Urisia and Awakening of the Omega

The incarnation story for Urisia begins... There is a great fiery roar beneath the great hall of the Drakon. Urisia approaches down a long corridor, closer and closer to the heat and the flames.
She can feel it, different colors of fire that come up the corridor. At the bottom chamber lies the mother of all Drakons, Tia-Mat.
Urisia approaches closer and bows 'Mother, I have come. What is it you wish of me?'
Tia-Mat's heads rear up 'I can feel...I can feel the coming...'
Urisia looks oddly at her mother and asks 'What is coming mother? Tell me.'
Tia-Mat replies 'Things...things you have yet to understand. Many things that will fall upon the realms. I can feel it within me. But one most of all, the Omega. I can feel her energy course down to my very core, as if she is awakening.'
Urisia looks again at her mother with curiosity 'The Omega? What is the Omega, mother?'
Tia-Mat says 'The Omega is all things. Everything. In time you will understand. You, I need you in Midgard.'
Urisia says 'So many others have gone already. Alkelion, and others. Is there something that you need of me there personally, mother?'
Tia-Mat says 'You must be my message there in Midgard. You are wise, and carry my wisdom.'
Urisia turns her head and asks 'Am I to incarnate there, to be human?'
Tia-Mat replies 'Yes. To live in the world of mankind. The humans. A great burden I have asked of my children, many of them.'
Urisia says 'And now you ask that burden of me? Do you believe me ready to carry such a burden? The humans have gone far astray from what they once were. They are cruel now. They devour the Midgard Earth.'
Tia-Mat rears her heads up again 'I know my daughter. Me and my children, all of us are the guardians of the Naturals. And humans prey and destroy them endlessly. This is why my children must go.'
Urisia says 'Is it for us to teach the humans how to live with the Naturals once more?'
Tia-Mat says 'No. There is something coming. Something that is beyond their understanding. The Omega, I feel her awakening.
Go, my daughter. Go to the Norns. Someone there awaits you. The decaying one. Speak to her. She will set you forth upon the path to incarnate upon the Midgard Earth.'
Urisia asks 'And what of you, mother?'
All seven of Tia-Mat's heads focus upon Urisia. She says 'My favorite daughter, I will be with you. Watching over you until the end. Now go.'
Urisia turns and leaves the chamber, looking back one more time at her mother. She thinks in her head 'Dear sweet mother, so many fear you, but so yet so many do not understand.
With all the wisdom you have given me, I am still not fully sure of this Omega you speak of. But it seems to draw a great power within you. I await this Omega's coming. And I shall do as you ask of me, mother.'
The Decaying One...
Urisia travels to the sisters of fate and destiny. There when she approaches into their sanctuary, she watches as the sisters weave endlessly, and the threads of fate and destiny spread out before them.
Urisia watches in amazement. It is a rare sight to see the sisters weave. Within there, one of those threads is her destiny, her fate. She can feel it. She looks among the threads to spot where it could be.
Off in the distance, she sees the bright glow. She follows it down but notices it is off. It is not going to the three sister's hands where they weave endlessly.
As she follows the thread, she sees that it is around the decaying fingers of a strange robed being. 'What you are looking for Drakon Urisia, your thread is meant for other purposes.
Your destiny lies set upon what the Norns will weave alone. But I have foreseen your fate, your destiny. I was not satisfied, nor was your mother, the Mother of all Drakon. She feels the Omega awakening.'
Urisia watches as this being speaks and flies come forth. Her face is hidden by the hood. There is an eerie chilly presence about her. It is Salindraa.
Urisia asks 'Are you the decaying one my mother spoke of?'
Salindraa replies 'What you see before you child is only of flesh and bone. Which all, no matter what it be, in time decays away. The Omega is eternal.'
Urisia says 'Then you are the one my mother sent me to see.'
Salindraa says 'Yes. I am the decaying one. Now child, place your head down here.'
Urisia lowers her head down to where the decaying one is. The decaying one with her hand touches the crown of Urisia's head.
Salindraa says 'Let your fate and destiny be woven. Sleep now child, and you will awaken in the body of a human.'
Urisia falls fast asleep. She can feel and see herself flying through what appears to be an almost endless tunnel of very bright light. She can feel the energy overflowing within her. Very strange threads seem to spin around her. Urisia's form gives away.
She opens her eyes as humans look over her. She begins to feel herself as if she was in a dream. She thinks 'Is this the Midgard Earth?' She tries to speak but it does not come out in her Drakon tongue. She says 'Is this a dream?'
Where the Norns continue to weave the threads, Salindraa spins off the vast thread of Urisia and ties it back together where the Norns begin to weave again.
Salindraa says 'All is going in place along the threads of time fate and destiny. Wouldn't you say, Xarsha?'
Xarsha replies 'Everything is going according to as the Master and the Omega have desired.'
Salindraa says 'This is why we serve. You, Xarsha, are the last to serve. I have known the ones before you. Amler and Ahkra, so many come and go. I have walked the threads the Omega set forth. I have spun the threads as the Omega has made me to do.'
Xarsha replies 'And I now stand here, carrying on my Master's work. In time Salindraa, the threads of all the ones will cross upon the Midgard Earth.'
Salindraa says 'As it shall be.' The robe of Salindraa drops, and her spider form is seen as she crawls out upon the threads.
Xarsha says 'In time Salindraa, we will speak of this again.' He turns and steps into the darkness.
Urisia again awakes in the spiritual. She is in the place of the Drakon. She says 'Have I incarnated?' She begins to reach out and feel. She closes her eyes, and through the eyes of her incarnation, she can see humans around her.
She feels it however hard to control. She wishes to speak to them, but they speak in such a strange human tongue. She says 'This will be an adventure. And I look forward to what my mother has sent me here to do.'
Urisia then closes her eyes in incarnation form and opens them again in her Drakon form. She looks up at the night sky. She says to herself 'There is so much I have yet to discover.'
True Self Connection...