Incarnation Story of Asherah Aphrodite

A crackle and flash of black lightning strikes the ground upon the banks of the River Styx. A loud screech is heard of EinossArku returning from the living world of Midgard after the death of his incarnation.
The commotion dies down and EinossArku is on his knees, his hands holding him up. He can hear the voice of Michael. 'Welcome back brother.'
EinossArku looks up into the eyes of Michael 'Tell me, did they win? Did they defeat the Dark Messiah?'
Michael helps EinossArku to his feet 'They have, the Dark Messiah fell and has been cast into the Borderlands along with all the others who served him.'
EinossArku sighs with relief 'Then it is done. But why, why are we here again Michael?'
Michael replies 'Things afterwards did not turn out the way we foresaw.'
EinossArku and Michael make their way over to the River Styx. There small flames dance within the black water. Michael waves his hand over the black water and the flames move into a circle, an image begins to form.
Michael continues 'Now they sit on the brink of annihilating their whole world. What came after the fall of the Dark Messiah was not foreseen, as if something has twisted the threads leading it this way.'
EinossArku looks down and sees the conflicts that arose after the fall of the Dark Messiah. Many wars and mankind's capability to annihilate the planet and every living thing on it.
They were locked in a bitter struggle, and now several countries were converging upon another, EinossArku watches the bloodshed.
Michael says 'You have been gone some time brother, it's much for you to take in. We should go.'
EinossArku asks 'No, I want to watch. Tell me, what am I seeing brother?'
Micheal replies 'The godless ones empires expand and the strongest among those empires is locked within what they call a cold war. For they aim their weapons at each other, these vile weapons that can destroy the whole of Midgard and the planet Earth its self.
The godless ones expanded, attacking the followers of the living god upon Midgard, driving him to exile. Other dark forces are arising everywhere, it is as you suspected brother, so long ago.'
EinossArku responds 'Yes, so long ago... But none would ever listen, and now it has led us to this point.'
Michael closes the vision portal on the River Styx and says 'How could the Houses have known? The choice to send the Dark Messiah to mankind, how could they have known? We all saw the same threads woven by the Norn for how mankind would progress after the fall of the Dark Messiah.'
Angered, EinossArku looks into the eyes of Michael 'And that didn't happen apparently now did it? What was it all for then Michael? The Houses said and we all thought that this would be the end.
That they would come together and finally be enlightened once again, in harmony and balance. And look at it Michael, look at them now. Does the failure sit within us? How many years, how many lives, how much bloodshed have you seen Michael? For what?'
Michael sighs and looks for a long while at his brother EinossArku 'Do you lose faith? Do you wish to abandon--'
EinossArku interrupts him 'Abandon? What the Houses have set before us, the Divine and all the others. We have been led here to watch over their greatest creation as they call it, have you been anywhere else beyond here?'
Michael replies 'I have walked many places, not just here but in between the vessels I have seen. Gabriel lost faith and turned on all of us.'
EinossArku responds 'I know, he kept high council in the party under the Dark Messiah. I never thought my brother would want to bring the end of everything, to turn so wicked.'
'Nor did I.' Says Michael, he then pauses for a moment and stares at the ground of the Underworld. 'They want us to go back again EinossArku.'
EinossArku replies 'Again, and then again, and so and and so forth until none of us our left. Tell me you don't feel it within you. As if we are fading.'
Michael answers 'I feel it, but we are what we are. I will go back if it has been decided.'
EinossArku says 'I must go Michael, there are things that I need to understand.'
Michael replies 'You will go to the borderlands then? Once again, what is there you search for EinossArku? She is gone, you're not going to find her there.
You put too much faith in that Myrrdonite friend of yours. Whoever he is, no Myrrdonite can ever be trusted EinossArku.
All they wish to do is gather cores and souls, to bring all within their lands so they can torment them. She's not there, yet still after so long you search brother.'
EinossArku turns his back on Michael and stares out across the River Styx. Michael steps closer to him and places a hand upon his shoulder. 'She's in a better place now, and has been for a long time. You need to finally let go.'
EinossArku replies 'I cannot Michael, letting go of her is letting go of myself.'
Michael steps back 'I understand, and what shall I tell the Houses? Will you be returning to Midgard?'
EinossArku answers 'You can tell them that I will return, as many times as it takes I will return. I must go now, give my message to the Houses.'
