Kadesh: Guardian of My Heart

This is the story of Kadesh who later became known as Eurynome...
In the far off distance realm after the time of the First Judgement, there is a realm dominated by the Seonyin. They fought bravely during the First Judgement against the minions of Atherak.
They expected to be rewarded with their realm left in peace, but instead, not too long after they were conquered by Dehmont and her army.
This is the world that Kadesh was born into. Her father, Great Chancellor to the King and Queen of Seonyin had died suddenly and was replaced by a different being from beyond the realm. A being known as Lasanin.
Lasanin took Kadesh under his wing and watched over her in her father’s place. He taught Kadesh many different things about realms and existences. Some time passed and Kadesh grew.
The King and Queen of the Seonyin, still over the realm, but under the guise of Dehmont.
But then times changed. There was a deal made between Dehmont and the one known as Mokunae. Mokunae inherited the Seonyin and their realm through this deal.
Kadesh only saw Mokunae one time, as she made her way and sat upon a grand throne that was made for Dehmont. The King and Queen would sit below her.
Lasanin bowed before her and Mokunae spoke to him,
'You are very wise Lasanin. You will keep this realm prosperous and should not only be High Chancellor to the King and Queen Seonyin, but be as my ambassador here.'
Lasanin then bows and replies, 'It shall be so.' Mokunae leaves.
Kadesh asks Lasanin, 'I hear terrible things of this Mokunae. That the Mondeo kind come from far beyond and the place of their origin is unknown. They possess those and take control of them, implanting their seed within them.'
Lasanin says, 'This is true, but to keep them from wanting to spread here, there must be good ties. There is something coming that shall set everything within balance and be rid of the conquering ones who spread themselves across the existences.'
Kadesh bows her head, 'I understand.'
The Seonyin look like lions but they are a more human type form. They have very large wings and their manes come in different colors of shimmering gold.
Kadesh herself has a beautiful color of a reddish-gold mane, and her wings are red. Her feathers sparkle with glittery gold.
The rule of Mokunae over the Seonyin continues for a very long time. There is always news heard past through to the Seonyin. Many of their warriors go to fight against the bitter war that has broken out against the Mondeo and the Savage God the Bishberrin.
Rumors were spread it was over a lover’s dispute between the two, and now the realms that support Mokunae are under siege by the Bishberrin.
But Kadesh longs for something more. She feels empty within.
Lasanin tells her that which she searches for is to be a guardian, watching over a special heart. And one day, soon, that heart shall be revealed to her.
And this is where our story begins.
The Lovers....
A day like any other in the Seonyin realm, Kadesh is now meeting the Seonyin King and Queen. She is being granted the crown of guardianship.
There she will become a great guardian to the halls and serve the Chancellor as his personal guardian. She bows before them.
The good King Triaen places the crown upon her head. 'Now rise and serve the Seonyin as your father did before.'
Then the large doors open to the grand hallway. A few figures approach.
One is slender and has a female form, dressed in a warm pink robe. The other is a male figure standing beside her. He is wearing black armor and carries weapons upon him.
Kadesh rises and looks at the two. She then notices a strange look upon King Triaen’s face.
King Triaen squints his eyes for a moment to glance to make out who the figure is. Then his eyes widen. A smile comes across his face long enough to bare his teeth.
The King opens his arms and walks forward 'Jardirosh...'
They both embrace each other and King Triaen says, 'It has been a long time old friend. Welcome, welcome. Who is this that you bring with you?'
The King then looks down upon the female that has accompanied Jardirosh. She removes the hood from her head.
She looks over and takes the hand of King Triaen then bows gracefully. 'I am Asherah, and it is an honor to be welcomed within your great realm.'
Kadesh stares for a long time at this beautiful Asherah, she feels a warmth within her chest. Her heart begins to pound and thump, and she can hear it and she can feel it coursing through her veins passing down to her very core. 'Who is this beautiful woman? Who is she...?'
King Triaen escorts the two further into the hall. 'And this is Kadesh. Newly crowned guardian to my High Chancellor.'
Jardirosh takes the a warm embrace of Kadesh, 'It is a pleasure to meet you.'
Kadesh stares long into the eyes of Asherah, and a smile crosses her the face. Asherah bows and introduces herself.
