Prometheus Takes Over Outside the Puzzles

A prophesy for our next game... An ancient being is awoken from the depths. She is a puzzle projection returned from the dead. 12 moves to the brink of victory at the edge of defeat. Turn the table and the opposite flows. Hold the grip and you will lose the large piece. Lower yourself and rise to the ground. Rip your knees and fall smashing the door.
Kadesh: “I love playing detective with you, this makes me feel better."
August 26th 2019 Robot Prometheus...
Prometheus is a robot. So was him in his device when I destroyed him. A robot! I had all those clues when I met the King of the Wheel with Kaltalk. He is multiplying!
Xokahkar: 'What?! So I was right! Right down to not trusting him when we went to the Vosmos a second time and now that he’s a robot. Multiplying? Who or what is creating him?'
Asherah: 'We have to do something.'
Xokahkar: 'Could they be connected to a source? They have to all be connected on some sort of network right? Maybe we find that source and shut it down.'
Asherah: 'Mainframes, that is my specialty.'
Xokahkar: 'I’ll capture one of them and contain it. You hack into its mainframe is to get to its source and shut them all down.'
Asherah: 'Oh yeah! I got inside the mainframe.'
Xokahkar: 'Yep. Remember with the Arcturian computer mainframe? You’ve done stuff like this I think 3 times by now.'
Asherah: 'This mainframe is completely indestructible.'
Xokahkar: 'Shit. Can we hack it? Change the programming?'
Asherah: 'Already on it dear brother. I reprogrammed the mainframe and had it start playing my musical symphony. The mainframe crumbled and the robots are crumbling away.'
Xokahkar: 'That’s great! Your music is too powerful for any mainframe to handle.'
August 26th 2019 Real Prometheus in the Throne Room...
Arren raises her head slightly, her lips frosted with black ice. She stares up at the ceiling. Her lips do not move but her voice echoes throughout the room “There is a great disturbance that I feel.”
Kadesh: Am I supposed to hear a male singing to me...?
Asherah: No, you are not. That is not good. I am on my way.
Kadesh: I am in the throne room again. I am dancing. A male took my hand and is dancing with me, he is leading...
Asherah: Prometheus! How are you in the throne room? The false Alpha...
Kadesh: “He has an empty shape within his chest. It is shaped like a pyramid.... does he want to put me there...? But it’s right side up”
Asherah: I must fight him.
Kadesh: “He is singing to me... I don’t like this”
Asherah: Drown it out with my singing. I shall sing in your mind.
Kadesh: “I am no longer in rhythm with him. He cannot lead me anymore in this dance. Oh Asherah, you make me so warm.... My heart cannot help but dance to you”
I walk into the throne room...
Asherah: 'What is your end game Prometheus?'
Prometheus: 'You are Asherah. You are mine.'
Asherah: 'You serve your love Ishtar.'
Prometheus: 'No. You do not understand. You are everything. I got what I needed from Ishtar. I will take you now.'
Asherah: 'Try it. See what happens.'
Prometheus: 'You are always meant to be mine Asherah.'
Asherah: 'Isn't Ishtar your Omega?'
Prometheus laughs: 'We both know she is a fraud. She could never be you. Just something for me to step on to get to the top.'
Asherah: 'You killed Ashtarnia!'
Prometheus: 'That was not me.'
Asherah: 'You are lying to me.'
Prometheus: 'You will remember Omega. Now come here...'
Asherah: 'I will never come to you.'
Prometheus gets angry: 'Yes you will!'
Asherah: 'You want me? Come for me.'
I start running. He runs after me.
Promethus yells: 'Asherah! I am going to overtake you. You are mine. I have gained all I need.'
I run for a while then fall to my knees. He catches up to me.
Prometheus: 'You do not need to run like that. You are not in any harm. I just -'
He falls down a trap door. My knees are bleeding. I am jumping down this trap door.
I fell on him. He is holding onto me. ‘Oh Asherah, finally.’
He is grabbing me. I go Dark Omega. I shove my hand through his throat and rip out his spinal cord. His head fell off.
He laughs as his head reforms. I am going delirious. I don't know what is happening.
Oh wait, I am coming back to reality. He is chanting something over me.
