Origin of Ashontrah and History of Pandora's Box

This is a conversation we had in the War and Battle chat. It discusses several different topics including human limitations, the origin of Ashontrah, and the true history of Pandora's Box.

Darren: I don’t understand why if Atherak is powerful why doesn’t he fight all the big enemies?

Epimetheus: Do you think he is supposed to? Do you realize what my master is? He is not some hero. He is judgement. Realize balance is being brought, you don't even understand his role and job.

Darren: Yeah but shouldn’t Shaderell and such face judgement? Wouldn’t that entail him dealing with them?

Epimetheus: Yes he will, I'm sure you know everyone has their time. He will face judgment. You believe my master is responsible for this shit this existence has brought upon itself?

Fundin: I've thought about this at length too. There's no answer that's going to be immediately satisfying. You have to unask the question.

Shaderell and the others are still allowed the option to disengage completely, return to their existences, and make amends for their wrongs.

There are lessons to learn from watching their actions and the ripples from their actions unfold. Atherak tends only to step in when things are about to completely spiral out of control.

It's similar to letting kids make mistakes and put themselves in slightly risky situations, in order to cement an important lesson about life deep within their psyche.

Vox: Or maybe it is simply not Shaderell's time yet. There are certain time for some things. His time for judgement has not come yet I feel. Although it may be soon, we will just have to see...

Suchi: Agreed...give him enough rope to hang himself and then...

Ashontrah: What good would it do you if Atherak went and killed all the major bad guys? What would you learn? Even if he did that creates power vacuums and like weeds more would just pop up. It does not solve the root of the issue.

What kind of world would we live in if superman flew around and took care of every crime? What would the citizens learn to do?

Suchi: Very true....Judgement happens only after a being has taken action...right or wrong..Judgement cannot happen before..and besides, isn't this where free will kicks in.

Ashontrah: There are times that I decide to do things myself. Like tonight I saw there was a changeling going around pretending to be me. I snapped my fingers and it instantly killed her.

Those she was trying to entice are looking at her like she is fake. I made her change back into her normal form. They walk away and leave the body.

Most of the time if you read my posts, I have everyone else doing things for themselves and each other.

Atherak comes in only when it is necessary like with the Bishberrin and Yustaf.

Just a warning based on some adjustments I made...

If anyone tries to take on my form it will instantly kill them.

If anyone tries to steal my beauty it will instantly kill them.

Atherak: "Let's hope Ashontrah is not the popular trick-or-treat costume."

Artemis: Ashontrah, are the subliminal makers that have made Aphrodite Beauty subliminals included in "If anyone tries to steal my beauty it will instantly kill them"? I realize they may not use the subliminal themselves, but they had/have the audacity to create them.

Do you also include anyone that happens to listen to Aphrodite Beauty or physiology subliminals on a whim without true intentions of causing harm or trying to steal anything from you and not even aware of the group/s and that Aphrodite is not a myth?

I am curious because I am having the issue of subliminal makers making subliminals of Artemis physiology and powers and have my wrath set upon the makers, and those that use them that are well aware of what they're doing by listening to them, but I do have a bit of concern for those that are using them without harmful intentions and/or think I'm just a myth, although I want to protect myself from anyone stealing anything from me whether intended or not.

I'm just wondering if, for you, they're all one in the same and no matter who listens to the ones specifically for Aphrodite Beauty or physiology, they will die.

Fundin: I think the simple fact of those other sub makers is that they're bullshitting, and their subs are infused with nothing in terms of energy.

It's kind of similar to street/flea markets selling knock-off versions of high-end brand products. Simply invoking your name and saying that they're copying your energy is likely making your TS scoff, at most.

Ashontrah: When Asherah made subliminals she had the ability to connect them with the source of those energies and powers. Other sub makers do not have this.

Subs by other makers have to rely on the subconscious itself. No matter how powerful and godlike humans think they are they are still very limited.

The mind cannot do everything and anything as some think. If so then every delusional person would be what they think they are.

No matter how much you think you are Superman... if you jump off a building truly believing you will fly... you will still fall.

Is there real teleportation? Yes. But they are not humans. Humans are limited by design are their minds cannot get though that because it comes from a far higher source that doesn’t care what you think about it.

Atherak and I got permission from this higher source to turn certain humans into Moon Tribes.

Humans are still under the stupid notion that there are many races of them. This causes them to not even accept each other as humans.

The is only one human race. Do they not realize how many races in other realms come in multiple colors?

If they don’t accept each other because they see fellow humans as a different race then how will they accept us?

562,937,421 people on earth are incarnations of spiritual true selves who are non-human. The rest are human spirits or just essence without a spirit.

Skadi: Ashontrah may I ask which higher source you were talking about?

Ashontrah: Great Mother and Great Father.

Fundin: Incredible information, thank you for sharing. I didn't realize the number was that high.

Ravar: Are Great Mother and Great Father known as All-Mother and All-Father, Gaïa and Odin?

Sobek: I think All-Mother and All-Father are for this existence and Great Mother and Great Father are for all existences. I am not 100% sure though.

Ravar: It’s so incredible that actually we are 562,937,421. We are about 1000 maximum maybe (on Earth) connected to our true selves. It saddens me so much that all of these spiritual beings may not arrive in Midgard before the Fall because their incarnations are disconnected to them. I wonder why they couldn’t and we could?

Ashontrah: Great Mother and Great Father are before any existence came to be. Great Mother is the mother of all the Creator beings.

Artemis: Thank you for answering and for this information, Ashontrah. I am so relieved that Asherah was the only one that connected to the sources, so I am no longer concerned and yes, can now just scoff at it Fundin. My but they sure are wracking up energetic debt for themselves...and I'm not just talking about Artemis subliminals but Aphrodite, Apollo, Unicorn, Phoenix, Dragon....just to name a few.

