Story of Asherah Chapter Five

Asherah is deep asleep in her chamber at the palace on the Eternal Sea, hidden behind the Veil Mist. Within the dream, she wanders through a cold wasteland.
The wind blows all around her. It is darkness. There is no sky, no stars. The ground beneath her is not of earth, but of ash.
She cries out for Jardirosh. Off in the distance she can hear the familiar voices of Jardirosh, Great Father, Maquardian, and others she has known, including the Norak.
She cries out to them again 'Where are you? I can't find you!'
The voices continue to call to her. Asherah makes her way through the blowing ash. Thew this she sees four figures standing. Maquardian, the Norak, Father, and Jardirosh. They seem to be standing in a trance staring off into the distance.
Asherah rushes to each of their side and tries to awaken them from their trance, but to no avail. Their eyes are grey.
She hears deep a voice. 'Everything in time breaks and crumbles. Our cores and our bones turn to ash.'
Asherah turns around to see the ash gathering into a shape. She looks in fright, as she stares upon reddish eyes and a black figured form created from the ash.
He says 'You understand this, we all live and die.'
The black figure raises his hands. Jardirosh, Father, the Norak, and Marquardian begin to crumble to ash. Asherah tries to grab on to them, but they crumble away. And her hands are left full of their ashes. She begins to weep.
He says 'This is only one part of a long journey you have set forth so long ago.'
The black figure moves forward as Asherah is on her hands and knees weeping over the ashes of her friends.
He continues 'You will know in time, and you will awaken.'
The black figure places his hands on Asherah's head. There is a flash of bright light. Asherah opens her eyes. She is within her chambers on her island.
As her eyes open, she is staring at the painting of the black shaped figure on the wall. Next to it is another black diamond shaped figure. One that looks almost like the shards.
Asherah gathers herself from the dream. She then places her feet on the floor and rises from the bed. She walks over to the strange paintings. She places her hand upon the wall and rups her fingers down across the wall. 'Who painted you?'
She then hears a voice, almost like a whisper faintly behind her but she cannot make out what it says. When she turns, she is looking directly at herself across the room in front of a large mirror.
Asherah then walks over to the mirror. 'Who were you? Were you me? Was I you?' She stares long into the mirror at her own image. She can still feel the cold imprint of the hand from the dream where Atherak touched her.
She makes her way from the chambers and heads down towards the beach. There by the shore skipping rocks is Jardirosh. She joins him by the shore and places her arms around him, resting her head upon his shoulder.
Jardirosh says 'I didn't want to disturb you. I wasn't able to sleep very much.'
She kisses Jardirosh on the cheek. 'It is fine. I had the strangest dream again, about the one who brought Judgement. The cruel being known as Atherak. In the dream, I saw you all turn to ash.'
Jaridosh looks into her eyes and can see tears beginning to form.
Asherah takes Jaridosh's hand and places it on her head. 'I felt the coldness. I can see feel it now. The pain, suffering, the emptiness, the loneliness.'
Jaridosh wraps his arms around Asherah and holds her tightly. 'I have felt it before, long ago. The cold hand of Judgement. I can still feel it at a times.'
He looks deep into Asherah's eyes and says 'We can stay here you know, forever. Not have to worry about what goes on beyond the mist. It's them out there and their decisions. The ones they make. Why is it up to you to solve it all? To try and save them?
Asherah, I have been from one existence to another, I have been hunted all my life. I have seen the cruelty and suffering brought on by those like the Bishberrin, the Vorak, and Eternal Death. But I have also seen the corruption. I have seen being's claim to do what is right in a just cause but for their own desires. For me, it's not worth losing you, not to them.'
Asherah then lowers her head and her eyes. 'I can't give up now. I cannot...just...'
Jaridosh then takes a finger under her chin and raises her eyes to his. 'You can. We can stay here.'
Asherah stands and turns away 'As much as I would like to stay here forever with you, I remember those who sacrifice themselves to save me. For me to give up now, it would be a shame to everything that they sacrificed themselves for.
Father, Maquardian, Manubre... How many more? I can't give up now. I will not let Eternal Death or the Vorak get the power within the Eternal Shards. That's why I must continue on. Will you be with me?'
She turns and looks at Jardirosh. He smiles as he walks forward and places his arms around her. 'I'll be with you every step of the way.'
Jardirosh then takes her hand and says 'Come, let's find where we go to next.' He leads her to the edge of the beach where he places two of his fingers between his eyes on his forehead.
He closes his eyes and concentrates. After a few moments he grins and smiles. 'I know someone who can help us. Gather your things. I feel we are going to have a long journey ahead of us.'
Asherah smiles and kisses Jardirosh. She returns to her chambers and begins gathering everything she will need for the long journey ahead.
When she is done she gathers her bag and the sword that Jaridosh had given her. She then hears a faint voice from behind her. She cannot make it out. When she turns around she is once again staring at herself in the mirror.
Asherah smiles at her reflection and says 'I will do whatever needs to be done. And then I will come here. I will stay as long as I can with Jaridosh, and we will live happily in love.'
She then closes the door to her chambers and Joins Jaridosh down by the beach. There they climb aboard the small boat. Jaridosh pushes the small boat out into the water, and Asherah climbs aboard with their things and provisions.
