Euravasiah: Females of the True Order

Euravasiah hunted down and took out the 14 females of the True Order last night. With Hi'Léna Kitsune...
Oct 28th... PST timezone...
Ashontrah: "I want the females of the True Order hunted down. I haven't decided with the males yet.
Atherak: "As you wish."
Ashontrah: "The True Order currently has 8 males and 14 females. I am going to start hunting them down. I don't care if I have to go into the 8th existence and yank them out."
9:47pm Euravasiah: "Ashontus, no fun. Don’t you want to see my deadly kisses at work...? Don’t you want to send your Lioness on a hunting spree? That is why you are sending your deadliest weapon. Let me have my fun. Please...? I promise it will be worth it."
9:50pm Ashontrah: "I Ashontrah call judgement upon these 14 females of the True Order."
Atherak: "It shall be carried out."
Euravasiah: "Fine fine. What is the point of having me seduce if I have to beg for my chance to hunt...? I will kiss them for you, Master."
Ashontrah: "Because they are of no use to me so seduction serves me no purpose. I do not care for them to have any pleasure or to want to join my side. I do not want them on my side."
Euravasiah: "Then why did you go along with my idea? What is the point of me being your deadliest weapon if I cannot even serve you in these cases?"
Ashontrah: "The hunt has already been called. If you want to have some fun in the meantime you should make your move."
Euravasiah: "I wanted to be of use to you. I wanted to be your primary plan and weapon, but that is not the case tonight. It will not be as fun anymore."
Ashontrah: "How are you going to seduce and kiss all 14 of them by morning? This is something that I want dealt with swiftly. Some are in the 8th existence."
Euravasiah: "If you doubt your 'best weapon' then I do not want to go on the mission... There is much I could have done until dawn. After all I am the twilight. But it does not matter. I hope your mission goes smoothly Master."
Ashontrah: "You are not understanding the type of weapon you are. You are my Seductress. I understand your way is the fun way. I am going for brutal efficiency in this case. I do not want to play a game with them. I want them eliminated from the board."
Euravasiah: "And you do not think I can do this...? The Lioness being the best hunter there is, the Bavu being the one who devours all before her in a fit of wrath and rage?"
Ashontrah: "I called off the hunt. You have until morning to show me how you use seduction to bring death."
Euravasiah: "If you do not use your weapon in all that it is capable to be, I do not see the point of using it at all... Fine Master. And when I kill all of them I never want you to look down on me again."
Ashontrah: "I look forward to seeing you do your work. In fact, I plan to make a post on how we eliminate them."
10:14pm Euravasiah: "Then my challenge with you shall begin."
10:13pm PST - Euravasiah’s Mission to the 8th Existence begins.
Euravasiah turns into a Lioness and begins to run. She is running towards a mirror and roars at it. Her reflection disappears and she runs through.
She runs through another mirror and another. It is very icy and cold. There is nothing but blue around her. Lightning struck and thunder roars. She roars back and runs into the final mirror.
Eura arrives into the 8th Existence. She now has to find the 14 females by dawn. It is daylight where she is. A sun begins to form between her horns. She camouflages with the day and the sun’s light and runs off.
Eura stops in a grassy field, it is night time and the trees are curvy and winding. Euravasiah’s sun explodes and now turns into a moon. There are meteors above her shooting across the sky. Eura pulls out her mirror.
Eura: "It will not do me much good if I am running in circles trying to find these females. I don't have their scent."
Reflection: "My my, having trouble are we? Why don't we switch places so I can-"
Reference: Euravasiah and her Reflection...
Eura: "I do not have time for your games. I don't have their scent. What would a female of the True Order smell like?"
Reflection: "Desperation."
Eura: "I am serious."
Eura sat down thinking. These females had to think they were the most self righteous ones in every existence. That is one trait.
A beam of energy shoots out of her. It is white.
They will have to be powerful. Even containing the power of the Whisperers they control. That is another.
The white beam becomes green.
And finally, they will have to be hungry and horny. They must obviously not be sexually satisfied if they all believe they are ‘equal’.
The energy turns red.
