Story of Asherah Chapter Four

Asherah, Jardirosh, Father, and the Norak have gathered their things and are preparing to leave the sanctuary of Asherah's island. Asherah gathers up the final items that she needs and places them within a sack.
She has leaves her long gown in favor of a suit of well fitted light and flexible pink armor. She sheathes the sword that Jardirosh has given her and then takes a long look in the mirror.
She lets out a sigh and says 'This may be the last time I set foot here for awhile, are you ready Asherah? Are you ready to go forward?'
Jardirosh places his hands on her shoulders and says 'I believe you're ready.'
Asherah places her hand upon his 'I know, I am with you at my side, and the Norak. Although I do not know what is ahead I know that you will always stand by me, the both of you, and you will help me see this through.'
Jardirosh says 'To whatever end I will follow you dear Asherah. My sword is yours. I will protect you against all enemies. Come, the Norak and Father wait.'
Asherah gathers her things and takes one last long look around her chambers, she smiles and then heads down to the beach where the others are waiting. They all pile in to Father's boat, and Father and Jardirosh begin to row out to sea.
The Norak says 'I hope you know which way to go Father.'
Father replies 'Oh I do, and where we are going the waters will become treacherous once we enter the mist. When we arrive at that point I must ask you all to brace yourselves and hold on. We are going to journey through the shortest point that will take us to the Collector, but the waters are treacherous.'
He then looks at Asherah 'I ask that when we enter this that you stay low in the boat and hold on. Whatever you do, do not fall overboard. The Eternal Sea has a way of pulling those who fall into it down so that they may never be seen again.'
Asherah nods her head in agreement 'I understand.'
Father and Jardirosh continue to row across the waters of the Eternal Sea for several long hours. Then Asherah stands up and looks, there in front of them is the Veil Mist.
Within it she can see flashes of dark lightning. The boat begins to rock a little bit as the waters begin to pick up.
Father then looks over his shoulder noticing the waves becoming higher, he turns to Asherah and the Norak. 'You two should duck down now and brace yourselves against the side of the boat, we are entering treacherous waters.'
Asherah and the Norak lean down within the boat. Asherah grabs hold of a rope that is running along the length of it, she wraps it around her arm as the Norak does the same on the opposite side.
Jardirosh looks at Father 'I hope you're ready for this old man.'
Father replies to him with a smile 'Oh, this old man still has a few surprises.'
The mist begins to swirl around them, there are sounds of thunder and flashes of black lightning. The waves seem to become higher and higher, the waters of the Eternal Sea splash within the boat.
Father cries out to Jardirosh and the others 'Everyone hold on! Jardirosh, take the oars! I will take the rudder to help steer us through these waves.'
Jardirosh grabs both of the oars and rows with all of his strength. Father then steps to the back of the boat to man the rudder. Just then they are lifted high in the air as they traverse a large wave.
Father looks down at Asherah and yells out 'Hold on Asherah, with everything you have!'
They are lifted over the wave and crash down on the other side, water fills the boat but then quickly drains out. It is treacherous and the boat rocks from side to side.
Just then the boat traverses up another large wave, Father cries out again 'Jardirosh, bring in the oars! Everyone hold on!'
The boat is rocked, Asherah holds on and closes her eyes. She can feel the boat lift up and capsize. All inside the boat are flung into the Eternal Sea, the boat is floating upside down.
Asherah is trapped under the boat, her arm held by the rope she was holding on to. She struggles frantically to free her arm but to no avail.
She is stuck and starts to feel strange. Not as though she is being drained, but almost as if she is falling asleep under some spell.
Asherah regains herself and tries to struggle free. She hears a sound deep beneath the waters. She looks down into the blackness below as hundreds and hundreds of what seem like yellow eyes begin to peer up at her. She watches as these eyes draw closer.
While struggling to get free she notices that these are beings of all different kinds. They look as though they are old and decaying, their mouths opened wide and their eyes grow large as some reach out towards her.
Asherah starts to panic. She struggles and struggles trying to reach for her sword to cut free from the rope but she cannot. She cries out, hoping that the others are near enough to hear her.
She can feel the fingertips of the beings below on the bottom of her foot, and then a hand wraps around her ankle, and then another one.
Asherah looks in horror as several more decrepit beings grasp on to her and try to pull her down into the darkness below.
Just then she sees a flash of steel, it is Jardirosh. He is slashing at the hands and limbs of these decaying beings. They let go and Asherah tries to pull herself back up and struggle free from the rope.
Jardirosh swims up to her. He places his hands on her face and looks into her eyes to reassure her and keep her from panic. He then takes a dagger from his side and cuts the rope free. He pulls Asherah up towards the surface, when they break the water Asherah gasps for air.
She wraps her arms around Jardirosh, He says to her 'That was a close one, hang on to me.'
On the other side of the capsized boat Father and the Norak begin to push, lifting the boat to right it. Jardirosh then lifts Asherah into the boat and climbs in with Father and the Norak.