Kadesh then takes her hand gracefully and drops to one knee, 'It is a pleasure to meet someone so beautiful'.
King Triaen asks, 'Tell me, what is it you come seeking?'
Jardirosh walks with King Triaen, And Asherah follows behind. Kadesh then takes the side of Asherah and begins walking with the others.
King Triaen then turns his head, 'If you’ll excuse us ladies, my old friend and I need to speak.'
Asherah replies, 'Anything you must speak to my friend Jardirosh here, is something you may say to me.'
Jardirosh winks at her, 'It’ll be fine, we’ll have an audience with him as soon as he and I catch up on old times.'
Asherah knows that Jardirosh has other intentions, and will keep her informed on anything he and King Triaen speak of. She then says, 'Very well I would love to see this beautiful realm of yours.'
King Triaen turns, 'Kadesh here will escort you. She will show you the different parts of the Seonyin realm. We have teleports to take you to any place that you desire.'
Kadesh bows, 'It shall be an honor.'
Asherah and Kadesh then leave. Kadesh takes her through the portals to show her upon where the great sea lies. The Sea of Mystery as they call it.
Asherah asks, 'Is there somewhere else? A beautiful garden? I know the Sea of Mystery well. It is how Jardirosh and I came here. It is no mystery to me.'
This surprises Kadesh, but then she thinks ‘This beautiful one wishes to see a garden...’
She takes her to the high plains, where the wild flowers grow in abundance, and great trees blossom in small sections, like little grub spread out across the landscape.
Asherah says 'This is beautiful, let us stay a while.'
Back at the main palace, Jardirosh speaks with King Triaen, “We have come in search of something you may be familiar with.”
Jardirosh pulls out a parchment from within his robe. He rolls out the parchment, and on there is drawn a strange black object like a shard.
King Triaen looks at it for a moment, 'Yes, I know this object that you speak of. I once held it in my hand in the great war against the Lord Atherak. After his demise, I kept it for a while, and then there was a grand fire here within the palace.
After that, we came across the chamber where I kept this object. And it was gone. Possibly stolen, possibly lost. I doubt the fire itself could destroy such a thing.
There is someone who would know, for he has vast knowledge on the many existences, and I have spoken to him before of the shard. My High Chancellor, Lasanin.'
Jardirosh says 'Asherah and I would like to seek a council with both of you, and speak upon this matter, if that is possible.'
King Triaen says, 'Yes, but tell me, why such an urgency?'
Jardirosh then explains to him that powerful conquerors like Eternal Death and others seek the shard to empower themselves.
Jardirosh also then says 'If Eternal Death were to gain it, he would bring upon a greater destruction than that of Atherak.'
He places his hand upon King Triaen’s shoulder, 'We fought once together against Atherak and his myrrdonite minions. Your kind and mine.
If Eternal Death was able to rise to such a power that Atherak once had, then he would bring about the end of all. We have a chance now to stop him.'
King Triaen says 'And anything I can do to aid you, please, do not hesitate to ask. I will send for Kadesh and Asherah. We shall dine.
I know you two must have traveled far and are probably famished. Come. It has been a great hunt today and there is plenty of meat.'
Jardirosh chuckles, 'Asherah does not fancy meat.'
King Triaen says 'Oh, well we have other fine cuisines that she may choose from. I will have my personal chef come up with anything that she desires.'
Jardirosh smiles and nods his head as the two walk through the palace. 'Thank you for your hospitality.'
King Triaen places his hand on Jardirosh’s chest. 'It is more than my hospitality you may thank me for. I know of many things Jardirosh. Many words are passed through.
I know of you and Asherah. Your names have been whispered. You are both wanted. Especially by the Bishberrin and others. I will keep your visit here a secret.
Jardirosh bows then nods his head. 'Thank you old friend. Much appreciated.'
The two walk for a while and discuss old times, and then are joined later on by Kadesh and Asherah.
As the four of them sit at the dinner table dining, Asherah chooses a fine fruit salad and other types of cuisines that have been prepared.
The doors open to the dining hall, and in steps a large black robed figure with an elongated face. As he steps closer to the end of the table, he stops and bows.
