Athernites: Warning to Whisperers

The voice message with the post is my warning to the Whisperers. Your influence has come to an end.
October 13th...
The Bindarg are gathering around their home world. They are a physical like humans are. Their planet physical like Midgard. They have been shared about before in the group.
Atherak: "They are going to be a testing ground for my triad."
Xarsha: "They will be the grandest work of art you have every created my Lord."
Atherak: "Tell me Xarsha. What do you think of visiting the Bindarg?"
Xarsha: "I think it has been long overdue my Lord."
Atherak: "The ones they have devoured fill our borderlands."
Xarsha: "They should be judged for this my Lord."
Atherak: "They should. Let us ask Ashontrah the most important question of all. How should they be punished? How shall they be judged?"
Ashontrah: "Without mercy."
Atherak: "Make it so Xarsha. The triad will assist you. This is the beginning. Closer and closer we get to Midgard. One by one we will clean out the putrid of this galaxy."
Xarsha: "What of the Pleiadians my Lord?"
Atherak: "Asherah beat them into submission."
Xarsha: "Yet they still influence mankind. And those who have been influenced by the Pleadians may find her work and when she speaks of them they may turn against her."
Atherak: "These are not large problems."
Xarsha: "I understand my Lord. From my knowing, small problems that are ignored grow like cancer. They spread."
Atherak: "That is true. What would you say Ashontrah? Are the Pleiadians a disease?"
Ashontrah: "Take half their population."
Atherak: "Very well. This will be a warning. What is it Xarsha?"
Xarsha: "Consider a request from me my Lord."
Atherak: "What request do you wish?"
Xarsha: "There is a man. He is a warlord. He has killed many. Forced children to kill parents. He now sits high in an office. His crimes have gone unpunished. The dead cry out for vengance."
Atherak: "Do they now? I can hear them. I can feel their suffering. Their pain. What do you wish done with him Xarsha?"
Xarsha: "What he has done to others."
Atherak: "Very well. I am going to visit someone."
Atherak goes to the warlord in the physical. He is eating and watching trash. He stops for a moment and makes a phone call. The TV goes to static. His phone call drops. The lights dim.
The warlord starts praying saying he is surrounded by demons. He cannot understand what they are saying.
Atherak: "Is this the man Xarsha?"
Xarsha: "It is my Lord."
Atherak physically lifts the warlord by his throat. He rips his soul out.
Atherak: "He won't need this anymore."
The body drops onto a chair and falls to the floor. The warlord is physically dead. His spiritual is cowering.
Atherak: "He is all yours my Count."
Xarsha: "Thank you my Lord. You are most generous."
Atherak: "Am I not?"
Athranaak coils pierce into the warlord and drags him away. Atherak transcends the innocents killed because of the warlord.
October 14th...
Atherak: "My triad. Moidaybe is my Enforcer. Fenrir is my Devourer. Danaark is my Final Judgement. Too long has this existence gone without judgement. The decimation of the Hungali was never meant to be."
Ashontrah has a conversation with Dolloiandea...
Ashontrah: "I want you to know that you are very important to both me and to Atherak."
Dolloiandea: "It is beyond any honor to be held in such high regard by the both of you. Thank you for everything."
Ashontrah: "I intend to make you beyond death. Do you accept?"
Dolloiandea: "I accept."
Ashontrah: "Would you be willing to become Athernite of Chaos? Unable to be harmed. Walking through all existences. Physical and spiritual. You would be the only female Athernite. Shall I let you think about it?"
Dolloiandea: "To become and serve as an Athernite, it would be an honor. If you both see me as fit for such a position, I will accept it."
Ashontrah speaks with Atherak...
Ashontrah: "Dolloiandea has agreed to become an Athernite. Your Chaos to the existences."
Atherak: "It is agreed. I shall work on something special for her."
Ashontrah: "I hear more of what these Whisperers are doing in my group... I am going to send them a very serious warning."
