The Unveiling of the Blood Rose Ashontrah

Ashontrah the Blood Rose Queen was unveiled from her pink light exactly one year to the day that Asherah came forth from Void imprisonment. October 31st... PST timezone... 1:40pm Many are gathered in the area around Ashontrah's temple in Alfheim. The temple is beautiful and elegant. It is carved from the finest rose quartz and glistens in the sunshine. It was made from the fine craftsmanship of many nature folk. Fogbeard constructed a statue of the Blood Rose cut from the most beautiful pink jewels. He had the tools he used to craft it blessed by the wisest dwarven shaman. Lyindrinar and Eeaynna are on the center platform where the Blood Rose statue sits. There is a throne made of rose quartz with pink primal stones with roses carved into it. Lyindrinar created the design and Nastazil crafted the throne. Beneath the throne is a grand pink rug that leads down the stairway. This was woven in Volheim. All the Great Kings and Queens have arrived. Many nature folk and e...