My Personal Opinion Rant - Matrix, AI, Source

This is just my personal opinion... I am a bit tired of all the focus in the New Age community on the Matrix, Artificial Intelligence, Interdimensionals, Source, and all that Sci-Fi stuff.

I am a Heathen. I am nature based. I have very little interest in Sci-Fi. I am a lover of Mythology, Ancient Lore, and Fantasy that is largely based on truths. I love to spend time with Nature beings.

Yeah, there is a Matrix. It is not nearly as powerful or foreboding as you think. It does not cover the cosmos. Nature beings know how to overcome it.

Use Destroy the Matrix and Revoke Everything Limiting. You are NOT a prisoner and you are NOT a victim. Get out of that mentality.

I discovered that the Elf series was freeing me of the Matrix on its own. My Chakras and Kundalini had already disappeared before I realized they weren't meant to be there.

It was these things being removed from myself that caused me to research into Chakras and Kundalini being implants. It was because of the Elf series.

Continuing to use the Elf series was freeing me even further from the constraints placed upon humans. The Shifter series, Saiyan, Superman, Aquaman, and Dragon Affinity subs would also be able do this.

Are there overlays and implants? Yeah, there are. Daydra and Zoe are very good at removing them. Phoenix Fire is very good at it too. Even Void Energy can remove them. Darren removes them with Light Energy. Dragon Fire also burns them away.

Third Force energy is able to defeat Artificial Intelligence. Pegasus Magic is able to defeat Warlocks of Dark Magic.

There are many ways to free yourself. I still get clearings on a regular basis because shit can still get on you.

When it comes to entities, they are everywhere. Good, bad, neutral, and everything else. An entity is a being, an individual, a life form.

You are an entity, I am too. (en·ti·ty - a thing with distinct and independent existence.) They can try to latch on to you. Focus on building your strength and resilience.

If you find an entity messing with you, then mess it up and get rid of it. There are risks in adventures and in life. That is part of the journey.

As for people saying that something is not of Source, or not Source connected... Let me say that there are really three different Sources - Living Light, Void, and Third Force.

From what I understand about the definition of Source, it is totally pacifist where everyone is the same without individuality. I am a warrior.

I think what people think is Source is actually Living Light. The Light Realm has an Army. You cannot be passive in the cosmos.

That would mean I am also not Source connected. I have no interest to be. I am not of Living Light, I will tell you that right now. I am a Third Force being of the Protogenoi.

I do not look for the good in people, I look for the real. Raw authentic genuine realness is far more important than goodness. You can be fake and good, but I would rather you be yourself.

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