Jaridosh pushes the boat out into the water and then climbs in, where he begins to row. Asherah looks around. 'Do you know where we are going?' Jaridosh smiles 'Of course I do, I think.'
As Jaridosh and Asherah are rowing through the Veil Mist, Asherah asks him 'Do you know of any legends or myths of someone who had lived on the island before me?'
Jaridosh pauses for a moment to think. 'No, cannot say I have. The first time I've ever been there is when I met you. I've never heard of anything beyond the Veil Mist.'
Asherah says 'Someone was there before me. The paintings on the wall, it was like they were trying to tell me something. Like they were anticipating that I would see these paintings. It's like they left a message.'
Jardirosh smiles 'Well whoever it was, whatever message they left, I am sure it will lead you in the right direction.'
They row for awhile through the Veil Mist until it begins to clear. There they are upon bright blue waters rowing towards a black sandy beach.
Asherah looks out towards the beach. There she sees hundreds of tiny blue lights. They begin to form all over the beach. Then they seem to jump up into the air and come towards them.
Asherah looks curiously and asks 'What are those?'
Jaridosh yells 'Get down!' He grabs Asherah and pulls his cloak over both of them.
Asherha can then feel the impact of many objects bouncing off his cloak. Jaridosh grunts as he feels the pressure from the impact.
When it stops Jaridosh says 'Stay down.' He stands up and begins waving his hands in the air. He calls out toward the beach in a strange high pitched language.
Asherah looks at him strangely as ears form at the top of his head that look like rabbit ears. She can then hear voices upon the shore in the same strange language.
She peers out at what appear to be rabbit people around the shore. They see Jaridosh's face and they cry out in joy 'Jaridosh! Jaridosh!'
Asherah looks up and smiles at him 'Seems that you're well liked here.'
Jaridosh looks back down at her and chuckles 'There are a few places throughout the existences that feel like home. Especially when you're an outlaw, then home is among other outlaws. These are the Kinnennak.'
The Kinnennak rabbit people run out and help bring the boat ashore. They bow towards Asherah. These rabbit people stand at around 3 feet tall. They are brightly colored.
Several of the female Kinnennak stare and fangirl at Jaridosh with big googly eyes as if he is some kind of famous hero of legend.
Jaridosh glances back at Asherah. She looks at him and smiles 'You seem to be very popular here.' He replies 'I have a few admirers. But, nothing like that.'
Asherah takes his hand and they are led by the Kinnennak towards their settlement. She asks 'Who are they?'
Jaridosh replies 'These are the Kinnennak. They are from the original 13 existences. The one they came from was ruled by the Savage Gods. They watched as the Savage Gods hunted their kind and others to extinction.
It was said that what was left of the Kinnennak escaped down a rabbit hole and came here. I will be speaking to the wisest of them all, the Matriarch... The Migmarg. She'll be able to help guide us in the direction we need to go to find the shard.'
They are greeted by a female Kinnennak with a light blue underbelly and markings of dark blue like tribal paint. She bows 'I am Myhee.'
Jaridosh returns the bow 'Myhee, my companion and I are here to see the Migmarg.'
Myhee looks up and down at Asherah. 'Oh yes. She has been expecting you both. Come.'
She leads Asherah and Jaridosh down a long barreled tunnel. It winds and twists underground and the journey seems very long.
They reach a place that is dimly lit. There inside sits a female Kinnennak. Her fur and coloration are grey. As she turns her eyes are all greyed out as if she is blind.
The Migmarg sniffs the air 'Outlaw Jaridosh, why have you come? You come seeking something of great power, but it is not you who searches for this.'
She sniffs the air again and turns her head in the direction of Asherah. She hops forward and sniffs her up and down. 'I know you child, your scent.'
Asherah looks puzzled 'My scent?'
The Migmarg sniffs again 'Not the one on the outside, but the one on the inside. Great power is within you child.'
Jaridosh says 'Migmarg, this is Asherah. She comes seeking the black shards of power.'
Migmarg says 'Yes, but so do many others.'
She leans in closer to Asherah 'Enemies all around. You must beware. They watch, eyes always upon you. Be swift, you must be swift as we were. Be wise, you must stay far ahead of them if you are to gain what you are searching for.'
Asherah asks 'Then tell me, what will lead me to the shards? What is the next step? Do you know where they are?'
Migmarg replies 'There is someone who can help you on your way. He is a dear friend to your companion here Jaridosh. Go to the Seonyin, see king Triaen. Give him this.'
She reaches into her robe, and pulls out what appears to be a black bone. 'He will know what to do with this. He will know how to read it. It will lead you to where the shard is.'
Jaridosh smiles as he takes the black bone. 'I know King Triaen well, we will be safe there. The Seonyin are a very honorable race.'
Migmarg says 'Go Jaridosh, and take Myhee with you. But be careful, the ones who seek what you seek are always watching.'
As they turn to leave, Migmarg grabs the arm of Asherah. She pulls her close and whispers to her ear. 'Know that this path that you choose to walk upon, you will lose everything on it. It will break you. There is power within you that you have yet to understand. Remember and know this child, there is always a price to pay.'
Asherah looks at her, haunted by these words as the Migmarg slowly turns away. She then catches up with Jardirosh and Myhee.