The Norak asks 'My beautiful Asherah, are you unharmed? Is there anything, anything I can do?'
Asherah replies 'I'm just weary and weak, but I am okay.'
Jardirosh says 'Those who sunk beneath the waves long ago, they came for her. Hundreds of them, more than I have ever seen upon these waters before. Strange, it is as if they were driven by some unknown force to pull Asherah down into the darkness.'
Father says 'It is strange, why would so many come? Maybe there are answers to questions that still remain.'
Asherah looks at Jardirosh 'That was a close one, you have saved me once again.'
Jardirosh looks into Asherah's eyes and says 'And I would save you a million times more. I will not let anything happen to you. I give you my word.'
He looks around 'We've lost the oars. It seems like we're going to be stuck floating for awhile, but at least the waters have calmed down.'
Asherah looks around, the boat seems calm, the waters still, but they are still deep within the mist.
Father grins 'Oh, my oars are gone. Well, I'll just have to do something about that.' He reaches into his cloak and pulls out two small sticks.
Jardirosh laughs 'And what do you plan to do with those old man?'
Father takes the sticks between his fingertips and stares at Jardirosh from across the boat. He says 'I told you, this old man is still full of surprises.' He looks at both of the sticks and says 'Now grow.'
The sticks grow long and form into oars. Father places them into the slots, testing the grip with both of his hands. 'There, now we may proceed.'
Jardirosh stands 'That is a neat trick, shall I take over rowing?'
Father then shakes his head 'Oh no no no no, you've already lost one pair of oars. You man the rudder, and I shall tell you which way to go.'
Jardirosh with a discontent look on his face says 'If that's what you want, but I didn't lose those oars.'
Asherah smiles at this. Jardirosh then sits down next to her and mans the rudder and the four of them travel onward.
Finally after several hours the boat exits the mist, then they are on an ocean of golden water. Off into the distance Asherah can see the silhouette of what appear to be mountains.
She places a hand above her eyes to shade the light of the three suns that shine high above and says 'Look, it looks like land.'
The Norak stands and looks in the same direction 'Ah, I cannot believe this Father. You have brought us to his island, his personal palace. This is amazing. I was figuring we would have to spend some time trying to find it, but you have brought us here to it's exact location.'
Father responds 'I told you I would get you here.' He looks across the boat at Asherah then winks and smiles and continues rowing.
As the four of them near the island Asherah stares up at a beautiful rose gold palace, it seems there is much activity upon the beach.
As they arrive they can see tall blue lizard-like creatures standing guard, but they do not seem threatening. They help bring Father's boat in and tie it off, then they help Father and Asherah off the boat and onto the shore.
The Norak approaches them and speaks a strange language. The two guards speak back to him. The conversation continues on for a few minutes.
Asherah leans over to Jardirosh and asks 'What are they saying?'
Jardirosh looks at her and smiles 'I have no idea, I don't speak reptile.'
Asherah smiles at this and giggles a little bit. They turn their attention back towards the conversation between the Norak and the guards. The Norak exchanges bows with them.
The Norak then turns to Father, Jardirosh, and Asherah. He says 'I told them that we are here seeking trade for a very special item. That we seek audience with the Collector and that we bring him something that will definitely appeal to his taste. They have agreed to take the message to Maquardian the Collector.'
Jardirosh asks 'And that's all you guys said to each other?'
The Norak replies 'No, no I actually know one of the guards. We have played many games of Nakrektingtien, which is a form of card game.
I remember that he won several times and that the lance he carries used to be one of my own. He won it off me. I was asking how it has served him and he says quite well.'
Father takes notice of Asherah who is now laughing. Asherah shrugs and says 'It brings me joy to know that there is still polite conversation even between competitors nowadays, that things do not turn into hostility or violence.'
Father replies 'Yes that is good, it is better to be welcomed as guests instead of treated as enemies.'
The guards return and speak their language to the Norak. He bows and turns to the other three. 'Maquardian is anxious to see us, they will take us there now.'
Just then up the road ahead there comes a carriage, it is in the shape of a large pink rose and is pulled by what appear to be large whitish rose gold stallions. The stallions have pink eyes and manes. They seem almost to be transparent, as if they were spirits.
Asherah's eyes widen 'What beautiful creatures, is that our carriage?'
The Norak looks over and says 'Yes, it is one of the finest.'
The guards help them climb aboard the carriage and it begins its long journey up the road to the Maquardian's palace. On the way they pass through a beautiful forest, around them are many more of the strange blue lizard-beings.
They seem to be happy, going about their daily business. she even sees young ones crossing the road at play. They stop and look, and they wave at the carriage. Asherah who is sitting closest to the window looks out and smiles at them.
One of the small lizard beings comes running up to the carriage, it seems to be a young girl. She is holding up a beautiful bright pink flower that glows with luminescence.