His voice then echoes out, 'King, you have called for me.'
King Triaen says 'Ah yes, this is my High Chancellor, Lasanin.'
Lasanin looks around at the table, first at Jardirosh. He stares for a moment, but it’s hard to tell what he is thinking of for he gives no expression upon his face, and his large round black eyes seem to peer through him.
He then looks at Asherah. For a moment, Asherah gets an eerie feeling as she can feel him gaze upon her.
Lasanin turns his gaze back at King Triaen. 'I know why they have come. They are searching for something.'
Asherah asks 'You know what we search for?'
Lasanin replies 'Yes, you search for the shard, but I believe you are following the wrong trail. I have looked at the old chamber, I have felt the presence of its power. It was once there, but it is more than what you think it is.'
Jardirosh replies 'Then you can help us.'
Lasanin nods his head 'Yes, but I must speak to the young Asherah alone first.'
Jardirosh says in defiance, 'I am her bodyguard. I will watch over her and will not leave her into the hands of someone I do not know. There are many agents who will seek us out.'
Asherah then reaches her hand across the table and touches Jardirosh. She looks at him 'I’ll be fine.'
Lasanin then turns and seems to float across the floor towards the door. 'Then come Asherah. Let us speak of matters of what you search for.'
Asherah then stands. Kadesh watches her with her eyes. She can feel her heart thumping with fear. But she doesn’t quite understand. She’s never feared from Lasanin until now.
As Asherah walks with Lasanin, he then begins to speak to her. 'You seek a power that you have not yet to understand. But a power that is far from here yet so close, I can lead you in the direction but you must search much much closer for what you are truly looking for.'
Asherah asks 'What is it that I am looking for?'
Lasanin stops then looks into Asherah’s eyes. His eerie glance pierces her straight to core.
He says 'You won’t find it. Is when you will lose it is when you will know. Now come, let us rejoin your friends. For you and your companion have a long journey ahead of you. You will face more trials than you can possibly imagine. You will love deeply, and you will suffer greatly.'
Lasanin then runs his long bony fingers through Asherah’s hair, 'Such a beautiful one you are. we will meet again... many times.'
The two return to the dining hall. Asherah stands next to him. She says 'Lasanin has agreed to help us and send us on our way Jardirosh.'
Jardirosh then stands and finishes drinking his cup of wine. 'Then there’s no time like the present to begin. Unless you choose to rest up for the evening.'
Asherah says 'I think we have asked too much of King Triaen here, and our presence may lead to more trouble for him. We should go as soon as possible.'
Lasanin says 'Then come to my chambers, I have a portal that will lead you upon the path of your journey for what you search for.'
Jardirosh then bows to the King. Triaen stands and embraces him then says 'Good luck to you my friend, and when you return, we shall once again speak of times past, and you will have a new story to tell me.'
Triaen then says 'Take care of her. She is more special than any of us know.'
Asherah then walks over to Kadesh. Kadesh stands then kneels and bows. 'My Lady, it was a pleasure to make your acquaintance.'
Asherah lowers her hand down and lifts Kadesh up. She embraces her. 'The pleasure was all mine. I hope to see you again.'
Jardirosh and Asherah then depart with Lasanin. Kadesh stands there. She feels sadness within her heart.
Triaen then looks at her. 'Tell me, you feel something for the young woman.'
Kadesh replies 'I can feel it down in my heart, but yet I do not understand it.'
King Triaen smiles 'In time you will.'
Guardian of My Heart...
Kadesh is sleeping quietly in her chambers. Her life had continued on ever since ever since the departing of Asherah and her friend. She has carried on with her work, training and learning in the ways of the Seonyin.
She is suddenly awakened by what appears to be a sound and rustling within her room. She turns to see a bright pink circle begin to form, then steps through it a robed hooded figure.
The robed figure falls to the floor. Kadesh springs from the bed, her eyes stare into the darkness. There she can see a figure, a female figure, it almost sounds as if she is weeping.
Kadesh senses something, it is something familiar to her. Then she realizes and says in a low voice, 'Asherah...'
Asherah looks up with tears in her eyes. Kadesh helps her to her feet. Asherah embraces her tightly.
Kadesh asks 'What happened?'
