Avierna and the Arcturian Baron

Intuitive guidance session and core fusion for Drö...
Xarsha: "This one you are looking for presents a problem. She is in hiding. She plots assassination of an Arcturian Baron."
You are an extraterrestrial who made your incarnation through Arcturian magic. Your name is Avierna (Ah-Veer-Nah).
This Arcturian Baron invaded your world long ago. Your people are a tribal warrior race. You know defensive magic.
Many of the tribes submitted to the Arcturians but there were those who did not. They started to fight back and kill the Arcturians.
Out of the two continents which exist on your world. The Arcturians devastated one of them and almost all its inhabitants because of a few revolting tribes there.
Your mother was a Chieftess of one of these tribes. She prayed to a Warrior Goddess. Your mother left you when you were a child on the altar of this Warrior Goddess deep down inside these caverns.
When the Arcturians came and exterminated your kind this Warrior Goddess took you away. She raised you and taught you powerful magic. She taught you powerful warrior ways.
You carry what is called a kyra which looks like a black bow stick. It is a very powerful weapon. It was given to you by the Warrior Goddess.
As you grew you went your own way and returned to your home world. You are considered a terrorist there.
Your kind are called the Aivushai. You have glowing dark orange colored skin. Your long hair is bright red. You have elven-like ears.
Your body is tall and slim. Females of your kind are around 6 feet tall while the males are around 7 feet.
You stole Arcturian magic to find a way to incarnate here on Midgard.
Atherak: "Shall we go get her?"
Atherak and Xarsha are deep inside caverns. He gets attacked by this being. She tries to strike him with her weapon. Atherak uses coils to retrain her. He grabs her weapon as she goes for the next blow.
She is charging up with energy. Her weapon glows. She sends out an energy blast. It has no effect on Atherak or Xarsha. She exerts herself and falls from exhaustion. She still holds onto her kyra weapon.
Xarsha: "She has expended herself Master. Almost to the point of death. The being is dying."
Atherak: "It must have been her final defense. She must have been saving it for someone."
Xarsha: "You mean to kill."
Atherak: "Yes. This was not meant for us. This was meant for someone else."
Xarsha: "The child is dying."
Blinding light comes from Atherak... She awakens. She is startled but notices she is not restrained. There is a figure sitting across from her and two others standing behind him.
Your true self Avierna recognizes the one standing to the right and the figure sitting. She builds some kind of magic to attack. She cannot gain any energy.
Atherak: "Your abilities don't work here. But we intend you no harm. If I wished to destroy you I would have done so. You must be thirsty. Drink."
Avierna goes for the chalice and drinks it down...
Avierna: "Why did you bring me here? At what price did the Baron have me brought here?"
Atherak: "No Baron commands me."
Avierna: "Then why have you brought me here?"
Atherak: "You are from the Midgard group. Searching for a session to find your spiritual. That is what this is."
Avierna: "From my incarnation?"
Atherak: "Yes."
Avierna: "And you mean me no harm?"
Atherak: "If I chose to harm you girl there would be nothing you could do. You are quite impressive. You know the ways of magic. You are a master of the very ancient powerful weapon of this existence."
Avierna: "Where is her?" She is looking for her weapon.
Atherak: "This thing? Here." He tosses it to you.
Avierna: "Only a fool would have done that."
Atherak: "Do I look like a fool to you? Do I look like I am here to entertain you?"
Avierna: "I meant no offense."
Atherak: "None taken. What were you planning to do? How many Arcturians have you killed?"
Avierna: "I killed many but one still eludes me. Before you came I was going to end his life."
Atherak: "End his life? Then what would you have done?"
Avierna: "Died if I have to."
Atherak: "Died? And where do you think you would have gone?"
Avierna: "To where my mother and my tribe."
Atherak: "She has a child."
Avierna: "How do you know this?"
Atherak: "Does it matter? Where is this child?"
Avierna: "She is safe."
Atherak: "You have a lot of spirit. Do you want to see what would happen if I never came? Look..."
Avierna sees her attack failing. She sees herself and her daughter captured. She is tortured by the Baron in front of her daughter. Then she watches the Baron sacrifice her child.
Avierna is weeping after seeing the vision.
Avierna: "Will I ever find peace?"
Atherak: "Do you know what would have happened to you? You would have eventually died and then been here in my lands. What a waste. Even now the Baron knows where your daughter is. He is on his way. He has men on his way to her."
Avierna: "Then I must go to her. Send me back from this place you have brought me to."
Atherak: "All in good time."
Avierna: "Send me there now. I will not let him harm my daughter."
Atherak: "You are in no position to demand anything."
Avierna: "I will do what it takes to protect her."
Atherak: "Oh I know you will... Fenrir fetch me this child... Now watch..."
You see the place where your daughter is playing. She is in a room. There are others taking care of her.
