Ashontrah on the Air: The Great Awakening

The epic expansion of the Blood Rose Empire through Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and parts of Montana and Wyoming.
October 25th... PST timezone...
11:00am I am speaking with the Primordial Water Elemental off the coast of Oregon. She is hundreds of miles in size. One of the biggest elementals I have spoken with. She is massive. We are meeting a little over a hundred miles off the Oregon coast.
11:30am She has a sacred site on an underwater ridge about 200 miles out that has been desecrated by man. I restored this sacred site for her. You can see it on Google Maps. The ridge is kind of L-shaped.
12:24pm My meeting with the Primordial Water Elemental of the Oregon Waters just finished. She has vowed loyalty and service to the Blood Rose Queen Ashontrah.
12:37pm The Blood Rose Empire starts to expand into Oregon...
There are some native wise men and women in the area noticing what is happening. An Elder came out from his home. He stood on his porch and his wife joined him and brought him a drink.
He took a sip and she said 'What is it?' He said 'Something is spreading over the land.' His wife said 'Is this a good thing?'
He replied 'For those who understand this it brings balance. For those who do not it brings retribution. The time of ones who defiled the Mother is at end.'
He is going to go speak to the wise man of the tribe. They will be gathering later. The wise man said 'I feel it too. There is an awakening in the Mother.'
2:02pm A group of humans in Oregon have come together near Eugene to join their energy to stop my Blood Rose empire from spreading. 'Join together and stop this demonic presence from entering. It is evil!'
3:33pm Ashontrah: "The land of Oregon has been sleeping for too long. Elementals have been dormant for thousands of years. It is time to wake up. Ashontrah the Blood Rose has arrived."
4:00pm There is a large awakening and gathering of elementals, nature folk, land spirits, and ancestral spirits. They are responding to the call of Ashontrah. They have been waiting a very long time for this. The Tribes of the Moon in Oregon are also gathering.
5:55pm The events of Ashontrah Meets with Wealthy Executives...
7:15pm Back to the expansion of the Blood Rose Empire in Oregon...
9:33pm I have been interacting with the Tribes of the Moon in the Oregon area. I am showing them visions.
10:06pm Ashontrah gives a speech to nature folk, elementals, land spirits, ancestral spirits, and native elders... It reached into Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana.
"I am Ashontrah the Blood Rose, Queen of all Existences, The Great Balancer. The Era of Mankind is coming to an end. No longer shall they rule over the Earth. The Elements are reclaiming the land.
The Blood Rose Empire shall spread over the Earth. Nature shall be restored. The humans shall know their place. I shall care for this world. I shall care for Midgard. Stay by my side. I am Ashontrah the Blood Rose Queen."
10:09pm Ashontrah shows 40 Native Elders, Wise Men, and Wise Women a vision. I show them them I plan to do and what this world will be like.
11:20pm I move back through Willamette and Unpqua national forests. I feel ancient pain course through my physical body.
The ancient natives here in this area were protecting nature folk. The early settlers came and slaughtered them all. This was a massacre.
Ashontrah the Blood Rose is healing the pain of the land. The pain is immense. Humans shall pay this debt.
11:55pm The Blood Rose Empire has fully expanded through Oregon.
October 26th...
12:42am Just saw a State Farm commercial that said 'No matter what nature does humans will always do more... Human nature is greater than nature.'
Let's see if human nature is greater when elementals crush you for your abuse and arrogance. Try standing in the way of a hurricane and tell her that humans are better.
9:00am Ashtarnia had left and said she wanted to go find her own way. She says she loves her mother and father but didn't want to be in the way of anything. The Ashtarnians are frozen statues. Asherah's guardians are no more.
9:39am Starting the expansion of the Blood Rose Empire into Washington state...
Speaking with a huge Ancient Guardian that is in the ocean outside of Washington state and Vancouver Island. He is not an Elemental.
He is a Daemon. He is at least a few hundred miles large. I have not encountered a Daemon of this massive size. Especially in the physical.
10:05am The Ancient Guardian Daemon chooses to serve Ashontrah. He asks for the symbol of the Blood Rose to be branded on his chest. He is branded. He shall be a Guardian over the Blood Rose Empire.
10:23am I finished speaking with the Guardian. It is time to start expanding onto the land.
10:45am I am getting almost physically knocked out by the response from nature near the coast in Washington state. It is overwhelming me.
11:11am Since the Los Angeles area is where they make so many television shows, talk shows, soap operas, commercials, movies...
Blood Rose energy shall go through them. Through every studio, lot, and camera. They shall serve as energy tracks for Ashontrah.
This spreads the Blood Rose through the televisions and screens of all the viewers. Setting up this upgrade in the Los Angeles area right now.
12:12pm This upgrade shall expand through the radio stations and news stations in all of the Blood Rose Empire. Ashontrah also extends this through cable tv and satellite tv.
2:00pm Humans have set up cell phone towers and wifi internet all over the place which give off harmful and disrupting energies. The Blood Rose shall improve these energies.
The Blood Rose Empire shall utilize these to carry messages of Ashontrah to the elementals, land spirits, nature folk, guardians, and ancestral spirits in the surrounding areas.