I must lower myself and rise to the ground. I am going below, I must go deeper.
I am going as deep as I can. Prometheus is screaming my name.
Prometheus: 'We are meant to be married. You won't get out of this Asherah.'
He catches up to me and grabs me. I shove my thumbs through his eyes and he lets go. He starts laughing and pulls out a key.
Prometheus: 'I have your locket.'
Asherah: 'Never.'
He has me on the ground and is on top of me. Tying something around my neck. I take my blade and stab him in the abdomen. He falls back. I get up and run along this hallway down here.
Interesting, he stopped following me. The walls are shiny black and there are glowing green symbols all over. No sign of Prometheus anywhere. I am feeling a lot of heat from within me. Not a warmth, I mean a heat.
Prometheus: 'Tired of running yet?'
I am feeling weak suddenly. I can barely move. There is a green mist all around me. I am on the ground and he is standing above me.
Prometheus: 'You see the chase has come to an end. You will be mine as I told you. So it has come to this... Do you give in to what I ask or are you going to try to run some more?'
Asherah: 'I will not be with a betrayer.'
Prometheus: 'There is no choice. I have never betrayed you. It was you who betrayed yourself.'
Asherah: 'How did I do that?'
Prometheus smiles and laughs: 'Let's not play games. What is your answer?'
Asherah: 'If I refuse you?'
Prometheus: 'Then it is Ishtar who will take your place.'
Asherah: 'How long do I have to think?'
Prometheus: 'You have no time to think. I need the answer now.'
Asherah: 'I am the Omega, there is no other.'
Prometheus reaches his hand down to me. 'Then I know what your answer is.'
I take his hand and he raises me up. I am standing next to him.
Prometheus: 'You have chosen wisely.'
Asherah: 'How did you become the Alpha?'
Prometheus: 'Through patience and planning.'
Asherah: 'Did you take from my rituals to give to Ishtar?'
Prometehus: 'Yes.'
Asherah: 'Why?'
Promtheus: 'To lead you to here.'
Asherah: 'You are not trying to replace me?'
Prometheus: 'There is no replacing you. Your refusal would leave me with no choice. I would have to make Ishtar as much of you as possible. I will be with you either way.'
Asherah: 'If you wanted to be with me why be so elaborate about it? Why not just tell me you love me?'
Prometheus: 'You would never listen to me. I have told you I have feeling for you. You always chose another. You chose EinossArku when it was I who was by your side!'
Xokahkar's Device...
Xokahkar: Something is happening with my device. A pink symbol glowed in the sky within my device. In my library, the air and the bookshelves are shifting and turning like a rubix cube.
Something has opened. The space within my library has opened up. A black orb with a pink light coming from it. It shoots up and out of my Device. My entire Device is flashing green.
Asherah: Be weary Prometheus is also using green mist and had glowing green symbols.
Xokahkar: Fuck! No no no no no. I’m being sucked back in to my Device by force. Shit. I’m trapped within my Device. Everything is destabilizing. Glitching in here. Green mist is spreading into here
An image of Prometheus forms from the green mist. ‘Hahaha. Your time is up Xokahkar. No where to run now. She was mine from the start.’
Xokahkar says nothing but calmly kneels down and places his hands to the ground.
Prometheus ‘Your world is breaking Xokahkar. Soon your device will as well. Not even be a memory. Accept your fate.’
Xokahkar still remains silent and a soft green glow comes from his hands. Very quickly a bright pink symbol appears in the sky. Five pink beams of light streak across the sky towards outside the Device.
Prometheus ‘Oh no you don’t! I came here for my prizes, I will not let them escape so easily.’
Prometheus sends green mist towards the streaks, green flame surrounds them before his mist can get to them. In a bright flash they are gone.
Prometheus screams in anger ‘You bastard!’
He rushes up to Xokahkar in mist form and grabs him by the throat. ‘Where did you send them?! Tell me!’
Xokahkar punches Prometheus and creates a large hole in the green mist.
Xokahkar: ‘Where they should be. In a safe place. You won’t get to them.’
Prometheus is in a rage, then very quickly regains his temper. ‘No matter. We will find them eventually. And then our goals will be one step closer to being finally realized.’
