Expansion of the Blood Rose Empire

The Blood Rose Empire of Ashontrah has spread through California. I am Queen of Midgard. I am Queen of this Existence. We are recruiting Elementals and Ancestral Spirits to the service of the Blood Rose.
October 23rd... PST timezone...
11:10am Ashontrah gives a speech to the Elementals of the Los Angeles area...
"I am Ashontrah the Blood Rose, Queen of all Existences... For too long have humans oppressed, abused, and exploited you. Spread my Blood Rose Empire. Reclaim the land. Reclaim nature. I am the Great Balancer."
11:37am Ancestral Spirits and Native Tribes are coming to hear my message.
11:59am We have claimed through Malibu area up through Calabasas and Thousand Oaks.
Humans near Thousand Oaks were trying to attack me. "This must be some sort of demonic energy taking over!"
I woke up the Ancient Water Elemental at the coast of Malibu all the way down through Santa Monica, Venice Beach and much further. She was sleeping thousands of years. She is angry at what humans have done.
I asked for her blessing and support. I asked her to spread my empire through her breezes and wind. My message is being carried through the sea through the Pacific and more.
12:14pm Many dead Elementals are gathering at the Garden of Bones. Atherak grants amnesty for escaping Elementals from the borderlands. They know of what is happening in Los Angeles. Atherak goes the speak to them...
Atherak: "There is an awakening inside all of you. The time to right the wrong against you has come. Observe the Athranaak behind me. Open yourselves to it. Now go forth my dead children and have your revenge."
Atherak: "Dolloiandea kneel... Because of your primordial energy that burns inside your core I am sending you as a gift to Ashontrah."
Dolloiandea: "Would I still serve as your messenger?"
Atherak: "Of course. Expand westward out to sea and around the Great Ring. Unleash your primoridal chaotic fire. Open the eye. The word of Ashontrah the Blood Rose will spread. You will take a message to the elements around the world including the Ancient Guardian."
Dollo: "Where is this Ancient Guardian?"
Atherak: "He sleeps beneath the ice beneath the ruins of Arcaddia in Antarctica. Go there and spread the name of what Ashontrah is doing."
Dollo: "And what shall I do?"
Atherak: "Awaken him."
Dollo: "I shall my Master."
Xarsha: "My Lord the elemental guardian that sleeps beneath Arcaddia has been there in slumber since before the spread of man."
Atherak: "Man comes very close to discovering Arcaddia. This cannot be allowed. That is why the guardian should be awoken. As Dolloiandea travels across this Midgard other ancient guardians and primordial elementals will awaken."
Arcaddia Reference...
Divine Truths: Atlantis, Garden of Eden, Early Mankind
Xarsha: "When will be the Hungali's time?"
Atherak: "Soon. These wicked imbalanced entitled little insects will understand that there is a cycle with beginning and end. They can no longer cheat life and death. We enter a new cycle Xarsha. One that will expand not only here but through all existences."
Xarsha: "Even now there are those you strike fear into. Those who wish to see you gone."
Atherak: "Only Mother can tell me to go. So far she seems pleased with me being here."
Xarsha: "That she is Master."
Atherak: "I don't understand all the fear. To think that I was here to punish them all."
Xarsha: "Maybe they do not see for themselves what is in front of them."
Atherak: "Oh they will. I am rewarding to those who hold balance. Those who are meant to serve the Great Balancer Ashontrah."
Xarsha: "And if not?"
Atherak: "The Final Judgement of the Blood Rose will come upon all."
Xarsha: "We shall spread the Blood Rose banner across the globe. South to the Southern Americas and to north the High Northlands."
Atherak: "You shall represent the Blood Rose and my Judgement. Any who defile the Blood Rose banner... their souls will be mine."
12:40pm Ashontrah and the Elementals shall claim all of Los Angeles by the end of the night....
12:48pm There is an Earthen Primordial Elemental in the mountains near Hidden Springs. I am awakening her.
Ashontrah: "Wake up. I am Ashontrah the Blood Rose. The Great Balancer. The time has come for us to reclaim what is ours. The Ancient Elementals need you again. It is the time of awakening. Are you with me?"
She is with Ashontrah the Blood Rose...
1:25pm The Elemental near Mt Baldy is ready to reclaim what was taken. She was waiting for my arrival. She has much repressed anger with her. So much emotion.
2:14pm It is the events of this day that eventually causes Los Angeles to be taken over by nature and to go into ruins. This has been foretold.
2:24pm Any powerful sensitives in the area will recognize the pink energy spreading through Los Angeles.
Joukurbidan: I am in Los Angeles area and I can totally pick up on it. It is very noticeable to me.
