Lycans in Midgard

There were Lycans in Midgard after the chasm. Most of them were hunted and killed.

A bit of Lycan history, a priest signed the death warrant for all Lycans in his century. He personally funded a task force to hunt them down and destroy man, woman, and child up to five generations back.

The priest was mad because he liked a Lycan male and the male split his nose when the priest tried to have someone tie him down and rape him. The Lycan male got away and warned everyone in Tuscany.

It was a dark time. He's the one that spread the malicious lies that Lycan would turn babies and women with a bite.

He's the one along with his group that said Lycans were from the devil and should be destroyed.

He was called Black Death by Lycans and deemed a plague. Interesting he was called this before the Black Death and a plague happened.

After many Lycan were killed then the plague happened. Scribe Lore believes nature was sick at the blood of Lycan seeping in the soil.

They brought a whole army for one Lycan. How they won was by taking children and making the adults give up for the life for their child. Each Lycan child was sliced in two pieces and thrown at their parents.

I really hope people respect Lycan and accept their path has a right to be... This Earth isn't for one view it's always held many kinds until humanity decided only their way should breathe.

The priest had the nerve to say God instructed him as a messenger to the Lycan male that he should basically bend over for his pleasure and receive the sacred rights of blessing.

The Lycan said basically a Lycan version of "F your view of sacred rites. I bow to no man and no laws of your kind. May your God smite you for lying. Not even your God would piss off a Lycan."

Paraphrased purposefully, but you get the point. All Lycan were then deemed from the devil and couldn't be saved.

Lycan never said be our way that's completely not how Lycan think. Lycan are about their own business. Only when there's a need to guard do they even get involved and even then it has to be a good cause to rise a Lycan.

Lycan have an imprint that's older than certain stars in the universe. We're not all the same.

Humans aren't Apex Guardian Elite kinds. Lycan aren't human. Lycans are real and they have a real history and a real place in this world.

If you're made for something else human might turn you off. If you are meant to become something else it's a very natural response.

Human DNA is relatively new on the Earth spectrum of kinds. If your bloodline has something else in it from the past it may be that your mission is to find your true form.

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