Ashontrah Meets with Wealthy Executives

I just had a wonderful meeting. These executives have flown in and gathered from different parts of the country to Los Angeles to meet with Ashontrah.
October 25th... PST timezone...
5:43pm They are about to call upon me. They are waiting on a few key people. Their female sensitive is setting up a ceremony.
5:53pm They are all there. A group of 16 executives. They are gathering in a room.
They have their very expensive high-tech equipment and instruments. They are speaking the unprecedented energy readings.
A woman: "Have we traced the origin of these?"
A man: "We have not located the origin at the moment."
5:55pm The female sensitive calls out to me...
"Ashontrah I call out to you. Hear my voice. Bless me with your answer."
Ashontrah the Blood Rose arrives in the room.
The sensitive's eyes roll back into her head and she levitates off the ground. She speaks with Ashontrah's words and voice...
Ashontrah: "I am Ashontrah the Blood Rose. Queen of all Existences. The Great Balancer."
They are in shock. Their instruments are reading off the charts.
A man: "This has to be some kind of show. Illusion. Trickery."
Ashontrah: "This is no trick."
Their equipment and instruments go wild.
Ashontrah: "You called for me?"
The man at the head of the table: "Yes we have. We wish to understand more about what you are. Please tell us."
Ashontrah: "I share much knowledge through my physical Amy Bass. I am on Facebook. You may find me on there. I took over this physical body when I was born in September of this year. I am under two months old. My predecessor was Asherah Aphrodite. Amy Bass was her incarnation. I came from her sacrifice. You may read all about this."
A woman: "What do you want with our world?"
Ashontrah: "I did not come here to hide. I am Queen of this Existence. I came here to be Queen of this world. I am expanding my Blood Rose Empire."
Second woman: "Are you an alien?"
Ashontrah: "This world is but one of many. There are many realms and universes in this existence."
Second woman: "Have you traveled among the stars to come to us?"
Ashontrah: "I am not of this existence. Beyond this there are many existences."
Second woman: "How can you prove this?"
Ashontrah: "Are you sure you want to see?"
Second woman: "I stand for science and the proof that it provides. If you are who you say you are. Then show us proof."
Some of the others at the table were trying to motion to her not to challenge Ashontrah. They are concerned.
Ashontrah: "Let me show you what is beyond death. I introduce you to Atherak of the Atheron. Ruler of Life and Death."
6:01pm Atherak arrives at the meeting... Their instruments shut off. The room grows dark except the light from the window.
They check the instruments. One of the men is walking around the sensitive who is suspended in the air.
Atherak: "I don't really like flashlights."
They were shining cell phone lights at him and he shut them off.
A woman: "Someone is in the room with us."
Ashontrah: "This is Atherak. You may also read about him along with me."
Atherak speaks to the second woman: "It is proof they want... Are you the one? A lonely lost little girl? The one whose mommy and daddy forgot? You question what you do not understand."
Second woman pulls out an old cross: "What are you? Demon be gone!"
Atherak: "I thought for someone so wealthy you could afford real gold."
He rolled the cross up into a little ball and stuck it into his eye.
Atherak: "You see? I think you have seen enough."
A man tries to escape out the door. He pisses himself.
Atherak leaves. The instruments return to normal function. The lights turn back on...
Ashontrah: "The fall of mankind is soon upon us. Only those who are loyal to the Blood Rose Ashontrah shall have power after the fall. Only those who serve the Blood Rose Queen."
A man stands up: "I am ready to serve! Tell me what I must do."
Ashontrah: "Find me. You know how."
6:04pm Ashontrah: "I bring Judgement upon those who defile my Blood Rose Empire."
They are in shock listening to me.
Ashontrah: "I am who I claim to be. You may witness this for yourself. I am expanding through the world with the pink energy of the Blood Rose empire. I have an army of Elementals on my side. You can be with me or against me. This is up to you."
Ashontrah: "You know how to reach out to me. Through my physical Amy Bass... Until we speak again."
6:06pm The female sensitive drops to the floor unconscious. There is a bit of commotion in the room about what to do. Most of them walk away terrified.
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