EinossArku lifts off and ascends from the Underworld.
In my Dreams...
EinossArku is deep within a dream, he is on a beautiful island surrounded by the Eternal Sea that stretches out far beyond what his eyes can see.
He can hear her laugh, and although she looks different he chases after her through a beautiful garden.
They smile, he catches up to her and takes her in his arms. They lay there together on the beach staring out across the never ending sea.
He looks into her eyes, they stare at one another for a long while. He feels as though he isn't himself, he looks at his hands, they are different.
He is not startled until he feels at peace. He cannot feel the weight of his wings upon his back, he cannot feel the burden that he carries with him.
He feels at peace within her arms, the way he felt when he held Asherah Aphrodite.
He wonders 'Is this transcension? Is this the place?' For a moment he forgets and stares into her eyes and holds her tight, he kisses her and whispers into her ear how much he loves her.
She replies 'Wake up.'
EinossArku opens his eyes and can hear a strange voice echoing in his head 'Wake up... You should not rest here very long, this is not a place my old friend for one to simply nap.'
He looks up and sees the face of an old friend of his from long long ago, an ally in past events that have shaken the many realms. Their friendship remains a secret between them.
EinossArku replies 'I only closed my eyes for just a moment.'
Xarsha reaches down and grabs EinossArku by the wrist helping him up. 'You carry a heavy burden. I noticed your passing again, you stood strong in the end.'
EinossArku responds 'I stood for what I believed in and for those who stood with me and died with me.'
Xarsha laughs for a moment then says 'EinossArku, you are one who would never have to come here to the borderlands. For what you are you could die a thousand times and never be sent here to suffer amongst all those who are. Yet you spend your passing moments between vessels here, why?'
EinossArku says 'I'm just still searching for something Xarsha.'
Xarsha replies 'As you always have been. It is a good thing that I have found you here. She said you'd be here. Come, we must journey.'
EinossArku asks 'Who said I'd be here Xarsha?'
Xarsha answers 'Someone who was waiting for you, you'll remember her.'
EinossArku pauses for a moment and thinks 'Salindraa, it has been a long time since I've seen the dead Norn.'
Xarsha says 'Yes, quite some time. But come, let us go. She awaits.'
EinossArku travels alongside Xarsha as they make their way through the borderlands. He does not take flight for he knows how dangerous this place can be. Even for a guardian Ourhkina like him there are things that hide within this neverending realm.
It is hard at times to tell where he has come through, for EinossArku has traveled many realms of the existence and has seen many many things.
He can pinpoint locations, however when he enters the borderlands it is different, it is like being lost. He looks around and notices certain things, silhouettes off in the distance, these trigger flashes in his head.
Xarsha speaks 'Those dreams still bother you I suspect EinossArku.'
EinossArku responds 'They do.' EinossArku is taken by surprise by how Xarsha knows so many things, especially the dreams that haunt him.
Xarsha asks 'Tell me, what do you see then?'
EinossArku replies 'I see an object shaped like the athranaak. It glows but not of blackness. It has rays of beautiful pink soft warming light. It is like being taken within the embrace of comforting love.
There is something else, a strange black figure with red eyes who stares off into the distance. His presence and energy frightens me, it makes me feel a desire...'
Xarsha then asks 'What kind of desire?'
EinossArku continues 'The desire to inflict judgement upon all, but it goes beyond that Xarsha. I... I feel as if judgement should be inflicted upon those which I serve.'
Xarsha laughs 'The Houses, yes the ones that you serve. They are not beyond guilt themselves, their cruelty is well known. Especially here within the borderlands.'
EinossArku replies 'They would say the same of you and the borderlands. That this is a dark place, a place of cruelty where none can be trusted. That the Myrrdonites only wish to gather souls.'
Xarsha says 'We do gather souls my old friend, now come.'
They head across the borderlands to what appears to be a small shack made of bones, there are rotting corpses all around. EinossArku can hear their moaning, they are dead and rotting, yet they live.
They both enter the small shack, sitting there all alone in this empty shack within a circle of bones is a hooded figure.
EinossArku steps forward, kneels and bows his head 'Salindraa, it has been a long time wise one. I thank you, thank you for bringing me here.'