Eura: "I have you."
Euravasiah turns back into a Lioness and dashes off. She is very fast.
10:32pm - Euravasiah finds the first female.
Eura goes back into her normal form and jumps onto a ledge on a window. She is on an extremely high structure. Inside a female of the True Order is sitting at a chair talking to her servant. She looks very pleased.
Female 1: "Mavultei, send our precious Whisperers to their next target in Sector 16."
She is pointing at a map. The servant bows.
Servant: "Yes, M’Lady."
Female 1: "Today will be the day-"
Eura begins to open her dress slightly and lets out an intoxicating perfume. The Female slowly blinks. She walks slowly towards the window.
Female 1: "What is that heavenly-"
She sticks her head out of the window. Euravasiah grabs her head, kisses her, pulls her completely out and drops her over the window. The Female burns completely on fire, her entire body forming in ash. Not even her bones are preserved.
The servant is about to let out a scream. Eura puts a finger over her own lips and enters the room through the window.
Eura: "Come here."
She raises her arms up. Her sweet smell intoxicates the servant and she walks close to her. Eura embraces her and kisses her. The servant is burned and completely turns into ash. Eura uses the wind to blow her away, leaving not a trace of the two.
10:41 PM - Female #1 Eliminated.
Eura has the scent of all of the females in the True Order. She quietly closes the window and hurries off.
Ashontrah: "Oh this is so exciting!"
2nd Female of the True Order...
10:43 PM Eura sees a high platform in the air surrounded by clouds. It looks beautiful amongst the falling meteors. It is extremely high up. Eura turns into her lion form and squats, gaining the wind around her.
Her paws and horns begin to form fire and burn. She finally runs and leaps into the air. She roars creating platforms above her to help. She hops onto them and leaps again before finally reaching the High Platform.
There is high security around the area. Eura turns into her normal form and hides in the shadows. Her eyes turn black and her irises turn purple. She is beginning to go into her shadow form.
She hides in the shadows of the security men and makes her way to the large door. Two security men are guarding it, and there is no way to get in without alerting their attention, or them letting her in. Eura stands at the center of the door behind them.
Eura: "Why hello."
The security men are startled and look back at her. They point their spears at her.
Security Man #1: "Who are you?!"
Eura: "Shhh... Boys boys. No need to make a scene."
She looks them up and down.
Eura: "You two look like you have been working all day. And so hard."
They lower their guard and spears.
Security Man #2: "Well, yes... We have been working pretty hard. I was supposed to be off this shift two clicks ago."
Eura pouts and covers her heart.
Eura: "Poor dears... You must be so tired."
They nod in unison.
Eura: "Why don't we go upstairs and I help you take your mind off of it all? You two deserve it."
They nod and chuckle. Security Man #1 scratches the back of his head and blushes.
Security Man #1: "Well... okay."
They flip a switch and the large door opens. Eura walks inside with them.
Eura: "Now you wait here. I’ll be back with some drinks."
She winks at them and walks away. The guards are blushing and giggling.
Eura goes back to her shadow form. She heads up the stairs traveling on the walls and ceilings. She does not have time to seduce everyone who she comes across or cause a scene. She arrives at the top of the stairs where the scent is coming from.
Someone is opening the door. It is a female carrying papers holding a pen in the other hand. Eura hides in her shadow and goes inside before the door closes.
Inside a Female of the True Order is listening to music. Eura places her shadow on the wall behind her.
Eura moans seductively. The Female 2 stops the music and looks behind her. She sees a seductive shadow female dancing and touching herself on the wall.
She slowly gets up from her chair. Eura begins to moan lower and more seductively. It is like a sexy tune. Music to anyone’s ears.
Th female gets closer to the wall and reaches her hand out to touch the shadow. Eura the Shadow grabs her and pulls her into the wall with her.
The Female #2 of the True Order becomes a shadow with her and is eaten and devoured. The Female with the pen and paper opens the door again unknowingly about what is going on.
She sees the shadow and is terrified. Eura looks at her, her purple eyes glowing. She stretches her hand out and grabs the female and pulls her into the wall with her and devours her too. Neither of them have traces left behind to be found.
