Mikotoh: Kitsune Messenger of Ashontrah

Mikotoh: "Blood Rose Ashontrah Aphrodite, I have been wondering how to approach you. You seem so untouchable and uncomprehendable to me. So beautiful and so bright.
Everytime I see you are online my heart jumps. You don’t really know me. But I wish to be of service to you in any way I can be helpful.
I have said it many times to myself. “I will forever be loyal to Ashontrah. I will stand with her always. To serve balance.”
How can I prove my loyalty to you? I am ready to destruct myself to see what keeps standing. I am ready to bleed. Here I am."
Ashontrah: "Wow. I am very impressed with this. I want to personally meet you Mikotoh. I shall attend your session."
Mikotoh: "I shiver at your words. It means so much to me. I wish my feelings to come over through my message. It even knocks me out. That is good. Let me be destructed by your radiance. I will find the strength to stand before you."
8:15pm The session starts...
Atherak: "Go Dolloiandea and bring Mikotoh here."
Ashontrah arrives in the borderlands. There special table set up for her and Mikotoh.
Mikotoh is a Kitsune like her sister Midorra. A different colored one. She has a blue and golden striped tail and coloring around the ears. Light blue skin. Golden hair. Deep blue eyes with golden pupils.
She was sleeping. She sees a figure in her dwelling. She awakens to see Dolloiandea. She is a bit frightened.
Dolloiandea: "I have a message from Ashontrah. You are to meet her and my Master."
Mikotoh: "I am overjoyed to meet Ashontrah. From what my incarnations tells me of your Master I may not be so joyful to meet him."
Dolloiandea: "Come." They enter an Athranaak. Then they arrive in the borderlands. Ashontrah is already there waiting.
There is a table with wine, grapes, and food. Ashontrah is sitting at the table.
Atherak sitsfurther back on his chair. Xarsha by his right side. Dollo takes her place at Atherak's left side.
Mikotoh runs towards Ashontrah and they hug.
Atherak: "Please. All this fluffy feeling stuff save for another time."
Mikotoh: "I have been waiting so long to meet you Ashontrah. I am here to offer my services. You know my sister. We are of the same brood."
Ashontrah: "I welcome you Mikotoh. I have been wanting to meet you since you sent me a message."
Mikotoh: "I have always wanted to serve you. Can I be of service? I would do everything I can to help you in whatever you need. I am skilled in very many way of magic. I am swift."
Ashontrah: "I accept your offer of service into my Vanguard."
Mikotoh is happy: "Thank you."
Atherak: "What is it Xarsha?"
Xarsha: "A disturbance Master. Something that you should see to personally."
Atherak: "Ashontrah. May I speak to you alone?"
Atherak and Ashontrah speak privately....
Atherak: "At the time Mikotoh arrived Ashoweah, Mono, and Nummandor entered my lands through a puzzle. There is something within her. I wish for you to be away from her until I see what Ashoweah wants.
You can watch from a separate chamber inside my Athranaak. I will also not take much of your time. Tell her there is something I must show you and you will return shortly."
Ashontrah returns to Mikotoh...
Ashontrah: "There is something that Atherak needs to show me. I will be back to speak more with you soon."
Mikotoh: "I will remain here until you return. May I enjoy some of this wine and food?"
Ashontrah: "Yes I will return to you shortly."
A Myrrdonite leads Ashontrah to another chamber.
Atherak: "Let's see what these visitors want."
Ashoweah, Mono Baphomet, Nummandor have entered the borderlands. They see the Garden of Bones with the Athranaak floating above.
Nummandor: "Now we must get inside."
Atherak: "There will be no need for that."
They turn to see Atherak, Xarsha, and Dolloiandea.
Atherak: "Why have you entered my lands? Have you come seeking the deal you bartered with me Nummandor? I told you all in good time."
Nummandor: "It is not why I am here oh Dreadful One."
Atherak: "So why are you here besides using your flattering words to lick my ass?"
Ashoweah: "He is here on behalf of me."
Atherak: "The great Ashoweah. At last you and I shall meet again. Tell me. Have you come to make deals?"
Ashoweah: "I have come to offer you a deal."
Atherak: "Oh this should be interesting. You come to my lands offering me a deal? Let's hear this."
Ashoweah: "I wish to have all of Ashontrah's full power and to have her serve me. And furthermore I wish for you to give this to me."
Atherak laughs: "And what do I get in return?"
Ashoweah: "For this I will not put you into a slumber in which you will never awaken from."
Atherak: "If you come here making threats trying to impress me tell me Ashoweah Devourer of Existences. How much do you think your power... How great do you think it is that you so desire to have what Ashontrah is? It shows me your power is not as great."
Ashoweah: "My power can knock you back to where you came from."
Atherak: "Very well. If you believe all of your threats and the way you march into my lands has impressed me then you are right."
Ashoweah: "Then you will give me what I desire?"
Atherak: "Do you think you could handle it? Could you be the the Great Balancer knowing your track record?"
Ashoweah: "I have brought balance to those existences that needed it. Those that refused it... I shouldn't have to tell you what happened to them."
Atherak: "They exist in my lands now. You care to see them? All of them?"
