Vaygera: Goddess of the Molten Core

This is an intuitive guidance session, past vision, and core fusion done by my servant Atherak.
Atherak: "She has entered. Fascinating creature.
You have fiery red skin that has fire coming off it. Your hair is flames. Your eyes are flames. You have an Elven structure with pointy ears. You look like you are totally made of fire.
Your true self: "Thank you for your hospitality."
Atherak: "What is your name child?"
Your true self: "Vaygera. I am Goddess of the Molten Core but things are starting to change there. The great fiery flow has begun to harden. Like lava reaching the sea.
There is a new beginning. The heart of the molten core is changing. Where it once used to be all liquidy it is now starting to harden. It is forming almost into a crystal. This is why I have come. I have questions about it."
Atherak: "The heart of the molten core is entering its final cycle. For everything that is changing in this existence so much the molten core also change."
Vaygera: "What will become of me?"
Atherak: "You will enter the new cycle. You will produce an heir who will in time become the new Goddess of the Molten Core."
Vaygera: "This heir. How will this heir be produced?"
Atherak: "The molten core and the eternal ice will join as one and create something new born of fire and ice which has not been done for a long time.
I would seek out the primordial frost nymph Casianna. She has a brother. This is one of your eternal bonds. With him you shall produce this heir which will be born of fire and ice."
Vaygera: "What will this child look like?"
Atherak: "I can show you if you want."
*Atherak pulls from your Norn thread and shows you an image of the child. She has fiery red skin, blue hair, blue eyes, blue lips, blue markings.*
Vaygera: "Is that my little girl?"
Atherak: "This is your child that will be. One born of fire and ice."
Vaygera: "Sounds beautiful."
Atherak: "It is. Tell me of yourself. How did you become Goddess of the Molten Core?"
Vaygera: "That is a long tale. Give me a moment. May I have more wine?"
Atherak refills the wine chalice.
Vaygera: "It is very dark in here."
It is a room of twilight and darkness. On a table sits the chalice of wine and two candles. She takes a drink from the chalice.
True Self Past Vision...
Atherak: "You are going to tell me how you became Goddess of the Molten Core."
Vaygera: "Yes it was long ago. It is mostly because of my father and who he was."
Atherak: "Oh the fire demon. Your father Mephisto. I see that you are related to Dolloiandea within the same family. It plays into your incarnations."
Vaygera: "Yes Dolloiandea is a cousin to me. My mother was her aunt."
Vaygera: "Long before the molten core existed. When the realms were limited and few there was a world of complete black ice. This black ice consumed all heat from whatever it came across.
This world just floated through the universes. As it came near stars it would absorb all their heat and fire. The star would die and everything around it would die.
On this world lived a wicked dark ice prince. He would come to other worlds that existed of ice and would infest the world. He would draw all the life from it.
He heard about the realm of fire. He heard of my father Mephisto and that his heart was the hottest thing in all of the existence. He wanted to absorb from it. He couldn't find a way to take his world to the realm of fire.
The time that I was born my father worried because he knew of this dark ice price Peanyin. That he would steal me to absorb all my fire.
My father kept me away. He hid me in the same place where Dolloiandea was born. My mother lived there.
One day there came a time when the dark ice prince tricked my mother. He switched me out for this dark ice stone carved to look like me.
When my mother went to touch it thinking it was me and pick me up she turned to dark ice and shattered. My mother was destroyed.
This dark ice prince tried to take me back to his home world. However much he tried he could not absorb my fire.
He kept me there on that world for a very long time. I grew up there until I was in Midgard years around 13 or 14.
I watched as the dark ice prince's worlds went around absorbing suns. I discovered on his world that his heart was there. His heart was filled with all the heat from all these suns and worlds.
When I touched it this heart was burning cold. I still have the mark on my hand where I touched it.
When this happened the prince Peanyin was alerted. He became angry with me. He was planning to find a way to destroy me.
My father Mephisto came and fought with the prince. In the end there was no victory over the other. My father was able to rescue me but he was unable to destroy the prince. They both got badly hurt.
I took my father back to the land of fire where he would heal. He knew that that this dark ice prince would return one day to steal his core.
My father gave me his core to protect. He created a world for me. There is where I keep it. The heart of the molten core is the heart of Mephisto. I fear this dark ice prince will come and try to take it from me."
Atherak: "In time he will. For now I would not fear."
Vaygera: "Will I be ready in time?"
Atherak looks at your Norn thread...
Atherak: "You will be. Seek out your cousin. Find this frost being. Produce this heir. That is your salvation."
Vaygera: "Thank you."
Atherak: "Your incarnation has questions for you."
Vaygera: "I will do my best to answer."
1. How can I better connect with my true self?
Vaygera: "Through the element of fire. Concentrate on it. Feel it and envision me. Feel yourself ablaze with my spiritual fire."
2. Why did I incarnate on Midgard?
Vaygera: "Because Dolloiandea was incarnating in Midgard. I figured it would be a safe place to hide from the dark ice prince."
3. Why do I hesitate so often?
Vaygera: "Fear of the unknown. I am afraid of what might be. Not of what will be. But what might be. I am cautious of everything."
4. How should I go about developing my abilities on Midgard?
Vaygera: "Through the element of fire. Things that are made from fire. Things that are born of fire. Understand them. Understand the spiritual flame. You will understand yourself."
5. Why do I feel such a strong interest in the supernatural?
Vaygera: "Because most of us do. The spirit naturally speaks to the incarnation. This is why you have an interest. I myself personally have an interest in the borderlands."
Atherak: "What is your interest in my lands?"
Vaygera: "No malintent. I just want to know what happened to my mother."
Atherak: "Your mother. Are you sure you are ready to see that?"
Vaygera: "In my core? No. But I must. No matter what state she may be in. I must find some kind of rest."
Atherak: "I have to find your mother first... there she is."
He holds a small Athranaak in his hands. It opens up. Inside Vaygera sees part of the borderlands where souls are crawling half buried through sharp obsidian. It is cutting them and they cannot get out of it.
Atherak: "Your mother is in there."
Tears stream down Vaygera's face. It looks like liquid lava.
Atherak points to a specific being: "This is her."
Her skin is the color of charred ash. The obsidian shards cut her.
Vaygera: "My dear mother. Why is she made to suffer so?"
Atherak: "I did not know of her suffering until now. There are many still who I have not known why they are in my lands. Why beings cheated life and death to put them there."
Chains wrap around Vaygera's mother and pull her out. An Athranaak closes around her mother. A flame shoots up from it like a stream of fire. Then it stops.
Vaygera: "What did you do?"
Atherak: "Send her where she needed to be. She will suffer no more."
6. Will I survive the plague?
Atherak: "Yes... No more looking at your thread. You have come for a core fusion."
Atherak begins your core fusion...
Atherak: "Daughter of Mephisto I start your fusion."
Athranaak coils sew your physical and spiritual together.
Atherak: "This is grand. I love working with fire. We need more of it."
He opens up a furnace in the borderlands. He tells Myrrdonite to feed the fire.
He cuts open and exposes your core and essence.
Atherak: "I bind now your spiritual core with your physical essence with all of its abilities from here and ever more. I bless this fusion."
Atherak: "This great fire you received from your father made the core fusion a bit more difficult but it is complete."
Vaygera: "Thank you. I must go now and find what you told me to find."
Atherak: "Return to your fire."
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