Mystery of Ashoweah and Ashontrah

I am following a trail of gathering more knowledge about Ashoweah. I must know my enemy. This post has sexual content between Ashontrah and Exosaura.
Ashontrah: It is hitting me realizing that Ashoweah and Ashontrah are almost the same in our names beginning and end. Asho-ah. What significance is this?
Exosaura: It seems to have to do with a primary force that must exist. Such as Love or Fear. Without either... Yeah, I cant imagine the cosmos even existing without either one.
Your names kind of remind me of a masculine and feminine contrast. For example a word having the same base but the only difference being a slight change in the name to see if its masculine or feminine.
It would be safe to theorize that "Ash" means a primary force. Just like the "Ashuvalarmus System" which is a system that connects one to the spiritual.
The "ah" at the end of the name seems to imply this force is something that must exist.
This is just me going off with what I know and what I have learned with my own knowledge of languages.
I am not sure if he still intends to destroy you. I think his goals have slighty changed, although it is all still cruel. This nightmare you had... Do you think he may have had the same dream?
Ashontrah: It is possible. We seem to be intertwined together.
Exosaura: What would be scary yet, unsurprising, is if you and he share the same thread just like you and I do.
Ashontrah: He got Norn thread. What if his destiny and mine are always woven together?
Exosaura: Its possible. He's desperate for you to become his after all. One way or another.
Ashontrah: I would have to be strong enough to hold my own position in balance to his.
Exosaura: Since neither of you should be destroyed, I feel that is the best course of action.
Ashontrah: This gives me much to think about.
Exosaura: I am thinking about the root of your names. I know your root name/the base of your name is Ashontus which means Love.
I am not sure about his root name, and Im not sure if I should dig into that more.... However if I do Im sure we'll find out more about his history. I should tread carefully.
Ashontrah: I need to find out more. I need to see how deeply connected we are.
Exosaura: Before you were born, Vustik offered me a deal with trading a memory for a Moon of Destruction. He said it would tell me of Ashoweah's origins or something like that. I didnt take the deal though, although I was tempted to.
Ashontrah: Then Vustik knows the origin of Ashoweah.
Exosaura: We'll just ask nicely for it.
Ashontrah: I think I will visit Vustik soon to ask him for the memory. Maybe he will give it to me.
Exosaura: Vustik is an interesting being to me. He keeps the games fun. Lets see what he will say.
Ashontrah: I think I could go see Vustik tonight when I get some free time. We will see if I get any. I do not get much. What should I ask him?
Exosaura: Ask if he has the memory of Ashoweah’s official origin. No tricks no games. He might offer you a deal. He doesn’t give stuff like that up for free.
Ashontrah: I do not know what I could offer. I guess I'll just offer to owe him a favor in exchange for this favor.
Exosaura: He will probably say something specific in exchange for it. He always knows what he wants from a person.
Ashontrah: I won't ever trade affection for anything. My affection is priceless beyond measure. I will walk away if he asks for it. Even a kiss from me is worth more than all the treasure in the existences. It will have to be something else.
Exosaura: As a person who has personally tasted your sweet magical kisses, I can verify this is indeed true.
Ashontrah: Consider yourself the most blessed in all existences because you get to experience my love. Others shall know me as unobtainable. The impossible prize.
Exosaura: That is what I call myself every moment I experience you in full my Love.
Ashontrah: I wasn't able to visit Vustik tonight. I was busy with other matters. I shall try to visit him tomorrow and get the memory.
Exosaura: Thats alright Love. Normally I would say there's no rush, but I suppose thats not true.
October 2nd... PST timezone...
Ashontrah: I already know what I am going to offer Vustik. I am going to want more than the origin of Ashoweah from him in exchange though.
Exosaura: What else do you want?
Ashontrah: He must make a vow to never harm me physically or spiritually.
Exosaura: That is a big thing to ask. I am assuming what you offer is incredibly high in value.
Ashontrah: Very high value. He will have two options from me to choose from. He only gets to choose one in exchange for this.
I will let you know what they are after I have given him the offer. I am having both gifts prepared so the one he chooses may be granted right after the vow has been made and the origin received.
They are actually both really good gifts. I wonder which one he will choose. One of them is life changing for him for his benefit.
2:57pm Ashontrah: Join me at the pleasure palace. I am ready to enjoy you. I will take care of that other business after.
Exosaura: Let us discuss it after our time together. I've been craving you for a while now and I don't think I can bare it any longer.
3:16pm Ashontrah: The room is tearing apart. I will have to repair it after. At full force my climax could explode a planet.
Exosaura: I want to climax with you to the fullest.