Salindraa responds 'I bring you here for purposes you do not yet understand EinossArku. There is a coming of a force, a power far beyond anything you would understand. Far beyond the realms and the existence itself... I need your assistance, there are places I need to go beyond the borderlands. I need you to take me there.'
EinossArku replies 'To bring you beyond the borderlands would not go unnoticed. The Great Houses and many others... I would have to keep your movements secret. And for this I must ask why, why do you wish to travel beyond the borderlands?'
Salindraa answers 'The reasons why will be answered in time. I only wish to see certain beings, just to glance at them one time.'
EinossArku asks 'How many do you wish to see?'
Salindraa responds 'Just six, one I can find on my own. The others I will need your help. Help me to my feet EinossArku, take my hand.'
EinossArku reaches down and takes the hand of Salindraa. Her flesh looks decayed. When he touches her hand he is taken into a vision. He can see a hooded woman with a long long thread. She is approaching what appears to be a large black massive cloud.
The vision is intense, EinossArku cannot move or speak as he watches her approach this black mass. She then pulls from the thread tied into the black mass, there is a roar and a shreak.
The black mass is living, it turns and EinossArku stares into a sight that he hasn't seen in so long, a Hungali. EinossArku's vision breaks as he takes his hand away.
Salindraa then asks 'Shall we go now?'
EinossArku hesitates to ask questions.Hhe figures he would not get answers about what he saw in the vision.
He looks at Salindraa 'I will take you where you need to go, but we cannot stay for very long. Once you have completed it I will bring you back here.'
Salindraa replies 'And I will reward you then. Now take me.'
EinossArku opens a portal and asks 'Where do you want to go to first?'
Salindraa responds 'I wish to see someone in Alfheim.'
EinossArku then says 'Alfheim it is then.' EinossArku waves his hand and the portal changes to a greenish color, he looks at Xarsha who says 'I will see you when you return, make it soon EinossArku. Something is happening, very soon.'
EinossArku asks 'What might that be Xarsha?'
Xarsha replies 'There will be a crack in a great crystal.' Xarsha steps backwards into the darkness. 'You will find what you are looking for.'
EinossArku steps through the portal.
Six Drops of Blood...
EinossArku and Salindraa are walking through the forest of Alfheim.
Salindraa says 'This is where the little ones live yes? You have brought me here to the right place.'
EinossArku questions her 'You mean the gnomes? This is where they are, but you would frighten them. They are gentle creatures. Why do you wish to see them?'
Salindraa replies 'Just one in particular is all. I do not bring any harm to anything. I will not harm any on our journeys. This you must understand, all I need is a drop of blood.'
EinossArku asks 'Why do you want a drop of blood from these creatures you are seeking? You say you will not harm them.'
Salindraa responds 'EinossArku, there are secretcs that I cannot give you. Secrets that must be revealed to you in time.'
EinossArku says 'I will trust you on this wise one, come this way.'
EinossArku and Salindraa walk further through the forest. They are approached by a white robed figure. Salindraa stops and bows her head.
The white robed figure raises his hand. 'I knew I'd find you here.' He lowers his hood and reveals his face.
EinossArku who is surprised to see an old friend. 'Prometheus, it is good to see you here, but you come at great risk. If they were ever to find you the punishment would be greater, they would probably cast you into Tartarus.'
Prometheus places his hand upon EinossArku's shoulder. 'I know the risks my friend.' He looks down at Salindraa 'Everything is in place, the Norak has gone. Everything has been set in place. You come to gather the drops then I see.'
EinossArku responds 'The Norak?'
Prometheus replies 'You'll understand. Come, I have found the first one you are looking for.'
There beneath a tree is what appears to be a gnome, but he is a little larger than a gnome. He is an elf-gnome. EinossArku has seen their kind before, but not very often.
Salindraa pulls out a long black jagged needle from within her old robe, she leans down towards the creature whose ankle is exposed. 'Gentleness, pure of heart.'
She pierces the elf-gnome and a single drop of blood is collected on the end of the needle. She then places the needle back within her robe.
She turns to EinossArku 'We can go now, I need to go to the Void.'
EinossArku opens a portal and Salindraa steps through.
Prometheus says 'I will be accompanying you along the way.'
EinossArku smiles 'Then after you my friend.'
They head through the portal and come out the other side to the Void. There in a tower where a void elf is sleeping.