The young girl says something to Asherah in their strange language. She puts her hands together and does a curtsy then smiles and runs away. Asherah smells the flower, it is one of the most beautiful scents she has ever smelled.
Asherah asks the Norak 'What did she say to me?'
The Norak smiles 'She said out of all the beauty in their realm and on this island you are by far the most beautiful thing she has ever seen.'
This brings joy to Asherah, she smiles and says 'This Maquardian, he seems to be a being who cherishes beauty and kindness.'
Father replies 'Maquardian is unlike any other Collector, he is not cruel. He came here long ago when these people were desperate and were under siege by the Bishberrin and his armies.
The Maquardian payed the Bishberrin a high ransom so that he would overlook this realm and not harm or destroy the ones here. The Maquardian is a kind Collector. Although he has a taste for elegant and beautiful things.'
Jardirosh nudges Asherah with his shoulder 'Then we has better keep a close eye on you, I don't want him snatching you up and running off.'
Father grins and looks over at Jardirosh 'As I said, he is unlike any other Collector. I do not believe he would kidnap Asherah or cause us any harm. So be on your best behavior please.'
Father looks out the window then puts his pipe in his mouth and takes a few puffs, Jardirosh leans over and whispers into Asherah's ear 'I think I upset the old man.'
Asherah giggles a little, then Jardirosh does as well. Asherah then looks out the window and enjoys her ride up the road, in sight is the beautiful palace of the Maquardian.
The carriage slowly comes to a halt. Several of the lizard-like guards approach the carriage and help Asherah and the others out of it.
Jardirosh laughs a little bit 'I didn't know we were going to receive a royal escort.'
They all look forward, Asherah stares at what must be Maquardian the Collector, he is a large being with four arms, an Arniyx.
He is dressed in a bright pink robe, and many pink jewels hang from him. He smiles and puts all four of his hands together. 'What a delight.' He gasps and his eyes grow wide as his gaze is transfixed on Asherah.
All four of the companions stop in front of the Maquardian, the Maquardian continues to stare with large eyes at Asherah.
He then shakes his head. 'Apologies, I'm sorry I have not introduced myself. I was transfixed on you young one.'
Maquardian reaches down with one of his large hands and takes Asherah's, he leans in to kiss it, his lips are very large but his kiss is gentle and unsoiling.
'You are the most lovely creature I have ever seen.' He lets out a deep sigh 'Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. And hello again Father, how are you?'
Father responds 'Quite fine Maquardian, and yourself?'
The Maquardian replies 'Oh, I have been splendid as of late. Things are prosperous here and business is good. Tell me, how is that boat doing that I sold you? Has it fared the waters of the Eternal Sea?'
Father says 'Yes, quite well. I have made many journeys in it.'
Jardirosh laughs 'And he's almost drown all of us in it.'
The Maquardian responds 'Oh dear heavens no.'
Father looks over at Jardirosh with a stern look on his face 'I was not the one manning the oars.'
Maquardian says 'Well you've all arrived here safely. Ah, and you must be the Norak. I have heard so much about you.'
He takes the Norak's hands into his 'A true pleasure, a true pleasure to meet you. And who is this that is with you, one of your own personal guards?'
Jardirosh then stands proudly and grasps the hilt of his sword 'I am the protector of Asherah, so yeah I guess you could say I'm her personal bodyguard.'
Maquardian pinches Jardirosh on the arm 'And so strong you are, look at that, as if he were chiseled from rephraxi crystals. Oh, you are a fine specimen, a fine specimen indeed. And I imagine you are as skilled with that blade as you are handsome.'
Jardirosh replies 'I am.'
The Maquardian claps his hands together 'Oh good, then perhaps a demonstration later.'
Jardirosh says 'Eh, if that would please you, then yes.'
Maquardian then says 'Oh of course of course, we shall have one later against my finest bodyguard. But this will not be a blood sport, only a test of skill.
But that will come later. Come, come inside. I am having a feast prepared for your visit, then we can sit and talk. I am sure that many of you are hungry from your long journey.'
Asherah sighs as she hears her tummy grumble 'I could go for something to eat. The journey was long, and I have not had anything since we left.'
Maquardian replies 'Oh then my dear I have just the delights for you, the finest rose cakes. You must enjoy them, they are sweet and cooked by my best baker. Come, come.'
The others follow as him inside, Jardirosh leans in and whispers to Asherah 'He's a bit eccentric isn't he?'
Asherah smiles 'Yes he is, but I like him. He gives me a good feeling. He seems kind, and very giving. I look forward to knowing him more.'
The four companions are escorted by the guards and Maquardian and enter a beautiful palace, the palace is done up in many colors of rose gold and different shades of pink.
Asherah looks around in astonishment, such beauty. There are carvings of roses and rose vines, it is beautiful. There in front of them is a long table with a pink cloth upon it, it is set with rose gold dinnerware.
At the head of the table is a large chair where Maquardian sits. He then says to the others 'Please, please sit and let us discuss and converse about the affairs of the day.'
