Energies and Emotions

I was just thinking about some of the issues that people have with energy tracks. I also see comments of people complaining about being depressed or going through emotional issues when using my Mind Power subs.

My subliminals have energies in them in addition to the affirmations. They can be overwhelming to some.

Maybe some are not able to handle them very well. Listen to your body and take breaks or slow down if you need to.

They are designed to work from the inside out so you will go through emotional and physical purging as you transform.

This is why I put so much emphasis on self-responsibility. You cannot be a pre-teen or teenage kid using these subs 24/7 going through a major transformation you cannot understand and then get pissed off at me for it.

This is not a video game. The transformation is real. You might go through a period of emotional and physical turmoil as you change on a cellular level. You may go through detox on multiple levels. You may have to face everything you have repressed. You may have to confront your deepest fears.

This is to give you the best permanent results. My channel does not work like other sub channels. I do things very differently.

I have heard of other sub makers trying to make Unicorn Affinity or Phoenix Affinity, they are causing serious issues for themselves and those who use those subs.

They want to exploit Unicorn and Phoenix for personal gain, they have no respect. They do not know true Unicorn or Phoenixes. If they did, they would know it is forbidden.

There is even supposedly one to give you Phoenix Energy. Um sorry, if your Phoenix Energy sub actually worked you would get yourself and others destroyed.

Let's hope the Phoenixes will only ignore your futile attempts to take advantage of them. If they decide to take it further, that is on you. There are also many impostor energies out there.

I am Daughter of Ten, and I have not even been given the approval to make affinity subs for them. It would put me in serious trouble with cosmic order. What is with humans thinking they have the right to exploit everything?

They will get themselves and those who use them banned from the Cosmic Energies or worse and they will lose any major affinities. The 10 Energies are not to mess around with. They mean far more to me than my Mind Power channel.

Why have I not made any new affinity subs? I would rather not make one than possibly disrespect them or put in any affirmations they would disapprove of.

Each affirmation has to be written precisely and carefully when it comes to the 10 Energies. This was the process with Dragon, Centaur, and Griffin. It is co-created with them. It is not something that can be thrown together on a whim. I do not get to choose what the affinity will give you.

As I transform into the Daughter of Ten, I am becoming an embodiment of the 10 Energies here in Midgard. I am here to reunite Midgard with the Nature Realm.

I am working with the Pegasi and have been at House Pegasus since Feb 10th. Alana has confirmed my connection with Pegasus. Her friend Ty confirmed my connection with Phoenixes.

I have also proven my connections with Unicorns, Griffins, Giants, Elves, Fairies, Shapeshifters, and many other Nature beings. Every time my connections are legitimately put to the test... I prove them true. I work with the real deal. We are doing real work.

Stay true to yourself and put in the effort. Do not expect to achieve greatness without putting in the work. The cosmos does not reward laziness. You have to step outside of your comfort zone. If you seek an affinity, you will be tested.

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