11:04 PM - Eura devours Female #2
Ashontrah: "I am very impressed."
11:06pm 3rd Female of the True Order...
Eura carries two drinks down to the guards downstairs. She smashes them against them and it makes them fall asleep.
Eura: When you awake, you both will be mine.
She leaves the High Platform and goes to the third target. The scent leads her to a dense forest. She hears singing up ahead.
Eura turns into her Lioness form and stalks. There is a light up ahead. Eura leaps and jumps into the trees.
There is a large wooden cabin. Around it are pillars of fire all around. There are people in a circle dancing and singing. They are all drunk. The Female of the True Order is in the middle dancing.
Eura: "This should be easy."
Eura turns into her normal form, and her dress turns into a dress of fire and she acts happy and tipsy. The people immediately notice her. She begins to dance and they become happy and welcome her. She begins to dance with the 3rd Female of the True Order in the middle.
She takes her hand and her waist and kisses her as they dance. The Female blushes and looks into her eyes. She is beginning to become lost in the dancing. As they are dancing Eura casts a spell with her footwork. No one notices.
As they continue dancing the 3rd Female of the True Order begins to become undone by threads. Eura happily looks around and everyone else is becoming undone by their own threads as well, starting from the bottom. They do not notice though. They are too busy laughing and dancing.
Eura spins the Female around and watches her become undone faster. She laughs until the very end. They all do. The last thing Eura hears before they are all just a bunch of pile of threads on the ground is laughter.
She then burns them all.
11:17 - Eura burns Female #3.
Ashontrah: "A dance of death. Beautiful work."
4th Female of the True Order...
11:18pm - Eura goes after the next target.
This one seems rather far. She turns into her Lioness form and dashes. As she is running through the forest she smells the scent of water. Ocean water. Eura stops by a shore.
Eura: "They are out on a ship."
Reflection: "Uh-oh! Do kitties not know how to swim? Hahaha! What are you going to do? Why don’t you just drown and fail!"
The moon forms in between Eura’s horns. The water parts for her and she walks in. She turns into her Lioness form and begins to run.
The ship is huge. It is made out of a very solid and hard material that would be difficult to take down.
Reflection: "That will be so much work to get all the way up there."
Eura: "That is why I am bringing them down here."
Eura sits on a body of water. She lets the wind feel her skin and becomes in tune with the energy of the ocean and the moons above her. She begins to sing.
The crew on the ship hear her and begin to walk towards the edge of the ship to see what is out in the ocean.
Eura fills the ocean with her scent and energy. The waters of the ocean wrap around the ship and embrace it. The moonlight comes down directly on her and accentuates Eura’s beauty.
The 4th Female looks out and sees her. She is in awe and is hypnotized. The waves are directly in tune with how her hair is blowing in the wind. The wind smells sweet and intoxicating.
As Eura sings, many of the crew fall off the ship to reach her. They do not know it but right beneath them are waves that are fatal. They drown and die.
Eura looks at the 4th Female and extends her arms out. The Female reaches her arm out and begins to fall off the boat. She goes head first into the dangerous waves. She is dead.
11:31 PM - Eura kills Female #4 with the Ocean and Moon.
Ashontrah: "This is such a romantic way to go out."
5th Female of the True Order...
11:33 - Eura goes after her next target.
With the moon between her horns, the waves part for her again. Eura turns back into her Lioness form and runs toward her next target.
With her Eye of Lust she can see that they are very deep below the Ocean. They will be able to see her if she keeps the waves parted like this. Eura runs into the water and closes the part.
The Moon keeps her safe and at a faster speed. Eura begins to turn into a Shadow Lion and executes stealth while running on the ocean floor.
Eura arrives at the Underwater Base of the 5th Female of the True Order. They have very high security. She sees they send out ships every now and then. When they do a door opens.
Eura roars a Sonar Roar to the distance. Sensors from the base pick on to it and the door opens to send out ships. Eura dashes to the door and sneaks at the shadow of one of the shadow and goes inside before it closes.