Salindraa again brings out the needle from within her cloak, she says 'One whose heart beats of a strong will.' She pricks the void elf on the back and takes a single drop of blood onto her needle.
She then places the needle back into her robe. 'These two, they're first. The others will be harder to gather. But EinossArku you must continue... You will see things that you may not agree with. Ones you thought were gone are not. I need to go to Jotunheim.'
EinossArku stares at Salindraa for a moment, there is almost a sense of caution within him but he decides to continue on. He opens up a portal to Jotunheim and they step through.
They are upon a high mountain, uninhabited by any jotunn, trolls, dwarves, or any other beings that dwell within Jotunheim.
The snow is blowing with a blizzard. EinossArku and Prometheus cover their eyes. However it doesn't seem affect Salindraa. She says 'Wait here.'
There is a cave up ahead, EinossArku and Prometheus wait outside as Salindraa steps in. EinossArku can hear the deep breath of a drakon, he can smell the sulfur that burns from each exhale. He thinks 'A drakon, why would she want that?'
Salindraa enters the cave where a large black dragon is resting. She brings out the needle from her robe once again. 'Cunning, to outwit those enemies that may fall upon you.'
She then pierces the dragon as her needle inserts into the scale and a single drop of blood is gathered. She then places the needle back within her robe and exits the cave where EinossArku and Prometheus are waiting.
Salindraa says 'Now we will need to travel to a different place.'
With a wave of her hand she opens a portal and the three step through, they are on a plain of high black grass.
Salindraa continues 'This way, we will have to be fast to catch this one.'
As they walk through the tall black grass they can feel strange eyes upon them, something is moving fast through there.
Prometheus and EinossArku both take notice, Salindraa continues to walk steadily ahead.
Something then rushes by in between the legs of Prometheus tripping him. They can hear wild laughter...
A little imp moves faster and faster around, it then jumps upon the shoulder of EinossArku and screeches loudly within his ear.
EinossArku drops to one knee, trying to regain hearing within his left ear. The little imp backs off into the distance while laughing loudly.
Just then the imp feels a prick on the back of his head. Salindraa says 'Endurance to run and carry on without fatigue.'
The little imp turns around and screeches nasty curses at Salindraa in his own language, then he runs off into the black grass.
Salindraa returns to find Prometheus and EinossArku gathering themselves. 'We must go now.' She then touches EinossArku's hand and says 'Take us here.'
EinossArku can feel a warmth tingling within his hands, as he raises it to open a portal there is a bright flash of overwhelming golden light.
As they step through EinossArku is overwhelmed by this bright flash. Salindraa says 'I will return.'
EinossArku cannot see the area that they are in, he asks Prometheus 'Where are we?'
Prometheus replies 'We are in a place meant to imprison someone, but we are not here to free them.'
Salindraa walks through the distance, she then comes upon a being shining brightly. She reaches forward 'Strength, strength to endure against all who would seek to harm.'
She pricks the being and a bright drop of blood sets upon her needle, which she then places back within her robe.
Salindraa walks back through the blinding light to find EinossArku and Prometheus 'Now, take me to Muspelheim.'
EinossArku waves his hand and opens a portal to Muspelheim, they all step through. The fiery realm stretches out vastly, upon a high mountain their is a fiery fortress.
Salindraa turns and says 'Wait here for us EinossArku, come Prometheus.'
Prometheus and Salindraa make their way up to the fiery fortress, there inside sits a powerful demon.
The demon looks down upon the two 'What have you come here for?'
Salindra then speaks 'The girl, the woman here, the one you have. I need a drop of her blood.'
The demonic creature laughs 'Why would I give that to you?'
Salindraa replies 'I will exchange it for a drop of my companion's blood.'
The demon looks Prometheus up and down, he can sense a very high energy level coming from him.
Salindraa continues 'One drop of his blood will give you great wisdom and power, magic that's even beyond those known among the realms.'
The demonic creature agrees to this. Salindraa brings out her needle and pricks Prometheus in the arm. She catches the drop of blood onto her finger. She walks forward to the demon, he leans down and takes it into his mouth.
The demon sits back 'Ah, the power I can feel within this. You have convinced me, come.'
He leads them to another chamber where a woman is resting upon an altar. She is motionless as if under a spell.
The demon asks 'This is who you seek?'
