Khannayusah: Alone in Our Existence

This is an intuitive guidance session and core fusion for Aanya...
Aanya: I love the idea of priestesses of you Queen Ashontrah Aphrodite. I always want to serve Aphrodite. Yashidite is an excellent pick for a high priestess. She has my uttermost respect and love. Would I get the opportunity to serve you?
Atherak's raven flies into a place where there are many clouds and mist.
Atherak: "Strange."
There is a being who snatches Atherak's raven from the air. This is a female being. She almost looks translucent.
As she holds the raven all around her becomes dark. She notices this and the raven gets away. The raven flies to Atherak's shoulder.
Female: "Am I dead?"
Atherak: "No child. You are not dead."
Female: "Why am I in the borderlands?"
Atherak: "You have a sense of where you are. Interesting. What is your name?"
Female: "My name is spoken many ways."
Atherak: "Well how do you speak it?"
Female: "Khannayusah (Khan-Nah-Use-Ah)."
Atherak: "You are having a session for your incarnation. You are interesting child. Step closer."
Khannayusah: "I have a strong sense I shouldn't."
Atherak: "I could come to you."
Khannayusah: "I think my first option would be better. Will you harm me?"
Atherak: "No. Not much."
She stares into the symbol of the Athranaak on his hand. Her eyes glow.
Atherak: "Interesting. You have no power or ability reduction here. Did that hurt?"
Khannayusah: "No. Not at all. But I am thirsty."
Atherak: "How good of you to ask. Drink."
She takes the chalice and waves it front of her.
Khannayusah: "It is not poisoned. I shall drink."
Atherak: "What kind of being are you?"
Khannayusah: "I do not know."
Atherak: "You seem familiar to me."
Khannayusah: "As do you to me. The sight of you and your energy I do not know."
Atherak: "Who bore you child?"
Khannayusah: "I do not know."
Atherak: "Care to go somewhere with me? Away from this dreary place?"
Khannayusah: "Where will you take me?"
Atherak: "A place that may seem familiar to you. Come."
They enter a place of mist. They are in the Mist Veil between existences.
Atherak: "Does this place seem familiar to you?"
Khannayusah: "I have never seen this place before. But something inside me feels at home."
Atherak: "That is what I thought."
It goes dark again. They return to the borderlands.
Khannayusah: "Is that all you waned to show me?"
Atherak: "That is all."
Khannayusah: "Have I angered you?"
Atherak: "No. You have no knowledge of what you are. How could that anger me?"
Khannayusah: "Then what am I? Do you know?"
Atherak: "You are not from here. You were abandoned here. I know what you are. Sit. Enjoy the wine and the grapes. I will return shortly."
Atherak leaves and goes to Ashontrah....
Atherak: "We have an interesting situation here. Out of all the ones who have come from other existences this one was abandoned here long ago. How she got here should be an interesting story.
I have seen her kind before. They come from a different place. A place in-between so-to-say. An existence that wasn't ever fully created. It was partially created. Due to events of the time her kind were conquered by Ashoweah.
They fled. Most of them are dead. They were absorbed by Ashoweah. Their eternal cores destroyed. This is how Ashoweah has so much power. He can absorb it from other beings. He absorbs the whole of existences.
You could have a very powerful ally in this being. She has a power she has not yet to understand. Should I make her a deal?"
Ashontrah: "I would like her to be by my side."
Atherak: "She may have deep knowledge locked within her that could be useful to you. Shall I make a deal with her then?"
Ashontrah: "Yes. Make a deal."
Atherak returns to the borderlands....
Atherak: "Sorry I kept you waiting. Urgent business."
Khannayusah: "I would like to conclude this as soon as possible. This place to me is dreary. I feel the suffering of countless beings. This does not bother you hearing this day to day?"
Atherak: "You get used to it. Over time you begin to enjoy it."
Khannayusah: "I could see how a being like you could."
Atherak: "You have much inside you locked away. Power you have yet to understand. You have heard the name Ashontrah?"