They return to the shore where the boat is and they all climb aboard. The Kinnennak push them out to sea, and Jaridosh starts to row towards the mist.
Jaridosh asks 'What did she say to you?'
Asherah replies 'Something about there will be a price to pay. I don't understand. I don't want to think about it right now.'
Jaridosh doesn't ask any further. He continues to row and says 'You will like King Triaen and the Seonyin. Where we are going is a place of sanctuary. We will find our answers there. King Triaen is a wise king.'
Asherah nods at Jaridosh as they enter the mist. She stares out across at the Eternal Sea as they make their journey, the words of the Migmarg haunting her.
Messages of the Past...
Asherah awakens to find Jaridosh rowing. Myhee is looking out over the Eternal sea. She says 'Look. Look! The mist is clearing.'
Asherah rises to see they have made it through the mist. There they are upon beautiful waters.
'We made it' Jaridosh says. 'Home of the Seonyin. King Triaen. We're almost there. We'll be safe here Asherah. King Triaen's an old friend.'
The three make their way to the shore. Jaridosh and Asherah begin to depart. Myhee begins to grab her things.
Jaridosh then turns 'I think it would be best if you stayed here with the boat. The Seonyin do not think very highly of the Ken nin nak.'
'Oh yes' Myhee says. 'I forgot.' She begins putting her things back on the boat in an almost spiteful way.
Asherah looks puzzled. 'I do not understand. Why should she not come with us?'
Jaridosh turns to Asherah. 'It's a long story, but we can discuss that another time.'
Myhee says out spitefully 'The Seonyin believe we are cowards. That we ran, and that we did not help fight against the Great Judgement.'
Asherah is almost ready to ask another question, but Jaridosh looks at her and in his eyes she can tell she should not persist any further.
Myhee says 'I will stay with the boat and make myself comfortable.'
Jaridosh and Asherah make their way inward to see King Triaen and his kingdom.
The two greet each other, and then Jardirosh and King Triaen step aside to speak alone, while Kadesh, one of King Triaen's most loyal subjects, is showing Asherah around their kingdom.
Triaen and Jaridosh are sitting in large chairs in a study. The two are speaking of old times and they laugh at tales of adventures that have gone by.
After awhile King Triaen then says 'You have something you wish to show me?'
Jaridosh nods his head. 'Yes.' Jaridosh reaches into his robe and pulls out a small bag. When he opens it, he pours out into his hand a black bone.
King Triaen's eyes widen. 'It is...I cannot believe...and this came from the Migmarg? You trust the Kinnennak? They fled during the time of Great Judgement, when we all stood at the mercy of Atherak.'
Jaridosh says 'They did what they did. The Migmarg did what she did to save her people.'
King Triaen then grins and nods his head. 'As did we all. Do you know what you hold in your hand?
Jaridosh replies 'I do not. But I can feel emptiness, coldness coming from it.'
King Triaen then stands placing his hands behind his back. He turns towards the fire. 'Long ago at the end of the first Judgement, Atherak burned away. It is says among the ashes that were scattered was a single bone. A black bone.'
Jaridosh throws the bone to the floor. He wipes his hand with a cloth. 'If I had known that I would have put it in a box and brought it to you by those means.'
King Triaen turns and picks the bone up off the floor. 'So much hatred you have still within you Jaridosh. But yet I feel there is also love. Your parents, they loved you so. They were dear friends to me. I don't know if they ever told you of your birth.'
Jaridosh shakes his head as he thinks back to his childhood with his parents. 'Not that I can remember, they never spoke of my birth. I assumed it was average like all births.'
King Triaen says 'It was more than average. You see, when you were born to your mother, it was said that you had died. Your father was stricken with grief. I was there that day Jaridosh, I remember the funeral pyre. Almost as the torches were lit, it was as if your mother heard you cry. She climbed the pyre as fast as she could and found you there. Awake, eyes open. As if you had never died at all.'
Jaridosh stands 'Your words, they pierce me deeply into my core. I feel there is truth to them.'
King Triaen says 'Yes, there is. In time you will discover that.'
King Triaen then looks at the bone in his hand. 'And what you seek, you and Asherah. You must understand. You must have great strength to overcome the power of the shards.'
Jaridosh asks 'And where do I find this strength? Where does Asherah?'
King Triaen answers 'Trust in her Jaridosh. She has left herself messages from the past long ago that will guide her. Trust in her.'
King Triaen then closes his hand around the bone, squeezing with all his might. Energy seems to glow from his hands. There is a crack and the bone is crushed. King Triaen then throws the shattered shards of the bone into the fire, where they begin to reform.
Jaridosh stands beside him watching as the shards liquify and then reform into a black diamond shaped object with red symbols.
King Triaen reaches down into the flame. He seems to be immune to the burning effects. He picks up the small object, holding it in his hands. He blows on it with a frosty breath.
As it cools, he holds it up to Jaridosh. 'Behold. This is a key to what you search for. But be wary of unlocking. For what lies behind the doors will judge you to your very core.'
Jaridosh nods his head 'I am ready and I believe Asherah is ready.'
King Triaen hands over the black object. 'This will guide you to where you need to go.' He looks long and deep into Jaridosh's eyes 'Remember Jaridosh, trust in Asherah.'
