Sariassa: A Long Way in the Dark

The incarnation story of Sariassa begins... She focuses hard. Her mind is peering through the small black swirling rift that she has opened up. She thinks ‘I must make a way. I must break through.’
Just then the door slams open. It is her father Nurbedon. He looks down at her angrily. ‘How dare you practice such evil in my domain.’
Sariassa stands up to face her intoxicated father. She says ‘I do not practice such evil. There is enough evil here in you to fill all of the Void.’
Nurbedon raises his hand ready to strike her, but he does not. ‘You disgust me.’ He turns as he stumbles away.
A short time earlier, Sariassa bore witness to the burning of her stepmother, killed at the hands of her abusive father. He beat her to death in a drunken rage.
Sariassa has had enough of the Void. She has heard of other beings creating a vessel upon a place in Midgard known as Earth.
It was said here that the dominant sential beings created were the cause of the whole Urthak War, but still many, many beings from all realms travel there creating vessels to walk upon the world of man.
Some go for exploration and discovery. Sariassa is going to escape. She has heard of the complications of fully running herself into the vessel itself, but she must try. She must leave this place.
The Void is nothing, it is a prison to her. Her father who is the King Umbranathor’s champion of the arena, and King Umbranathor himself. The whole Void with a continuous war against the Light.
The Void is nothing but a place where one who speaks out against the rule of the Void must whisper in silence. Their thoughts must be contained within their own mind for the Void is a cruel place.
Sariassa gathers her things and leaves her father’s dwellings. She finds her way out into a dark Void forest. In this forest, she has found a sacred place that she has made for herself.
There she opens up her bag and takes out several manuscripts. She knows that these manuscripts once belonged to her mother. There is something mysterious about them.
As she reads and begins to study more and more, she focuses her mind. The language is strange to her. She herself who has studied the different languages of the other realms has deciphered this as an old language. A language not of this existence, a language of the dead.
She begins to read the thothilssin language and focuses hard. A small black swirling rift begins to open in front of her.
As she concentrates her mind, her focus is once again interrupted by the sounds of movement off in the distance within the forest.
She can hear that of what sounds like the clanging of armor. Sariassa gets up from where she sits. She creeps into the forest.
Deep within there, she can see a familiar face. He seems to be training, fighting with a large log against a suit of old armor.
The familiar face is that of her uncle Varidon. She has always found Varidon to be quiet, and more reserved. As if everything that he takes from her own father, all the disgrace her father gives to Varidon, how he humiliates him. It seems that Varidon remains silent about this, but deep down inside he is preparing for something.
Sariassa decides not to bother her uncle for they all have their own secrets. Everyone has their own escape from the daily life of King Umbranathor’s Void realm.
Sariassa goes back to her place and begins to concentrate again. As she focuses harder, speaking out loud the thothilssin words, a small portal in front of her begins to grow.
When it becomes large enough, Sariassa steps through and leaves the Void realm, the portal closing behind her.
Off in the distance, there is someone watching. It is Varidon. He nods his head as if to acknowledge Sariassa’s escape from the Void.
Sariassa steps through the portal and leaves the Void, entering the borderlands. It seems as if she almost went through a dark tunnel, but when she comes out on the other end she is in a place where she begins to feel very weak and tired. There is nothing around her but black and grey sand, darkness, and black lightning.
Sariassa then gathers her strength as much as she can. She reaches back into her bag and pulls out the manuscripts.
There on one manuscript is a drawing of a diamond-shaped object. It is known to be a harvester of souls. It is known to us as the athranaak.
Sariassa has studied a long time, sneaking off from dinner when her father is invited by King Umbranathor. She sneaks into Umbranathor’s library where she has stolen many books and scrolls, reading about the soul harvesting object that lies within the place known as the borderlands. Here she will be able to send herself to the human realm on Earth.
It is a long way in the dark, but she will find this soul harvesting object. She will fully transfer herself into her vessel, and she will live upon the world of men in the realm of Midgard far from the Void.
Sariassa begins to take steps forward and wanders deep into the darkness of the borderlands. She has wandered for a long time. She can feel herself becoming more and more drained. She has come to places that seem to be walled off by deep, dark mist.