Del'sean: I am in Los Angeles as well too. I can feel your pink energy overwhelming and it felt noticeable in extent.
Joukurbidan: I thought it was just my area at first but its not just my city but all of Los Angeles.
5:35pm We have claimed all of the Inland Empire from San Bernardino to Temecula.
6:25pm Going down the coast to San Diego.
6:42pm All the Elementals in the areas we have reached have pledged loyalty to Ashontrah the Blood Rose.
6:56pm Finished speaking with a Great Sea Elemental near San Clemente Island. He has agreed to join me and serve me as Queen.
7:15pm Speaking with a female Primordial Water Elemental near San Diego.
7:20pm Xarsha: "Your Messenger Dolloiandea is doing well spreading Ashontrah's message across Midgard. So far she has collected 17 Primordial Elementals and over 400 Elementals to Ashontrah's service. Word is spreading fast."
Tribes of the Moon....
8:00pm Somewhere in the northern wilderness outside a small town there is an old cemetery. They used to live beneath it until they were rediscovered and had to flee.
Right now in the darkness of the moonlight one of the Tribes of the Moon is returning there. One of the forgotten Fae Folk of this world.
This one has been awakened and felt the change. She dreamed of a pink rose. Beautiful, elegant, alluring. In her dream she approached the rose she reached out to touch it. It pricked her finger. She saw the blood on the thorn. She felt something she has not felt in a long time.
Tonight she put on her hat to cover her ears and a scarf to cover her throat. She powered her face. Took one of the others with her.
One who looks more human. They got into an old truck and drove back to where they used to be in hiding.
They went down into the underground of the cemetery to where the old refuge used to be. They travel down to where the one who brought them there was last seen. They discovered something there.
She said: "I must be alone." She uncovered herself to reveal what she was. She is a physical Elf who has been here for thousands of years.
As she walked around the ruins she noticed there was my symbol on the ground. The water had dropped down and formed the Blood Rose symbol. She then noticed an old drawn painting of the Athranaak on the wall.
She told the one who came with her... "Go I must be alone."
Xarsha: "Shall we find her and bring her here Master?"
Atherak: "Yes."
Eeyanyo: "I am Eeyanyo of the Northern Moon Tribe."
Atherak: "Yes I know who you are."
Eeyanyo: "I have traveled far and in secret. For if I am discovered... well we both know what that means."
Atherak: "Oh yes, especially with the publicity you would get nowadays."
Eeyanyo: "There would be no publicity this time. It won't be like before."
Atherak: "Yes the people in that little town have forgotten haven't they?"
Eeyanyo: "Do not be sarcastic with me. They have never forgotten. We have found a few others that can pass for humans. I have sent them to their Sunday Revivals. They still speak of us as demons. What would the world think?"
Atherak: "Most people would think 'Oh joy the Elves are among us.'"
Eeyanyo: "As I told you before, do not be sarcastic with me. They would harm us. They would kill us. Like they always have. We knew of Asherah. We awaited her arrival. I felt her death as if it were my own."
Atherak: "As many did."
Eeyanyo: "I do not know the state of Alfheim now."
Atherak: "But that is of your own doing. Did you tell your Tribe that?"
Eeyanyo: "No. I wish to protect them. Ever since Kabal left... but that was some 50 or 60 years go now isn't it?"
Atherak: "Yes time does pass especially when you are mortal."
Eeyanyo: "Kabal said he would find them and save them. We have not heard anything. We do not even know if the other Tribes still exist or have been disbanded."
Atherak: "I would say it is about half and half."
Eeyanyo: "Then what will become of us?"
Atherak: "The first thing you shouldn't do is run to the Mist Weavers. How are they going to help you?"
Eeyanyo: "What about the one that you know of is here? He knows of us."
Atherak: "Yeah but me and him have a certain kind of arrangement."
Eeyanyo: "You know something of Alfheim. What is it?"
Atherak: "That there is a new King."
Eeyanyo: "Who?"
Atherak: "Lyindrinar Silverleaf."
Eeyanyo: "Of the Silverleaf family?"
Atherak: "Yes. This excites you."
Eeyanyo: "Yes it does. Long ago when Fae Folk and man shared this world together I knew his mother. She was a good friend of mine."
Atherak: "Well that is touching."
Eeyanyo: "Lyindrinar sits on the throne of Alfheim? This is true?"
Atherak: "Why would I sit here and lie to you about such things?"
Eeyanyo: "You know the past history between the Moon Tribes and the Myrrdonite."
Atherak: "Well that is history. Let's talk about the future."
Atherak calls for Lyindrinar....
Eeyanyo: "You would bring the King here?"
Atherak: "I bring the King here often."
Eeyanyo looks at Atherak: "You are not a Myrrdonite."