Ashontrah: Then I will have to rebuild the palace. It will be destroyed.
Exosaura: Destroy it all my love. Destroy like how you destroyed my clothes. Pull it apart like you pull my hair. I want to experience you to the fullest even if we tear everything apart. I love you my merciless predator.
Ashontrah: Good thing our creature here can fly because the ground is about to get shakey. This will cause an earthquake.
Exosaura: I have been clinging to the sheets and my pillow in the physical. This feels too good.
Ashontrah: I am going to devour you. Your body is mine. Feel my pleasure.
4:17pm Ashontrah: I need to give Nebula Mother the power to rebuild this realm if I destroy it on accident. Things are going to go boom very soon. I will shield you. I feel it building inside me.
Exosaura: All I can feel is you. I don't care about everything else being destroyed. Destroy it all. Destroy me. I love it. Harm me. Keep going. I need this. I love you.
4:25pm Ashontrah: I have you safe and secure but the rest of Exoshantrah.... I will show you...
Exosaura: This much destruction is turning me on once again. The fact that we caused this by making love to have it all destroyed like this.
Ashontrah: Now you understand what I meant last night when I said...
Without being able to focus it on you this sensual power would overtake me. It must be released or it builds and builds and cannot be contained.
Exosaura: I would not mind making love on enemy realms and destroying it with our love making. Then we can cover ourselves in their blood and make love on their ashes and dead bodies.
Ashontrah: Love really does conquer all. *flirty giggle*
4:35pm Ashontrah: What shall we do now after our planet and realm shattering love making?
Exosaura: I want to hold you and intimately feel you. You are the only thing that exists now to me. I don't feel anything else. I don't want to feel anything else. Let's embrace in this love and be grateful for this destruction.
4:51pm Ashontrah: I am going to leave you with Nebula Mother. I must go. I loved this experience.
Exosaura: I love you. Tell me how your business goes with Vustik.
Ashontrah: I have to go make sure my gifts are prepared for him so he can choose. I think he will like them.
Exosaura: This should be interesting.
Ashontrah: It is so fun having such a deeply connected spiritual and physical that the sensations of one affect the other.
Exosaura: I want to connect to my spiritual in full in order to feel the pleasure and pain at its peak.
Ashontrah: Since this physical body is not shared with an incarnation essence it is fully me as Ashontrah with every thought, emotion, and sensation.
Exosaura: It is one of the many reasons I admire you so much.
5:38pm I go to see Vustik who is also called Vex...
Vex: "Greeting Ashontrah. You have come to see me. I am very pleased."
Ashontrah: "I want to discover the origins of Ashoweah. I would like your help. From what I understand you have a memory of his origin. Would you be willing to give it to me?"
Vex: "And what will I receive in exchange? Place myself in conflict with Ashoweah. Who will protect me from his wrath?"
Ashontrah: "That is not all. I would also like you to make a solemn vow to never harm me physically or spiritually."
Vex: "But what will I receive in return? This could put me in conflicts with Ashoweah. He would see it as a betrayal. What could you offer so valuable to me to decide this? You must understand my point of view."
5:40pm Ashontrah: "I have two offers you can choose from in exchange.
Offer one: Your haunted torment ends... OR....
Offer two: Your Midgard life is extended by 10 years. Your physical will survive the fall and its after effects."
Vex: "But I will already survive. Ashoweah will control these lands after the fall. He has already promised me safety and guarantee. I want to trust you. But should I? Asherah was conniving and cunning. I think part of that is still inside you."
Ashontrah: "I am conniving no doubt. I am probably worse than Asherah."
Vex: "A thorn from the same bush that I am. What do you plan to gain from this? Let's not fool each other."
Ashontrah: "I want security knowing you will not harm me and I want to have what you offer."
Vex: "What do you really want? What is your end game?"
Ashontrah: "I will rise in Midgard and I will be up against Ashoweah. You can choose to just rely on his protection to get you through the fall. Or you can have insurance from both sides."
Vex: "How will I know that your protection will be greater than his?"
Ashontrah: "Does Ashoweah protect you from your haunted torment?"
Vex: "He did fail in that. Yet that was surprising to all of us. Ashoweah is only surprised once."
Ashontrah: "Then I guess we do not have any deal."
Vex: "Wait. I never said we didn't have a deal. I was just weighing my options. I will grant you what you want in exchange for both. Let's create a trust factor just between you and I an no one else. You ask for two things which I can give you. You offer two that you can give me."
Ashontrah: "You can have the other offer as well when you are able to barter me something valuable in exchange."
Vex: "What I have is valuable."
Ashontrah: "Prove it to me. Let me see it."