Asherah replies 'He is gone. I have lost him all over again. He was saved once and I could not save him again. Jardirosh is gone.'
Kadesh sits, 'Tell me what happened.'
She takes Asherah over to the bed and they both then sit, Kadesh holding Asherah’s hands in hers.
Asherah explains their ordeal to Kadesh. Jardirosh was invited by someone mysterious. Asherah begged him not to go, but Jardirosh assured her that he would return, and he never did. She feels that he is dead or lost.
Kadesh says 'Do not worry, you will be safe here with me.'
Asherah says 'I know, that is why I came. And to see you once again, I feel safe with you.'
They hug tightly and Kadesh holds her in her arms.
Kadesh says 'I will be your guardian. I will guard your heart as if it is the greatest treasure known in all the existences.'
Asherah replies 'And you shall be the key to that heart.'
The two look long into each other’s eyes, and then both fall onto Kadesh’s bed. They are intimate.
The sun rising the next morning, Asherah finds more relief. Her and Kadesh secretly walk among the different places in Seonyin realm. They spend many moons together, and the affection grows between them.
Lasanin is also watching this romance blossom. He keeps a close eye on the two. He says to himself 'The time will come when this romance and love will be tested.'
He watches the two wander through the garden happily. 'We’ll see the sacrifice you will make Kadesh. For someone has not forgotten what Asherah has done to him. He will come to this realm tearing all apart. On that day, will you be the guardian of her heart?'
Pieces of My Heart...
King Triaen has also been aware of Asherah’s return. He visits her frequently, and they spend many long hours. Asherah always listening to King Triaen, especially the stories he shared with Jardirosh.
All three are gathered at the dinner table with King Triaen. They’re enjoying a meal and laughing in conversation when a messenger comes rushing in. He falls unto his feet and speaks.
He tells the King, 'My lord! The Bishberrin! He has come. He is seeking someone. A certain female by the name Asherah. He says that she is hiding here, and he will not stop until she is brought forth. All those who give her sanctuary shall suffer.'
Asherah feels worried and terrified. She says, 'I should be leaving then. I do not wish to cause any of you any harm. The Bishberrin will stop at nothing to seek his revenge upon me.'
King Triaen says, 'You are given sanctuary here under my rule. I will speak to the lady who oversees this realm. It is up to Mokunae rather to decide to what happens to you, if you are allowed to stay or not.
The Bishberrin has a deal with Mokunae. I will go to contact her and inform her of the situation. Kadesh, take her to the sacred place deep within the labyrinth below. Stay there and watch over her until this whole ordeal has finished.'
He whispers 'The secret passages.'
Kadesh nods her head in agreement. She takes Asherah by her hand, and behind the throne is a secret passage leading down to the labyrinths below.
King Triaen summons forth a large seeing-orb. He contacts Mokunae but receives a servant. He tells the servant to tell Mokunae that it is of the upmost urgency that he speaks to her.
Just then he hears commotion from outside. There is the sound of his guards and many screams. There is a great conflict happening outside his gates.
King Triaen begins to worry. He signals for his royal guard to surround the front door of the palace chambers. He says to to the orb, 'Hurry, I must speak to Mokunae.'
Just then the large doors to the palace chambers are torn open. In steps a foul being. His kind known throughout the existences and the realms as the Savage Gods. It is the Bishberrin.
The royal guards try to strike, but to no avail. The Bishberrin easily kills them.
King Triaen steps forward. 'You have no purpose here. This is the realm of Mokunae and all within it who serve her. I am in contact with her right now. She will inform you of the deal you have made with her long ago.'
The Bishberrin replies, 'I come for no deal. I come searching for what is mine, and I know that she is here. Where is Asherah?'
King Triaen says, 'There is no one here by that name. You come here under false pretense attacking us. You will answer for such things. Mokunae will hear of what you have done.'
The Bishberrin shatters the orb. King Triaen then draws his scepter and says 'How dare you? How dare you?! I was chosen to speak to Mokunae. To deliver a message.'
The Bishberrin laughs 'I believe the message is delivered. She will come, and I will be here awaiting her.'
King Triaen says, 'You shall not. She will come and you will pay for this attacks upon our realm and those who serve her within it.'