Father and the Norak sit on one side while Jardirosh and Asherah sit on the other. Asherah sits close to Maquardian who then pours her some fine pinkish berry wine. 'The wine here is excellent, not sour but sweet, as you are my dear.'
Asherah blushes and then sips from the cup. Jardirosh looks over at Maquardian and feels a bit of jealousy at this.
The Maquardian then says 'So tell me Father, what news of the outside? How are the existences and the realms? I don't get to travel very much nowadays, I conduct most of my business here.'
Father replies 'There are some realms who are still peaceful, but to be honest with you many realms and existences are falling to dark powers and those who wish to prey upon the innocent and peaceful. Those who indulge in malice and cruelty.'
The Maquardian's expression turns somber 'Oh it's so terrible, so terrible. Can't we all just come together, sit and enjoy wine and good conversation. I do not understand these beings... Like the Bishberrin, or Ashoweah, and that one Eternal Death, he is frightful, frightful I tell you! I am glad they never come here.'
Jardirosh speaks in a sarcastic tone 'Well of course they'll never come here, that's what money can buy you, protection.'
Maquardian looks sternly at Jardirosh 'And if that is what I have bought with my fortune... the protection of this realm and the survival of the beings and races that live within it. Then I would consider that money well spent, wouldn't you?'
Asherah looks over at Jardirosh 'He has a point.'
Jardirosh frowns and takes a sip of the wine. Just then servants bring over plates with rose cakes.
Maquardian says 'Oh, yes yes here they are, as I have promised. Take a bite beautiful one, you will find the taste exquisite.'
Asherah takes a fork and takes a bite of the rose cake. She smiles, the taste is that of pure delight.
Maquardian who cannot take his eyes off her returns the grin 'It is good yes?'
Asherah, with a full mouth replies 'Mmmm, very good.'
Maquardian continues 'So tell me, you have come here seeking something. What is it I may help you with? I have many items that would interest all of you, I have the most beautiful gown.'
He leans towards Asherah 'It is made from the finest silk, woven from the rays of pink moon that shines above this realm.'
Asherah says 'It sounds beautiful, but it is not what we are here for.'
Maquardian leans back 'Oh, then what is it that you seek from me and how may I be of service?'
The Norak responds 'We come to you seeking an item that has come into your possession long ago.' He pulls a piece of parchment from his robe, on it is a drawing of an Alpha shard.
Maquardian looks at it with a straight face 'Yes, I do know of this item. And it is here.'
He then sets the parchment down 'But I must warn you, this item is strange. The energy that flows within it, well, it frightens me. I keep it locked away, far within the vault. I fear that whatever is within it could be terrible in the hands of those who are evil.'
Father replies 'And that is why we have come, so that it will never fall into the hands of evil.'
Asherah interrupts Father 'I have come, I have come seeking these shards. For whatever power is within them it can never fall into the hands of those who would use them for cruelty and malice.
It's the whole reason I came here, it was the whole reason the Norak found me. I am to find these shards. We have already come across one, but we were ambushed by the Bishberrin and a horrible Myrrdonite being known as Tarkia. They serve one known as the Vorak.'
Fear sets into the eyes of Maquardian 'The Vorak, he is after them too? Along with the Bishberrin and Myrrdonite. Oh, oh...' He leans back in his chair shaking. 'These are terrible terrible beings, terrible.'
Maquardian places his hand upon Asherah's 'I worry for you so much beautiful one, beings like these will stop at nothing to possess power. They are cruel vicious beings, and prey upon those who are beautiful and kind...' He then touches Asherah's face 'Like you are.'
Asherah takes the hand of the Maquardian in hers 'Then you will help me? I must take these shards far far away from them. I will take them back to a place where they can never come for them.'
Maquardian asks 'Is there such a place?'
Asherah smiles reassuringly 'There is, the place is my home. And they can never get there, for it is surrounded by the waters of the Eternal Sea.'
Maquardian smiles 'I trust you child, I trust that you will take care of this. But I am a Collector, and there must be an exchange for an item of such power.'
The Norak responds 'We have brought many things, they are on the boat. If you could send some of your guards to go down to fetch them you may look through them and decide, and choose any one if not all of them.'
Maquardian raises his hands 'I will have none of those, there is nothing that you have within your boat or chest of treasures that would be worth the shard you seek.'
The four companions look at each other in disbelief, have they come all this way only to not gain the shard? And it is so close.
Father speaks 'But we have come all this way, and you truly believe that by giving the shard to Asherah you would be safe, this would bring no danger upon your realm.
Even though you have made an agreement with Bishberrin there is no guarantee that he will keep it. And the Vorak, even Eternal Death, they will come. It is safer with us, that is a price worth paying.'
Maquardian looks at Father with a stern face 'I did not say I would not be willing to bargain for it, I simply said that you have nothing within your chest of treasures that I want.'
He turns his attention towards Asherah 'But there is one thing I want...'