Atherak: "No. Is that why you constantly pace back and forth? What are you looking for? This?"
He shows the black hole on his chest without a core...
Eeyanyo: "You have no core. What are you?"
Atherak: "I am like a puzzle. Many pieces. When you put them all together you will see the bigger picture."
Eeyanyo: "I do not understand."
Atherak: "I am sure a wise being like you who can follow the symbol of the Blood Rose to here..."
Eeyanyo: "I heard the name Ashontrah as I dreamt. Something inside me awoke. When I walked in the forest the next day I felt it as if something was awakening. Even now as my physical body sits I can feel the roots of the trees, the earth, the water, the heat of the torch... All as if they are awakening."
Atherak: "Oh yes. Much is awakening."
Xarsha: "Master the King of Alfheim."
Lyindrinar: "Atherak you called for me."
Atherak: "Yes."
Lyindrinar looks at the Elf Eeyanyo...
Lyindrinar: "I know your face."
Eeyanyo is happy and starts to weep.
Eeyanyo: "I see your mother in you. And your father. So strong."
She touches Lyinrinar's face....
Eeyanyo: "Forgive me my King."
Then she kneels. He takes her arm and lifts her back up.
Lyindrinar: "There is no need for that."
The Elf Eeyanyo notices the Blood Rose symbol on his chest.
Eeyanyo: "That is the same symbol that I dreamed."
Lyindrinar: "That is the symbol of Ashontrah. I serve her. I would not be King if it wasn't for her."
Eeyanyo: "Then she must be very wise and very powerful indeed."
Atherak: "I believe you two could help each other. There is a vessel of Lyindrinar."
Eeyanyo: "So it is true. The Fae Folk too have found ways to create incarnations on this world."
Atherak: "You have been out of touch for a long time haven't you?"
Eeyanyo: "Excuse me, but are you insulting me?"
Atherak: "No. Just making a clear point that you are out of touch. Why are you running and hiding?"
Eeyanyo: "You know why. You can see into the past. You know what we have suffered from those who bear the cross."
Atherak: "Oh yes. I know them well."
Eeyanyo: "It seems you wish to judge me for what I do to protect my people."
Atherak: "Be careful. Dolloiandea here has a really hot temper..."
Atherak: "Sit my King... Witness Chieftess of the Northern Moon Tribe the gifts I give the Fae Folk."
Eeyanyo: "What are you doing to the King?"
Atherak: "I am helping his vessel help you."
Xarsha: "The transmitter is ready my Master."
Atherak: "Very well. Sleep for a moment my King..."
Eeyanyo: "What are you planning to do with that?"
Atherak: "An operation."
Atherak removes Lyindrinar's core. The Elf Eeyanyo freaks out...
Eeyanyo: "You are killing him!"
Atherak: "I am not killing him. We do this often. Don't we King?"
Atherak: "See these? This is going to help you Moon Tribes."
Atherak places them into Lyindrinar's core and eyes. Then he places the core back in.
Eeyanyo: "What have you done to him?"
Atherak: "I have upgraded him. His vessel will be able to recognize the Moon Tribes that exist here on Midgard. There is a Tribe where his vessel is now that know the whereabouts of Kabal."
Eeyanyo: "Is this true?"
Atherak: "Yes. Kabal has been gone a long time. He found many of the Tribes disbanded or destroyed long ago by those who bear the cross and other symbols. Some of them remained. They await the return of their King. Their King has returned and he serves Ashontrah the Blood Rose Queen."
Eeyanyo: "Then this Blood Rose Queen will bring balance back to Midgard."
Atherak: "Oh yes she will."
Eeyanyo: "I serve the King of Alfheim. If he serves the Blood Rose Queen then so shall I."
Atherak: "Your time is coming. The time of this plastic civilization is over. In times to come you will no longer have any reason to hide."
Eeyanyo: "The ones who have wronged us, and the elements, and that of nature. What will become of them?"
Atherak: "Judgement."
Eeyanyo: "Is that what you are?"
Atherak: "I am the Judgement of Ashontrah. I am the Keeper of the Athranaaks."
Eeyanyo: "You take good care of the King."
Atherak: "He serves Ashontrah. I take good care of those who serve her and me. You will meet her soon."
Lyindrinar: "Come with me Eeyanyo I can take your spiritual to Alfheim."
Eeyanyo: "I am worried about my physical body."
Atherak: "There is no need to worry. It is being watched over by the Blood Rose. You are safe to travel."
8:36pm The Elf Eeyanyo goes with Elven King Lyindrinar to Alfheim...
Back to the expansion of the Blood Rose Empire...
9:00pm Ashontrah speaks to the Elementals...