The Bishberrin draws closer to King Triaen. There is a thrust. King Triaen’s eyes then grow wide. He can feel the pain as the Bishberrin digs deep within his chest.
The Bishberrin says 'Then I will wait here for her.'
He rips out the heart and the core within King a Triaen and tosses his body in front of the throne.
The Bishberrin takes his place upon the throne and says 'Come Mokunae, let us speak.'
Kadesh and Asherah are watching from the secret passage from behind. Asherah weeps quietly and says 'King Triaen, this is all my fault.'
Kadesh places her hand upon her. 'No, it is not. The Bishberrin is ruthless. Even if you did not come here and he had the suspicion, he still would have killed as many as he could. I must get you to safety.'
Before the two leave they notice a very strange flash of red light that fills the chamber.
Asherah then grabs Kadesh’s hand. 'Wait. Something is happening.'
They look back out into the royal chamber from behind the secret passage. There is a portal that opens. Steps through is a tall attractive being with deep red skin.
Kadesh says 'It is Mokunae.'
Mokunae says 'How dare you Bishberrin? How dare you come here and kill the King who serves me, and serves me well. You tear this realm apart for no reason. This realm is mine!'
The Bishberrin shows the right side of his face. Across one of his elongated black eyes is a mark. He says 'I come here searching for the one who scarred me. I will not let this go. She is here, and I will find her.'
Mokunae says 'You will leave now, or I shall make you leave.”'
The Bishberrin rises from King Triaen’s throne. 'Oh my sweet Mokunae, how much you tease me.'
Mokunae says “Yes, come. Let us talk. Let us be together.'
She steps forward and puts her arms around the Bishberrin. Tentacles come from her back and pierce into the Bishberrin’s back. For a moment, he seems entranced with her.
Mokuane says 'That is right my savage one. Whom do you serve?'
The Bishberrin replies 'I serve... no one.'
He eyes grow dark. He rips into the chest of Mokunae tearing her apart, ripping her in two.
The Bishberrin says 'I am not completely satisfied, and I know you will return. We will see each other again my sweet. I will find this Asherah. If she is not here, then I will torture every being here until I find where she has gone.'
He signals to one of his followers, 'Begin to round them all up. Bring them forward to me.'
The Bishberrin then leaves the palace. The servants of Mokunae surround her and begin to form what appears to be a red blob.
The servants of Mokunae pick up the red blob. 'She will need a vessel to reform.'
From behind the secret passage Asherah and Kadesh watch. Then they hear a voice from behind them, it is Lasanin.
He says 'Here comes your sacrifice. If you are truly the guardian of her heart, I will help you and I will save your kind Kadesh. If you truly love Asherah, then you will sacrifice for her like all have who truly love her.'
Asherah takes Kadesh’s arm. 'No one else will sacrifice themselves in my name.'
Lasanin says 'Then they will find you anyway, and all here will suffer.'
Kadesh looks into the eyes of Asherah and says 'Let me do this. If not only to do this, but to save so many others. For you I will gladly do this.'
Asherah looks long into the eyes of Kadesh. She touches her cheek. 'I promise that no matter what happens we will meet again.'
Lasanin says 'So it is decided then, come Kadesh.'
Kadesh and Lasanin leave the secret passage and head into the room where Mokunae’s servants take notice to their appearance.
Lasanin says 'There is no better vessel than this one. She is strong and has been touched by Love and Beauty. She will help reform Mokunae to be more powerful than what she was.'
'So be it.' say the servants of Mokunae. Lasanin then creates an energy field around the formless blob of the Mokunae and then around Kadesh. He then takes the formless blob and places it within Kadesh’s arms.
Lasanin then speaks an incantation in a strange tongue. The blob then forms all around Kadesh. She can feel the power of Mokunae flowing within her.
Asherah watches from behind the passage. Kadesh raises her hands up. She looks over to the passage. 'I will meet you again...'
Just then, Kadesh freezes solid and shatters. There rising from the shattered shards is the Mokunae reformed.
Mokunae says 'Thank you Lasanin. And now to deal with the Bishberrin.'
Lasanin replies 'There is easier ways to deal with him than to fight him. He is like a dog, always on the hunt. So let’s give him something to hunt. I know what it is he searches for, and I can lead him there.'