Arcturian hunters come. They are not Arcturian themselves but are employed by them. They kill the caretakers. They enter the room where your daughter is. Your daughter is playing.
Avierna: "Let me go to her now! How could you force me to watch this!?"
Atherak: "Because there is something you must see."
The room where your daughter is goes dark. She is sitting on the floor. Behind the hunters they hear a growl. They both react and shine lights into the darkness but cannot see.
Something snatches one of the hunters.
You can only hear a short scream and then silence. The other hunter is in a panic. He is trying to find the door. He back right into a snout. The breath of Fenrir smells of decay. The hunter turns around and Fenrir devours him.
Fenrir approaches the child and picks her up in his mouth. He brings her back...
Atherak: "Is this yours?" The girl runs to your true self in delight.
Avierna: "Thank you."
Atherak: "This solves no problem. This Baron intrigues me."
He turns to Dolloiandea who was the figure standing to his left...
Atherak: "Dolloiandea deliver a message to this Baron. Invite him for a meeting with me."
Dolloiandea: "And if he refuses?"
Atherak: "I am hoping that he does."
Dolloiandea leaves. Atherak turns to Avierna...
Atherak: "Now watch as my triad bring judgement."
The Baron is sleeping in his chambers. Outside the two guards notice a figure approaching in the darkness. They get ready to defend the entrance to the Baron.
Dolloiandea walks up and opens her hands and they both incinerate. The Baron is awoken by the screams. He sounds the alarm.
Dolloiandea incinerates the door. The Baron quickly reacts and launches energy attacks against her. As they get close to her they turn to ash. She burns out his left eye.
Dolloiandea: "I have a message for you Baron. An invitation from my Master. Will you accept?"
She gives the Baron a black scroll. The Baron burns it in his hand when he takes it.
Baron: "I shall invite him to watch me torture you to death!"
Dolloiandea: "That is what I was hoping you would say."
The Baron regains himself and launches another attack but there is nothing there. She is already gone.
Atherak: "Very good Moidaybe. The Baron has one of my puzzles."
Moidaybe: "Shall I retrieve it Master?"
Atherak: "Yes. Do so... Fenrir devour them. All of them."
This Baron has a palace on a moon near your home world. There are alarms going off everywhere.
Baron: "What is going on?"
Guard: "Something is attacking the palace and the city below."
Baron: "Make the defenses. Repel this terrorist attack. Bring the ring leaders to me. There is one that has already assaulted me. Find her."
Guard: "I will do my Lord."
Baron: "I must make it to the temple."
Outside the temple his guards are being killed by a figure that they cannot hit with any of their attacks. He seems to flash from one place to another. Every time he does more of them fall.
Atherak: "That is where my puzzle is."
Coils come from his hands and drains the essence of the dead. Moidaybe goes into the temple and kills the priests. He reclaims the puzzle.
Guard: "Baron we must flee the planet below."
Baron: "Hurry. We must get to the portal."
Guard: "There is something outside the planet."
Atherak: "Danaark render my final judgement upon these Arcturians."
Coils come from Danaark. Every Arcturian on the planet starts to die. They just drop dead.
Danaark: "And the world?"
Atherak: "Leave it. But this moon is one of many. It has been tainted. Burn it to ash. As for the Baron, bring him to me."
The Baron makes his way towards his ship. The portal has been damaged. He must take a space craft. He is surrounded by many guards. At least a battalion. The hangar the enter into goes dark. The darkness swallows his battalion.
All he can hear are screams. He tries to shine light around but the darkness just absorbs it. He sees the female figure he saw earlier again. He sees Xarsha who looks mutilated and reconstructed. He recognizes what it is.
Baron: "I have done nothing! I had a deal with the Count of Pain!"
Xarsha: "He has been gone for a while."
Coils wrap around the Baron. Danaark destroys the moon.
Avierna is watching Atherak. Light comes from him and his skin turns white. Energy comes out from him and goes up through the Athranaak. Souls are going through the energy stream.
He then places his hands toward the floor and returns back to his usual self. Souls come from the energy in his hands and go downward.
Atherak: "Now as for you Avierna... The wrongs of your people have been righted. Go live in peace."
Avierna rises up in the air. Atherak starts the core fusion. The coils begin to sew.
On your homework the indigenous people who were slaves are now noticing all the Arcturians there are dead. They notice that one of their three moons is missing where the Arcturian Baron had his palace.
One of the wiser older ones says 'This is a sign.'
A younger one says 'This is a good sign.'
The wiser one looks down at two normal Arcturians holding a young child Arcturian and says 'This has been a judgement. One we must understand and live by.'
They gather the dead Arcturians and bury them with honor and respect.
Atherak: "I bring the spiritual core and the physical essence and bind them together with all their abilities from here and forever more. I bless this fusion."
Avierna is back with her daughter deep in the caverns.
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