Jardirosh looks sternly, his hand grasps the hilt of his sword. He asks 'And what might it be that you want?'
Maquardian stands and takes Asherah's hand 'A dance, a dance with this beautiful creature. The most beautiful I've ever seen. Grant me this dance and I shall give you the shard.'
Asherah blushes and smiles 'Then it is a dance you shall have.'
She takes the hand of the Maquardian who blushes in return. They walk together to a dance floor inside the main hall.
Maquardian then claps all his hands together. Beautiful music begins to play. He then bows and Asherah returns the gesture. They join hands, two of the Maquardian's hands holding Asherah's and two others wrapped around her waist.
It seems a bit awkward, the Maquardian being so large, but they slide gracefully across the dance floor. The music plays on and on and the dance continues. Maquardian looks into Asherah's eyes and they both exchange smiles.
Asherah herself feels warm and happy inside. They dance on, slowly twirling around the room until the song ends, then they gracefully bow to one another.
There is a tear falling from the Maquardian's eyes. Asherah looks up and asks 'What is wrong? Did you not enjoy our dance?'
Maquardian responds 'It is the most beautiful experience I have ever had.'
Asherah reaches up towards Maquardian's face and wipes the tear away 'And it will be one that I will remember, thank you for sharing this with me.'
Maquardian replies 'The pleasure was all mine beautiful one. The shard, of course. Come, I shall take you there. I have not placed it here in my palace, but it's a short distance from here. We shall travel there, come.'
Asherah, Maquardian, and the others then leave the palace. There is a troop of royal guards standing by and a very large rose gold carriage prepared for them.
The Maquardian helps Asherah aboard, then climbs into the carriage himself along with the others. The carriage begins to take off and the guards follow in escort.
They head down the road from the palace into a beautiful forest where the fragrance of flowers is all around them. In the distance there are the sounds of beautiful birds and flying creatures.
Asherah says 'This is a beautiful realm, I am happy to be here.'
Maquardian takes her hand 'And you are welcome to come here any time you wish. I still have that dress, and would marvel to see you in it. Even though I think you are far beyond its beauty, far beyond it.'
Asherah smiles and is happy at this. Maquardian is a kind and gentle creature. Asherah feels a little tired, she rests her head against the shoulder of the Maquardian and falls asleep.
Asherah opens her eyes and stares across the carriage. She sees Jardirosh resting his head upon his fist, he seems asleep. She looks over at Father who is leaning back with his eyes closed. Then she looks over at the Norak whose eyes are also closed.
There is a bump as the coach hits a rock in the road. Father and Jardirosh are startle awake. Father asks 'Is everything alright?'
Maquardian replies 'Oh, it's nothing but a rock in the road. I shall have some of my servants clear it, my apologies.'
Asherah notices that the Norak never opened his eyes or even moved. She has also noticed that several times during the journey the Norak's eyes have been closed. She asks 'Norak, are you asleep?'
The Norak replies 'No, I am awake.'
Asherah continues 'You seem to be someone who is always in deep meditation, for your eyes are closed most of the time along our journeys.'
Jardirosh interrupts 'Or maybe he just doesn't get good sleep.'
The Norak then opens one eye 'Maybe I am just a person willing to think in deep thought, you should try it sometime Jardirosh.'
Asherah, Jardirosh, Maquardian and Father all laugh.
Maquardian says 'Oh, we are almost there, I have such things to show you, such amazing and wonderful things. And of course the shard, the shard which is rightfully yours. Maybe one day you will come again and there may be something else I may trade to you for a dance.'
Asherah smiles 'I would dance with you for free, with no charge or exchange. I enjoyed it, it was a wonderful time. Thank you.'
Up ahead on the road the forest clears and opens up. There is a beautiful rose gold summer manor with pink trimming close by. The scent of flowers and blossoms is in the air, it is a sweet fragrance.
Maquardian says 'This is my home away from home, I keep many many things here, including the shard. Come, come.' The carriage stops and everyone disembarks.
As they approach the summer home the large doors are opened by the blue scaled lizard guards, they enter inside. There are many different items, it is like a museum.
Maquardian and the others walk around, many of them staring at the different items. Maquardian then says 'These are most of the treasures within my collection, some of them one of a kind, some of them very very old.'
They walk past a statue and Asherah stops, she stares up at the statue, her face cold. Her smile changes to a frown. Maquardian notices this and stops. 'What is it beautiful one? Does this statue trouble you?'
Asherah replies 'It frightens me, he frightens me.'
The statue Asherah looks upon is a black carved depiction of the Lord of Judgement Atherak.
Maquardian asks 'You know of Judgement? Atherak who came long ago to judge the existences.'
Asherah answers 'Yes, I have heard of him. He frightens me so.'
Maquardian replies 'He frightens everyone. Even nowadays those who are the most hungry for conquering, those who seem the most wicked in malice and cruelty, even they are frightened of him. For who upon any existence would not be frightened of Judgement?'
