Maldee: Dance Upon The Threads

The incarnation story for Maldee begins... She enters back into the shadowlands through a rift from the borderlands, there Maldee regains herself.
She looks into a small bag that she has brought with her from the borderlands, she digs out three silverish bones from inside of it. She hears footsteps approaching and as she looks up she sees her friend Viriska.
Viriska speaks to Maldee in a soft, ghost-like voice 'I see that your journey to the borderlands has not gone unaccomplished.'
Maldee shows her friend the silver bones she holds in her hand.
Viriska looks down at them and says 'I can feel the energy that flows through them, this was a great accomplishment for you sister. Tell me, will you continue with your plan to journey and create a vessel upon Midgard, the world of man?'
Maldee nods her head in acknowledgment 'I shall continue with this, I will find my way there.'
Viriska replies 'Tell me sister, what is so intriguing about going to the world of man? You journey here from the shadowlands to the borderlands, the place of the dead.
Why go amongst the living? I have been there before my sister, mankind is among the cruelest beings throughout all the realms. They devour and consume endlessly, be wary of them. They will not understand what we are. They did not understand me back then.
I was hunted down, run out of my own small little village in the desert, by masquerading marauders who came to teach us the ways of their god. For those who would not, they would slaughter them.'
Maldee grasps the bones and puts them back into the pouch 'I'm very aware of the world of men, I have watched from the shadow pools, I have seen their relentless devouring and cruelty.'
Virsika asks 'Then why go there? Why not just stay here? Why create a vessel to walk upon a world where there is no understanding, no enlightenment, no knowledge of the great shadows? They fear the dark my sister, they fear what is within it. They fear the shadows themselves.'
Maldee replies 'And that shall be my solution, my own form of protection against them. For I understand what they fear, what is within the darkness, within the shadows. I will use this. It will keep them far from me and deterred from anything I am trying to accomplish there.'
Viriska asks 'And what are you trying to accomplish there?'
Maldee responds 'An understanding. I have traveled far deeper than the borderlands, learned the language of the Myrrdonite. There are whispers of a coming.'
Viriska then asks 'A coming of what?'
Maldee answers 'An awakening of great power, an awakening of great enlightenment that will stretch beyond the realms, far off into the unknown.'
Viriska replies 'And you trust the whispers of the Myrrdonite enough to learn their language? The borderlands is a place of the dead, the dead will speak anything to those who will listen among the living.'
Maldee replies 'But there is knowledge and wisdom within the old thothilssin language that I am beginning to understand. Yes they whisper of a great awakening, a coming of a time of judgement.
Those who control the realms now, their time is coming to an end dear sister and a new dawning will arise. It will begin there and spread throughout the world of man, many have traveled there.
The Myrrdonite have been speaking of this, how many beings, some with powers unknown even known to them have created vessels upon the world of man. There I shall do the same and be present for this great awakening.'
Maldee pats the pouch with the bones in it 'With these relics of the borderlands, I shall go to the threads of fate and destiny, walk across them through time and place my vessel upon the world of men.'
Viriska asks 'So you will dance upon the threads, dear sister?'
Maldee responds 'Yes, and then I will dance in the world of men, and with the eyes of my vessel and through these shadowy eyes of myself, I will bear witness to the great awakening and the ending of all that we know now. A new dawn is arising sister, you should to see it, you should be present.'
Viriska replies 'Maybe in time I shall, but not now.' She places her hands upon Maldee's shoulders 'Safe travels to you sister. I hope that you will see this great dawning that you speak of there in the world of men.'
Viriska then turns and heads back into the darkness of the shadow realm, Maldee watches as her sister vanishes. 'The journey is not yet over, I have achieved and gained what I have needed. Now to go dance upon the threads.'
Maldee opens a portal and steps through, when she comes out on the other side she is under the great tree where the weavers of fate and destiny sit weaving the threads of all beings.
As she approaches their dark eyes turn upon her, they all ask in unison 'Why have you come?'
Maldee bows to them 'I have come seeking to create a vessel upon the realm of men in Midgard.'
The sisters reply in unison 'And you wish for us to sew you into the threads of fate and destiny connecting you to a vessel that will walk upon the world of mankind. This can be done but at a great price. What do you offer the weavers of fate and destiny?'
Maldee reaches into her pouch and produces the three silvery bones, all the sisters' eyes turn their attention towards them 'You have gone to great lengths to achieve these, are these what you offer for us to sew you the thread of a vessel upon the world of mankind?'
Maldee nods her head in acknowledgment 'I have gone to the garden of bones itself. Deep inside I have heard the Myrrdonite whisper in the old language of thothilssin of a great awakening upon the realm of men, I shall be there to bear witness to this.'
Maldee hands the sisters the bones, each of the sisters takes one then their eyes begin to glow a bright silver. Then their eyes return to normal, they begin weaving together a thread and hand the bones back to Maldee. 'All has been accepted.'
They spin together a large thread then speak in unison 'Now walk upon it.' Maldee then places herself upon the thread as though she is on a tight rope and walks off into the distance, she can see other threads tying in everywhere.
Maldee continues her journey, she is excited. She begins to dance a little bit on the threads as other threads spin around her, they seem like light threads spinning off into a nebula.
Maldee observes all the different ones. She dances along the threads until a strange thread flashes and crosses her path startling her, Maldee begins to lose her balance and falls.
Her hand quickly wraps around the threads that were spun by the sisters and they grapple around her wrist, she is suspended. She struggles and struggles to regain her balance upon the thread.
Other threads of bright colors begin to dart out all around her, Maldee reaches up with her other hand grabbing the thread and tries to pull herself up to it. As she does other threads begin darting all around her almost striking her.
Maldee again loses her balance, the thread wraps around her neck. She can still feel the other threads wrapped around her wrist and the thread tightening around her neck becomes unbearable.
She begins to black out and as she does she can see through the eyes of something else. She can feel the strain of the thread wrapped around her neck.
She tries to cry out but can make no sound for the tightening of the thread is choking her. Maldee's eyes then flash back to where she is upon the thread, when she closes them again she can see through the eyes of something.
There is a bright white flash and hands are upon her, she hears a strange language as her eyes come into focus somewhat she is surrounded by humans.
She closes her eyes again and flashes back to where she is dangling upon the thread, but she can feel herself being lifted. Maldee is quite wary.
A strange mutilated robed figure lifts her high upon the threads releasing it from around her neck and placing her upon it, she rests there as the being speaks 'You make the journey to the awakening and you shall see it for yourself.'
The mutilated being then waves his hand over Maldee's head, she blacks out and when she regains consciousness she has been returned to the shadowlands.
As she gathers herself and rises to her feet, she notices that clasped in her hand are the three bones. As she opens it the bones begin to wither away and turn to dust, blowing away into the darkness of the shadowlands.
Maldee stares out into the darkness where the ashes have blown, every time she closes her eyes she can sense that she can reopen them and see through the eyes of her vessel but it is hard for her to focus. It is hard for her to understand the language.
She says 'There must be something more I can find, something else that will bring me fully so that I may bear witness to the great awakening.'
Maldee pulls out an old scroll, the scroll is made of skin. Upon it are thothilssin symbols. She says 'Where to begin. Where to begin...'
True Self Connection...