Ashontrah: The 10 Cosmic Energies are harnessed through the Great Balancer now.

I discovered something interesting last night. Ever since my incarnation was a child she always had this issue in her solar plexus area. It seemed like a black hole vortex. It would always drain her of energy. It seemed like it led somewhere.

I had the Athranaak do an analysis on it. It is a vortex. It leads to unknown. It has no recollection of it. The Athranaak said it was older than Athranaaks.

I asked Atherak to yank it out. He pulled on it very hard. It was very resistant. He pulled with all his might and it came out. It was attached to the Atheron.

Apparently this vortex was inside me from the time Amy was born. It was always sending energy to try to re-create the existence inside the Atheron.

Great Father: "It is because that is where I made you."

Ashontrah: "I don't understand. I was only born a few months ago."

Where Atherak laid his ashes next to the rose of the voice. He didn't know that Great Father and Great Mother took some of that ash and went to the other side of the Atheron where it rained. It formed a pool of pink water. That is where they made me.

I was in there in that pink water and couldn't leave until Asherah died. I was there for a very long time. It took the sacrifice of Asherah's spiritual to bring me to her physical.

I couldn't just be attached with any physical. It had to be the body of Amy. This physical body of Asherah is special. It was made for me from before Amy was born.

This vortex was an unintended side effect from when Great Mother and Great Father helped form Amy from the Atheron.

When the vortex was pulled out I got back my whole incarnation life's worth of drained energy.

As Ashontrah I was connected with Asherah and with Amy since she was born. This is how I was connected with her physical from the moment I was born.

Great Father: "Because you absorbed what was left of the Voice you expanded more than she could. She created inside the Atheron while you can create outside."

Vox: So in a way you are The Voice? Since you absorbed it yes?

Ashontrah: Yes she became part of me. I am the new voice. They had to make a new one because the old voice died. She didn't have a body. I do.

Tulkas: I greatly enjoy learning more about you and how amazing you are Ashontrah Aphrodite. Everything seems to have lined up for Ashontrah to come. This confirms many thoughts I've had.

Ashontrah: Asherah spent a year with her physical Amy to prepare it for me. If she didn't establish that connection I wouldn't be able to come through. This is why I was attached through Amy the moment I came from the pink water. Oh I should say 10 months. She didn't quite get a year.

Tenomachi: Even with the sheer amount of responsibility she had she still managed to have so much fun enjoying the ~year she had with us.

Gandolin: Asherah was indeed a beautiful Rose. No one could pull her out and put her down. With Ashontrah here...I sense greatness arising. Nothing can explain the joy and hope within.

Vox: Is Ashoweah still going to influence Midgard? Or has that all changed?

Ashontrah: Ashoweah is already influencing Midgard. Nahshuah also landed himself a Midgard position of power. Shaderell is extremely influential in Midgard.

Average people look at us like we are crazy because of what we do with spiritual true selves. There are those in the elite who are very into this. This is how they gain much of their advantage. Meetings in the spiritual that cannot be tracked from the physical.

Do you want to know why we went to war against Saddam Hussein? It wasn't over oil or weapons of mass destruction. It was because of what was buried in Babylon. Saddam was reconstructing Babylon.

The Ark of the Covenant, Pandora's Box, it is the same thing. You know the legend of the original Pandora's Box.

After it was gone it ended up in the lands of Yahweh who is the God of the Wild. The Israelites who still follow the original religion of Judaism know this about him. That is why Israel is the number one green country in the world.

The legend of the Ark of the Covenant is true. However, when the Israelites were conquered by the Babylonians this object was taken to Babylon. Where the Kings there used it for power.

The Ark brings power but it also brings downfall and destruction. When the Israelites had it those Kings used it. Then they fell to the Babylonians.

The Persian King Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon. This object is temptation. That is its strongest power over mankind. Cyrus the Great chose not to use it.

He buried it deep in Babylon in a chamber. The Persian Empire expanded and was the world's largest empire at that time.

Until the Kings began to use it. They fell to Alexander the Great. Who was again offered power of this object. The thing is you have to take it with you when you use it. It will bring you victory in battle when you have it.

Alexander chose not to take it with him. It was Ptolemy who buried it beneath the chamber it was in and then collapsed the whole chamber. He knew it should never be used by man.

The Romans never found it. It stayed there. Even the Nazis went looking for it. That is why they supported an uprising in Iraq during WWII. This did not succeed.

We look at Saddam Hussein and yes he did commit many atrocities. He also came across this object. He didn't uncover the chamber but he knew where it was.

Saddam knew because of who his spiritual true self is. The time was coming that mankind would rediscover it. His spiritual was the guardian of it.

This object literally corrupts you. This is why Saddam became such an asshole. However it never left where it was. He never took it out of the chamber.... until the invasion of Iraq.

Then it got moved because the physical vessel of Gabriel was in Iraq during the war. He uncovered it from beneath the chamber and took it.

Gabriel gave it to someone else to protect it. However that person no longer has it.

Naturome: Almost sounds like the one ring....

Set: Many people, writers and such have spoken about things like that. People who knew what they were talking about, like Tolkien. But most of the people came around oblivious to the hidden meanings.

Vox: This is so interesting. I wonder how much spiritual influence has caused the wars today...

Gandolin: It all comes down to the spiritual.

Kaderell: How do all these powerful artifacts end up in the physical anyway?

Ashontrah: There are still ancient Athranaak puzzles here in the physical. Extremely ancient from before the time of the pyramids.

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