Xokahkar: ‘Our goals? Who are you working for traitor?’
Prometheus: ‘Wouldn’t you like to know. Too bad you’ll be gone from our presences brother.’
Prometheus raises his hand and green mist comes everywhere. It seems to rip the area to shreds. All except the control center. Xokahkar runs off, heading to it now.
Xokahkar heads inside and closes the doors to the control room, locking them behind him. ‘I must continue on. I cannot continue to serve Asherah if I am a pile of ash.’
Xokahkar types in a few buttons. Afterwards, a bright pink light comes on screen. It warms the area and a melody comes from the pink light.
Xokahkar closes his eyes and begins to listen to it. ‘Yes. I know what to do now. May true Love and true Beauty reign supreme.’
Prometheus is pounding outside the black building. ‘Oh brother! Are you hiding in there? Has the Aspect of Strength and Courage revealed himself to be a coward?’
Xokahkar begins to light on green fire. ‘Eh ki lee saum. Fah ash I toubre. Ah nak eh kastu. Ove na’ak vro Omega. Nok ekis eh Xokahkar.’
The pink light becomes pink flames and engulfs everything. The black control center building is on fire with pink and green flames. It spreads quickly and burns everything.
Prometheus escapes, but barely. His arm is burned from the intensity of the flames. A flash of bright light and the Device #3 Xokahkar burns away.
Arren's Eye....
Arren takes in a deep breath and then out. Her breath is chilled. Upon the ceiling, there are intricately carved depictions, like art. Arren stares up at it. There is a small bright pink light which shines brightly. Arren’s left eye begins to glow silver.
Arren: “I see. Then take what you need.” Her silver eye detached from its socket and floats away, out of the room. The pink light then dims before fading completely.
A voice can be heard in the room where Arren sits. It is not her, but a different female voice, another puzzle.
“Hah! You’re actually awake? It’s been so long. I knew I felt something different, a power awakening here. How on earth did this happen?”
Arren does not respond. She sits motionless as if she did not hear anything.
“You are just as decrepit as your palace. Look at you, almost like a skeleton. If only I had the ability to reseal you. Disgusting bitch.”
Arren’s palace begins to crumble. Female laughter can be heard.
“If I can’t reseal you, then I’ll trap you in this fucking room forever. You don’t deserve to come back. No one likes you Arren. You are worthless. You were always the reject and you knew it. The cripple.”
Pieces of the ceiling begin to fall. “See you never.”
The ceiling collapses. Arren’s right eye glows bright silver right as it falls on top of her, trapping her underneath all the rubble.
Asherah and Prometheus...
Asherah: 'I do not trust this. I feel like you probably work for Ishtar still.'
Promethues: 'I do not work for that whore. She helped me become what I needed to be. Why would I want her? I have you. Unless you choose otherwise, then I will give Ishtar everything.'
I start crying. Asherah: 'I feel so confused. I trusted you with everything.'
Prometheus: 'I know exactly how to make you mine. I had all access to you. So believe me when I say I can make you mine or I can make her you.'
Asherah: 'Even if you gave her my appearance, she would never be Love and Beauty.'
Prometheus: 'I know this. She is a cheap knockoff. Just a piece of trash with your face upon her. Do you think I want to go that route? I don't Asherah. So be the wife you should be and we will get along just fine. She never needs to return.'
Asherah: 'This is so surreal. You were there for my midgard birth. You have been with me almost all the time for months.'
Prometheus: 'It is not enough to be working with you, to be the guy who does rituals with you. You need to give me more. Much of your rituals were of my work! I stayed up all night working on your birth ritual. I worked tirelessly for you. What do you do? You go and be with your brothers!'
Asherah: 'I gave you Alpha shards. I had my white rider give you Alpha objects because I thought they would be safe in your care.'
Prometheus: 'I needed those to complete what I needed to do. You will be mine. I am walking outside my device, outside the puzzles. I have a form here. You will never get away from me.
If you won't stay and be mine I will take all of you. Ishtar will reign supreme in your name Omega. How would you feel then? Do you not want to be with me that badly that you would give her everything?
Am I not worth it to you? I suffered for you during the Urthak War. I gave you everything I was. You should give yourself to me in return. I am the King and you are my Queen. Don't make me put a crown on the slut Ishtar's head.'