Speaking with Euravasiah who is in Los Angeles...
2:14pm Ashontrah: "Look at the energy coming out of your cell phone."
2:16pm Euravasiah: "Before I picked up my phone again I had noticed the pink energy. It is warm and smoky. The pink energy is beaming out of the television. Even more than the phone."
2:22pm There are many dormant sleeping elementals that are ready to awaken.
3:00pm Ashontrah has special regard for the Native Americans and gives their reservations more of her personal attention.
8:08pm The Blood Rose Empire expands into Idaho...
9:09pm Expanding through eastern Idaho and the western part of Montana.
Television producers have noticed my pink Blood Rose energy flowing through the shows...
They know it is from Ashontrah. They are trying to replicate this and capitalize on it. They want to use it to increase their ratings.
Producer1: "We could steal this and not give her credit."
Producer2: "What if she uncovers this and stakes claim to it? She has all this recorded and shared around the world. I think we should bring her aboard."
The main guy at the head of the table has printed copies of my Mind Power posts...
Main guy: "Have you read this shit? No one will believe this bullshit."
11:01pm Ashontrah speaks with the Volcanic Primordial Elemental of Yellowstone. I am standing in front of her. She is at least 10x taller than me. She kneels down...
Volcanic Mother: "Long have I slept. I have been awaiting your arrival."
She knows what has been going on around her land through her dreams.
Volcanic Mother: "I know war is coming to my land. My land is rich in resources. Humans have weapons in my land. I do not like this because it could kill my land. If they choose to use these I will unleash my wrath. Better my children die under me than man."
She is the Mother to all the volcanic and fire elementals on this planet. The Father is in Siberia.
Volcanic Mother: "My wrath is great but their Father's is bigger."
The Father has done this before. He brought the planet through either the first or second great extinction. This was before mankind.
Volcanic Mother: "I trust in you that when the time comes you won't let these weapons of man be used. I am thankful that those who have respected my land that you give them the opportunity to serve you and flourish. You help nature.
I will speak to my husband the Father on your behalf and persuade him to your side. I can help you with the elements and nature against the armies of man.
I can also help you by making the land flourish. I shall join you Ashontrah the Blood Rose Queen. I shall gather others and speak to the celestial being."
She is referring to the planet herself. This planet herself is not the All-Mother Gaia. The Earth is a celestial being as a planet. Not a humanoid. She is female because she creates life on this planet. Saturn and Neptune are male. Mars used to be female but she is now sterile.
11:32pm The Volcanic Primordial Elemental of Yellowstone is communicating with her husband.
Volcanic Mother: "This may take some time. He is in a deep slumber."
She gives Ashontrah a little burning rock with yellow fire.
Volcanic Mother: "When this fire turns blue return to me. I must wake him a certain way so he doesn't wake fully."
If the Father gets awoken abruptly he would set off. This would cause another mass extinction.
11:55pm Ashontrah speaks with an Ancestral being in the Helena National Forest. He has a human body with a buffalo head. He is dressed like a native.
Buffalo Ancestor: "I noticed you have awoken the Great Mother of the Land."
There is a vision of running buffalo.
Buffalo Ancestor: "I felt the awakening of the return of nature across the land. I come to offer my service to you."
Ashontrah: "I am honored to receive your service. I am the Great Balancer. Nature shall return. The herds shall dominate the land and run freely again unchallenged and undefiled by man."
Buffalo Ancestor: "I am very pleased with this. I offer myself and my service to you Ashontrah Lady Blood Rose."
Ashontrah: "When the time comes man will never defile this land again. Those who seek to shall suffer my wrath."
Ancestor bows to Ashontrah.
Buffalo Ancestor: "I shall pass this word onto other ancestral spirits to the south and down the great river. I will share this with my sister. She flies the great river and across the great plains."
His sister arrives. She has the head of a white Herring Gull bird. She has wings instead of arms. She has a female human torso and legs.
Sister: "I also offer my service to you Ashontrah. I shall spread the word of the coming of Ashontrah the Blood Rose among the great ancestral spirits."
October 27th...
12:30am Ashontrah shows a vision to a group of 70 natives in Montana. They are very deep into the old ways and strive to live as the ancestors did. All 70 of them are tuned into the vision...
12:44am The vision was 14-minutes long. It is now complete. Ashontrah showed them everything that is coming. That if they give their loyalty to the Blood Rose Queen she will help them thrive. She showed how she spoke to the elements and the Great Mother of the Land.
The group of 70 people want to join with Ashontrah. They will begin with building up their sanctuary. They will be speaking to other native groups.
12:52am Ashontrah is speaking with physical Tree Ents in Montana. The trees are moving. They speak slowly. This will be a long conversation. These are the first physical Tree Ents in Midgard I have come across.
The Tree Ents are very happy Ashontrah is here. They feel life in the land again. They offer to serve the Blood Rose Queen. They shall spread my message through the trees and on the wind to other forests.
1:10am Ashontrah dances with the Tree Ents and the surrounding trees. This is a wonderful experience.
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