Down by the beach Myhee lays across the planks of the boat staring at the sky. Her ears perk up. She sniffs the air. Someone is approaching.
Lasanin steps forward 'I see you are minding to our visitors belongings, and their means of transportation.'
Myhee replies 'Yes, I am with them on this journey.'
Lasanin says 'So it seems, so it seems. But you must be weary. The eyes of the enemy are upon all of us, and are always watching us.'
Myhee nods her head in acknowledgement. 'Yes it is true. The eyes of the enemy are always watching. Always upon us.'
Lasanin replies 'Yes, they can follow us anywhere. Wherever we might go. So be weary, and tell your companions the same.'
Myhee nods her head again. 'I will inform them. And I shall keep my ears listening and my eyes open.'
Lasanin bows. 'Very well. Safe journey's to you.' He then turns and steps away.
Asherah and Jaridosh then say their final partings to King Triaen and Kadesh and make their way back down to the shore where it seems there is a raven that is giving Myhee some trouble.
Jaridosh and Asherah look curiously at each other and begin to laugh. Such a raven being so pesky to her is humorous. Jaridosh and Asherah both relish in this moment to laugh again.
The raven lands on the beach in front of the boat. There before Asherah and Jaridosh's eyes the raven begins to grow. A large figure with black feathers around it. Jaridosh places his hand in front of Asherah and draws his sword.
Myhee who is down in the boat begins looking everywhere for her quiver of arrows, which she knocks over and they fall to the floor of the boat.
The form begins to take shape. Jaridosh moves forward ready to strike. Just before that, Asherah stops him. 'Wait!'
The feathers turn into a dark robe. As the figure turns, there is a familiar face.
Asherah smiles and her eyes begins to well up with tears. She places her hands over her mouth and gasps for a moment. She then goes running. She places her arms around the figure who is an old man.
She says 'I thought I lost you Father.'
Father hugs Asherah tightly. 'You could never lose me. Sometimes I just have to take a short break.'
Jaridosh rushes to the side of Father, placing a hand upon his shoulder. 'It's good to see you old man.'
Father looks at Jaridosh and smiles. 'It is good to see you too.'
Father then turns his attention back towards Asherah. 'I assume you have found what you are looking for?'
Asherah replies 'Yes, King Triaen has set us upon our next journey. We are closer to finding this shard.'
Father says 'Oh, that is good.'
Jaridosh says 'We should return to your island and rest. And then make preparations for the next journey ahead.'
Father says 'Agreed.'
They all climb aboard the boat and begin to row off on the Eternal Sea back towards the Veil Mist.
They cross into the mist and journey across until the mist begins to clear and they can see Asherah's Island off in the distance.
Myhee stands on the front of the boat looking out in wonder. 'Such a beautiful place.'
Asherah places her hand on Myhee's shoulder. 'It is home. It is safe.'
The Masters We Serve...
As the boat reaches the shore the four depart. They make their way up into Asherah's palace. They set their provisions aside and gather at a table to enjoy some wine.
Myhee is taken by how beautiful the palace is, but it seems some parts of it are overgrown. Myhee being who she is does not mind this.
Myhee says 'Such a beautiful place you have here, Lady Asherah.'
Asherah replies 'Yes, it feels safe here, home. Deep down inside it feels like it's always been home.'
As the four of them set up the table, Jaridosh then produces from his robe the black object that was forged in the fires.
Jaridosh hands it off to Father and says 'King Triaen said this would lead us to where we need to go.'
Father takes the object from him and studies it for a moment. 'Why, yes. This is not only a map, it is a key. However, it is more than that. It is like a puzzle. You have to solve the riddle to unlock it's secrets.'
Jaridosh asks 'Can you solve this riddle father?'
'No' Father replies. 'But I think Asherah can.' He hands the object across the table towards Asherah. She takes it in her hands. Father says 'Focus Asherah.'
Asherah closes her eyes, she begins to see flashes of strange things. A black and pink being facing each other. Other flashes of a male black being shattering like glass. There are more and more flashes. She sees the black being Atherak standing upon a hill as he burns away.
The visions seem to cause her pain. Jaridosh places his hand upon her arms. 'I am here with you.'
The black object begin to spin and the red engravements to glow and change color. The writing start to glow bright pink.
Father looks closer at the object. 'Yes. I know where you need to go.'
Jaridosh then replies 'Can you read this strange language?'
Father replies 'Yes. It is the language known as thothilssin. The language of the borderlands. That is where you need to go.'
Asherah faints back into her chair and the object drops to the table. Jaridosh goes to her side. 'Are you alright?' Asherah opens her eyes. 'I'm very tired. I need to rest.'
Jaridosh picks Asherah up in his arms carrying her to her chamber and places her down in her bed. Before he turns to leave Asherah grabs his hand. 'Please, don't leave me. Stay with me.'
Jaridosh turns to her and kisses her upon the forehead. 'I'll be right here. I'm not going anywhere.'
Jaridosh stays with her until Asherah falls asleep. He turns and heads back into the main chamber where Myhee and Father are waiting. All of them turn their heads as what appears to sound like a harp playing.
Father then stands. 'Oh, must be something important.' He then walks out of Asherah's palace with Jaridosh and Myhee in tow.
