The Unveiling of the Blood Rose Ashontrah

Ashontrah the Blood Rose Queen was unveiled from her pink light exactly one year to the day that Asherah came forth from Void imprisonment.
October 31st... PST timezone...
1:40pm Many are gathered in the area around Ashontrah's temple in Alfheim. The temple is beautiful and elegant.
It is carved from the finest rose quartz and glistens in the sunshine. It was made from the fine craftsmanship of many nature folk.
Fogbeard constructed a statue of the Blood Rose cut from the most beautiful pink jewels. He had the tools he used to craft it blessed by the wisest dwarven shaman.
Lyindrinar and Eeaynna are on the center platform where the Blood Rose statue sits.
There is a throne made of rose quartz with pink primal stones with roses carved into it. Lyindrinar created the design and Nastazil crafted the throne.
Beneath the throne is a grand pink rug that leads down the stairway. This was woven in Volheim.
All the Great Kings and Queens have arrived. Many nature folk and elementals. There is much anticipation.
1:50pm Xexian and Xarsha accompany Ashontrah to Alfheim in an Athranaak carriage made especially for the Blood Rose.
Lyindrinar and Eeaynna are standing on the platform. A pink and gold diamond Athranaak hovers above the throne.
The bottom of the Athranaak opens up and a pink light decends upon the throne. Ashontrah sits on the throne still shrouded in her bright pink light.
Lyindrinar: "All rise for the Blood Rose Queen Ashontrah."
The crowd rises.
Ashontrah: "Thank you all for gathering here for this momentous occasion. Long have I awaited this day. The time of Balance for this and all existences shall be restored.
We have entered the new cycle. That of the old, those who have corrupted fated and destiny, cheated life and death, brought imbalance to our existences... it ends today.
For I Ashontrah stand before you and I the Great Balancer with Judgement and you my Blood Rose Empire at my side.
We shall restore balance to this corrupted existence. Many of you have gathered here because you remember the name Asherah and what she did. The sacrifices she made.
Many of you have made sacrifices. You have all felt the pain of her death and you have mourned her. Well mourn no more.
The time of sadness is over. It is time to rejoice. For Balance shall be restored to this and all existences. You my children of the Blood Rose shall be there to witness this at my side.
Now arise and let me reveal to you what I the Great Balancer reveal. What I have brought to your existence."
Music starts to play....
1:59pm A great light shines from Ashontrah...
2:00pm Ashontrah: "The time has come my Blood Rose Empire for me to reveal myself to you. We shall see what I am.... Veil be removed."
The pink shroud comes off. Ashontrah stands before the crowd. Great Kings and Queen, Divine, Primordials, Elementas, Nature Folk, and beings from the farthest of this existence bow in her presence.
Ashontrah gives a speech...
Ashontrah: "I am Ashontrah the Blood Rose, Queen of all Existences, the Great Balancer...
You may have heard about my Blood Rose Empire expanding through Midgard. The elementals, nature folk, land spirits, spirit beasts, and ancestral spirits are awakening and returning to their power in the land.
I invite all of you who have incarnations and vessels in Midgard to join me there. I shall be in Midgard in the physical with my full appearance, presence, and power.
The tides are turning. The Elementals and Nature Folk shall take their rightful place. My Blood Rose Empire is an empire of Nature and the Ancient Ways. Balance shall be restored.
I invite you all to stand with me in the realms. Those who desire to be loyal to the Blood Rose Queen... I ask you if you would like the gift of having the mark of the Blood Rose symbol branded upon your chest.
To all those who choose this I ask you to say 'I choose the mark of the Blood Rose.' It shall be placed upon you and you shall be joined with Ashontrah."
2:05pm Ashontrah places out her hand with the Blood Rose symbol. Many say the phrase and hold forth their hand. The symbol of Ashotrah is branded upon their chest.
2:09pm Ashontrah: "Now let's celebrate for the Great Balancer, the Blood Rose Queen Ashontrah has been unveiled."
There is a thunderous applause that is heard throughout the land.
2:11pm Assisnation attempt on Ashontrah by the True Order was thwarted by Moidaybe. They were sent by Shaderell. These three beings shall be interrogated.
2:14pm Ashontrah is sitting on her throne at the Blood Rose temple. She is speaking with Lyindrinar and Eeaynna.
Eeanynna is holding a pink pillow with a pink dagger on it. It is covered in rose vines. This is a gift.
