Torture and Touch of Death

Intuitive guidance session and core fusion for Lisa by my servant Atherak.
Your true self is waiting on a small bench in the waiting area. She reached down when she saw a beautiful flower.
She picked it up and the thorn pricked her. The flower withered and died.
She said to herself "Can't I hold one thing beautiful? Just for once?" She notices a rift open up. The Raven flies into it. She follows him.
She enters the room and sees a figure before her. This is Atherak.
Atherak: "Come and sit child. Don't be frightened."
Your true self is hesitant at first. She comes over and takes a seat.
Atherak: "Wine."
Your true self: "No thank you."
Atherak: "Do I frighten you child?"
Your true self: "A little."
Atherak: "You learned how to use your words to keep yourself safe."
Your true self: "Yes I have. I have to remain in hiding or he may find me."
Atherak: "Who may find you?"
Your true self: "Eilyish."
Atherak: "Ah Eilyish. An Arcturian Baron. A collector himself of exquisite creatures. Your story is sad. You are the last of your kind."
Your true self: "Yes I am. How do you know such things?"
Atherak: "Because everything is tied to death. Death always knows when it is coming. It can see far into your past and far into your future. In time everything dies. Everything transcends and changes. This is how I see things. You seem unnerved child."
Your true self: "I am weary as of late. I have been hiding for only a short time now."
Atherak: "You are hiding from this collector. You are a prize to him."
Your true self: "Yes a very valuable prize. My people were conquered by the Arcturians long ago. We had an ancient power that was inside our world that tied us all together."
You are a being with golden glittery skin. You have golden hair. Your body structure looks Elven. Your eyes are silver. There are silver markings all over you. These are not tattoos. They are a natural part of your skin. Each marking pattern is unique.
Atherak: "What is your name child?"
Your true self: "Zinkelai" (Zeen-Key-Lay)
Zinkelai: "I am a Vyrian. This power was wanted by the Candelabra. The baron was sent to extract it from my world and enslave my people.
As they extracted this energy from our world my kind became to die. Our defense is that we can kill living things that we touch. The Arcturians found their way around this.
They forced my kind into forced labor harvesting this energy. They also used us as slaves. My mother was turned into a pleasure slave. They could not touch us so they would torture us.
Eilyish is a sick being with a rotted core. He would sexually torture female beings. This is how my mother died. Because he couldn't touch her it would anger him. He would increase the torture and it killed her.
I was a child. He kept me and raised me. He was not kind. When I began to blossom then he began to treat me like he did my mother but not as extreme.
He would beat me with a whip. He wanted to touch me but he couldn't. He was always trying to find a way to bypass that. He has several other beings that he does this to.
There was a Void being by the name of Pahnna who helped me escape. Pahnna was caught and suffered greatly before she died.
Eilyish has been hunting me ever since. No matter where I go they always find me. I almost thought about ending my existence. Then my kind would be forgotten forever. Sometimes I think that is for the best."
Atherak: "All things end child. Things begin again. This is understood by all beings but some deny it. This Eilyish even now continues what he has done for so long. Cheating death and going unpunished."
Zinkelai is crying in tears: "I wish there was a place I could go where he couldn't find me."
Atherak: "As long as this was in you then he would always be able to find you no matter where you are. This is an implant. Somehow he found a way to get it into you."
Zinkelai: "I am sorry. I have probably led them here to you. I never meant to endanger anyone. Please forgive me. I will leave now."
Atherak: "You can stay. I want you to stay." He destroys the Arcturian implant.
Zinkelai: "Thank you for removing it. They may be coming soon."
Atherak: "Let them come. I have a whole feast of pain and suffering for them."
Zinkelai: "What are you?"
Atherak: "I am punishment. I am righteousness through pain. I purify. Drink the wine."
Zinkelai takes a sip of wine but she is still nervous.
Atherak: "Is it these surroundings that still trouble you?"
Zinkelai: "I am sorry to say but yes."
Atherak: "Where is the most beautiful place you have ever seen?"
Zinkelai: "Home."
Atherak: "Close your eyes child."... He places his hand on her forehead.
Zinkelai: "Please don't. You will die."
Atherak: "I am already dead."
Zinkelai opens her eyes. She is on her home world before it was conquered.
Atherak: "Rest here child. Enjoy the wine. I will return in a moment."
Atherak goes to Ashontrah...
Atherak: "This Eilyish has cheated life and death. Do you not agree?"
Ashontrah: "I agree."
Atherak: "Can I have him?"
Ashontrah: "Take him and make sure he gets all the torture he deserves."
Atherak: "Shall we let her see this?"
Ashontrah: "Let her be the one to touch him and end his life."
Atherak: "Very well. She will end his life and I will own him in death."
Atherak goes back to Zinkelai....