Salindraa nods her head in acknowledgement, she then pulls out her needle and steps forward. She pricks the forehead of the woman laying there. 'Truth and wisdom, to foresee in all what is truth.'
She then takes the drop of blood upon the needle and places it back within her robe. She bows to the demonic creature and she and Prometheus leave. They return to EinossArku who is sitting upon the fiery plains of Muspelheim.
EinossArku asks 'Did you find what you were looking for?
Salindraa replies 'I have everything I need, you may return me to the borderlands. Prometheus, I have something for you.'
She reaches into her robe and then pulls it out with her hand clenched in a fist. As she opens it there is a single seed. 'Plant this seed, care for it as it grows and produces others. You will need this place strong. You may go there and none will find you in the mist.'
Salindraa then opens a rift. 'Come EinossArku, it is time for us to return and time for you to begin to understand.'
EinossArku turns to Prometheus 'I hope to see you again my friend.'
Prometheus then embraces EinossArku 'You will.'
EinossArku steps within the rift, he and Salindraa are back within the borderlands.
In the Void...
In a dark chamber hidden away from the rest of the realm within the Void gathers the Candelabra.
King of the Void Umbranathor greets them. They gather in a circle, within the middle is a void crystal, inside is Asherah Aphrodite.
Nummandor speaks 'Brothers, we have gathered here today to further discuss the progression of what will fall upon Midgard. Some of us already have vessels there and are setting ourselves in place for the coming of the master.'
Vustik says 'What about the Great Houses? They will definitely try to intervene, send Ourhkina once again to override plans that we have set forth.
Nummandor replies 'The Great Houses should be of no concern, they have been onboard since the beginning. We control one side of this existence while they control the other, for now.'
Umbranathor asks 'And the beauty, the beauty I get to keep here, will she remain here?'
Vustik sneers over at Umbranathor. 'Very fortunate you get to keep her here. You are unworthy, you could not care less for Asherah Aphrodite.
All you care about is feeding upon her. Do not think I haven't noticed you lusting after her beauty to make it your own. I would kill you if given the chance Umbranathor, I'd kill you.'
Umbranathor chuckles 'Oh Vustik, you delight me so with such charming words.'
Nummandor speaks 'Enough, we have gathered here... Where are Melkor and Mono?'
Melkor then steps within the room accompanied by Mono 'We have arrived.'
Mono steps forward and speaks 'And the concern with the Great Houses, they should not be a problem. The Ourhkina are spread too thin and worn too long.
They carry the burden of the divine houses greatest creation of man and it has worn upon them. They are weak and scattered, they were dealt with a long time ago.'
Vustik then looks over to Mono 'It must feel good to betray your own kind.'
Mono looks at Vustik and replies 'You would know of such things now wouldn't you?'
Nummandor says 'Enough, we have not gathered here to argue with each other, but to bring forth the coming of the master. Let's marvel in our sacred place here and feel the power and the energy that he gives us, let it flow through us.
Malice and Cruelty will reign upon all the realms in the existence, and soon the Great Houses will fall at our hands. All has been set into motion that the Master has. Let us go, plans must be made.'
They all begin to leave the room, Vustik turns back to Asherah Aphrodite who is imprisoned within the crystal. He runs his hand down it. 'Soon you will be mine, all mine.'
This thought is shared among all the Candelabra. Before they leave they each touch the crystal and whisper the same words within their hearts and minds.
Melkor is the only one who does not touch it, he stares long at her and scoffs 'Love and Beauty. Oh how much they just drool over you.'
He walks around the crystal staring at the frozen form of Asherah Aphrodite. 'That's what makes them weak, they desire you so much that it blinds them. And who are you? Nothing but a little caged bird.
So great you once thought yourself, but how long have you sat here? And all those who admired you have forgotten. You will remain here and you will watch as everything that you loved and everything that you were falls and crumbles completely.
Your once wonderful name associated with what you were, you know what the associate it with now? A whore, goddess of the whores.'
He chuckles 'Let that sink in. Love and beauty are gone. You have not seen what has become of Midgard and the realms. There is no love and beauty, nothing left. Only desire, lust, conquest through cruelty and malice. You'll watch it all, right from where you are.'
A shadowy figure watches from the background. It is Xarsha who raises his hand and speaks 'Break it. Strike it. Release an essence of her.' Xarsha twists his hand.
