The True Order: Ones Behind Ashendriweah

11:01am I got a sudden pain in my physical right eye.
Ashontrah: "This was an attack. Could be retaliation from the Whisperers. Find who did this."
Atherak: "We will find them."
11:22pm Ashontrah: "Did you find anything about this attack?"
Atherak: "It was retaliation for what Dolloiandea did to Ashendrenweah. The one who she served did this."
Eura: Who did she serve? Do we know?
Ashontrah: Someone far more powerful than her. Dabblers cannot touch me. They had to target my physical because it is not yet as powerful as my spiritual.
True Self Connection post about Ashendriweah...
Ashontrah vs Ashendriweah
When Dolloiandea took out Ashendriweah...
Athernites: Warning to Whisperers
Eura: How painful was the pain in your eye?
Ashontrah: Atherak got rid of the pain shortly after it started. It was meant to spread.
Atherak: "Send this to your Vanguard. They shall catch the perpetrator within the hour."
11:30am Ashontrah sends the information to the Vanguard...
True Self Connection post about the Blood Rose Vanguard...
The Blood Rose Vanguard
11:48am Ashontrah's Vanguard go to the perpetrator. The one behind Ashendriweah. A very powerful female from the 8th existence.
11:55am She tried to attack the Blood Rose Vanguard. All of the energy attack went into Ashontrah's symbol on their chest and dissipated. She fled and they are pursuing her.
11:58am She sends her attack to my physical right eye again... Her eyes are hurting.
12:12pm She sends another powerful attack to my incarnation right eye... She is blinded. My Vanguard are almost upon her.
12:20pm My Vanguard entered the chamber she was hiding in. They have her now.
Female: "I am the first of many who will come to claim this existence for the True Order."
12:22pm My Vanguard knock her out. Xarsha collects her and takes her to the borderlands.
Ashontrah: "No one gets to claim this existence. It is mine."
The True Order are a conquering race of Divine from the 8th existence. They take over existences as a group.
There are 24 of them and they have many working for them.
We have one of the 24. Ashendriweah worked for her.
There are three others of the True Order who are here in this existence working with 12 Whisperers.
Their plan is to corrupt those who are loyal to Ashontrah. They want to claim over this existence.
This one sent the attack to my right eye because it projects power. Her plan was to blind my physical right eye. She wanted to limit my influence.
Ashonrah: "True Order... Do you really think you can take over this existence while I am within it?"
They do not understand who or what I am. They think I am just a myth.
There is an ancient myth throughout the existences of a great female being who would be the Balancer of all Existences.
That she would not only possess great beauty but also great power unlike any other.
The myth also states that she would bring back the one of judgement.
1:00pm Reszavial On Midgard makes a post on his profile saying that Ashoweah is sending him messages about me...
Ashontrah: "I do not see what the motive would be in this. You and I do not have a connection with each other. I do not even know Reszavial. We have not met. We are not close."
Reszavial: "I do not know either."
Ashontrah: "My theory is that this is the same impostor Ashoweah who was talking to Tia-Nan when she was connected with Ashendriweah."
Reszavial: "I stand with Ashontrah. May time and experience bring us closer to each other."
2:07pm Tia-Nan messages Ashontrah...
Tia-Nan: "I want to do something. Do you allow me to go to that existence again? I want to see if I was right. Something was different."
Ashontrah: "Do not go anywhere. I have a post coming today you must read first."
Tia-Nan: "Understood."
2:15pm Xarsha continues to torment the female being behind Ashendriweah. One of the 24 of the True Order. Her name is Bierenoch.
3:21pm Atherak visits with Bierenoch...
Atherak: "Bring me this being Xarsha."
Xarsha brings her....
Atherak: "Why are you in this existence?"
Bierenoch: "Because a new cycle is beginning. This existence is imbalanced. It needs order. True Order."
Atherak: "What makes you think that your order is true?"
