Frigit's to gaze upon the stone.
Frigit watches as the engravement changes. He says 'Wow. That is strange, but it gives me a sense of wariness. I feel cold.' He continues 'How will we be able to get in there do you think? Will you be able to open it?'
Fiayuah says 'No. Whoever has put this seal here, they are the only one who can open it. We will have to find who. It was put here long ago. The person who put it here may be dead. Strange strange energy behind here. I shall look around a little bit.'
Frigit then says 'I shall do the same.'
The two walk around the large hill, looking for anything, any kind of clues. Fiayuah looks down upon the ground. She has noticed tracks. Upon further examination, she realizes they've been here for many seasons.
Then she hears Frigit 'I found something, Fiayuah. Lady Lunastar, I found something.'
Fiayuah comes rushing quickly. There, Frigit is holding in his hands what appears to be a cloth. He says 'Look. It has a symbol on it.' Frigit hands the cloth to Fiayuah.
She looks at the symbol and asks 'Do you know what this symbol is, Frigit?' She shows the symbol to him.
Frigit replies 'I think I've seen it before, but I can't remember'
Fiayuah says 'This symbol is of what was the Blood Rose Vanguard. Ones who served under Ashontrah. How'd it get all the way out here?'
Frigit says 'The Blood Rose Vanguard? Maybe one of them placed it here. Maybe it's one of them who can enter the cave. Maybe it's one of them who's committed the murders.'
Fiayuah says 'I wouldn't know of any who would be so malevolent to come out here and kill innocents.' She then takes the cloth and places it within her sack. 'We should return to high hill.'
They climb upon the back of Fiayuah's owl and they rise up. The sun has begun to set. Soon they see the lit torches of high hill and Fiayuah and Frigit begin to descend.
Just then, the owl jerks rapidly and violently. Fiayuah grabs on to Frigit and holds on tight. She can hear the shrieking of her owl. He begins to land slowly towards the ground just a little bit away from high hill.
Then, Fiayuah lifts Frigit off from Myal, and then departs herself. Her owl is shrieking, pecking at his wing. There is an arrow in it.
She says 'Somebody is trying to attack us.' She takes out a silverish wand from her sack. She breaks the arrow and pulls it out as the owl shrieks.
Then Fiayuah with her wand begins to heal the wound on her owl. 'You should rest my friend. Something is happening. Someone did not want us to return. We should head to high hill. Quickly Frigit.'
Frigit nods his head, and the two take off running at a distance towards high hill. As they make their way to high hill and are almost to where the town top is, they can hear many voices.
As they make their way to the town they can see many beings gathered around the office of the sheriff. Keudrin is standing at the door to the office when he sees Fiayuah and Frigit. 'Quickly, Lady Lunastar!'
Fiayuah looks at him as she makes her way up the steps to the office of the sheriff. She asks 'What has happened?'
Keudrin with tears in his eyes, says 'Simmark. The murderer has killed Simmark!'
Fiayuah makes her way into the office where it looks as if there's been a struggle. She looks around and sees Simmark lying on the floor. She rolls him over. His throat has been cut and all the blood has been drained.
Fiayuah says 'I have failed you. Whoever this murderer is, they are quick and cunning, and this is beyond what I am capable of. I must inform Lyindrinar to send a dispatch of his royal guards.'
Fiayuah stands 'I will return to Alfheim. Frigit, if you wish to accompany me, I would be glad to have you along. To be a witness to the accounts that have taken place.'
Fiayuah Lunastar then looks around the room. She notices that the hand of Simmark is clenched. Curiously, she bends down and opens the hand of Simmark.
Inside it is a ring. She looks at the ring and notices the seal upon it. Her eyes light up.
She places the ring within her robe and says 'We will leave in the morning and return to the kingdom. I must speak to King Lyindrinar. We should rest.'
The two make their way back to Keudrin's manor house. As Frigit sleeps upon the floor, Fiayuah sits at her desk. The ring that she has found is placed within her hand. She stares at it, looking it over.
She then reaches into her robe and pulls out a small sack that appears to be very worn. When she pours out the contents of her sack, another ring falls out.
The two rings are close together. She begins to remember back to a time. One of the rings that she carried in the pouch is hers. Given to her by King Yserah himself.
This was considered a great honor. This said to those who served him with these rings that this is the King's seal. That whoever wore these rings were representatives of the King himself.
She remembers her ring. She remembers all who were gathered there that day. She saw each one of the rings upon their hand. And she recognizes the one she found in Simmark's hand, and who it belongs to.
The morning dawns and Frigit and Fiayuah make their way out to the courtyard where Fiayuah's owl is being kept.
She turns to Keudrin and says 'I've already sent word last night. A dispatch of royal guards should be arriving soon. They will keep an eye out on everyone here.
I suggest you put out a warning across all of Pleasant Fields. For those to be weary and to never travel alone. When I inform the King, I know he will come himself, and this matter shall be dealt with.'
Frigit and Fiayuah climb onto the owl, and the owl flies off into the air. They travel for some time before they reach the main kingdom of Alfheim. As they land, Frigit's eyes are wide in astonishment at the grand kingdom.
When they enter the grand courtyard of the eastern end of the palace, Elararis Lunastar is there. He says 'Fiayuah, the King has received your word, but the King and Queen have been called away for matters within Volheim.'
She steps up close to him 'I have discovered who the murderer is, and I shall speak to the King. It does not matter. If the King will not do anything, then I shall go to Asherah herself. I have found who the murderer is, and it has been a long time overdue.'
Elararis Lunastar looks at her strangely. Fiayuah Lunastar reaches inside her cloak and pulls out a cloth. She hands it to Elararis.
Elararis opens the cloth and begins looking inside at the rings she found in Simmark's office. Elararis then sighs 'You don't know truly, what this means. You present this to the King...Lyindrinar will surely go after him.'
Fiayuah says 'He should. He is not only the murderer of the ones within Pleasant Fields, but his murderous rage has gone on for long enough. It is time. He may stand trial now for his crimes. Lyindrinar will see this.'
Elararis shakes his head 'If you do this Fiayuah, he will bring his wrath upon you. He may even bring it upon the King. There are things about him Fiayuah you do not understand. Things about him that scare me.'
Fiayuah says 'Then what should we do? Let him continue his murderous path? I'll go to Judgement myself if I have to. This must stop.'
Elararis says 'He will never stop. He will never stop until he has what he wants. He wants his love back. The only one he ever truly loved.'
Fiayuah says 'Frigit has shown me a cave. A place upon the highest hill in the Pleasant Fields. I believe there, we will find our answers to what we seek.'
Elararis says 'Then I shall travel there with you. I need to gather some things.'
Fiayuah and Elararis gather their things and travel back to the high hill cave. When they arrive, they notice the stone blocking the chamber is open. They make their way down through a corridor into an inner chamber. There, they find nothing.
Fiayuah bows her head 'Then he is gone. But he will not be able to run forever. His evil deeds will catch up to him. I just hope, for the sake of Alfheim, he has left here. It will come for him, Elararis. This I know. It will come for him, no matter how long or far he runs.'
Elararis then replies 'And when it does, I hope you and I are there to see it.'
True Self Connection...