She has almost decides to walk through the mist. As she raises her hand, her senses pick up that of many other beings within there. Some cruel, others lost. She then decides not to enter, but to find a way around.
Sariassa grows tired and falls to her knees. She tries to catch her breath and regain her strength. Then she can feel hands around her waist lifting her up.
Sariassa gathers her energy and reacts. She does not know who this is. When she turns around, she is ready to face whoever has approached her.
When she turns around she is staring into the eyes of a creature she has never seen before but has only heard legends of.
He is an old man with a scraggly face and rotting teeth. His hair is patchy. His clothes are nothing but rags.
Bel-Ta grins at her and says ‘I was only going to help you up, dear. Do not worry, little flower blossom. I am not here to harm you.’
She looks at the strange creature and touches his face. She says ‘You are that of mankind. The human.’
Bel-Ta says ‘Yes, yes. Long ago I lived upon the earthly world. Why, there I was famous. I was a King. I fought many wars and won many great battles against armies larger than anyone has ever seen. I was a great warrior and scholar.’
Sariassa says ‘Then you may be able to help me.’
He bows to her then takes her hand and kisses it. He says ‘My name is Bel-Ta, sweet flower. I am here to help. Here in the borderlands, Bel-Ta you can trust. Everything else may try to pull you in and devour you.’
Sariassa says ‘Very well. I am Sariassa. I come from the Void realm, seeking the soul harvesting object.’ She shows the illustration to him.
Bel-Ta’s eyes grow larger. He says ‘Oh I know that thing. I’ve seen it. I’ve been there before. I can take you. I know all the safe parts of the borderlands. Where not to go and where to go, where is safe.’
Bel-Ta leans forward bowing and stretching out his hand as if to take Sariassa’s. He says ‘Come sweet flower. Bel-Ta will lead the way. You can trust in me.’
Sariassa does not accept Bel-Ta’s hand. She finds him to be a rather vile creature. Instead, she walks past him and says ‘Lead on.’
Bel-Ta hurries past her. He says ‘Yes, just this way. It will be quite a journey and may take some time. But I will get you there safely.’
Bel-Ta and Sariassa journey across the borderlands. They take a small rest. Sariassa feels so tired. She rests upon what appears to be a dune of black sand.
There Bel-Ta is kneeling, looking off into the distance. Sariassa does not fully trust Bel-Ta even though he says that she can. Her eyes begin to grow heavy as she falls fast asleep.
In her sleep, Sariassa can hear words being whispered to her ‘Oh sweet flower, how beautiful, how tempting you are. And it’s been so long. Let me taste you, sweet flower.’
She can then feel a strange, eerie touch upon her neck. Sariassa opens her eyes to find Bel-Ta’s tongue licking her neck. She grabs the old human by his neck slamming him to the ground. She punches him in the face several times.
Bel-Ta begins to cry out. He says ‘Wait! Wait! I was having a dream. I’m sorry. I was so cold, and you seemed so warm. I just wanted to share your warmth.’
Sariassa begins grabbing a handful of Bel-Ta’s scraggly hair, pulling him by it, and pushing his face down into the sand. She says ‘You sick, disgusting being. How dare you try to take advantage of me while I sleep.’
Bel-Ta begins to shout, but the sound of him shouting is muffled by the sand. Sariassa lifts his head.
Bel-Ta says ‘I have brought you here. It’s here, the object, the soul harvester. Look, look!’ He points off into the distance.
Through the clearing black mist, Sariassa gazes her eyes upon the athranaak.
Bel-Ta says ‘You see? I told you you could trust Bel-Ta. I have brought you all the way here. Come, come.’
Bel-Ta regains himself and starts scurrying off towards the athranaak. Sariassa is excited. Finally her chance to fully escape, and join fully connected with a vessel on Midgard.
As they approach the Athranaak, she can hear it as if it was humming. As they get closer and closer, the humming becomes louder and more intense.
There beneath the athranaak seems to be what appears like a labyrinth. There is one gate, and two large, horrible monstrous-looking creatures seem to be guarding it.
As Sariassa stares down at the gates below the athranaak, she asks ‘How do I get in?’
Bel-Ta then says ‘I have brought you this far. Good luck to you!’ He begins to try to wander off.