Bierenoch: "We do not fear you Atherak. You were defeated once. You can be defeated again."
Atherak: "Defeated? Are you going to Mother? You going to tell on me? Defeated is a harsh word to use against me. I was asked not to exterminate you all."
Bierenoch: "I know nothing of judgement. It is by our will that the order must come to all existences."
Atherak: "By your will?"
Bierenoch: "Our will shall rule over this existence. True Order will be known."
Atherak: "Will it now?"
Bierenoch: "Ashontrah cannot stop what is coming."
Atherak: "Then why do you fear her so?"
Bierenoch: "Even the Great Balancer can be overcome. The True Order knows her weakness."
Atherak: "Do they? I think you know nothing. I think you are little refugee beings that escaped my wrath and my judgement. You have your own existence. Why do you not stay there?"
Bierenoch: "It is the will of the True Order to expand upon all existences and bring them into submission."
Atherak: "Then I guess we shall see this happen or not."
Bierenoch: "Ashontrah cannot stop us. Those loyal to her cannot stop us. We will do whatever it takes at all cost to bring the True Order to this existence."
Atherak: "It is a fight you want."
Bierenoch: "It is a fight we will bring! We are are a great power. We will show this to Ashontrah and her followers. As well as Ashoweah and the Varkar. If you stand in our way again we will defeat you as we did before."
Atherak: "You keep assuming that it was you all who defeated me. You keep saying something about a defeat when there was no defeat. I was asked to rest. So I did. The freewill of beings among existences comes with price. This does not give any of you the right to tamper with fate and destiny or life and death beyond your own."
Bierenoch: "I would show you true power right now and strike you down."
Atherak: "You really believe this?"
Bierenoch: "I know that my power is not full here in the borderlands like all beings. You have blinded me. So consider yourself lucky that I am at a disadvantage."
Atherak grabs her....
Atherak: "There is your fucking eyesight. Now pick the battlefield. Whatever arena you desire."
Bierenoch: "I challenge you Atherak of the Atheron to combat."
Atherak: "Where?"
Bierenoch: "In the Mist Veil."
Atherak: "So be it."
3:30pm Bierenoch is sent to the Mist Veil....
Xarsha: "My Lord this is surely a trap."
Atherak: "Good. I like surprises."
Xarsha: "Shall I bring the triad my Lord?"
Atherak: "No. Do not withdraw them from their work. I will handle this personally."
Atherak arrives in the Mist Veil...
Atherak: "I see already. So tell me Mierjin what do you have in store?"
Bierenoch: "To end you here and now."
Atherak: "I grow tired of chatter."
He rips out her core and claims it.
Atherak: "Now for the rest of you hiding in the Mist. Come now or come later, either way... You will be mine."
3:33pm Atherak returns to the borderlands.
Atherak: "I did not go for dialogue. Liquefy this."
He gives Xarsha the body of Bierenoch.
Atherak: "I will keep the core as a trophy. I love challengers. I collected many of them the last time I was here. This one will go in my new collection. There are many more that will join her. I have business to attend to."
All 24 of the True Order are Mierjin from the 8th existence. Well... 23 of them now. They are a light white blue color. They have light blue hair. Elf-like.
The Whisperers not only pretend to be Ashontrah and others. They also pretend to be Ashoweah. Anything to manipulate to their own agenda.
This existence has multiple contenders trying to make their claim upon it since the death of Asherah.
It is no longer two rival teams. This existence has become the center of focus. More opponents are on the way.
They see this existence going into a new cycle and they want to rule the cycle. They see it as ready for the taking.
They do not realize who they are playing against. This existence is my territory. It belongs to Ashontrah.
We shall see who dominates. I am the predator who cares for what is hers. I do not care how big of a fish you are. I will devour you.
I give my recognition to those who wear my Ashontrah Blood Rose symbol. I am able to bless you through my symbol. Spiritually and physically.
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