The Whisperers

There are quite a few true selves here in the group who are rebirthing into new beings. Becoming something else. Either from another existence or they have essence of another being.
We have traced them back to these beings we call the Whisperers.... There are many Whisperers here.
We hunted the one on Rovitomial. A female being with white skin. No hair. Blueish eyes. They have power through their whispers.
They serve beings from the third existence. They are somewhat similar to the Divine here but they are like parasites.
They infest other beings and take them over through their Whisperers here.
Atherak rips the whisperer from Rovitomial...
Atherak: "Your infection from your whispers. Your poisoning. It is now being undone. No magic or power exists that I cannot undo."
Whisperer laughs.
Atherak: "She wants to put that to the test. Shall we?"
Ashontrah: "Oh yes."
Athranaak coils release the Whisperer. She puts her hands together and begins to whisper at Atherak. Whispers turn into sharp spikes and impale him. She gets closer to whisper into his ear.
Whisperer: "There is no one who can withstand. No being can withstand our whispers."
She moves closer even more and whispers...
Atherak: "I am not a being." He grabs her and rips out her tongue.
Atherak: "As I said. No power exists that I cannot undo. You are mine."
He rips out her core and throws it into the borderlands...
Atherak: "Her whispers won't do her anymore good. Get this carcass out of my sight."
Atherak: "Rovitomial. He somewhat hears me. I have put him in a transient state so only he would hear me.
I know that you served Asherah well and at times you wished you had more power to serve her better. I am giving you a choice Rovitomial that I will not give others.
If you wish to serve Ashontrah as you did Asherah but you desire power to do so all you had to do was ASK ME.
I have plans for you Rovitomial. I do not appreciate other beings throwing their own ideas into my plans. I think you are one who can understand Rovitomial.
No one escapes my judgement. No one will cheat fate and destiny anymore. Life and death. But I still need you. I need your know-how. Your great works. The things you have invented.
Inside your mind I can unlock great things. Ashontrah values you. You wish for power Rovitomial. Then become my Maker and I will give you power to create things far beyond the understanding of any beings that claim to be powerful.
Out of all your devices, your tinkering, I will give you the knowledge and wisdom to make the greatest of devices.
My puzzles. Within them holds great power. More than most of these self-proclaiming beings have or could understand.
You see, like Ashontrah who understands this, I think you are one to serve her well. What do you say Rovitomial? Shall we make a deal?"
Rovitomial stands outside staring into the distance. Yisch comes up behind him and puts her hand on his shoulder.
Yisch: "What's wrong?"
Rovitomial: "The Atherak has come to me with a deal."
Yisch: "And what did you say?"
Rovitomial: "I haven't said anything to it yet. He left before I could decide."
Yisch: "Maybe he is giving you time to think about it."
Rovi: "Yes, but for what reason?"
Yisch looks at the ground. She sees something sticking out. She reaches down and picks it up.
Yisch: "This is odd." She hands it to Rovitomial.
Rovi: "This looks like a whittlers knife but it is none that I have ever seen. Curious." He puts it into his bag.
Ashontrah: "If you are meant to become more than you are you are meant to do so from here within this existence. You are meant to be yourselves. Anyone whispering to you that you are something else is a Whisperer. They are feeding you lies so they can take over your spiritual body for their own. You are being lured by their whispers."
Rovitomial: "What would you, Ashontrah and Atherak do or respond if I refused? ... and, what exchange would you ask of me if I were to accept? What do I need to be responsible for if I accept? The motivation behind my question is that I do not desire to go into a deal blindly.
If I am to serve you, Ashontrah, I would like to do it well, with my full awareness, and not go into it blindly not fully understanding all surrounding it, like so many humans and Divine would, and suffer the consequences later, or worse, end up failing to serve Ashontrah and Atherak well, in the end."
Ashontrah: "If you refuse you won't be punished. You just simply would not gain the power. Just be careful of others coming to offer deals.
If you accept you would be Maker for Atherak in the physical and spiritual. He needs new puzzles made. However you wish to make them.
For this he can grant you immunity to your ailments. Restore your physical sight. With each puzzle you make he will gift you with abilities beyond that of mortals.
Your spiritual will rise to a high position. Your name will love throughout eternity in the physical and spiritual. In the times to come when they speak of you, they will speak of you with respect."
Rovitomial is still thinking it over. He has not yet decided...
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