Melkor can feel himself become more and more angry. He stares at Aphrodite's face through the void crystal. 'You, you will not bewitch me like you've done all the others. You will stay there and you will suffer!'
Melkor strikes the crystal causing a single crack within it. He laughs briefly 'I would cut your throat, but to sit here and stare at your face in misery and suffering, that is worth it to me. Goodbye.'
A single tear rolls down Asherah Aphrodite's cheek for she has felt the dying and the loss of love and beauty within the realms. Although not able to see it with her own eyes she has been able to feel it deep down within her.
The tear rolls down it begins to float and crystallize. It makes its way through the crack in the void crystal. Out it goes beyond the Void realm and into the borderlands.
EinossArku rests within the decrepit bone cabin of Salindraa. There she sits within her circle while EinossArku against the wall.
He is dreaming that he standing in place watching as black ash blows all around, he can feel his skin begin to burn away.
EinossArku begins to grow more and more weak but he feels he must continue on, he cries out into the ravaging storms of ash. 'Asherah!'
A silhouette can be seen, EinossArku reaches his hands forward 'Asherah, is it you?'
As the figure draws closer the shape begins to change, EinossArku can feel a hand grasp his throat and lift him. 'No, something else. Find me, awaken me. You will find everything you've been looking for and much more.'
EinossArku struggles to form words as he feels the fingers of this being tightening around his throat. He forces out the question 'Who are you?'
The dark being replies 'I will awaken, as is meant to be. You will find her EinossArku. Bring me forth, for I am Judgement.'
He then places his hand upon EinossArku's chest. 'Now awaken within yourself.'
EinossArku startles himself awake grasping his chest and gasping for air as though it is hard to breath. He feels as if someone has pierced him straight to his very core.
Salindraa who has not moved for what seems like ages stares up at the ceiling of her shack. There there is a small opening, Salindraa raises her hand. 'Come to me.'
Just then something happens that EinossArku has never seen before in the borderlands. A soft pinkish-white light shines through down to the hand of Salindraa.
What appears to be a floating crystal come from the light and lands within Salindraa's hand. The light fades and EinossArku stands, Salindraa lifts her head towards him.
She has no eyes, as she speaks flies come from her mouth. 'Take me to the place of fate and destiny, take me to where time intertwines and our lives cross paths like the webs of spiders. Take me to the threads.'
EinossArku replies 'The Norns you mean, is that where you want to go?'
Salindraa responds 'You have seen things child, things that will begin to awaken within you. Now take me to the threads.'
EinossArku seems overwhelmed and entranced by Salindraa's words, he nods his head in agreement. He opens a portal, Salindraa rises and steps through. EinossArku follows her to the place of the Norns.
The Threads...
Salindraa and EinossArku arrive at the place of the Norns. Beneath a great tree the sisters of fate and destiny spin their threads. Within their hands are the threads of every living being, their fate and their destiny.
The Norns rise and bow as Salindraa enters the area. EinossArku stands at her side. A shadowy figure then makes his way from the darkness, it is Xarsha.
Salindraa speaks 'My sisters, I will need your threads. There are things I must weave within them. Hand them to Xarsha, he will know what to do. He knows what times are meant to be set in place.'
The sisters who had never relinqueshed the threads to anybody seem to be almost in a trance, they hand the threads over to Xarsha. The strings wrap around his hands, coils come from within his wrist and wrap around the threads.
Within his hands Xarsha holds the fate and destiny of all things. The threads stretch out endlessly infront of them like a large spiderweb, energy can be seen flowing through.
Salindraa steps onto the spider web. 'Come EinossArku, see what is unknown to any.'
Her cloak then drops, Salindraa's form is different from what EinossArku would expect. She is a large light pink crystal spider, the bottom of her legs greatly resemble the black needles.
EinossArku steps onto the threads, he's instantly pulled to his knees, his hands resting upon the threads.
Salindraa says 'I will weave.'
The spider-like creature Salindraa begins to weave threads, the six drops of blood that she gathered upon her limbs turn to thread and begin to weave.
Then a strange pink thread comes from within Salindraa, it crosses and intertwines with all the others. A black drop of blood comes from within her mouth, it turns to thread as they all entwine together.