She is in a hangar of the same type of ships she saw outside. Up ahead is the Female talking to a male with paper in his hand. They look like they are reviewing something. Eura stalks behind the ships and listens in.
Male: "I have 6,822 ships here for you, 11,369 agents, and 500 more stones. And as a gift for being one of our best customers, we would like to present-"
Eura comes out from behind the ships still in Lioness form. The 5th Female gasps in delight.
Female 5: "Is this my gift..?! Oh my she’s beautiful! You all have really outdone yourselves!"
Male: "Well I-"
Female 5: "Tell Bukihileis that we are grateful for the gift and will continue being your best customer!"
Male: ".... Well- alright then! Er- I guess that concludes business! I'll be off then."
The Male waves goodbye and gets into his ship and leaves. The Female happily waves goodbye to him and looks back up at Eura.
Female 5: "My my look at you. And what shall I call you?"
Eura presses her body against her and circles her, pressing her fluffy tail against her.
Female 5: "Oh my."
The 5th Female blushes and brushes her hair behind her ear.
Female: "I think I will call you-"
Eura eats the Female in one bite.
Eura: "Lunch."
11:48 - Eura devours Female #5.
Ashontrah: "I am delighted by this."
6th and 7th Females of the True Order...
11:49pm - Eura goes after her next target.
There is another target in the same area. Eura turns back into her normal form. She turns into her shadow form and begins to hunt for Female #6. This place is of high security.
There are motion detectors and security walking up and down the hall. She hides in their shadows and blinds the motion detectors with her Eye of Lust.
There is a corridor where guards are walking to and from. There is a circular room where the Female of the True Order is. There are two of them inside. In the circular room there is a view of the ocean. The windows must only be one way.
Eura enters the room unknowingly by them. She makes her appearance look drenched and her dress hanging off her shoulder.
Eura: "Oh dear..."
The two of them look up startled.
Female #6: "What the fuck? How did you get in here? Call-"
Eura trips and falls into her arms.
Eura: "Oh I’m so sorry. I was washed up here and they rescued me. They told me to stay in my room but I got curious and wandered. And then I got lost. Will you help me back to my bed...?"
Female #6: "Well that's alright. We can help you get some rest right here. These are our quarters. And you look like you’ve had a rough time."
Female #7: "Yeah don't worry, we’ll show you a good time."
She strokes Eura’s hair. Eura smiles and wraps her arms around Female #6. Eura begins to moan, she then screams at the highest pitch, causing the windows to burst open.
Female#7: "What the?!"
Female#6: "You bitch! Get to the-"
Eura jumps up before the waters touch her. She summons her sexual electricity and zaps the waters. The two are electrocuted, and the entire base explodes once the electric waters reach further in.
12:02 PM - Female #6 and #7 killed by Eura’s sexual electricity.
Ashontrah: "Your seduction skills are shocking to say the least. You already took out half of them. I am extremely impressed."
October 29th...
8th Female of the True Order...
12:04am Eura is flung into the air after the explosion. She is high in the sky, even above the High Platform she was once on.
She can see all of the energies of the Females of the True Orders and who she still needs to hunt. Halfway there.
Reflection: "You wouldn’t happen to know how to land gracefully on your feet would you?"
Eura begins to fall. She begins to spin and create lightning around her. This builds frustration in her.
As the frustration builds so does the lightning and electricity within her. It is like friction with static, only it is implied to Passion herself, so it is a million times more intense.
She screams and releases her frustration, the lightning and electricity releases from her and sends her flying at the speed of light across the sky on the ground. She lands directly where Female #8 was.
Eura: "Well that was easy."
12:10am - Female #8 killed by Eura’s lightning and frustration.
9th and 10th Females of the True Order...
12:12am It is taking Eura a while to get up on her feet properly after landing so hard. The area around her is burned and destroyed.
She begins to get up. A spotlight shines on her. It is a ship that is flying from above. Eura is pissed and in a bad mood from her headache.
Eura: "You are not my target. Get out of my way."
Her Eye of Lust flashes and the ship comes crashing down. Eura turns into her shadow form and hurries off.