As they walk down to the beach, there is a beautifully carved swan head boat. It's planks seem to be made with beautiful white wood.
Father places his hands upon his hips. 'Huh, it appears Mother has sent for me.'
Myhee then wispers over to Jaridosh. 'I thought no one could get here.' Jaridosh shrugs his shoulders.
Father replies. 'Only those who are friends towards Asherah may pass onto these waters. If there ever was anyone who pass here under false intent, they could bring harm to her and anyone who stay here with her.'
Father then turns to Jaridosh. 'I must go now. Mother has sent for me. It must be of great importance. I will return before we all must depart.'
Jaridosh says 'First we must find a way to the borderlands. Is there no way through the mist?'
Father then says 'I'm afraid not.'
Jaridosh then says 'I will have to think. There must be a way.'
Father places his hand on Jaridosh's shoulder. 'Asherah will guide you. Trust in her.'
Father climbs aboard the beautiful white swan boat. The boat then drifts out back on the Eternal Sea towards the mist.
Jaridosh is left thinking of Father's words when Myhee says 'I know someone who can take us to the borderlands. A portal master. Someone I know from my past.'
Jaridosh says 'A portal master?'
Myhee replies 'Yes. His name is Varrikhan.'
Jaridosh asks 'You trust him?'
Myhee smiles shyly 'Oh yes, we are very very close friends.'
Jaridosh looks back as he knows what Myhee is speaking of. 'Well then, we will wait until Asherah is fully rested and then we shall go see your friend. If he can lead us to the borderlands, it takes us one step closer to ending this journey and obtaining the shards that Asherah seeks.'
Jaridosh turns towards the boat. 'You should grab your quiver and stuff.'
Myhee says 'Oh, it will be safe there. Remember what Father just said. Only those who are friends to Ashreah are allowed here. I don't believe anyone will be following us who means us harm.'
Jaridosh then nods his head in agreement and the two make their way back towards Asherah's palace.
Myhee falls asleep on a lounge sofa in the main audiance chamber. Jaridosh however stays in Asherah's bed chambers. He takes the form of a snake and hides in the darkness. All night long he watches over her.
Morning comes and Asherah awakes and rises from her sleep. Jaridosh slithers out from a dark corner and takes on his humanoid form.
Asherah smiles as she takes his hands. 'You watched over me all night long.'
Jaridosh smiles 'I was here by your side. Myhee says she knows of someone, a portal master named Varrikhan, who can take us to the borderlands.'
Asherah rises in excitement. She begins to gather her things. 'Then we are one step closer to ending this. We must hurry.'
Asherah gathers her things and her and Jaridosh enter the main hall. Myhee is no longer asleep on the main sofa.
Jaridosh wonders 'Where has she gone?'
Jaridosh and Asherah approach her on the edge of the beach where Myhee is standing. There is a strange look upon her face. Her ears are perked up into the air.
Jaridosh asks 'What's wrong?'
Myhee's ears twitch 'Someone is coming.'
As they look out across the Eternal Sea there is a blackness. It seems to roll out like a mist across the sea headed towards them.
Asherah grasps Jaridosh's arm and asks 'What is it?'
Myhee yells 'We must run!' She runs off.
Jaridosh draws his sword and steps in front of Asherah as gargs appear out of the approaching black mist. Tarkia is floating above the waters.
Tarkia raises her hand 'Run out of places to hide litle Asherah?' The gargs begin to strike forward.
Jaridosh turns to Asherah 'Get back to your palace. Hurry!'
Asherah pauses for a moment. Jaridosh looks deep into her eyes 'Go, I won't be far behind.'
As the gargs make their way to the shore Jaridosh acts with swiftness. He cuts through decapitating two of them.
Asherah runs back towards her palace where she finds Myhee awaiting her.
Myhee says 'My arrows. If I only had my arrows!'
Asherah says 'We must find a way to get out of here! Can you think of anything?'
Myhee answers 'My friend the portal master did teach me some things. Especially a portal to get back to where he was. I can try to open it from here. I'm not sure if it will work.'
Asherah takes the hands of Myhee. 'Concentrate, I will give you all the energy you need.'
Myhee and Asherah close their eyes as Myhee begins to concentrate. She is remembering the incantation and speaking it over and over, louder and louder until a small portal begins to form.'
Asherah opens her eyes and says 'Keep concentrating. It's working!'
Asherah turns her head to see Jaridosh coming her way. 'They're coming! Hurry! We must get inside!'
Coils begins striking the ground, shaking it. The coils come from Tarkia. 'No place to run on this little island of yours. I will rip it apart. You can no longer hide.'
The concentration of Myhee is broken, and the small portal that was beginning to form disappears.
Jaridosh stands in front of Asherah and Myhee, sword drawn. He says 'Stay behind me. Whatever happens, I will not leave you.'
Tarkia and a small group of gargs draw in closer. All around the sky grows black. The crackle of black lightning is heard.
From the darkness eyes are seen. 'You tread on ground that is sacred Tarkia. Where the dead do not come. It is forbidden.'
Coils come flying through the air piercing through the gargs. They wither and decay away.
Tarkia laughs 'Amler, is it you? You're like a relic. You belong in a place where you may be put on display. You are nothing but an old artifact from the past.'
