Mist Weaver Niasha

This is an intuitive guidance session and core fusion for the Mist Weaver Niasha. They are also referred to as Veil Weavers.
Atherak: "Time to go into the mist."
Ashontrah and Atherak go into the mist....
Atherak: "We are in the mist that separates all the existences from each other. It is what Atheron created long ago. There were 13 existences.
Atheron created the borderlands and the veil mist to keep existences separate from each other. So more powerful beings would not prey upon the weaker.
Atheron then created the Veil Weavers. The ones that kept the mist. These beings could also be bought and bribed. They could be tricked. Powerful beings of existences began to invade others in their lust for power.
There were 13 of them. All invading each other and striving for power. This unbalanced Atheron. Beings, their essences, their souls began to flood into the borderlands without transcendence. This unstabled Atheron and it shattered.
The 13 Athranaaks in their desperation to rebalance things created Atherak. A being of judgement.
Atherak created the Myrrdonite and punished the Veil Weavers along with all the existences. He judged them harshly.
Finally the Great Mother of all Creators convinced Atherak that enough was done and balance was restored. Atherak went to sleep. He formed back into the puzzle. He laid dormant until now."
We are looking for Niasha...
Atherak: "She likes flowers. A Mist Rose. There she is."
Niasha is in a panic. She has purple skin when she is in a solid state. Her hair is like smoke. She looks like mist when she is not solid.
Niasha: "Atherak. Please, I beg you. It is not my doing."
Atherak: "You are keeper of this veil entrance. Many have passed through recently. You have been off picking flowers."
Niasha: "I was told to leave it. I tried to communicate with Asherah. I tried. I even went as far as to make my incarnation get a session. When she was gone others came to me and told me. 'Leave those who are coming through alone.'"
Atherak: "But it is your responsibility to make sure that the mist is always weaved and there are no places like this. Which you have discarded."
Niasha: "Please. I was asked to."
Atherak: "Oh were you now?"
Niasha: "What will you do with me?"
Atherak: "I haven't decided yet. First we must settle this little problem. This opening must be fixed."
Black smoke comes from Atherak's hands...
Atherak: "Now weave it shut."
Niasha starts to weave.
Niasha: "I apologize. I ask you to show mercy."
Atherak: "I have no desire to punish you. Why did you stop?"
Niasha: "They are coming."
Other Mist Weavers are arriving....
Varoska: "Atherak I have come here to silence you. I will weave you back into eternal sleep."
Atherak: "What deals have you made with these beings? You should have come to me first."
Varoska: "Regarding whatever deals I have made. I would never have made any with the likes of you."
Atherak laughs: "What do you plan to do then?"
Varoska and two other Veil Mist Weavers with him start to ready themselves....
Aterak: "Ah a fight. I love a good fight."
They attack Atherak. Blades from Atherak's wrists come out and cut one in half. Atherak absorbs his mist like sucking smoke into a vacuum.
The other one he grabs by the face and pushes his fingers into the eyes. He absorbs the Mist Weaver the same way.
Atherak: "See how easily your companions fall? Do you still want to fight? Or do you want to tell me what I wish to know?"
Varoska: "They promised things like all the other ones who have been coming through."
Atherak: "What do they offer?"
Varoska: "You know what they offered Atherak."
Atherak: "Always the same thing... power, glory, recognition."
Varoska: "What would you have chosen?"
Atherak: "I don't need to make choices. You see, I am Death. I am Judgement."
Atherak kills Varoska...
Atherak: "You Mist Weavers. So easily corrupted. So easily bribed. Weren't we here a long time ago? Do I have to come and correct this every time?
Existences are meant to stay apart. That is your job and the job of your kind. Why I didn't wipe you all out before. Thank Mother for that."
Niasha: "I will every moment. What will you do Atherak?"
Atherak: "What Mother made me to do. I judge. And those I find guilty I indulge in pain and suffering that I inflict on them."
Niasha: "Will I be one of them?"
Atherak: "No. This is your lucky day. Sit. I have use of you."
Niasha: "What use can I be?"
Atherak: "You have an incarnation I know. This is valuable to the ones that I serve. Drink. No doubt you have heard Ashontrah has been born."
Niasha: "Yes. It has been spoken that this time would come."
Atherak: "You could be of use to her. You see, if she was not allowed to be born then I would not have awakened. I was tired of sleeping. You can help me by helping her."
Niasha: "How can I be of service?"
Atherak: "I am sure she will find some need for you. Do we have a deal?"
Niasha: "And my other choice is?"
Atherak: "Do you really want to see?"
Niasha: "No. I will take the deal."
Atherak: "Very well. Stand up child."
Niasha notices that we are now in the borderlands inside the Athranaak.
Atherak pulls your physical and both go into a transient state. Your physical and spiritual are lifted into the air.
Atherak: "I combine this spiritual with this physical."
The Athranaak coils sew them together.
Atherak: "What would you like to do with this Mist Weaver?"
Ashontrah: "She will be my guide through the mist."
Atherak: "Her spiritual core and physical essence are combined with all its abilities from here and forever more. I bless this fusion."
Q1. Do you want to become a panthera shapeshifter in the physical?
Niasha: "I would like to try this."
Q2. What abilities will you use in Midgard through your physical?
Niasha: "Veil walking. This means to walk unseen and unheard. I will be able to connect with many existences and realms. I will be able to use abilities through smoke and mist."
Q3. What preparations do you want your incarnation to make for the fall of Midgard?
Niasha: "Everything she can. I want her to study the ways of magic. I want her to develop her psychic abilities. I want to be able to upgrade them fast. You can do this."
Atherak: "That is for another time."
Q4. How can your incarnation better connect with you?
Niasha: "Focus by using smoke. Imagine yourself in the mist and all the energy that is within it."
Q5. What advice do you have for others in Midgard?
Niasha: "Connect with yourself spiritually because there is much hardship to come. You must be prepared."
Q6. Is there anything else you want your incarnation to know?
Niasha: "There are those in your incarnation bloodline who will betray others in your family."
Atherak: Gifts of the Atheron...
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