Diaxah: Secret Council Party Crashers

Session for Diaxah Aryam...
Aryam: "I feel ashamed of these thoughts that I'm having. They want me to turn against you and hate you but me as Aryam the incarnation I truly love you and respect you and I would never turn against you or against the group.
Please dear Ashontrah this is very serious I don't have to have my session now but I need your help now. I'm begging you to help me because I know I can't stand these emotions and thoughts anymore and I might end up crazy or dead I just need these thoughts to stop."
Ashontrah: "I will have your session done soon."
Your true self is a Dark Elf Priestess named Diaxah. Your mother was a Priestess of Melkor until he killed her in his rage. You watched this as a young girl.
You have fielded yourself around what appears to be a statue of your mother. You ignore the raven of Atherak. You are nervous about it.
Dollo: "She has refused the calling of your raven."
Atherak: "Then I will have to personally invite this child."
Atherak arrives... Your true self is praying louder and becoming more nervous. Atherak removes the fielding.
Diaxah goes for her dagger. She tries to plunge it into her own chest.
Atherak: "I say when you die child."
Diaxah: "May I ask just one question? Will the pain and suffering be great?"
Atherak: "No."
Diaxah: "But there will be pain and suffering?"
Atherak: "There will be none."
Diaxah: "You have not come to kill me?"
Atherak: "Why would I come to kill you child?"
Diaxah: "If you knew..."
Atherak: "Then come and tell me about it."
Diaxah: "I am taking that I have no choice."
Atherak: "It was your incarnation who requested this session."
Diaxah: "Is that what this is?" She is relieved.
Atherak: "For now. Come... Sit. Enjoy the wine and fruit. Tell me, why so eager to send yourself to my lands?"
Diaxah: "I felt it was my only way. For you see, I do not know how to feel about Ashontrah. Deep down inside me I feel goodness toward her. But yet my ears have been poisoned by that of the secret council."
Atherak: "Secret council?"
Diaxah: "Yes."
Atherak: "Who is this secret council?"
Diaxah: "They are a group of beings. Many of them have incarnations on Earth. Some of them used to be loyal to Asherah and have betrayed her. Two of them... male and female beings of not-such-great-power wanted to claim her throne."
Atherak: "You mean the one in Alfheim?"
Diaxah: "Yes."
Atherak: "The one that King Lyindrinar sits on?"
Diaxah: "The same."
Atherak: "I sense that King Lyindrinar's position on the throne of Alfheim troubles you some."
Diaxah: "I do not hate him. I am just weary of him."
Atherak: "Because he and his father served the previous King who was quite cruel to your kind?"
Diaxah: "That is one."
Atherak: "Then why would you choose to follow or even listen to those claiming a throne which does not belong to them? And still pursuing to take this throne from a dead Queen?"
Diaxah: "They are the same. Now they speak of Ashontrah. That she is an evil invader. They only wish to seek power. When I questioned their intentions after Asherah was gone of why we should turn against Ashontrah they cast me out and blinded me in my left eye."
Atherak: "Is that why it looks that way?"
Diaxah: "Yes."
Atherak: "You choose to follow someone that when you question they burn your eye out?"
Diaxah: "Maybe it is my punishment for being so blind."
Atherak: "Maybe it is. Do you see the light above me?"
Diaxah: "Yes."
Atherak: "I want you to look into it."
Diaxah: "What am I looking for?"
Atherak: "Strange. It has never done that before..."
Atherak gets angry: "Xarsha and Dollo. Where is my light? What is this shit?!"
Xarsha: "I do not know my Lord."
Atherak: "Look around this room. Someone has taken something precious from me!"
Diaxah: "Should I go now?"
Atherak: "You will stay."
Dollo: "My Lord here..." She gives him a crushed necklace.
Necklace reference...
Mikotoh: Kitsune Messenger of Ashontrah
Atherak: "Ashontrah must have sensed something in it."
Dollo: "The energy in it is fading my Lord. It will be hard to tell where it came from."
Atherak: "Not for me. Not for Rovitomial. Bring him to me."
Xarsha: "He is actually here my Lord. He has spent a lot of time here working on your puzzles."
Atherak: "I like that he is keeping busy. Still... bring him to me."
Diaxah is nervous. Rovitomial arrives...
Rovitomial: "I am here Atherak."
Atherak: "I didn't mean to interrupt you. I know how important your work is. But I need you to fix this necklace."
Rovitomial takes out his engraved black bone and takes the necklace. He waves it over it and the necklace reforms.
Rovitomial: "Here you are Atherak. Is there anything else?"
Atherak: "Ah good. Wait... come here. Closer... Hear again."
Rovitomial feels a warmth in his left ear.
Atherak: "You may go now."
Diaxah stares at the necklace...
Atherak: "You recognize this?"
Diaxah: "Yes. I know who it belongs to. A female being who coveted Asherah's throne."