Amler appears from the darkness standing in front of Jaridosh, Asherah, and Myhee.
He says 'I am from a past long before you ever existed Tarkia. The master I serve is beyond your understanding. You are myrrdonite. You belong in the borderlands with me, yet you roam freely. Defying the master's will.'
Tarkia laughs 'Hahaha, you speak of the masters we serve? I serve a powerful master. And in exchange, he empowers me!'
Tarkia's eyes begin to glow bright red. Coils come striking through piercing into Amler. 'You! You old relic, will feel the power within me!'
Amler turns his head toward Asherah 'Go, and find your way to your destiny.'
Jaridosh grabs the hand of Asherah and all three of them begin running. They head around to the far side of the palace where Jaridosh says 'We have to find a way out of here.'
Asherah turns to Myhee and says 'Concentrate on the portal again.'
Jaridosh draws his sword. 'There is no doubt more gargs will appear. They won't stop until they have you Asherah.'
Myhee closes her eyes again, and Asherah places her hands around hers. They concentrate together.
Asherah's eyes open and radiate with bright pink light. A portal opens.
Myhee steps back 'Look! Hurry, we must go!'
Myhee jumps through the portal. Jaridosh helps Asherah, who seems a little weary from the energy she has given. 'Let's go. I have you.'
Jaridosh and Asherah step through the portal and the portal closes.
Tarkia draws closer to Amler 'Can you feel it? Can you feel the power of the shards? Haha, of course not. You are nothing. Nothing more like I said. An old artifact. A relic from the past.'
Amler raises his head 'I know more of the shards than you can ever imagine Tarkia.'
His eyes glow a bright red. Tarkia's coils shatter as she falls to the ground.
Amler says 'And you Tarkia will return to the layer of the dammed.'
Just then a dark rift opens and the Vorak steps through. Amler starts to back up.
The Vorak says 'Perfect, they have led me to find what I desire.'
He then looks over as Amler steps back into the darkness and disappears.
The Vorak says 'Run Amler, you can do nothing to save her. Litle does she know, she has already found what she is looking for and she will lead me to it. I will have the power of the Alpha and Omega.'
He lifts Tarkia back up 'And you can have the beauty of Asherah. Come my apprentice, my servant. It is time to claim what is ours.'
The Vorak opens a rift and he and Tarkia step through.
The island of Asherah is left all alone in silence. A small wisper is heard. 'You must awaken, the time has come.'
The Awakening....
Jardirosh and Asherah step through the portal. When they come out on the other side they are in a large overcrowded city. Many beings shuffle around them.
Asherah looks around 'Is this where we find the portal maker?'
Jaridosh pulls her aside and he places his hood and hers over their heads. He says 'We are in a dangerous territory.' He notices two of the guards walking around. They carry the emblem of the Bishberrin.
Jaridosh asks 'Where have you taken us?'
Myhee replies 'Deep within side an enemy territory. Yes, this realm is controlled by the Bishberrin and are in support of him. But the portal master is here. We will find him, and he will offer us sanctuary. Come, this way.'
Jaridosh looks around, then looks at Asherah. 'Hide your face. Do not let any see. Let our presence here go unnoticed.'
The three head off far deep within the city. They come to an old door and Myhee knocks on the door five times in a strange pattern.
From behind the door a voice is heard 'Myhee, is that you?'
Myhee replies 'It is me Varrikhan. There are two others with me. We are in search of your help.'
The door opens to reveal a hooded figure. His face seems painted white with black markings. The three step inside the portal master's home.
The portal master quickly closes the door. He removes his hood showing his face. Asherah and Jaridosh remove theirs as well.
Jaridosh steps forward 'I am Jaridosh and this is Lady Asherah. We come seeking your help.'
The portal master looks long into the eyes of Asherah and smiles. He takes her hand and kisses it. 'It is a pleasure to meet you. Now, how may I be of service?'
Jaridosh says 'We are looking for a portal to the borderlands.'
Varrikhan steps backward. He puts his hand on his chin and begins to think. 'This is a difficult portal to open. And there's no guarantee that it will take you to a specific point in the borderlands. It is dangerous. That is why so many do not attempt to go to the borderlands.'
Asherah persists 'We must make it there by any means necessary. Can you help us?'
She signals to Jaridosh to hand her the object from the black bone. Jaridosh takes it out of his robe and out of the bag that the black bone object is placed in.
She then shows it to Varrikhan. 'This may be able to help you.'
Varrikhan looks at the object long and hard. 'Yes. This should do. It will take some time for me to prepare the right incantation. But please, make yourselves at home. There is some wine in the cabinet there.'
Jaridosh goes over to the cabinet and takes the bottle of wine. He unpops the cork and smells it. 'Not the best but it'll do.'
Varrikhan looks over at Myhee. 'So tell me Myhee, how is it you have come to the company of Asherah and her servant?'
Jardirosh looks weird over at Varrikhan when he says servant, but he does not say anything.
Myhee says 'The old hare, the wise one has sent me here to accompany them on this journey.'
Varrikhan grins 'I see.'
Asherah and Jaridosh take seats and enjoy some of the pretty bland wine. Varrikhan studies the object for awhile. There is a long long silence as no one speaks.
