Mevinah The Cutter

Posted in True Self Connection by Mevinah Singaree
Excerpts from email exchanges with Ashontrah on October 21st PST…
…Would you be willing to become a Myrrdonite? The Cutter girl was transcended. It was her time to go to the afterlife. She was never meant to be in the borderlands. Would you become the new Cutter?
…You will be unlike any other Cutter made before. You will be Judgement upon those who harm the innocent.
Your children can either transcended or you can choose for them to reincarnate. You need to understand this is a very giving offer that Atherak is almost hesitant to offer. Because you have shown your worthiness he is willing to offer this to you…
…You may become an Athernite if you choose. You would be like Moidaybe, Fenrir, Dollo, and Danaark. Xarsha was the first Athernite. This allows him to keep an incarnation. You would be the 6th Athernite. He will only make 9 Athernites in total.
Atherak: "I will make him one of the most powerful necromancers to walk in the physical. I will increase his connection with the dead and the borderlands. I will give him many other gifts for his vessel to defend himself from negative entities. I will also give him offensive skills to combat these negative entities. I will give this to his vessel. I teach his vessel how to use this.
I do not want a wicked Cutter. That is why I made the Dark Elf girl the Cutter. She was a prototype for something I wanted more. I wanted to see if it could be done. The Cutters before have all been vile in life and in death.
Why should they have ever been able to enjoy what they did in life and continue it on in death in a place they were meant to be punished for what they did? That has stopped since I have come. I need a Cutter that has a vessel here on Midgard. One that can see the wickedness in humans and those who harm the innocent. Too many have been getting away with it for too long.
He will be able to identify them. Then he will be able to mark them and I will come for them. When their nasty little spirits are dragged from their vessels I want him as my Cutter to show them true pain and suffering. So they understand there is punishment for what they do. That is my offer."
Mevinah: “This is an extremely generous and giving offer. I accept. It would be an honor to be able to serve as an Athernite, to bring Judgement and Pain to the wicked.
I would want the children to transcend.”
October 23rd PST Evening in the Borderlands, relayed by Ashontrah...
You are being made an Athernite right now.
Atherak: "Who do you serve?"
Mevinah: "The Athranaaks. You my Lord."
Atherak: "So may it be."
Atherak pulls out Mevinah's core and makes him an Athernite. He is adding in upgrades.
You will be able to speak to all dead. They will recognize you as one of the Athernites. Negative harmful spirits and entities will run from you.
This upgrade will protect you from any negative entities and spirits.
Xarsha: "Will you give him the Sight of Judgement?"
Atherak: "I will."
The Sight of Judgement. It allows you to peer into any human soul to see their wickedest deeds.
Xarsha: "What else will you be giving him Master?"
Atherak: "For now a temporary way to mark the wicked. This will allow him to mark wicked mortals. Any that he sees around him.
He does this by speaking into his hand and then blowing out to the air. This will mark those who are meant to be punished in the borderlands. The wicked. I will come for them.
Find me these child abusers, mark them. When they are brought to me I will give them to you for punishment. Your beloved Dark Elf I was very fond of her. It pained me to transcend her. She did not belong here.
She loved you. What happened to her still pains you. Now you will take that pain and turn it against those who harm ones like her. The younglings and innocents in Midgard."
The Athranaak empowers your core. It is then returned to your body.
Xarsha: "Shall we have the coils sew him Master? I have your knives ready."
Atherak: "I will use my knives."
Coils from the Athranaak pierce into Mevinah. They empower him and activate the upgrades.
Atherak: "Awaken my child." Mevinah wakes up.
Atherak: "Arise my Cutter."
Atherak: "How do you feel?"
Mevinah: "Alive but dead. I can feel the Athranaak power flow through me. I wish to punish. I wish to deal out judgement."
Atherak takes him somewhere...
Mevinah: "Where are we Master?"
Atherak: "This was the former Doll House of my precious little artist. Formerly the Cathedral of Flesh."
Mevinah: "Then it shall be the House of Judgement."
Atherak: "Ah I knew I made the right choice in choosing you."
Mevinah: "I will never show that you have made the wrong one. There is work to be done Master."
Atherak: "Eager to begin."
The floor moves away and in the House of Judgement beneath them are males of different kinds. Above them is some kind of deformed being that looks like Gitgah.
Atherak: "These ones are gathered here from across the existence. This is my precious artist's unfinished work. Greet them. Let them see your face. It is something they are going to have to get used to for all eternity."
As Mevinah approaches the edge of the pit the fear on the faces of the begins. They back away and cower. They are trembling. Some are begging.
Mevinah pulls out his knives... "Time to create. Time to deal judgement." You can hear the screams.
Xarsha: "You have chosen wisely. Your rewards to the Athernites."
Atherak: "Yes I am charitable to them aren't I?"
Xarsha: "In the ways of pain and suffering you are Master."
Atherak: "I have plans to find the last three Athernites."
Thank you my Master Atherak, embodiment of the Athranaaks, you are very generous. I will not let you down. And thank you Ashontrah the Blood Rose and Great Balancer for relaying this event and all you do for balance.
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