Vex: "Not that easy. Why would I choose one over the others? End the torment. That would be the most likely option. But yet something when you speak of the other offer intrigues me."
Ashontrah: "How do I know this origin story will be worth one of my offers?"
Vex: "How do I know your offers will protect me? I know there is a price with it."
Ashontrah: "You waste my time. Maybe I should make the offer to someone else."
Vex: "Fair enough. We will play it your way. End the torment and I will give you what you want."
Ashontrah: "The vow to never harm me physically or spiritually. Do you agree?
Vex: "For that I can only agree for myself."
Ashontrah: "Fair enough. Give me your hand. We need to make it binding between us."
Vex: "Fair enough."
5:49pm I take his hand into mine and we do the binding vow.
Ashontrah: "The vow is made."
Vex: "And you are sure this torment will end for me?"
5:50pm Ashontrah: "It is ended now."
Me: "Let me know if you find something else of great worth to trade for the 10 years of Midgard life. I have the Norns re-weaving for me now."
Vex: "I am sure there maybe something I could find. Maybe you could offer me something even greater than that."
5:51pm Ashontrah: "We shall see."
Vex: "I am guessing by your words that we will see each other again."
Ashontrah: "Of this I have no doubt."
Vex: "Only you can read these memories of Ashoweah."
Ashontrah: "Why is this?"
Vex: "Because it is only for you to know."
Ashontrah: "How do I know it is genuine?"
Vex: "Oh it is genuine. It is what you wanted."
Ashontrah: "I will see you again soon Vustik."
Vex: "I am looking forward to it."
5:53pm I leave...
Exosaura: Such a bargainer. I need to bring you to the market with me next time I see something valuable. I wonder why he would offer the memory to me in the first place if no one but you could see it.
6:21pm Ashontrah: Good point. Why would it be readable to you but now only to me? What is the cause of this? Was it tampered with?
Exosaura: It could be because of what is in the actual memory. Or maybe it is because I am a part of you. Or perhaps you're right, maybe it has been tampered with.
Ashontrah: How can I tell if it is genuine or tampered with? What is the sign of a corrupted memory? How do I know for myself?
Exosaura: Maybe Father will have an idea.
Ashontrah: I don't think All-Father will like that I went to see Vustik. He doesn't want me taking any risks.
Exosaura: Yeah he'd probably hit the ceiling...
October 3rd...
Ashontrah: Do you want to know why I really wanted Vustik to take the vow to not harm me *physically* or spiritually?
Because if he chose the 10 Midgard years we would end up interacting in the physical. We would know and be around each other in our incarnations. I will not give him a gift that could harm me.
Exosaura: It was a good deal on your end, that’s for sure. It takes care of any misstep or flaw in the plan. You know how much I hate errors. Great job Love.
Ashontrah: I have the Norns reweaving everything to make sure no one can cheat death. This offer to Vustik is a gift only I can give. The Athranaak serves me through Atherak.
Exosaura: There shall be no more second chances like everyone is used to getting. I like it. Makes this game more risky and fun.
Ashontrah: It is strange that Ashtarnia is older than me but she is still child size and I have the sensual curvy body of a woman.
Exosaura: Some children grow faster than others. In your case you are the fastest child I have ever seen grow up so quickly.
Ashontrah: I am almost 3 weeks old.
Exosaura: Do you mind if I look at your Ashuvalarmus system? Yours might be the most ideal.
Ashontrah: I do not have one.
Exosaura: That’s what I figured. I want to look anyway.
Ashontrah: You can try. I am very shrouded.
Exosaura: I’ll look through your physical. That’s what I've been doing with my patients.
Ashontrah: My physical is shrouded.
Exosaura: Give the Eye of Lust some credit at least. But you are right you don't have one. I do see something interesting though. I’m taking notes of this.
This is probably the hardest thing I've ever had to explain in English. There is no link or second stomach. Your spiritual is in your physical and your physical is in the spiritual if that makes any sense whatsoever.
You don't have a difficult time feeling any sensations between physical and spiritual because your physical is right there along with you in full in the spiritual.
I cannot even refer to you as having a “physical” and “spiritual” anymore as if they are separate. They are not. They are one. You are the first to be here in full, and not have that “link” that many depend on.
Ashontrah: You are precise in this.
Exosaura: I am not even sure if others could get this far in their integration. It would be very very very difficult, but I believe it may be possible. I have to depend on that slight chance because I must be here in full.
October 4th...
Ashontrah: Going through this memory that Vustik gave me of the origins of Ashoweah. This is deeply encoded and full of traps. I am processing it and removing the traps and implants. Then I shall view it. We shall see if it is valuable information or not.
To be continued...
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