Offerings of the New Cycle

On November 1st the Day of the Dead new energy tracks and sessions shall start becoming available. There are also other gifts that will offered.
October 31st marks the last day of the year. The wheel shall turn over to a new season of change.
It was on October 31st 2017 that Asherah came forth out of Void imprisonment. It shall be on October 31st 2018 that Ashontrah comes forth from her shroud.
The rift shall open and what was never done before shall become possible. Prepare yourself for the whirlwind of change to come. Do not let yourself get swept away. This is the time to decide where you stand.
Many of these tracks and sessions will focus on enhancing abilities in your incarnation. The fall of Midgard is coming before us and we must be prepared.
The last sands of the hourglass are falling. The new cycle turns the hourglass upside down.
It is through the fall that Ashontrah shall rise. I want you to rise with me. We need to shift the tide in our direction.
We need to bring our spiritual true selves into Midgard through our physical incarnations. It is time for a new empire to begin.
I promised the All-Father that I would restore the Ancient Ways. The Magic of Nature shall return to Midgard.
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