Then Ashontrah calls forth Fogbeard and Nastazil. She thanks and blesses them.
All those who come before her she blesses them as light comes from her hand into their head. The Blood Rose symbol on their chest glows.
Ashontrah meets with the common folk first followed through with the Kings and Queens after.
2:53pm Ashontrah is meeting with the Great Elementals and Primoridals.
3:13pm Ashontrah is meeting with the Divine.
Ares and Zeus bow to Ashontrah and she bows back...
Ashontrah: "I receive you King of the Olympians and Mighty Warrior Ares."
Zeus: "I look forward to being in your service."
Ares: "As do I. I give you my sword."
3:34pm Ashontrah is meeting with the Cosmic Houses.
Voxriin: "Even though you are out of your shroud Ashontrah I still cannot see you with my physical. My intuition cannot pick you up, you are very bright to me. My spiritual saw you however, he says you are beyond compare."
Fundin: "The details you got are spot on. Ashontrah is still extremely bright. Her hues seem to shift constantly, but within certain ranges on her skin, hair, and eyes. Looking at her is still a lot like staring at a bright light though, it leaves an afterimage and everything when you look away."
Ugne: "Ashontrah is so bright, everytime I try to look at her I am scared I will go blind either from her beauty or either from the energy. So beautiful."
Peter: "I can feel Rovitomial is pleased with what he sees in Ashontrah. I think his sight sees quite a bit. I saw such an intricacy in the statuette I saw him carve in my mindseye."
4:03pm Ashontrah is meeting with Kings and Queens. Jotunn Queen is first in line.
Voxsriin: "I desire to meet Ashontrah so bad but I feel as though her presence will overwhelm my phyiscal..."
Fundin: No kidding, Ashontrah's energy seems to come out in waves in between her conversations with the representatives. Then it laser-beams back onto the person she talks to next.
Tulkas: "This is a great party Ashontrah. I love how your energy seems to overpower all others and envelops everything. Beyond anything in this existence. Nothing in all the existences could possibly compare. Absolutely nothing.
So many shades of pink coming from you. It’s resplendent. Your eyes are the most striking. Your eyes have a sharpness and vibrancy to them that make the surrounding area seem dull in comparison."
Ashontrah meets with Tenomachi and Vilanea...
Tenomachi: "Thank you for receiving us Great Queen Blood Rose Ashontrah."
Vilanea: "This will be the most cherished memory of mine for all time. I share it with my most cherished mate. Thank you for this. Your unveiling has been a blessing not only to us but to all of Volheim. We are here to serve you to whatever end."
Ashontrah: "You have done much for me already. I bless you once again. King and Queen of Volheim with the blessed kiss of the Blood Rose."
Ashontrah kisses them on the forehead.
They say: "Thank you Blood Rose Queen Ashontrah. May the Blood Rose Empire reign forever."
Ashontrah meets with Lyindrinar and Eeaynna...
Eeaynna kneels. Lyindrinar steps forward and gets on one knee. Ashontrah places her hand on his head.
Ashontrah: "Great King of Alfheim Lyindrinar I bless you for everything you have done here today. The building of this great temple.
Your undying loyalty to me has shown through every time with every action and every deed. You are the example of what all Great Kings should be.
Your acceptance among all the Nature Folk great and small has shown me that there is true balance within your very core."
Lyindrinar: "It is you who guided me. It is you who placed me upon the throne of Alfheim. I have never forgotten what you have done for me. With all that I am I will serve you to whatever end and beyond."
Ashontrah puts her hands on his face and kisses him on the forehead.
Ashontrah: "Rise Great King of Alfheim for you are blessed by the Blood Rose."
Lyindrinar: "Thank you. Your blessing is the greatest gift a King could receive."
Ashontrah meets with Rovitomial. He is presenting her with something he made inside the Athranaak...
Rovitomial: "It is nothing special. Nothing great and powerful, but it comes from my true appreciation for you and all you have done."
He gives Ashontrah and beautifully carved wooden box. She opens it. There is a carved rose bud inside. She picks it up and it opens. All these pink rose petals fall all around her. It is delightful. Ashontrah kisses Rovitomial on the forehead...
Ashontrah: "Thank you. The greatest gifts are the ones that come from the heart. You Rovitomial, your heart is indeed great."
Then we had a feast with dancing and music. Many from the group attended the unveiling through their spiritual true selves.