Atherak: "You mean that one with the arrogant male partner that couldn't fight off Vustik from banging his so-called Queen? Well, how about you and I pay them a visit?"
Diaxah: "It is her lover who blinded me."
Atherak: "Well we can take care of that problem. But first, let's pay them a visit. My triad come to me..."
Atherak: "Xarsha, Dolloiandea, we have a party to crash. Take my message to this Coveting Queen and her Mighty Lover."
Dolloiandea: "As you wish Master."
These are the true selves of Hannah Baker and Cory Masters...
***Flashback August 15th...
August 15th...
12:19pm Vustik seems to be going a bunch of renegade Arcturians and some other beings I have never seen before. Vustik is disguising himself as as Arcturian Outlaw.
This other being is speaking about him and his love for the True Queen.
There is another female being they are calling the True Queen.
She says 'Once I seize the throne from Queen Asherah. At the reign of me and my love. We will be known throughout all the realms.'
All these other ones are cheering. Vustik starts to clap loudly.
The one male says 'Are you mocking the True Queen?'
Vustik says 'No. I thought the speech was very inspiring. It makes me want to just go out there and kick the bitch's ass.'
The Queen says 'Then you are welcome among us. Come... Celebrate with us.'
He is celebrating with them. He is just mingling.
Our spy also turned himself into an Arcturian outlaw. Vustik bumped into him. It is a pretty big crowd there. There are some in a circle talking to each other.
12:53pm Vustik and the one True Queen are walking away together. Vustik is screwing her.
She says 'Tell me how I am True Queen.' Vustik says 'You are the True Queen!'
The one male being busts into the room and catches them. He says 'Arcturian you will die!' Vustik grabs him by the face and lifts him up and shows his true form.
Vustik says 'I would kill you now but you are about ready to be a father. Have fun with that.' Then slams him to the ground.
Then Vustik turned and flipped the Queen a coin. He said 'Thanks for a lovely celebration. This ought to cover you.' Then Vustik leaves. End of flashback...****
Back to present time...
Atherak: "This is the one that Vustik screwed behind her Mighty Lover's back. They are having a celebration. A great banquet for their so-called invasion and conquest of Alfheim and then the Void."
Her male lover is speaking...
Mighty Lover: "We shall crush Ashoweah and the Varkar. Then we shall bring Ashontrah in chains to kneel before our TRUE QUEEN!"
Atherak: "Oh it looks like Vustik's hatching is already born."
Many are around them cheering. This Coveting Queen stands...
Coveting Queen: "Our power shall be known throughout this existence and then we will move on... The True Queen will be known throughout all the existences. If you are with me then bow before me!"
The beings there bow. She stands with her hands up in the air and her eyes closed. Her lover notices one being not bowing.
Mighty Lover: "You there! Do you not bow to the True Queen?"
Dolloiandea: "I am but a messenger."
Mighty Lover: "And what message do you bring to the True Queen?"
Dolloiandea: "It seems that you have made a mistake."
Coveting Queen laughs: "I make no mistakes."
Dolloiandea: "You are having a celebration and you forgot to invite my Master."
Mighty Lover: "And who is your Master?"
Atherak: "That would be me."
They all become cautious as Atherak walks up and flicks the male lover in the ear.
Mighty Lover: "Who are you being?"
Atherak: "Don't you keep up with the current times? I am here to ask you questions. You are not here to ask me them."
Atherak sits on the throne...
Mighty Lover: "How dare you sit on the Queen's throne!"
Coveting Queen: "Remove yourself this instant from my throne! You sit in a place of Greatness!"
Atherak: "Do I? I thought I was sitting in an outhouse."
Mighty Lover: "You dare speak ill of the Queen's throne?! You come to our celebration with insults uninvited! Have you come to die Sir?"
Atherak: "I am already dead. I keep the company of them all day long. You have assembled quite a gathering. Is this what you plan to use to overthrow the King of Alfheim?"
Man: "How do you know of our plans?"
Coveting Queen: "Diaxah! You traitor! I will have your other eye for this! Guards cut her head off!"
As the guards approach her they are devoured by a fast moving beast...
Man: "We are under attack!"
Atherak: "Time to spice this party up."
Beings are being taken out as Moidaybe cuts through the crowd. Fenrir devours more of them. Others start to flee.
They run straight into Danaark. Athranaak coils come from him and pierce into their chests and rip their cores from them.
Moidaybe is gathering the others. With every being he kills he rips out their core and puts them into a flesh bag.
Atherak laughs: "So Mighty Lover..."
Coveting Queen: "Leave him be!" She starts attacking. Dolloiandea backhands her and she goes flying.
Atherak: "Is this necklace yours Queen?"
Coveting Queen: "How did you get that?"
Atherak: "Maybe you can tell me or I could rip your lover into pieces. Question her about this Dolloiandea. Let her take a closer look."
Atherak: "Can you feel this Mighty Lover? Can you feel it down through your incarnation?"
Coveting Queen: "No! Please! It was a gift. I lent it to someone."