He places his hands upon Asherah's shoulders 'But do not worry, long ago Atherak burned away and he is no more. Only a myth and a bedtime story to scare young children into behaving properly and minding their parents. Come, this way.'
The five of them walk down a long narrow corridor, it is beautifully decorated with rose gold trimming and bright pink rose carvings.
Asherah says 'This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen.'
Maquardian responds 'Yes, but what is behind this door frightens me the most of all.'
They come to a black door, Maquardian takes a key from around his neck and opens it. They step inside, in the middle of the room on a black stone alter floats the Alpha shard.
Everyone's eyes widen with amazement, Asherah steps forward. 'This is the shard, I can sense the power within it.'
Maquardian places his hands together 'It is yours child, and I must be honest I am glad that it is leaving here. But it saddens me that it'll be in your hands. Such a power should never be given, never fall into the hands of the wrong beings. To think of what they would use it for.'
Asherah takes the shard and places it within her satchel. She turns to Maquardian. 'I promise you, no being of cruelty or malice will ever place their hands upon this shard. I will take it from here and put it in a safe place so that none will ever possess its power.'
Maquardian smiles, his hand touches Asherah's cheek. 'I believe you beautiful one, and I trust you. Come, let us rest and dine. For it has been a long journey.'
The five of them leave the chamber and head back down the hallway. As they approach the main audience chamber there is a blue lizard guard who comes running in. The guard bows, he seems to be nervous and frightened.
Maquardian asks 'What is it? Why such a rush, is everything alright?'
The guard responds breathlessly in his own language, the Maquardian's eyes widen.
Asherah asks 'What did he say? What's happening?'
Maquardian replies 'My guard has informed me... That he has come, they have come. There are myrrdonite here, and the Bishberrin and his armies. We must--'
Just then the doors to the main hall are forced open, in steps several gargs and Tarkia followed by four Myrrdonite.
Tarkia says 'Maquardian, what a pleasure to see you. It looks like you have what we came for. Well then, I suppose we shall make these negotiations simple.'
Maquardian's face turns from fear to anger 'You have no place here myrrdonite, there is nothing here that I would offer you! Now leave my realm!'
Tarkia says 'Ah, but you are wrong. This is no longer your realm, it has been given to the Bishberrin and his armies.'
Maquardian replies 'How dare you, the Bishberrin and I have an agreement. An agreement that stands to this day.'
He is suddenly cut off by Tarkia who laughs 'You are a fool, your agreement was based upon money. You bought this realm from him. Myself and those I serve simply made him a better offer. Now, you will negotiate for this realm.'
Jardirosh draws his sword, Father and the Norak also make ready. Maquardian says 'There will be no negotiation myrrdonite, leave this realm now!'
Tarkia sighs and rolls her eyes 'I've done enough talking, kill them and bring the girl and the shard.'
They begin to advance forward. Father steps in front of all of them, he raises his hand into the air and before them comes a field which stops the garg and myrrdonites.
Tarkia rushes the field launching her coils at it but to no avail. Father turns to the other four and with a frightened look on his face he simply yells 'Run! Go! Get her out of here with the shard!'
Asherah runs towards Father 'I will not leave you here!'
Father turns and says 'You must protect the shard. They must not get it. I will hold them as long as I can. Jardirosh take her and go!'
Jardirosh grabs the arm of Asherah 'Listen to Father, he knows what he's talking about. Come on, there's no time.'
The Norak, Asherah, Jardirosh, and Maquardian run back down the corridor. Asherah looks back before they enter the long hall that leads down to the chamber where the shard was kept.
Father turns with one last look 'Go my child!'
Asherah turns as Jardirosh comes back 'Come, there's no time!'
Father returns his attention to where he is holding the field, where the gargs and myrrdonite are still attempting to break through. Just then there is a loud crash and the manner rumbles.
The gargs step away, and on the other side of the field Father stares into the eyes of the Bishberrin.
The Bishberrin cackles 'What is this Tarkia? You can't get through? Let me show you how to deal with an Aspect!'
With one forceful swipe of his hand the Bishberrin strikes the shield shattering it and sending Father flying back.
The Bishberrin looks at Tarkia 'Simple as that. Now retrieve what we came here for. I shall deal with this one.'
Tarkia along with the myrrdonite and gargs make their way around Father and pursue Asherah and her friends down the corridor.
The Bishberrin attacks Father before he is able to rise. He throws him into one of the walls, smashing it.
He then picks up Father and scoffs 'The Great Father, what is so great about you?'
Father then looks into his eyes 'Let me show you.'
A flash blinds the Bishberrin and he drops Father. Great Father then launches energy attacks against the Bishberrin knocking him back.
Father draws a dagger from his cloak. 'I'm going to finish what Atherak started, this will be the end of you and your wretched kind.'
The Bishberrin regains himself and laughs 'You speak so bravely old man, now let me show you.'