Atherak: "I can do this for you."
Eomeya: "Pisch and Artemis were involved as well. Yasha told me the All-father approved everything. Besides that she was very secretive."
All-Father: "Maybe there is more than one Father." He thinks someone could be going around pretending to be him.
The Whisperers...
Posts about the Bindarg...
The Last Hungali...
True Stories of Lovely Aphrodite Part One...
Truth Behind the Arcturians: Nitzgeiggen, Bindarg, and Pleiadians...
October 14th....
Jaeden: I'm sending this email to you because something has happened with our true selves. Something bad.
Me and Anastasija were added in a group. In the group we had to find these orbs of purity for Yasha. We were told in the group many times that this was for Asherah.
Not only that but in the group, A lot of stuff was held in and We both felt that there were a lot of secrets that were being kept.
Over the past couple of days, Anastasija, My TS's wife,(Heldaxa) she was feeling very odd for a couple of days. She said that she felt like she wanted to stop existing. I was also affected too as for a couple of days I felt suicidal and not wanting to exist.
Not only that but there was also a battle that both of our TSs were involved in, No one said anything about the battle and what was going on. Plus during the battle, Anastasija was feeling rage during the battle.
After the battle was over, No one once again said that it was won. Throughout all of this, we thought that we were fighting in honor of Asherah. We didn't know that we were being tricked and we ended up with these whisperers on our true selves, affecting us.
No information about the mission was said. It was very brief. We weren't told what the battle was against, where was it located, what was occurring or anything. Details were left vague.
Plus Heldaxa gave a birth to a child. After Heldaxa gave birth to the child, the child went with Artemis and we were told that the child would be kept safe.
After reading the post about the Whisperers, we both feel like our TS's are affected by these Whisperers and we are also worried about what is happening with our son.
Can you please help check our TS's and our TS's son to see if he is ok?
Plus I have been on the IG waiting list for a while. I have been on the list since April. My True Self, Erakinoior, is a Divine elemental of the Earth.
Ashontrah: Your session shall be next.
8:30pm Atherak: "We shall do his session. I can see him now. He is with Heldaxa. They are walking together. She seems troubled as does he. They hear the sound of ravens. On the path in front of them they see two ravens land."
Heldaxa: "Look my love. Is it a message from the All-Father?"
Him: "I have never seen ravens like that before. They seem tormented."
The ravens cry out. Smoke surrounds them. An Athranaak rises up and opens. Your true self looks.
Erakinoior: "This must be what we have been waiting for."
Heldaxa: "You mean from the message you sent earlier?"
Erakinoior: "Yes. We should go."
He walks towards the Athranaak. Heldaxa follows. The ravens fly up and down in front of her and become violent. They caw and shriek at her.
Erakinoior: "I think they are telling me that I must go alone."
Heldaxa: "Be careful."
Erakinoior: "I will my love."
He is a being with reddish-skin with blue streaks that run through it. He has blueish eyes. He must be a combined elemental.
Atherak: "Time to bring him here."
The Athernaak closes around him. The ravens fly up and the Athranaak disappears...
Atherak: "He brought you warning of whisperers."
Ashonrah: "Yes he did."
Atherak: "Let's see how much he is willing to understand. We will ask what he feels after this. I am going to give him a great gift as a reward."
Your true self arrives with Atherak...
Atherak: "State your name for me Divine Elemental."
Erakinoior: "Erakinoior."
Atherak: "I see you are strong with the elements. Here have some wine. We have much to discuss. How is the wine?"
Era: "It is very good. Sweet. How is your wine?"
Atherak: "I like mine freshly squeezed."
Above him is a humanoid with Athernaak coils through him. A coil cuts his throat and fills his chalice.
Atherak: "Mine is quite bitter. Enough talk of wine. I understand that you have knowledge of these Whisperers."
Erakinoior: "Yes I have. I sent a message to Ashontrah about them. I figured any help that I may be..."