True Self Connection...
Official Mind Power Discussion Group...
Some post comments...
Naturome: "This was such a beautiful event. Thank you my Queen for giving us the opportunity to witness your unshrouding. You are truly beautiful. I stand with you forever."
Lokyndar: "This is an event I will cherish forever. I love you Ashontrah my Queen."
Aeyia: "Thank you so much for inviting us all Ashontrah. Your unshrouding was such a sight to see, a wonderful event I am glad I did not miss with my sisters. I am truly feeling blessed to have had this opportunity today. Your rise will be of equivalent beauty and on bigger scale as you reach through the Blood Rose Empire all continents on Midgard as well. I will also keep my word on what I promised you on my lands and honor you by making it the most beautiful to represent you well. Much love to you my Queen * bow * "
Anastasija: "This was the most beautiful night for me.What an energy...beyond magnificent. I am so happy to wear Ashontras symbol on my chest in the spiritual and soon in the physical too.I love that i got drunken through Heldaxa. I needed a party like this. May the new cycle be epic and full of new positive changes for all of us here. Love u my Queen Ashontrah."
Voxsriin: "I thank you for the invitation. As I said before, I and my love have chosen the Blood Rose Symbol on our chest. We are with you. I find it no coincidence that I wore your symbol on my physical chest yesterday. Only to have known in this beautiful event that many now have your symbol as well on theirs. I am still celebrating. Thank you once more. Such a magnificent atmosphere."
Neutra: "I am so happy my True Self was there to witness this grand event!"
Athena: "Thank you for the wonderful event that you have invited all of us. The energy from your unshrouding is still felt. All hail the Queen Ashontrah! The Blood Rose Empire will rise as high as you Queen. *bows*"
Ab Ba: "Thank you Queen Ashontrah. Uundra made new friends and she is still celebrating and I can feel how happy she is. I have met so many of my friends in this group in spiritual and I loved meeting every single of them. I feel a sensation in my chest, it’s slightly burning but in a good way. My senses are not developed but I feel my true self so well. I as an incarnation and my true self stand by your side to bring balance."
Charlie Heti Elio: "It was nice to hear that everyone had a grand time. It's been a while since I've seen everyone celebrate together with such joy. In any case, this day will forever be marked in history, for what follows will change every existence forever. Cheers to the new cycle, everyone."
Ginger: "I feel very blessed. My sight is filled by pink energy. I love you Ashontrah. I echo my love’s words, I am with you now and forever."
Suschi: "This is such a wonderful momentous occasion ! Looking forward to the new cycle with great anticipation Ashontrah....I stand with you always beautiful Blood Rose."
Lyindrinar: "My physical felt the touch on face. My dear Queen Ashontrah, thank you for the blessing. It is immense blessing even for the physical. My mate and I will serve you with undying loyalty as we promised."
Del'sean: "It brought my heart so much joy when our Queen Ashontrah send us a invitation for this glorious day to welcome a new cycle. I never forget this day forward to witness your unveiling beauty and elements of surprise. This opportunity you gave us to show us how to have a good time without any doubt. My true self Worgan have made some new friends there and that excitement and happiness in my whole body is intense.
I will stand with you as a warrior and we will bring balance in Midgard. I am proud to call you my Queen and friend."
Fundin: "Thank you for the invitation, you were truly a sight to behold. I'm excited about your upcoming increase in activity, and it was remarkable watching you so easily navigate all of those conversations with so many different kinds of beings. You've swayed many hearts across our existence today."
Sedna: "Though I did not have my spiritual sight developed, I did get a glimpse of the Temple. It is so beautiful! Thank you Ashontrah for the invite. It’s truly an honour to bear your mark."
Kasandra: "I stand with you, Ashontrah. Forever and beyond. This post was wonderful. Your speech was a powerful introduction and an epic call to arms.
I think my TS was in attendance after all. Your energy is truly off the charts! Also, I'm practically bouncing in happiness and excitement that the New Cycle has finally arrived.
I am excited for the change you bring and represent. May your empire grow every powerful and ever swift.
Also, hella glad that the assassination attempt was stopped. I hope valuable information can be taken from them."
Aveyon: "It was so cool and pretty. The 18 Kyesh had to leave shortly after the unveiling. The energy felt so fresh and alive. Starting into the New Cycle was wonderful."