Because of that explosion she lost track of the most optimal and efficient path to find her targets. She will have to find the nearest one. There is a lightning storm from up above. It begins to rain.
Eura: "What kind of material are they using? If it is susceptible to lightning they are goners."
Eura hides behind a tower. She hears two males talking outside.
Male #1: "What the fuck is this?! We haven’t had a lightning storm in ages! Tell the men to raise the Ukle Shields. This is ridiculous."
Male #2: "Yes Sir!"
Shields come up all across the land. It will be more difficult to get to her targets now.
Eura: "Aw, great."
Since everyone is cowering inside, Eura turns into a Lightning Lioness and dashes towards her target. She leaves a spark of electricity behind her and makes a thundering sound when ever her paws reach the ground. Her Lightning form makes her faster than average. It is a great advantage but it is extremely loud.
Eura sees a tower where her next target is. Their shields are one of the last few to close. Eura picks up the speed before the shields fully close on the tower.
She quickly goes out of her Lioness form so she will not cause any attention. Since there are ledges and rocks among the outside walls it gives her a climbing advantage. She has to be stealthy and careful so she is not seen by the people inside of the windows.
Eura reaches the highest point of the tower. Her target is within the room of where the window is. Eura looks inside and sees a large table and a group of people sitting there discussing.
It looks like there is an important meeting going on. There are two targets sitting inside. One is at the far end of the table, the other sitting beside her.
There is a high tech gate on the window, and it is beginning to close. Eura needs to think fast. She envelops herself in electricity and uses lightning to break and dash through the window before the gate fully closes.
The people look at her astonished, and security has their weapons pointed at her.
Reflection: "Think fast, bitch."
Eura: "Oh my, is this the kind of welcome I deserve? I do so much for you all. I provide you with weapons, warmth, power, food, and yet you shut me out and then point your weapons at me when I come to say hello?"
The guards put their weapons down. They look at each other guilty. ‘Who are you?’
Eura: "I am the lightning of course."
They look at one another confused.
Eura: "Oh my, do you not believe me? Here is a lesson for you."
She spreads her electric currents to everyone in the room pleasuring them. It is filling them with the most sensational sexual pleasure they have ever felt.
Eura smirks. They are starting to get really into it, and their guard is completely lowered. She looks at the Females of the True Order. They are completely enjoying themselves.
Eura: "Now-"
She snaps her fingers. The pleasuring electric currents turn into deadly lightning waves and kills them all. They all explode and their blood splashes onto Eura. She licks it and her eyes turn red. She sniffs the air and her senses become clearer and stronger.
Eura: "I have you now."
She kicks the gate open. The blood has empowered her. She snaps her fingers and the remainder of the blood in the room turns into dust.
12:38 PM - Eura kills Females #9 and #10 by lightning.
Ashontrah: "You are brilliant. I love this."
11th Female of the True Order...
12:40am Eura jumps out the window and runs towards her next target. The lightning storm and blood is making her on a high. She feels really good right now.
Female #11 is in a castle like structure. This one does not seem to have any shields up like the rest of them do.
Eura: "What an overconfident bitch."
Eura knocks down the large door with her foot. She pushes the guards off to the side. They do not bother to question her. Eura starts to clap as she is walking up the red stairs, she begins to sing.
When the guards in the castle look at her, their eyes turn red and they step off to the side. She is taking her sweet time to hunt this one.
There is something about seeing a prideful self righteous girl and picking her a part one by one as she begins to realize that she herself is nothing as you are doing it. And when she compares herself to you, she is less than nothing.
Eura: "You have a castle with no shields up, a large castle that overcompensates for something, guards that are above average looking..."
Eura finally reaches the door. There is red energy flooding out of her. She gently knocks on the door and whispers.
Eura: "Knock. Knock M’Lady."
The door slowly opens. A girl peaks her head out. She raises an eyebrow.
Eura: "I’m not here for you. But thank you for opening the door."
Eura enters the room. She sees the 11th Female looking out towards the view out of three wide windows.
11th Female: "I've been waiting for you. I've seen you running around killing whatever you want."