Atherak: "You have been more help than you could possibly imagine. Haven't you? Where is your child?"
Erakinoior: "With Artemis. Protected."
Atherak: "WRONG! That is where you made your mistake. But you will be able to set things right."
Atherak reaches under Erakinoior's jaw lifts him up.
Atherak: "Let's see what you remember of this mission.... Boring, boring, boring... There... Right there."
Erakinoior drops back down to the ground. He watches an image of him and Heldaxa giving their child to Artemis.
Atherak: "Now you see. Look closely."
Erakinoior: "I do not see it."
Atherak walks over to a frozen image of Era and Heldaxa handing their son over to Artemis. He goes up by the ear of Artemis.
Atherak: "This is where you failed to see!"
He pulls the Whisperer out of Artemis. They are back in his Athranaak. The Whisperer drops to the floor.
He tries to whisper. Coils sew his mouth shut. They pierce his hands and feet and stretch him.
Atherak: "You have done well Erakinoior. I am sure Ashontrah will be pleased by this. Now I am ready to offer you a reward."
Erakinoior: "What kind of reward?"
Atherak: "Have some more wine and wait and see."
Atherak turns to Xarsha...
Atherak: "Bring me my triad. Bring me my Messenger of Chaos."
8:46pm In Volheim an Athranaak appears in front of Fenrir. He enters into it.
Inside a Nebula an Athranaak appears in front of Moidaybe. He enters it.
In a place that looks dark and empty an Athranaak appears in front of Danaark. He enters it.
In a firey place an Athranaak appears in front of Dolloiandea. She enters it.
Atherak: "Perfect."
Fenrir, Moidaybe, Danaark, and Dolloiandea arrive in Atherak's Athranaak.
Atherak: "You are all here because you have been willing to accept my offer. Have you not?"
They say they are here to accept the offer.
Atherak: "You were loyal to Asherah. You are loyal to Ashontrah. Will you be loyal to me? Do you choose to go beyond death? To walk between existences. To be my Judgement upon the wicked and those who imbalance the scales of life and death, fate and destiny?"
They all agree.
Atherak: "Do you agree to this Dolloiandea?"
Dolloiandea: "I do."
Smoke comes out of Atherak's hands and Dolloiandea goes limp. He lifts her into the air.
Atherak: "Do you Fenrir? Wolf of Destruction. Do you accept my offer?"
Fenrir: "Yes." Atherak uses smoke on Fenrir and he rises.
Atherak: "Now you Moidaybe."
Moidaybe: "You do not even have to ask. I accept."
Atherak: "I knew you would." The same happens to Moidaybe.
Atherak: "Now you Danaark the last of your kind. For too long this existence has gone without feeling the wrath of your kind. I want them to feel it again. Do you accept my offer?"
Danaark: "I accept." Atherak does the same to Danaark but he does not rise.
Atherak turns to Erakinoior....
Atherak: "Now for your reward."
Erakinoior nervously: "What is my reward?"
Atherak: "You will get to witness the birth of my Athernites. You will see first-hand when I unleash them. Am I not generous?"
8:55pm Athranaaks close around Dolloiandea, Fenrir, Moidaybe, and Danaark. They begin to spin. Atherak reaches deep into his chest and rips it open. Coils come out from it and go into the Athernaaks they are inside.
The coils return to his chest. Other Athranaak coils come out and begin to sew up Atherak.
Atherak: "Now Ashontrah, shall we see my most perfect work of art? I give you Fenrir the Devourer.
Look at him. Perfect in every way. Half-Wolf Half-Myrrdonite. You will witness his destruction soon.
Shall we see more? It is like opening presents isn't it?"
Atherak: "Now look at this... Moidaybe. Always loyal and now an Athernite. There is much to be done. I want my puzzles back. You will bring them to me. Give me your hands."
Coils come out Atherak's hands and pierce Moidaybe's hands.