Father and the Bishberrin begin to clash. Father strikes at the Bishberrins chest, the blade breaks.
The Bishberrin grabs Father in one hand, snapping his wrist. With the other he grabs Father's leg, twisting it until it breaks. He throws Father to the ground.
Father struggles to regain himself. The Bishberrin then steps on the back of Father's head forcing his face into the ground. He then picks up Father and throws him through the wall of the manor.
The Bishberrin laughs 'Oh Great Father, you broken old man. I should have finished you a long time ago.'
He walks up to where Father is barely conscious. The Bishberrin grabs the back of Father's cloak, lifting him up.
The Bishberrin says 'I would devour your core, taste your power, but you disgust me old man. I would think it better to leave you alive when I devour all the Aspects, all their power.'
You will be the last there when I come for your precious Mother. You will be there, you will watch with your broken body as I devour her!'
He lifts Father higher before slamming him over his knee, breaking his back. 'Goodbye old man.' With all his strength the Bishberrin throws Father into the air crashing through the trees.
The Bishberrin turns to his minions 'Destroy this realm, and everything in it. Show no quarter, indulge yourselves my minions.'
The armies of the Bishberrin turn upon the beings of the realm. Those who dwell here put up a fight but they have no advantage against the strong army of the Bishberrin.
Asherah, Maquardian, Jardirosh, and the Norak have made it down to the chamber. They rush inside as Maquardian closes the large doors 'They cannot be allowed to get through that. There must be a way out, I will try to open a portal.'
Asherah can hear the pounding of the gargs on the other side of the door. Maquardian concentrates, trying to open the portal. 'It seems that something is jamming my senses, fielding so that I may not be able to open one. Norak, help me please!'
Norak starts to concentrate, the two begin to whirl their hands in the air trying to open a portal.
Something begins to open, but instead of a portal it is a rift. A coil pierces the shoulder of Maquardian, knocking him back. Another wraps around the Norak.
Tarkia and her Myrrdonites step through. 'Foolish Collector, did you believe that I would not be able to get in here?'
She sighs, exasperated. 'I'm going to make you this offer one last time to save this realm and the beings that you care for within it. Surrender this girl and the shard and I will call the Bishberrin off. Otherwise you will all die here and now, and we will take what we came for.'
Jardirosh draws his blade and says 'You will die trying myrrdonite! I have waited long to slay some more of your kind, especially you!'
Maquardian adds 'You will not cause this beautiful creature any harm or you will deal with me here, now!'
Asherah steps forward and says 'No, I will not allow them to destroy this realm and these beings here, I will not. If it is me and the shard you want then take us, but spare this realm.'
Maquardian turns to her and places his hands on her shoulders 'No, no you cannot! The sacrifices made here today you must remember.'
Asherah replies 'I will not let them all die because of me.'
Maquardian looks long into her eyes, his eyes begin to well with tears. 'You must Asherah. Even with how much it will pain you, remember this... As long as you are, there will always be Love and Beauty. And that is worth sacrificing for.'
Maquardian powers himself up, bright pink energy flows around him. He creates a blinding blast of pink light that blinds Tarkia and the myrrdonite.
He then turns and uses all his power to open a portal. 'Now go, and remember what I said, you are Love and Beauty. As long as you live, it will always be.'
Maquardian looks to Jardirosh and says 'Take her, go!'
Jardirosh grabs Asherah's arm and tells her 'We must go!'
Asherah looks into the eyes of Maquardian 'I'm sorry...'
Maquardian smiles as Asherah, Jardirosh and the Norak step through the portal, it closes.
Tarkia and her myrrdonite regain themselves. 'You would sacrifice everything for one? You are a fool.'
With a wave of her hand a coil pierces through the neck of Maquardian, with his dying words he says 'I would sacrifice all for Love and Beauty.'
With that he begins to wither and decay away, as his corps hits the ground he shatters into dust.
Tarkia then turns to her myrrdonite and says 'Find them, kill the other two and bring this girl and the shard to me. I am tired of excuses, and so is the one who I serve. Find them now!'
When Asherah and the others step through the other side of the portal they are on the beach, they can see Father's boat within sight.
Jardirosh says 'Quickly, to the boat. We must make it out to the Eternal Sea and into the Veil Mist where they will not be able to follow. Run, quickly!'
The three of them run towards Father's boat. Jardirosh places Asherah upon the boat and the Norak climbs onboard. Jardirosh unties the rope and pushes it out into the water.
Asherah looks off into the distance as fires burn, she can hear the screaming of the people living there, they are being slaughtered.
Jardirosh jumps onto the boat, he grabs hold of the oars and begins rowing. Asherah is standing there staring at the destruction in the distance, sadness overcomes her, tears well in her eyes 'They're dying because of me...'
Jardirosh replies to her 'Do not look at it Asherah. We have the shard, they do not. More would die if they had gained it.'