Then Varrikhan says 'Aha! I believe I've got it.'
The object floats up and as it spins faster a rift opens. Jaridosh and Asherah stand looking at the strange rift. They can feel the energy as it pours through.
Jaridosh takes her hand 'I will be with you every step of the way.'
Varrikhan smiles 'I've done as you ask. But please, when you have gone and found whatever you are searching for, return to me. I would enjoy to make your company.'
He then takes Asherah's hand and kisses it. Jaridosh steps forward and grabs Varrikhan's hand and shakes it, squeezing it with his strength.
Jaridosh replies 'So ever grateful to you portal master. Yes, when we have completed our task I would love to return and speak to you of your knowledge of portals.' Jaridosh's eyes change and appear to be the eyes of a snake.
Varrikhan then says 'Yes. I would love to make more of your aquaintance too. I feel that there is great knowledge and wisdom within you.'
Jaridosh says 'Then on that day. We are almost done. Soon we will finish the task set before us, and then we can return home.'
Asherah smiles 'I do not believe my home is safe anymore. I must see this all the way through.'
Myhee hugs Varrikhan 'I will return shortly and pay you a visit.'
Varrikhan wispers in her ear 'You mean after you decieve them? Did you really sell them out?'
Myhee replies 'We all do what we must to survive. I have guaranteed the safety of my people.'
Varrikhan looks over at Asherah and whispers into Myhee's ear. 'I understand, I'll see you soon.'
Jaridosh asks 'Myhee, are you coming?'
Myhee looks at Jaridosh 'Yes, yes. Goodbye my friend Varrikhan.' She joins Asherah and Jaridosh as they step through the rift.
The Power Within...
Three come out of the rift into the borderlands. Immediately Myhee falls to her knees. 'It is overwhelming. I feel myself being drained.'
Asherah looks across towards the waste of the borderlands. She holds the object in her hand. It begins spinning brightly as if pointing to a direction.
She helps Myhee to her feet. 'We have a long way to go. Come.' The three set off in the direction the object is pointing.
They travel for what seems like an eternity, with their energy ever draining from them.
Myhee finally falls and collapses to the ground. 'I can go no further. This place, it is killing me.'
Jaridosh lifts her up onto his back and she wraps her arms around his neck. 'I will carry you as far as I can.'
He then wraps his other arm around Asherah 'We must continue on.'
The object then begins to glow more bright. It then floats and begins to slowly journey off in a direction. They follow the trail.
As they walk he can feel Asherah going more and more limp. Asherah says 'We must continue on'
Jaridosh replies 'Let us rest'
Asherah says 'No, we are so close now.'
Jaridosh picks Asherah up in his arms 'Then I will carry you for the rest of the way.'
Jaridosh struggles on with Myhee on his back and Asherah in his arms. He follows the black bone object across the waste of the borderlands.
Jaridosh looks down into his arms. Asherah's eyes are closed but she seems to be well.
He places his hand over her head 'Regain your energy. This place is draining. Hold on to what you have Asherah.'
Jaridosh hears a distant voice calling out from the blackness of the borderlands. He cannot understand the language, but he recognizes it as thothilssin.
The object floats slowly in front of them as he struggles on. Every time he closes his eyes he gets flashes of images. From long ago of his childhood. He sees the destruction of his parents and their people at the hands of Atherak.
He can feel the cold hand of Atherak placed upon his head. He then feels a sharp pain in the middle of his forehead. The voice begins to speak louder from all around him. Jaridosh then collapses to the ground.
Asherah opens her eyes 'Jaridosh, we must go on.'
Jaridosh does not respond. Asherah turns and begins to crawl as the onject floats off into the darkness.
Then she hears a voice. 'You have brought me everyuthing I need young Asherah. And now, your journey has come to an end.'
Out of the darkness steps Tarkia and the Vorak, the Vorak holding the object in his hand.
Asherah looks up in fright. She begins to shake Jaridosh who begins to open his eyes. He looks up noticing the Vorak and Tarkia. He gathers all his strength and climbs back to his feet, drawing his sword.
The Vorak says 'Oh? Still eager to fight? Well there will be no fighting. I need you in one piece.'
Coils come from the Vorak, disarming Jaridosh, wrapping around his neck and pulling him closer.
Asherah gathers her strength and tries to draw her sword, but it falls from her hands.
The Voraksays to Tarkia 'You may take from her what is yours. But when you are done, bring me the power that is inside her.'
Jaridosh falls limp as the Vorak turns. He begins thothilsin and the black bone object spins.
As the blackness clears away a large black pyramid rising hundreds of feet above them reveals in front of them. The ground of the wastelands disappears.
The large black pyramid begins to glow brightly. As it turns an outer rift opens. The Vorak finishes his chant. 'Now I walk where the Alpha has walked.' The Vorak with Jaridosh in his coils step into the rift.
Tarkia turns to Asherah and says 'I will wear your skin beautiful one. I will take it from you. Your beauty will be mine. I will sew your soft elegant skin onto mine. First, I'm going to beat you. I'm going to cause you pain.'
Coils then lash out from Tarkia, striking Asherah and knocking her back. Asherah then tries to regain herself and goes for her sword but a coil strikes it away. Another coil wraps around Asherah's neck, lifting her high into the air and throwing her to the ground.