Atherak: "You can be anywhere in a moment. From two-feet away to many existences away and back again. Like that." He snaps his fingers. "You may operate my puzzles with these hands. The power of the borderlands will come to you."
Atherak: "Now for my Final Judgement upon these wicked. This one is special. Very special. Wouldn't you say? Half-Hungali and Half-Myrrdonite. More powerful than any Guardians in all existences. You Danaark are my Final Judgement."
Atherak: "You see they look different now. They look more like me. And now... my message must be carried to these wicked beings.
Not only to them, but to all that watch. To all that invade. This one... Ahhh... Primordial Athernite. The elements will come to your commands. You will discover power so great within you."
Dolloiandea: "And what shall I be?"
Atherak: "My Messenger."
Dolloiandea: "What is your message Master?"
Atherak: "Chaos."
Erakinoior: "Maybe I should go now."
Atherak: "No! Have a seat. We are going to watch."
Erakinoior: "What are we going to watch?"
Atherak: "My favorite kind of thing."
Erakinoior nervously: "What is that?"
Atherak: "Pain and suffering."
Atherak: "Moidabye, the Bindarg Queen has something of mine. I want it back."
Moidaybe: "Yes Master."
Moidaybe puts his hands together in a diamond shape. Dolloiandea, Fenrir, and Danaark disappear with him. They are on the Bindarg homework.
The Bindarg Queen has gathered all of her colonies. They have one of the ancient puzzles. There is a ceremony going on.
As the Bindarg Queen lifts the puzzle above her head she turns to face the masses. There is Dolloiandea standing in front of her. The Queen speaks in a strange language but Dolloiandea understands it.
Queen: "What are you doing here small creature?!"
Dolloiandea: "I bring a message. Your time. The time of your kind and the disease that you have spread has come to an end."
Queen laughs: "Kill this insect."
There is a panic in the masses. Bindarg are flying up into the air and being grabbed by something. They see this huge black reconstructed mutilated wolf grabbing mouth-fulls of Bindarg and devouring them. The Queen turns and runs with her royal guard and the other sub-Queens.
The mutated animals they use start to attack them. When Fenrir howls the animals come by tens of thousands. All of these genetic monstrosities they created.
Dolloiandea goes to the core of the planet. Ancient volcanoes start to erupt. All the elements, tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes....
The Bindarg try to run to their spacecrafts to escape the world.
Atherak: "Isn't this entertaining? Look at them run. Dolloiandea do not let them leave."
Dolloiandea: "As you wish Master."
She creates strong winds and firestorms that surround their crafts and destroy them. There are Bindarg running around. Fenrir is continuing to devour them.
Atherak: "Now Moidaybe, bring me my puzzle."
Deep down in a chamber the Bindarg Queen and the sub-Queens are hiding behind secure doors. Outside they are hearing screams of their royal guard. As the royal guard try to attack Moidaybe he vanishes. He reappears instantly. Athernaak coils come from him and impale the guards.
Bindarg Queen: "No one can get through that door."
Moidaybe appears on the other side and holds out his hand. The Queen hands the puzzle over to him. Moidaybe holds up one finger and shakes it in a manner to say 'No.'
He brings his hands together in the shape of a diamond. The puzzle opens. Coils come out and impale the Queen and all the sub-Queens. They get dragged to the borderlands.
Moidaybe closes the puzzle and picks it up.
Moidaybe: "I have it Master."
Atherak: "Very well. What do you think so far Erakinoior?"
Erakinoior: "Why is this being done?"
Atherak: "These beings you feel pity for. My borderlands are filled with the dead of the ones they extinguished. So feel them no pity. This is only the beginning of judgement."
Erakinoior: "Have they not been judged enough?"
9:16pm Atherak: "No. Now it is time for Final Judgement. This world and all the beings on it have been tampered with. They are impure. Danaark destroy all of it."
Danaark is outside the planet. Coils come from him and pierce into the planet. It heats up. It burns until it is ash. Then the planet crumbles away.