Atherak: "This Eilyish. What would you give to see him on his knees? What would you give to see him suffer? What would you give to know that his life now hangs in the balance of your simple touch?"
Zinkelai: "I would give anything."
Atherak speaks to Ashontrah...
Atherak: "Ashontrah what should she give?"
Ashontrah: "To come see me when the time comes."
Atherak returns to Zinkelai...
Atherak: "It has been decided. Ashontrah shall make her appearance known to you all soon. You must go to her. She will be awaiting you. If you could do that then Eilyish will be before you on his knees."
Zinkelai: "I can do that."
Atherak: "Then we have a bargain."
The image of your world fades away... You are in darkness with Atherak. You see a rift open up. You are scared. You see Eilyish torturing one of his slaves with his serrated whip. He does not yet notice the rift behind him.
Somebody grabs his hand on his next strike. He feels all the bones break in his wrist. His whip wraps around him. It is cutting into him.
He is being dragged through the rift. Many of his hunters come into the room he is being dragged from. Blades come out of rifts and kill them all.
Zinkelai is still frightened. She sees Eilyish laying on the ground with his whip tightly cutting into him. The whip unwraps itself. Atheraak chains and hooks pierce into him. They suspend him in the air.
Atherak: "Come child. He cannot harm you. With one touch your misery ends. Your suffering ends. Your pain ends. And his begins."
Zinkelai touches him. He begins to groan. Then he dies.
Atherak: "Go back to your place of beauty for one moment. You will not want to see this..." He makes you see your beautiful world again.
Atherak is with Zinkelai in the borderlands....
Atherak: "Wake up sicko. Do I frighten you?"
Eilyish is just quivering and whimpering in pain.
Atherak: "You liked watching sweet flesh be ripped apart. Strange... your flesh is sweet. Very sweet."
Atherak bites flesh off of him...
Atherak: "Not my taste." He spits it out. "Still you will become a work of art."
The chains pull on Eilyish and he starts screaming. The Cutter girl is there.
Atherak: "What do you think my little artist? It is a gift for you. This one is special."
Cutter girl: "I don't like his skin."
Atherak: "Then take off what you don't like and keep what you like."
Cutter girl: "I shall."
Tentacles come from everywhere and shave off Eilyish's skin. He is screaming in pain.
Atherak: "It is quite a delight. Make us something beautiful. Take him."
Atherak returns to Zinkelai....
Atherak: "Now begins a whole new cycle for you. How do you feel child?"
Zinkelai: "At peace for the first time in a long time. I feel at peace."
Atherak: "Drink wine and dream."
Zinkelai drinks the wine and falls asleep.
Atherak begins your core fusion...
Athranaak coils position your spiritual body. Your physical is brought through a rift.
Atherak: "I bring the physical and the spiritual together." The Athranaak coils sew you.
The sewing is complete. Atherak cuts and exposes your core and essence.
Atherak: "I bring the spiritual core and physical essence together and bind them with all their abilities from now and ever more. I bless this fusion.
Atherak speaks to Ashontrah...
Atherak: "What about their world?"
Ashontrah: "It must stay ended for now."
Atherak: "What shall replace this unique being?"
Ashontrah: "Let us remake her to bring life with her touch. I shall come do this myself."
Ashontrah comes to the core fusion...
Ashontrah: "I remake you Zinkelai so your touch brings life and healing to those who deserve it."
Atherak: "So be it. I have sealed it in. I bless this fusion once again. Is Valinor where she should go? That is most like her home world."
Ashontrah: "I want her in Volheim."
Atherak: "Very well. Volheim then. Tenomachi and his mate shall watch over her."
Zinkelai awakes in Volheim in a great meadow. She sees a female Bear Shifter. This bear aids her and takes her to Tenomachi.
Tenomachi hears Zinkelai's story and grants you a home in Volheim. You are grateful for this.
Questions from your incarnation...
1. Am I really accepted by the elves for the elven path?
Zinkelai: "Yes I am."
2. Where do I stand with the panthera shapeshifters? Am I accepted by any clan? If not, how should I go about this path?
Zinkelai: "You have now been accepted by the clans in Volheim."
3. I want absolute and complete integration with my TS. What suggestion does she have for me?
Zinkelai: "The core fusion is the beginning. Now that I am free it should be easier for me to connect. Focus. If you have any trouble there may be something that this Atherak can offer."
4. What is my story with the arcturians who kidnapped me? (The elves said I was raised with arcturians)
Zinkelai: "You have the story now."
5. What blockages do I have that prevents me from manifesting super powers and other subs?
Zinkelai: "The blockage has been removed. It was that implant."
6. What’s in store for me for the plague?
Zinkelai: "A chance at a new life. You must take it. A new simpler life."
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