Sariassa grabs him by the back of his ragged clothes, pulling him back down to the ground. Sariassa says ‘You sick being. You tried to have your way with me. I know you know how to enter that, and to get past those things guarding it. Now you will tell me, or I will throw you to those things.’
Bel-Ta says ‘Yes, yes. I will do as you say. Please, follow me.’
They take a long journey around the wall of the labyrinth. There on the far edge seems to be an engraving of an illustration much like the athranaak above.
Bel-Ta says ‘It is through there. It is a secret door.’
Sariassa walks up to the illustration and begins to look at the thothilssin inscriptions upon it. Sariassa says ‘I wonder if these are the way to open this door.’
She reaches into her bag and grabs the manuscripts, trying to find the same characters, but to no avail. Then she feels something looming behind her.
As she turns around, she drops the manuscripts as her hands are taken. Coils begin to wrap around them, her waist, her ankles, and her neck. She feels as if she is being lifted off the ground.
There standing before her is a strange mutilated being. The Myrrdonite says ‘You bring me a present, Bel-Ta.’
Bel-Ta says ‘Yes, yes Count of Pain. Yes, and this one is different. This one comes from the world of the living.’
Sariassa looks angrily down at Bel-ta wishing to curse at him, but the coils are wrapped so tight around her neck that it is hard for her to make words.
The Myrrdonite says ‘Very good, Bel-ta. You may find off into the distance a place where you can go to have a little bit of time for your own desires.’
The Myrrdonite raises his hand. A strange object comes from underneath the sand, it opens. Bel-Ta can hear that of sexual sounds coming from inside. Bel-Ta smiles, baring all his decaying teeth. He rubs his hands together.
Bel-Ta says ‘Thank you. Thank you for this.’ Bel-Ta steps inside the object. It closes and sinks beneath the sand.
The Myrrdonite twitches for a second. Sariassa begins to feel pain in her head as if the Myrrdonite is reading her mind.
The Myrrdonite says ‘This is true. You are from the living realms. But you shall not go to Midgard. Instead, I will keep you here and you will become like me, and serve me.’
The Myrrdonite raises his hand. A strange object comes from underneath the sand, enclosing itself around Sariassa.
Sariassa begins to bang on the object as she is enclosed in it. She can feel as if it is moving. Small needles begin to pierce inside the object. They have hooks on the end. They almost seem to begin to dig into Sariassa’s skin. She screams out in pain.
Sariassa can then feel as if the hooks are trying to pull her apart. She is terrified. She does not know what is in store for her.
Just then the hooks come free, and the object she was trapped in opens. She falls to the floor bleeding from many wounds.
Where she is now, she looks above her and floating there is the athranaak. She is beneath it. She hears a voice echoing through the strange labyrinth she is in that is filled with bones.
A voice says ‘This one is not meant to be here. So many come this way and are taken. This is not judgement.’
Just then Sariassa begins to feel strange as if a warmth is growing inside her that is warming her chilled skin from the cold of this place.
She feels herself floating. As she tries to focus she can see a strange shadowy figure, almost transparent, standing in front of her.
Amler says ‘You will fully connect one day to your vessel, but I cannot allow you at the time to go through the athranaak. It would rip your core apart. But you choose even that, than returning to the realm of the Void. Then go, if this is what you choose.’
Sariassa then sees the shadowy figure raise his hand. She begins to float up towards the bottom of the athranaak. Coils come down and wrap around her arms pulling her up. The light begins to grow brighter and brighter and brighter. Sariassa faints.
When she tries to open her eyes, she can hear strange voices around her. She can hear that of mankind. There seems to be a commotion, but then Sariassa’s eyes close again. When she opens them, she is once again inside the Void forest.
Sariassa regains herself. Every time she closes her eyes, she can see through into the world of man. However, she cannot speak, and she feels quite weak.
Back in the Void, Sariassa regains herself. She says ‘I must find a way. Things in the Void must change. If I cannot fully cross myself over and live in the world of man, then I must find a way to change things here.'
Sariassa takes the manuscripts with the thothilssin language on them. As she looks at her arm, she can see where it has been pierced. She commands a bit of Void fire in her hands and burns the manuscripts. She throws them to the ground and begins her journey back to the Void kingdom.
True Self Connection...