Tarkia says 'There is no fight within you little one. You are nothing without your little boyfriend here to protect you. Did you think that for one moment he would save you? You have led him here. And both of you shall die.'
Tarkia then raises her hand and more coils begin to strike Asherah. They wrap around Asherah's legs and arms suspending her in the air.
Tarkia then draws a daggar from her side. 'I will skin you alive, and then I will take what the Vorak desires from within you.'
As she moves closer Asherah can feel herself growing weak. But then, a warmth from inside her starts to grow. Her energy begins to build. Asherah's head tilts back and her eyes glow a bright pink.
Asherah starts to speak in a strange language. Tarkia is stunned for a moment and says 'What are you doing? Nothing will save you. I will have what is mine.'
Asherah looks at Tarkia and says 'No, you do not know true beauty, nor true love.' The energy overwhelms Tarkia's coils and they release.
Asherah steps forward 'Let me show you what beauty is within me.' She kisses Tarkia on the lips then steps back.
Tarkia is stunned 'I can feel the power.'
Asherah smiles 'Oh that is not all you're going to feel. Feel the pain and suffering of all that you have inflicted it upon. Feel my wrath!'
Asherah's eyes glow bright pink and Tarkia starts to burn. She screams and shrieks and screams as she burns and melts away.
Asherah steps through the smoldering remains of Tarkia and heads through the rift.
On the other side, she is surrounded by a storm of blowing ash. Ash is everywhere all around her. It is the place from her dreams.
She drops to her hands and knees. Off in the distance she can see a silhouette of the Vorak. In his coils he is still holding Jaridosh.
The Vorak turns to notice her. 'So, as I suspected. Tarkia was not powerful enough to take what was in you. Nor was I, until now.'
The Vorak turns, and with one hand plunges his fingers into the forehead of Jaridosh. Jaridosh shrieks in pain. The Vorak removes his hands, holding a black Alpha shard. He drops Jaridosh's body to the ground.
Asherah shrieks out 'No!'
The Vorak says 'Foolish little one. You have brought me everything I need. Now...'
The Vorak takes the shard and places it in his head. 'I will become more than any being has ever desired. It is I who will sit upon the throne with the Omega at my feet. You have brought me everything I need. Did you not think I would not find you?'
He raises his hand. Asherah feels pain all over as she starts to float into the air.
The Vorak says 'You do not know the power within you. I shall rip it from you and then I will control all.'
Asherah can feel the pain growing within her, as if something is being pulled from her.
The Vorak continues 'No one will save you now. You are mine.'
Asherah's eyes glow a bright pink. She yells aloud in a very strange language. The ash storm begins to blow wild around them.
The Vorak responds 'You will die. And I will own the power within you. The power of the Omega and the Alpha.'
Asherah screams louder in a strange tongue. 'Si A'thre, Si A'thre Ah'k'tu Atherak! Si A'thre!'
The wind begins to rise and form. The Vorak is taken by surprise as Asherah's eyes focus in on his. Just then a figure begins to form from the dust behind the Vorak. Hands clench around him, piercing their fingers into his chest, ripping him apart.
Vorak shrieks as his torn body turns into ash. Asherah and the Alpha shard fall to the ground.
Asherah crawls away over to Jaridosh, holding him, lifting his head up in her arms. She weeps 'I'm so sorry.'
She then hears a deep male voice. 'You have traveled far to find what you are looking for.'
Asherah looks into the red eyes of the black ash figure who is holding the Alpha shard in his hand.
The figure closes his hand around the Alpha shard. It shatters into dust then begins to spiral upward into the darkness. A bright pink light is seen high above and the dust vanishes.
The black ash figure then turns his attention back to Asherah and Jaridosh. He walks over to them and places his hand upon Jaridosh's head. 'Love each other. For love is the greatest power one can ever know.'
Asherah holds Jaridosh close, and the black ash figure steps back. The ash storm begins to blow wildly all around them, swirling around Asherah.
'Wake him. The time has come.' The ash grows thick and then dies down. As the voice of the black ash figure dies out, Asherah opens her eyes. She is on the beach of her island in the Eternal sea.
She looks down into her arms as Jaridosh gasps for breath. His eyes then open. 'Asherah'.
Asherah smiles as her eyes begin to fill with tears. 'I thought I lost you.'
He reaches up with his hand and touches Asherah's face. 'I was with you the whole time. Right beside you, as you were beside me. And I always will be.'
Asherah and Jaridosh hug each other tightly. Asherah helps Jaridosh to his feet and they stand staring at the Eternal sea.
Asherah says 'We did it. The Vorak is no more, and the shard is gone. No one will ever possess it now.'
Jaridosh smiles 'What you have done here today will echo throughout the existences. Those will rise against the ones who cause cruelty and malice. Like Ashoweah, the Bishberrin, and others. And their time of judgement will come.'
Asherah smiles at Jaridosh. 'What do we do until then?'
Jaridosh embraces her tightly kissing her passionately. 'Let us spend some time here, you and I. Just the two of us. Would you like that?'
Asherah says 'That would be everything I've ever wanted. Everything I could ever hope for.'
They kiss each other passionately as the sky dims upon the Eternal Sea.
True Self Connection...