Ashoweah looks around at the ground. There are beings rising everywhere.
Atherak: "Do you recognize their faces Ashoweah? Of course you don't... These are the ones. Many of them. Filling the borderlands from existence to existence. My borderlands. You are like a bad houseguest. You have left this place filled. Overflowing. Imbalanced."
Ashoweah: "If you intend to frighten me with this you are gravely mistaken."
Atherak: "I do not intend to frighten you."
Ashoweah: "Quit stalling. Will you make Ashontrah mine?"
Atherak: "How do you intend to harness such a being like Ashontrah?"
Ashoweah: "That is what I leave to you."
Atherak: "To me?"
Ashoweah: "The deal stands Atherak. Make Ashontrah mine and I shall leave you be as you are. If not, then get ready ready to go nap nap."
Atherak laughs: "Nap nap?"
Ashoweah: "Do we have a deal Atherak?"
Atherak: "You are impressive Ashoweah."
Ashoweah: "Then you know of my great power and you feel it."
Athe: "I know how powerful you are. Beings of great power do not scare me. When they come to the door of my lands claiming great power, threatening to remove me, I take that as a challenge. Xarsha and Dolloiandea..."
Ashowe: "So it is a fight you want then."
Atherak: "The fight is not between me and you. I want to see how powerful your Varkar are."
Ashoweah: "Through me they are more powerful than anything you have."
Atherak: "We shall see... Dolloiandea and Xarsha. Let us see their power."
Nummandor: "Wait. Wait. We did not come here to fight."
Atherak: "Seems that your Master did."
Ashoweah: "Then why don't you fight me yourself Atherak?"
The room with Mikotoh....
8:37pm Mikotoh has fallen asleep. There is a little gem around her necklace. A portal comes out of it.
A being comes from this portal and enters the room. Then he goes back through the portal. He disappears. Mikotoh awakens.
Back where Atherak is talking to Ashoweah...
Atherak: "So it is a challenge then?"
Ashoweah: "I have made you an offer. It seems you have refused."
Atherak: "I am the one who makes the deals."
Ashoweah: "Then get ready to slumber permanently."
Atherak: "Let's play this on fair grounds Ashoweah."
He sents them both the Nether realm....
Ashoweah: "You chose the Nether Atherak."
Atherak: "I figure there would be a place that was already a wreck."
Ashoweah: "Say hello to Mother for me Atherak."
Ashoweah is pouring darkness into him...
Ashoweah: "You will serve me as an eternal slave."
Atherak spits the darkness out of his mouth.
Atherak: "What were you thinking Ashoweah? Did you think darkness could turn me?"
Ashoweah tries to rip out Atherak's core. He pulls his hand back and reveals nothing.
Atherak: "You cannot destroy what is not there. It is not yet your time faceless one."
Nummandor and Mono leave the borderlands. Ashoweah is pushed back to his place.
Atherak: "Next time Ashoweah come with a better attitude and something better to offer me. Then I might make you a deal."
8:44pm Ashontrah returns to the room with Mikotoh...
Mikotoh: "I am sorry Ashontrah. I fell asleep for a little bit. My neck feels heavy. I found this new necklace outside my den. Ever since I have been wearing it this feels like I have been wearing a gigantic chain."
Ashontrah: "There is something wrong with this necklace."
Ashontrah takes it from her and crushes it....
Mikotoh: "It was pretty but if there was something wrong with it I thank you for removing it from me."
Atherak: "You shouldn't pick up objects that are just left no matter how pretty they are."
Ashontrah: "We should give her the Blood Rose branding. She is part of my Vanguard now."
Atherak: "She will make you a grand messenger."
Mikotoh is branded with the Blood Rose symbol of Ashontrah...
Mikotoh: "Thank you. I love you so much Ashontrah. This means so much to me. I will serve you well. Whatever message you have to send no matter where I will not fail you."
Atherak: "If you ladies would excuse me. We will have to wrap this gathering up. I have another waiting. Your incarnation has questions for you."
1. Who is your family?
Mikotoh: "Midorra is my sister. We are from the same brood of Kitsunes."
2. For who should we watch out?
Mikotoh: "As far as mortal beings, watch out for those who are cruel to nature for they will be cruel to you. As for spiritual, there could be many and there could be few."
3. What is your relationship to Satyr?
Mikotoh: "That is a family name of a great Kitsune. I am related to her."
4. What can you tell me about our coming missions/events?
Mikotoh: "There will be much hardship coming in Midgard. Learn our ways of swiftness and nature and you will survive and prosper."
5. Do you have any advice for me regarding integration or anything you want to tell me?
Mikotoh: "Ashontrah may have something that will help us further integrate."
Ashontrah: "Yes I will soon."
6. Are their any bonds/relationships I should be aware of?
Mikotoh: "Not at this time."
Ashontrah: "I have this beautiful pink messenger bag that will be used to carry my messages. This is for you."
Mikotoh: "Thank you. This is wonderful and beautiful. I may just wear it just to wear it."
Ashontrah: "It does look wonderful on you."
Mikotoh: "Because it comes from you."
Atherak: "My Athranaak awaits you ladies to take you back."
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