She reaches for the dagger on the table.
11th Female: "So whoever you are, don't-"
She turns around and looks at Eura and drops her dagger. She is captivated by her seductive beauty. She begins to blush and breathe heavily. Eura takes the dagger from her hand. She holds her close.
Eura: "Shhh..."
Eura kisses her lips. The Female looks into her eye infatuated. Eura smiles at her, and stabs her in the stomach with the dagger.
Eura: "I am Lust. I am Passion. I am Hunger."
She whispers into her ear.
Eura: "I demand sacrifices."
She pulls the dagger out of her and the 11th Female falls to the ground. She burns away to complete ashes.
12:58am - Female #11 killed by Eura’s stabbing and kiss.
Ashonrah: "This is arousing to me. I want you."
12th and 13th Females of the True Order...
1:00am Eura takes a sip of the wine left at the table and opens the window. She jumps out and beings to go after her next target. The next two targets are in two towers parallels to each other. They are neighbors.
Eura: "I could take them both out if I do this right."
Eura begins to send the winds into both towers to both Females. She begins to dance and becomes the wind. The two Females look outside the window, awe struck at the romantic wind. They both order the guards to lower the shields.
One of them sticks their hand out to the wind. The wind wraps around their arm and pulls them outward. Eura catches her and begins to dance with her in the sky. The other Female sees this and sticks her hand out too. Eura grabs her and begins to dance with them both.
They both are having a wonderful time. They are laughing and dancing in the wind. It has an intoxicating sweet scent, and they are both light on their feet.
Eura: "They seem to have lost their common sense. But then again, everyone does when they experience me."
Eura begins to act giggly and spins them around. They laugh. She throws one of them off. She is still spinning and the wind turns into a tornado around her. Eura does the same thing with the other. They are laughing and are within the Eye of the Tornado.
Eura’s Eye of Lust flashes, and a flash of lightning begins to shock them both. It does this multiple times even after they are dead. When both the tornadoes stop there is nothing left of them but ashes in the wind.
1:13am - Females #12 and #13 killed by Eura’s wind and lightning.
Ashontrah: "This really got carried away. In just the right way. One left..."
14th Female of the True Order...
1:15am Eura puts on gloves and adjusts them to her hands. She is on her last target. The last target is in a huge house on a heal surrounded by lightning. She begins to walk there.
The hill is slippery because of the rain. Eura digs her claws into the ground and climbs. As she is climbing she can see the target is on the top right side of house.
Eura: Should I even bother knocking?
There are vines going to the top of the house. Eura climbs on those. The rooftop is slippery. She is careful walking on top so she does not fall off.
A gush of water bursts out from within the house. The 14th Female rises up to the ceiling and glares at Eura.
Female: "You got a lot of nerve trespassing here!"
Eura raises an eyebrow.
Female: "What?! You think I can't see fuckers like you from on top of my damn hill?!"
Eura: "No it's just... I didn’t expect you to be this pretty."
The 14th Female stutters and blushes. While her guard is lowered, Eura takes out her own dagger and throws it to the middle of her forehead. The Female falls to the ground and dies immediately.
1:25am - Female #14 dies.
Eura shakes her head. She picks up the Female by her hair.
Eura: "Perhaps I can sever the head and bring it back as a souvenir..."
Eura’s teeth become longer. She picks up the Female and bites her by the throat severing the head.
Eura: "This should do it..."
Ashontrah: "I am so in love with you. You not only destroyed all 14 of them before morning you did it in under 4 hours. You exceeded my expectations in every way. You have shown me you are just as deadly as you are sexy. You are truly 'drop dead' gorgeous."
Euravasiah: "I was going to say something sassy, but I’m not upset anymore. I am glad you are pleased. I never want you to doubt me as your weapon and as a huntress again okay? I can do so much more."
Ashontrah: "You have proven that to me. I won't underestimate your huntress skills again."
Euravasiah: "I love you."
1:34am Ashontrah: "I love you Euravasiah. I am going to sleep really well tonight because of this."
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The True Order: Ones Behind Ashendriweah