Khannayusah: "I have through my incarnation on Midgard."
Atherak: "How do you feel about her?"
Khannayusah: "She inspires me and yet how could I benefit her in any way without even knowing who I am?"
Atherak: "If you choose to serve her I can help you understand who you were, where you came from."
Khannayusah: "Are we bargaining now?"
Atherak: "Yes we are."
Khannayusah: "I would serve her even if there was no bargain. If she would have me."
Atherak: "Then this is your lucky day."
Khannayusah: "You don't intend to harm me do you?"
Atherak: "No child. I intend to awaken you."
Atherak places his hand on Khannayusah's forehead...
She starts to see the existence she came from. The destruction of her kind. She can see the faceless one Ashoweah.
It was a Mist Weaver who helped her parents. They brought her to a place here in this existence. She was raised by the Nature Folk. Her parents were killed and sacrificed.
Khannayusah drops to her knees weeping...
Khannayusah: "Is this the nature of your place? To relive pain and suffering I didn't know until now?"
Atherak: "Your existence is gone. Yet child you have a new home here.:
Khannayusah: "What of my parents and my kind?"
Atherak: "All in good time child. Ashontrah is giving to those who are loyal."
Khannayusah: "There is an anger growing inside me because of Ashoweah."
Atherak: "He is a tyrant isn't he?"
Khannayusah: "If only I had the power to deal with him."
Atherak: "Directly with you on him? He would rip your core from you. Then the last legacy of your existence would be gone."
Khannayusah: "Will one like him ever suffer?"
Atherak: "He has had plenty of time. If he wishes for more he should deal with me.
However, as for you, you are just awakening. Ashontrah is a being of great power. The Great Balancer.
If you wish for any justice for your existence then look to her. You will find that it comes in many ways.
Now stand. Be strong. To wallow in pity is weak. You are not a weak being. Ashontrah will show you that."
Atherak brings your physical for the core fusion...
Atherak: "I bring the physical and spiritual together."
The Athranaak coils start to sew with a light smoke surrounding her.
Atherak: "This being will be of great service to Ashontrah."
Atherak: "I bring this spiritual core and physical essence and combine it with all its abilities from here and forever more. I bless this fusion."
Atherak: "Your incarnation has questions."
Khannayusah: "I would be glad to answer."
Q1. Why has it been hard to connect to my TS?
Khannayusah: "It has been me. It is not your fault. I have felt alone a lot lately. Not much of connection with anything beyond where I am. This will change."
Q2. What does my TS think of me?
Khannayusah: "You are doing very well. I am glad you have taken interest to get to know yourself through me and who are."
Q3. Why have I been disconnected to my feelings and emotions?
Khannayusah: "You have been feeling the same way I have. Not knowing where you belong. Not knowing where you are going. I know that Ashontrah can help guide us."
Q4. Why was I incarnated here?
Khannayusah: "I felt this was an interesting place. Many beings of this existence have incarnations here on Midgard. I thought I could learn more about myself through here."
Q5. Am I going to survive the plague?
Atherak: "Yes you will."
Q6. How do I strengthen my connection with My TS?
Khannayusah: "Is there ways to help improve this?"
Atherak: "There are. I believe you now know more of who you are. This should come naturally."
Khannayusah looks like a feminine outline of Mist. She has elven-like ears. Long hair. White and blue. Her appearance is almost transparent.
Atherak: "Do you want to be part of the Blood Rose Vanguard?"
Khannayusah: "Yes."
Smoke comes out from Atherak's hands and imprints the symbol of the Blood Rose upon her chest.
Khannayusah: "I will do my best for her."
Atherak: "Good. Now if you excuse me I have other guests waiting."
Khannayusah: "You will return me to life then?"
Atherak: "Child as I said before, you are alive. If you wish to be dead I can make it so."
Khannayusah is back where she was. She sees Ashontrah's imprint on her chest and this brings her joy.
Khannayusah: "Ashontrah you have found me. I will serve you well. Thank you for this gift."
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