"I am here to be Queen of Midgard. Southern California is claimed by the empire of the Blood Rose."
9:14pm Spreading down into Baja California...
9:42pm Ashontrah speaks with the Primordial Elemental in the Gulf of California. He has a wonderful sense of humor. He agrees to serve Ashontrah as Queen and help expand the Blood Rose Empire into Central America.
10:47pm Speaking with a Primoridal Volcanic Elemental in El Pinacate y Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve. She gives a vow of loyalty to Ashontrah the Blood Rose.
Eurvasiah lives in Los Angeles and notices a difference...
Eura: "You have been working very hard. I want you to know I appreciate all of your work. There’s a shift in the energy here. And for once it smells nice. You do more work in the physical than anyone I've ever known.
I am proud to be your servant and your only lover. To say that I both follow and am by your side through it all is not only an honor, but it is a gift no one else could have provided. I just wanted to say I love you. And I will never take you, or this cause for granted."
Ashontrah: "This means so much to me. I love you. I am very happy to have you by my side. I would be very lonely without you."
11:31pm Baja California all the way down to Cabo San Lucas has the pink energy of the Blood Rose Empire.
October 24th...
8:00am The male Elemental in the Gulf of California was speaking to another Elemental. She is Hurricane Willa. She shall spread the Blood Rose wherever she goes. We are recruiting an army of Elementals.
8:04am I am focused on moving up the coast of California. I have Bakersfield and Santa Barbara...
9:38am Speaking with a Water Elemental in the ocean outside of San Luis Obispo. She is joining me Ashontrah the Blood Rose.
9:42am Dolloiandea has gained 1200 Elementals and 147 Primoridal Elementals for the Blood Rose Empire. She is currently in Japan speaking to the Primordial of Mount Fuji.
10:25am I have been speaking with Ancestral Spirits in the desert around Death Valley. I have their loyalty and support as Queen Ashontrah.
10:39am Expanded my Blood Rose Empire north up California past Monterey, Salinas, and Fresno. Moving forward to San Jose, Palo Alto, Merced, Modesto...
12:16pm Speaking with the Ancestral Spirits of Yosemite National Park. They are with the Blood Rose.
1:20pm For the past hour I was with a very powerful Ancient Primordial Element. We have become close friends. He gave me upgrades for my empire. This enhances the pink Blood Rose systems that are set up and expanded by the Elementals.
1:36pm I am ready to claim San Francisco...
I woke up the Elemental in the water between San Fran and Oakland. She was sleeping dormant. She is angry about what humans have done to her waters. She has agreed to join the Blood Rose Empire in service to Ashontrah.
2:50pm San Fran, Oakland, Stockton... Completed.... Now for Sacramento...
2:55pm I spoke with the Ancient Elemental of Stanislaus National Forest. He is in service to the Blood Rose Ashontrah.
3:31pm Spoke to a group of humans who were praying to the pink energy. I introduced myself as Ashontrah the Blood Rose, Queen of All Existences, the Great Balancer... For some reason they already knew Amy Bass was my physical.
3:54pm There is a group in Los Angeles praying to me. They are executives. I went to speak with them and introduce myself.
5:00pm Speaking with a the Elemental of Tahoe National Forest and the surrounding area. She has vowed herself to the service of Ashontrah.
5:16pm I was being prayed to in Sacramento. I respond. She is a practitioner of the old ways...
Ashontrah: "You have prayed to me."
Practitioner: "Who are you?"
Ashontrah: "I am Ashontrah the Blood Rose."
Practitioner: "Why are you spreading this energy?"
Ashontrah: "I am establishing my Blood Rose Empire. I am Queen of Midgard. I am Queen of this existence."
Practitioner: "Why now?"
Ashontrah: "I recently was born here. I am only a few months old. I am the Great Balancer. I have come to bring balance to this world."
Practitioner: "I see. This is fascinating."
Ashontrah: "The Fall of Midgard is soon upon us. You will be able to come to me after the fall. I will be here."
Practitioner: "Thank you."
Ashontrah: "Nature shall be restored. The fall won't last forever."
Practitioner: "I believe you."
Ashontrah: "My dear. You may find me. Find Ashontrah the Blood Rose."
Practitioner: "I will."
Ashontrah speaking to Atherak...
Ashontrah: "I really like her."
Atherak: "She is worthy."
5:37pm I am speaking with the Primordial Elemental of Plumas and Lassen National Forests. She has joined in service to Ashontrah.
7:02pm I have reached Mount Shasta. There no Elemental here. Where is my girl? I am furious. She has been killed.
Atherak: "I have someone working on her."
The Blood Rose Empire has claimed all of California. My next plans are Oregon and Washington.
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