Salindraa weaves faster and faster as the threads stretch out across all the other endless threads. With one grand motion Salindraa ties all the threads together and they stretch out into the far distance, she has brought eight threads together.
Xarsha says off in the distance 'There should be ten.'
Salindraa replies 'In time there will be, but for now...' She crawls across the threads to where EinossArku is still stuck on his hands and knees. He feels the energy flowing through him but he cannot move, as if all the muscles have tightened within his body.
Salindraa then lifts his face up with one of her limbs. 'For your part, you will find what you are looking for.'
She then uses her stinger which pierces into the chest of EinossArku, a drop of blood is taken onto it.
Salindraa then weaves the drop of blood into thread and ties them together. When she is finished the threads seem to vanish and she crawls back within her robe.
Salindraa then stands and takes upon her more recognizable form. 'That will be enough Xarsha, the time has come. I have watched layer upon layer intertwining the threads of the Omega and the Alpha. They will come together again. Those threads have not yet been woven, but she will come to me one day. I will wait for her in the garden of bones.'
Xarsha unties the threads from his hand and gives them back to the Norns who begin weaving again the fate and destiny of all beings as if unaffected and unaware of what has just transpired.
Salindraa opens a rift and steps through, the rift closes.
Xarsha makes his way over to EinossArku who is regaining his strength. 'In time friend we will meet again. But for now I must take you to another place, and what you have seen here you must not remember.'
Xarsha places his hand upon EinossArku's head, a dark essence flows into his eyes and down through his chest. The energy dissipates and EinossArku shakes his head. 'Where am I? Why are we here? Xarsha, what has happened?'
Xarsha replies 'Something that will transpire within your next visit among the humans in the Midgard realm. Michael will be coming for you soon, it'll be time to go back.'
EinossArku gathers himself. 'Yes, last that I remember I spoke to Michael before I came to see you in the borderlands. Everything else is a blur, as if I was dreaming.'
Xarsha says 'Yes, I found you within the borderlands and I brought you here. It is not a safe place to rest alone EinossArku, you should know this.
Now come, there are some we must meet before Michael comes for you and you return to the Midgard realm. They are the Shadis'Arth and the Moon Mother. You do not know of them but they know of you. They wish to speak to you.'
EinossArku asks 'And the dreams Xarsha, what do they mean?'
Xarsha replies 'You will find what you're looking for, in time.'
Garden of Bones...
In the borderlands floats the athranaak. Strange dark black energy flows from it and there is black lightning all around.
Below it is a labyrinth full of bones where Xarsha walks forward to the gates. Two large forsaken beings stand there and roar out ready to strike Xarsha down.
Xarsha raises his hands and the beings recede back into their former positions. The gates open and he enters the garden of bones.
But this is more than a garden, it's a library. As he walks through bones are on the ground all around his feet. They are bones from all different types of beings spread across the many layers and existences.
He makes his way into the center beneath the athranaak where a ring of bones is placed, in the center sits Salindraa.
Salindraa then raises her head, as she begins to speak flies ascend from her mouth and her eyes 'All has been placed as it should.'
Xarsha nods his head 'Yes, it has. Long have I served my master, as you have served yours. All have been placed, this has been a journey for us.'
Salindraa replies 'Yes Xarsha, a long one. But the puzzles...'
As she raises her hand bones float together and form into small pink athranaaks which glow brightly. These represent the Omega projections.
Salindraa says 'The puzzles are realigning themselves, the Omega will come forth.'
Xarsha says 'To the final layer, to the realm of Midgard.'
Salindraa continues 'I have twined the threads together, they will guide her down into the world of mankind. There I have gathered around her all that she will need, all that the Omega has instructed me to. The the puzzles shall come together.'
Then she asks 'What has happened to the Ourhkina?'
Xarsha replies 'He has returned to the world of mankind, Midgard.'
Salindraa says 'Then it is time Xarsha, time for me to tap the thread, call to my Omega.'
She raises her head, looking up at the athranaak. A bright pink light comes from her eyes and her mouth, shooting upwards. 'Be born, be born into the realm of Midgard. Come forth puzzles of the Omega, be born.'
The light grows brighter and stronger as it stretches out across the borderlands, Xarsha covers his eyes.
As the light dissipates Salindraa drops her head. 'It is done. She has come to the world, the realm of Midgard here on the final layer of all.'