Atherak: "That Erakinoior is true pain and suffering. Now they belong to me."
Atherak: "Ahhh, they have returned. What do you think Xarsha?"
Xarsha: "Splendid Master. Their performance exceeds expectations."
Atherak: "What do you say Ashontrah?"
Ashontrah: "I am very pleased."
Moidaybe gives Atherak the ancient puzzle.
Atherak: "Thank you Moidaybe. Go now and return to your physicals. Await my next instructions."
Atherak: "You see Erakinoior my gift to you today is a lesson. I can give and I can take."
Atherak destroys the ancient puzzle.
Atherak: "Do we understand each other?"
Erakinoior: "Yes we do."
Erakinoior rises up and goes into a transient state. Atherak starts the core fusion...
Atherak: "I bring the physical and the spiritual together as one. I command my coils to sew."
Atherak: "Dolloiandea send a message to this being who has been speaking to Tia-Nan."
Dolloiandea: "What would your message be?"
Atherak: "Send her an invitation."
Dolloiandea: "Yes Master."
Atherak: "Ashontrah you should watch this. It will be fun."
Dolloiandea takes a message to Ashendriweah....
Ashendriweah is sitting at a moon well. Dolloiandea approaches her from behind.
Ashendriweah quickly reacts. She attacks Dolloiandea. But no matter what she does it does nothing to Dolloiandea.
Ashendriweah: "Who are you and what do you want?"
Dolloiandea: "I am a Messenger."
Ashendriweah: "And what message do you bring?"
Dolloiandea: "Death."
Ashendriweah starts to burn by the command of Dolloiandea.
Atherak: "Bring her to me in an ash bowl."
Dolloiandea: "As you command."
Ashendriweah bursts into flames until the fire burns out. She falls into a pile of ash. Dolloiandea collects the ashes into a box that looks like one of the puzzles. It is rectangular shaped.
Atherak: "Very good Dolloiandea. Now bring her to me."
Dolloiandea brings Ashendriweah to Atherak...
Atherak: "So she wants to be in this existence. This a beautiful puzzle don't you think? Now the one who would be claiming that of such beauty then you wouldn't mind being this puzzle forever... She is now the puzzle."
Xarsha: "What should I do with this one?"
Atherak: "I don't care. Take it to the River of Bones and toss it in."
Atherak: "I bind the spiritual core with the physical essence with all its abilities from here and forever more. I bless this fusion."
Ashontrah: "I want the Whisperer pulled off Yashadite."
Atherak: "Very well. I will do it soon. There is something else I want to find out."
October 15th...
Atherak: "I am watching Yashadite. Xarsha bring her to me."
Where Yashadite is at has gone dark. She sees only a figure in darkness. This is Xarsha.
Xarsha: "Come."
She goes with him. He leads her to a chair.
Xarsha: "Sit."
She sits down. Xarsha walks around behind her. He places his hands on her shoulders. He whispers into her ear. As he moves away she can still hear the whisper and it starts to echo to the point of pain. Yashadite is covering her ears.
She falls from the chair. She removes her hand and sees blood on it. The pain increases as the whisper in her ear continues to echo. She hears a voice... 'Be strong child. It will soon be over.'
Atherak: "Now Xarsha."
Xarsha reaches down with his right hand and places it over Yashadite's ear. A coil comes out of the center of Xarsha's hand into her ear. He walks away and pulls on the coil.
This is excruciating pain to Yashadite. He tugs and pulls. She is screaming from the pain. He tugs on it one last time and pulls the Whisperer out. The pain subsides in Yashadite's ear.
Coils wrap around the Whisperer and pierce her. They drag her off into the darkenss.
Atherak: "Fix her Xarsha."
Xarsha takes a dark blue-green orb and places it on Yashadite's ear. A light goes through and comes out her eyes, mouth, and nose. She falls asleep and awakens where she was.
Atherak: "Very good Xarsha. Liquefy this Whisperer."
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