Asherah reaches into her pouch and pulls out the shard, she looks down at it in anger. 'You cursed thing, you horrible, miserable, cursed thing!' Asherah raises it to throw it into the waters, just then a coil wraps around her hand.
Walking upon the water not far from the boat is Tarkia, she laughs 'If you want to throw it away child I shall take it, but I shall also take you and your beauty as well.'
Another coil then wraps around the shard pulling it free from Asherah's hand and back towards Tarkia. Then Tarkia raises her hand commanding the other coil that is wrapped around Asherah's wrist, pulling Asherah into the water.
Jardirosh jumps into the water grabbing Asherah's other wrist while holding on to the boat. He yells to the Norak 'Row!'
The waves are crashing all around Jardirosh and Asherah. Tarkia then says 'Let... Her... Go.' She moves forward towards Asherah as Jardirosh pulls with all his strength.
Asherah looks back at him as the water flows over her head. 'Help! She won't let go!'
Jardirosh replies 'And neither will I!'
Just then she can feel a hand wrap around her wrist, it is Tarkia. 'The time for running is over beautiful one. Now you are mine, and your friends will die.'
Asherah breaks her wrist free from Jardirosh as he screams 'No!'
Asherah reaches for her sword with her free hand 'I'm not going anywhere, now let go of me you bitch!'
With a slash of Asherah's sword she cuts through half the face of Tarkia and down through her shoulder cutting off the arm that she was using to hold onto her wrist.
Tarkia shrieks in agony and falls from her place standing upon the water. Other myrrdonite can be seen, their coils wrap around Tarkia and they reel her in. Asherah swims away but feels herself losing strength.
Just then a hand grabs her, Jardirosh pulls her aboard the boat. 'Move over!' He mans the oars where the Norak is. With all his strength he rows into the mist with the myrrdonite in pursuit.
When they enter the mist Jardirosh stands, his sword drawn and ready, he looks out, but nothing has followed them.
On the other side of the Veil Mist, Tarkia is upon the shore 'That bitch! That little bitch! How dare she, how dare she!'
Other myrrdonite then surround her and begin to sew her face and arm back together with their coils.
Tarkia continues 'How dare she! I will have that bitch's beauty, she will pay for what she has done to me!'
She holds the Alpha shard in her one good hand and raises it. Just then it is taken from her and the Vorak speaks 'But not with this, this is mine. You have done well Tarkia, and I shall reward you. Now come, let us unlock the secrets of the shard. It will lead me to what I desire. Now pay the Bishberrin.'
Tarkia then looks around and says 'I believe he has been payed well enough.' All around them the realm, so long protected, is destroyed.
Jardirosh continues to row. Asherah is on her knees weeping 'It's all my fault. They all died because of me...'
The Norak replies 'It is not your fault, the blame is with me.'
Asherah looks up at him. 'I do not understand, it is not you they come for. Tell me, what do you mean?'
The Norak answers 'You asked earlier why you so often see me with my eyes closed. I fear I have not been fully honest with you Asherah. I do so to block out the Vorak. You see, he can see everything I can.
Jardirosh drops the oars and stands. He the Norak and lifts him up. 'You bastard! All this time, all this time he knew where to find us through you! And you said nothing! I ought to toss you into the sea and let you drown!'
The Norak replies 'Please do, I have caused both you and Asherah so much. Please, do it.'
Jardirosh gathers his strength to throw the Norak, but before he can Asherah places her arm around his. She speaks to him sternly 'No, too many have died here today, too many. No one else will die, let him go.
Both of you, sit. Jardirosh, row us home. I will hear no more bickering, no more fighting. There will be no more death today.'
Asherah then stands at the end of the boat looking out at the Veil Mist and the Eternal Sea.
Jardirosh rows silently, his eyes always on the Norak. As he watches him from across the boat he says 'Keep your fucking eyes closed.' The Norak then bows his head and closes his eyes.
They row for several hours in silence, then they break through the Veil Mist and are on the Eternal Sea leading to Asherah's home. When they reach the beach Jardirosh ties the boat off and steps out as Asherah follows.
The Norak steps out and Asherah places her hand upon his chest. She says 'I am sorry, I know you mean well. And I know deep down inside you do not wish me any harm and you did not wish this upon any of us, but I cannot have you with me anymore. Please, too many have been lost. Take this boat, leave here, and never come back.'
The Norak bows his head. 'I understand Asherah, and I am sorry. You will never see me again.'
The Norak climbs back in to Father's boat and rows off across the Eternal Sea. Asherah watches as he disappears on the waves.
Jardirosh stands behind her and wraps his arms around her. 'And I'm sorry too, I should have protected you better. I will never make that mistake again. I will never let you down ever.'
Asherah places her hand upon his 'You are all that I have left, I don't want to lose you either. Hold me.'
She turns around and places her arms around him. He embraces her tightly as she places her head against his shoulder and weeps.
Asherah says 'Promise you'll never leave me.'
Jardirosh replies 'I promise.'
True Self Connection...