As Salindraa speaks she begins to decay away. 'She will come to me again, I will wait here. Look for them Xarsha, find them.' She decays away until there is nothing left but a robe.
Xarsha walks over to the old ragged robe and reaches down, he finds a single bone, he looks at it. 'Amy, that will be your name... Amy.'
My Midgard Father...
Somewhere within the Void in a dark chamber Vustik stands staring into the crystal that holds Asherah Aphrodite. He touches the crystal with his hand. 'Soon my precious, soon we shall be together.'
As he moves his hand down the crystal he notices something, something that wasn't there before, a small crack within the crystal.
Vustik frantically looks it over. He waves his hand through the air and what he finds are traces of energy 'Something has escaped!'
Melkor enters the chamber and asks 'What has happened to your little prize?'
Vustik replies 'One of you did this, one of you let a little bit of her escape! Find her!'
Melkor says 'I'm not going to find anything. I'm the one who cracked it since you are so eager to know. You are pathetic, you and the others call yourselves Candelabra but yet you spend your time here drooling over her like foolish little beings.'
Nummandor then enters the room followed by the other Candelabra. 'What is going on here?'
Vustik says 'She has escaped! Some of her has escaped thanks to Melkor, he has tampered with her. If some of her essance were to find its way back to any of the realms they would trace it here and come find her.'
Nummandor asks 'Why should you concern yourself with this so much Vustik?'
Vustik replies 'She is mine! Everything and her essence is mine, and you have let some of her escape!' He points his finger at Melkor.
Mono says 'Don't worry yourself. We will find whatever part of her essence has escaped and bring it back.' He then touches the crystal and the crack seals.
Melkor says 'She is no threat, most of her is still imprisoned inside here for you all to stare and drool over.'
Nummandor replies 'Still, if some was to escape it could lead others back to her. She still has allies, and if they were to find that she is alive and remains living they would come for her. We must go, find where this essence has gone to and gather it.'
Vustik then turns to the crystal 'I will find what you have let go and it will be back with you, and soon you will be mine. All mine.'
Watching high above is a robed figure a voice speaks to him. 'Now is your chance, find where she has gone.'
When the Candelabra have cleared the room the robed figure heads down. It is Moskavanik. He says 'This place is no prison, it will not contain her for long my master.'
Eternal Death replies 'Find her, and whatever the cost make sure she never connects.'
Moskavanik waves his hand in the air sprawling some dust 'She has left an energy trail, I shall find it.'
Moskavanik follows the energy trails, there he comes to the place where Norns reside. He spies on them, watching them from a distance. He begins to whisper the words of an incantation.
One of the Norns seems entranced, he searches through her eyes along the threads.
He says 'Where have you gone? Where are you?... In Midgard. Bah, It is too late!'
The voice of Eternal Death echoes through Moskavanik's ears. 'Find a way, bring her to ruin.'
Moskavanik searches through the threads. 'Ah, I sense someone. This has been pre-planned my lord. The Norak has created a vessel with which to watch over the incarnation of the essence that has escaped. I can feel the presence of Ashontrah.'
The voice again rings in Moskavanik's ears 'Find the father, replace him.'
Moskavanik asks 'Who shall I replace him with?'
Eternal Death replies 'With yourself.'
Moskavanik grins 'This will be a pleasure.'
He leaves from the place of the Norns following the energy trail, he finds an old place sitting alone in a far distant realm.
There the Norak is inside concentrating, he sits on the ground within the shape of a pink diamond.
Moskavanik enters silently, he thinks to himself 'Norak...'
Piercing tentacles come from his fingers and race towards the Norak. The Norak's eyes open but before he can make a move he is banished.
Moskavanik says 'Bye bye Norak, I will take over now.' He sits down in the middle of the diamond shaped drawing on the floor. Energy then flows within him.
The energy begins to flow around, Moskavanik says 'I will watch over you now, I will direct you. You will never find who you are, I will make sure of that.'
Then the voice of Eternal Death once again rings in his ears 'Make sure, make sure she never becomes what she really is.'
Moskavanik replies 'She will never. She will be ours and you shall rain down upon this existence. I will be the father, I shall control her.'
Moskavanik then enters the incarnation of Asherah's Midgard father. His eyes flash and twinkle, he grins as he stares down at the young child 'I have you now.'
True Self Connection...