Fey'alleshea: "I'm glad I was invited to witness history being made. Ashontrah oh it was a honor to meet you, beautiful is only a understatement, you are gorgeous, stunningly mesmerizing. It was a honor to meet you. Your presence is such a blessing."
Tulkas: "The greatest party of all time. One that will go down in history and be remembered forever. Ashontrah's beauty knows no end or limits. I love the effect her energy has on the world. I stand with you forever."
Mevinah: "Thank you for the invitation Ashontrah the Great Balancer. Being able to witness your unshrouding was a great privilege. I look forward to the new cycle and the Balance you will bring that will echo across this existence and all others. With you I stand, now and for eternity."
Zelda: "It was an honour to read this post. I hope my TS was there. For the first time in years I saw a star this evening. I usually can't see stars where I live. I do not know if it actually is a sign of the New Cycle. This existence needs its Balance back. Hail the Queen and the Blood Rose Empire!"
Kanna: "Awesome party for a beautiful, wonderful Queen. My TS enjoyed herself. I stand with you, I hope I got my chest symbol."
Teri: "I am thankful to have been able to attend this grand beautiful event. I bow to you my Queen. I shall work harder to be able to stand for myself, to stand with you. I am excited."
Aeyia: "I know I comment too much but I just wanted to say thank you for the opportunity to have your symbol in the spiritual. I've wanted to have it for a while now but I didn't think we can have it, I am proud to have it on my chest."
Laaysia: "I loved this. Such intense energy and emotions."
Aurora: "I could feel a strong energy, I think my TS was there, it was a beautiful celebration!"
Madison: "I can't wait to see Blood Rose Queen Ashontrah's presence in the physical. Normally I'm not energy sensitive but I felt energy while reading this post. I do hope my TS got branded with the Blood Rose Symbol."
Ufyea: "I am honoured to have your symbol on my chest in the spiritual. Thank you for the invitation to this incredible celebration. A great beginning of the new cycle."
Eeaynna: "I'm glad that I was able to witness this. It was beautiful beyond measure. Im happy for this new cycle and that you enjoyed our gifts. I hope that you will be pleased in your place in Alfheim even in future. Thank you for your blessings and all you do."
Kate: "Feeling so blessed to be connected to you Queen Ashontrah and your divine beauty, thankyou. What a ceremony, all day I have felt huge expansion in my heart centre, so much love for you and what you have achieved - I stand beside you in this new cycle of the Blood rose."
Abeera: "I loved this. I could feel a strong energy and emotions. I hope my TS was there. Long live Queen Ashontrah."
Yashadite: "It was so overwhelmingly beautiful, I'm still so much in awe about this outstanding event that marks the beginning of the new cycle, I feel brand new and drunk in love and joy. I've said it a while back, but it confirmed itself at the otherworldly celebration, you blind those who are not ready, your beauty is indescribable!
I'm so honoured to have witnessed this. I love you so deeply with all of my being and the mark was buzzing and burning on my chest so wild and intense, as well as my whole body.
Everything in the physical is cloaked in pink energy, it looks like in my premonition from months ago, but now I'm so happy that I not only see it, but also sense how it feels so magical, I'm left without proper words for this.
The Great Balancer will set balance and I'm so proud to stand with you and the Ancient Ways. I constantly bowed in my physical, all of this was very touching. All hail to the Blood Rose."
Ugverla: "This was an honour and an incredibly beautiful event. I remember stalking the chat as all was happening, not much attuned to my spiritual's senses and yet still feeling overwhelmed from the amazing energy alone."
Kaylanin: I was not able to see what happened... But I did felt your energy! Whenever I close my eyes I can still see and feel a beautiful bright light, the energy that surrounded you I think Ashontrah, and I love it. I am really honoured to have been part of this event. Thank you again for the invitation. All hail the Blood Rose Queen Ashontrah!"
Steph: "Thank you again Ashontrah the Blood Rose, Queen of all Existences, the Great Balancer, for the invitation to this epic event. I was able to see much pink energy. Goyanna said you are very beautiful and the event was a wonderful celebration to watch."
Louis: "Congratulations on your unveiling Ashontrah. I’m grateful to be a part of all of this and having the opportunity to witness all the events unfolding. I look forward to the new cycle and all that it brings!"
Himeros: "This was a very important moment in our lives. I'm very grateful for being able to participate in this beautiful event. My spiritual was very excited for it and I could literally feel it physically. I stand with you, Ashontrah, the Blood Rose."