He gathers up the fragments of Kadesh into a black bag. Mokunae then looks at him.
She says 'Agreed then Lasanin. Give the dog a bone. Let him chase it for a while. I will regain my strength and deal with him in time to come.'
Lasanin nods 'As you see fit great Mokunae.'
He heads back towards the secret passage. He opens it to find Asherah sitting on the floor, her face within her hands. She is weeping.
Lasanin signals for her to rise. He hands her the black bag and says 'Take these to your home upon the Eternal Sea. Cast them into the waters and they will rise again in another place, in another time. You will meet again. Now for something to lead the Bishberrin off your track.'
He then takes the other hand of Asherah. He withdraws a dagger from his robe and slashes her hand. Some of her blood drains upon the dagger.
Lasanin opens a portal behind her and says 'Go now. A boat awaits you to take you home. And remember what I said. You will meet her again in another time.'
Asherah steps through the portal, then the portal disappears.
Lasanin then opens a portal of his own and steps through. At the other side, he is at the encampment of the Bishberrin.
The Bishberrin’s guards surround him. He makes his way through them as the Bishberrin sits upon a throne of dead Seonyin bodies.
Lasanin says 'There will be no more killing, Bishberrin. I have what you want. But you must leave this realm and its kind in peace.'
The Bishberrin looks down upon Lasanin. 'If you can truly give me what I want, I will leave here and no longer toy with the Mokunae’s pets. Prove it to me, for I am no fool.'
Lasanin says 'Asherah was here. I tried to take her and bring her to you but the power overwhelmed me. However, I have her blood. With this you may sense her wherever she goes.'
He then hands over the dagger. Bishberrin looks at it. With his long tongue he tastes the blade of the dagger. 'Ah it is her. Tell me, where did she escape to?'
Lasanin replies 'She set sail across the Eternal Sea.'
Bishberrin says 'Take me to the port where she wishes to leave from.'
Lasanin bows his head “As you wish.” He opens a portal as he and the Bishberrin step through. On the other side, they come to a beach overlooking a vast sea.
In the distance is a boat sailing with large pink sails. It heads towards the mist.
Bishberrin then screeches out angrily 'You will not escape me! I will rip the mist apart until I find you!'
As the boat enters the mist the Bishberrin follows suit. His soldiers and armies follow in after them.
Lasanin then says, 'Good boy. Fetch.'
Lasanin opens another portal and steps through, there he comes to a different beach. As he looks out across the waves he can see a small row boat with an old man and Asherah inside. The boat disappears in the distance.
He turns and walks away 'We will meet again Asherah in a different time.'
Asherah and Father make their way back to her island. Asherah sits for a very long time. Great Father stands in the distance. He knows what she has been through. The loss of so many loves so recently.
Asherah holds the black bag in her hand given to her by Lasanin. She opens the bag, and the fragments fall out. She remembers what Lasanin said.
She takes the fragment pieces of Kadesh and walks them to the water. She places them beneath the waves, they seem to glow. Just then clouds begin to form and a golden rain pours down.
Asherah looks out across the Eternal Sea. 'The guardian of my heart. The one who has the key. I will look forward to when we meet again.'
Eurynome is later born as one of these 9 pieces of Kadesh.
Becoming the Key...
Lasanin stands before Mokunae. 'What you are looking for Mokunae you cannot fully yet comprehend.'
Mokunae says 'I comprehend more than what you see, but I know there is power within this Asherah. I know there is power somewhere but how to find it? How to make her mine? How to unlock it?'
Lasanin answers 'It is the key, that led to your rebirth after the demise of the Bishberrin. A key that is a puzzle that is far beyond any of the existences and what is beyond there. You must find the pieces of Kadesh if you truly wish to unlock this.'
Mokunae replies 'I will search for these pieces wherever they are placed. I will implant themselves within them and whatever they may become. I will be the key to unlocking Asherah's heart. She shall be mine and I shall be hers.'
Lasanin says 'There are things happening now that will take place in times to come that you will question what you say now.'
Mokunae responds 'I question nothing. I will find what is mine and I will find what I desire.'
True Self Connection...