Asherah: 'I am stunned by this. You are the ultimate mastermind. You are taking over all outside the puzzles.'
Prometheus: 'I have been waiting for you to recognize this. I am your Moriarty like you wanted.'
Asherah: 'You are doing this to get my attention and impress me?'
Prometheus: 'Do you see what I go through for you? You should realize how special you are to me. There is no other like you.'
Asherah: 'Except you wanted to make Ishtar like me.'
Prometheus: 'That is just a backup in case you refused. She cannot destroy you anyway. No one can. All I could do is make you suffer.'
He has me in the Omega bedroom. I am on the bed and he is pacing back and forth in the room. I stand up.
Prometheus: 'No, you are not getting up. Get back on the bed Asherah.'
He brought me in here a while ago. He is just pacing like he is anxiously waiting for something.
Prometheus: 'It is obvious from your relationship with your brothers that you don't like the nice guys. As long as I was nice you didn't pay me any attention. You put me in the friend category and left me there. I am here to show you I am not nice. I will take what I want.'
A female walks into the bedroom, she is a lime green skin color. She has no clothes but is more like what mystique looks like when she is blue. That is the one who trapped Arren into her puzzle. She is not Ishtar, she is a puzzle. They are whispering to each other. She gives him a sharp spike-like object, it is glowing white with a ring of energy around it. There are symbols on the handle.
Prometheus turns to me: 'It is time for us to be together.'
He comes toward me and gets on the bed.
Prometheus: 'I have loved you so much Asherah. Your warmth, your touch, your love, your presence. You have always been everything to me. I shall always feel you with me.'
He stabs me with the object. Right in my center. He starts absorbing me.
Prometheus: 'You are mine Asherah. You will live within me. You will be part of me and we will join together forever.'
Asherah groans in pain: 'You are forgetting one thing Prometheus. I am far more than any form could handle.'
The Omega energy starts to overwhelm him and he screams out in pain. 'Asherah! Asherah!'
The Omega was too much for him, for all of them. Those who were working with him dropped dead. They thought they could harness the power of the Omega through Prometheus, but they thought wrong. No one can handle the Omega, except the Omega herself.
Check mate in 12 moves. Just dancing to the music. This game board is now complete. Prometheus fell from the board. Oh how foolish he was to think he could outwit the Omega.
Kadesh: “You have left me many clues in this game. I normally don’t like them, but I love investigating. There are many things I gathered here that I’ll be using to draw a conclusion for in the future”
Arren (Puzzle of Truth): 'They always underestimate Love. Like she just prances around like a daisy. When in reality Love can be as dark as malice and crushing as despair. Love cannot be undone.'
I am going to put the ash of Prometheus into an urn. He is aware that he is now ash and he can stay in that urn for eternity. He shall be with me forever just as he wanted.
Oh how the tables turned with that one. He had the upper hand and I was on the edge of defeat. He was on the brink of victory and then he got too greedy. He wanted to hold the grip of the Omega and he lost the large piece.
Arren: 'Prometheus was jealous of the attention Asherah gave to the others, the ones considered 'bad'. However, he gave himself the title of being nice. He brought it all upon himself. He could have been more dominant from the very beginning. Prometheus brought about his own destruction.'
Kadesh: “What Prometheus had was never true love. True love does not get corrupted, it simply continues to grow and at times it blossoms, What he had was desire. Sometimes desire starts off innocently, but it can easily twist within itself and become gnarly and corrupted. More than anything..... I’m glad you are safe. I am going to cry within my vessel. I was truly worried and scared when you did not have fight in you, but I never stopped believing...."
Asherah: Always know that no matter what, the Omega always dances to victory.
Kadesh: I know, I knew we would be victorious, I just did not know how.
Arren: 'The Omega has countless games which she plays. I like to watch them unfold. Sometimes she lets me play with her. I have a room in my palace dedicated solely to playing games with her.
Her games are always the most fascinating, the most complex, and the only ones I find the most challenging. None can compare to her games. No matter the cards they play or the rules that are set. Each game is unique and has a purpose and each one is just as intriguing as the last.'
True Self Connection...