Atherak: "Who was this someone?"
Coveting Queen: "I do not know. They were once a friend of Asherah and now they are an enemy of her and Ashontrah."
Atherak: "Very well. We are done here my triad. I want this Queen and Lover to experience pain and suffering. Come on out little one."
The little boy of the Coveting Queen and Vustik...
Atherak: "Your father abandoned you. Your mother cares nothing for you. Would you like to have a father? Would you like to have a mother? How about a whole big family?"
Coveting Queen: "No. You cannot take him!"
Atherak: "I take what I want."
Coveting Queen: "I will kill you!"
Dolloiandea starts to burn the Coveting Queen. The Mighty Lover tries to attack Atherak.
Atherak: "Xarsha deal with this one. He is beginning to annoy me."
Xarsha calls forth coils that pierce the Mighty Lover and suspends him.
Atherak: "That is enough Dolloiandea."
Dolloiandea stops the burning. The Coveting Queen is disfigured. She is screaming as she sees her own reflection.
Atherak speaks to the boy...
Atherak: "I have a sister for you. Come..."
He turns to the Coveting Queen...
Atherak: "Enjoy your party Mighty Queen."
They return to the borderlands. Atherak took the boy with him...
Atherak: "Here play with this." He gives the boy a little puzzle.
Atherak speaks to Diaxah...
Atherak: "You have done a great service here. Impressive. Come closer..."
Diaxah steps forward. A coil comes out from the palm of his hand into her blind eye. She has a different colored eye now. The pupil looks like a tiger's eye. Where there was white there is black instead.
Atherak: "This is a gift for helping me. You have also helped Ashontrah. If you were not able to identify this necklace I might have blamed her new addition to her Vanguard. I might have killed the messenger so to say. That would have been unfortunate.
How can I be judgement and rule with balance if I am blinded by such cheap tricks? You have done us both a great service. Any dissension you had before with Ashontrah I am sure you are rethinking now."
Diaxah: "I am. Do you think she would accept me if I chose to help her?"
Atherak: "I am sure something could be arranged. Go to the King of Alfheim when you are ready. Ask if you may serve Ashontrah. He will know."
Diaxah: "I am ready to serve her now."
Atherak: "I will let Ashontrah know that you are ready to serve."
Atherak starts the core fusion...
Atherak: "I bring the physical and the spiritual together." The Athranaak coils start to sew...
Atherak goes to see the King of Alfheim...
Lyindrinar: "Atherak you startled me."
Atherak: "You and your mate requested that you be searched for Whisperers. I have come personally for this."
Lyindrianr: "Ashontrah checked her earlier but if you want to check her again I will call to her."
Atherak: "Thank you King."
Lyindrianr: "Have some wine while you wait. It is the highest of Elven quality. What do you think?"
Atherak: "Too lively for me."
Coils come out of his hands to look over Lyindrianr. They are the same coils that looked over the others who were checked.
Atherak: "You are clear King."
Lyindrianr: "Thank you Atherak. It is always wise to be a little cautious."
Atherak: "Yes it is. There is something you can do for Ashontrah."
Lyindrianr: "Anything. Just name it."
Atherak: "There is a Dark Elf Priestess. She would serve you well here in the temple of Asherah. Then serve in the soon-to-be completed temple of Ashontrah."
Lyindrianr: "Is that all you request?"
Atherak: "Just to keep an eye on her and to help her along. Help her adjust to life here in your kingdom."
Lyindrianr: "I can do that."
Atherak: "Ah here is your mate Eeaynna... She is clear."
Lyindrianr: "Thank you Atherak."
Eeaynna: "They are awaiting for you to return to the banquet in honor of Ashontrah. Things are very prosperous."
Atherak: "It is good to hold a banquet to one who brings you prosperity. It is a kind gesture of appreciation."
Eeaynna: "Maybe we will hold one in your honor."
Atherak: "Please don't. I am not one for banquets. I will send this Dark Elf Priestess Diaxah to you soon."
Lyindrianr: "I will receive her."
Atherak returns to the borderlands to continue the core fusion...
Atherak: "I bind your spiritual core with your physical essence with all its abilities from here and forever more. I bless this fusion."
Diaxah awakens after the core fusion...
Atherak: "I have a place for you in Alfheim in the temples there. I have spoken with the Elven King. You will be received there and well treated."
Diaxah: "I thank you for this."
Atherak: "You can thank Ashontrah for this. Your incarnation has some questions."
1 - What is my purpose in Midgard?
Diaxah: "To embrace the ways of the Nature Folk."
2 - Why do I feel so connected to Poseidon, Ares and Artemis?
Diaxah: "I have watched their greatness for a long time and I admire them."
3 - Were the visions in my dreams real or not?
Diaxah: "Some. You must decipher what is prophesy and what is dreams."
4 - Why do i feel very attracted to Noura? Do we have bonds? Do you know her true self?
Diaxah: "Yes we do have a bond. I know her true self."
5 - How can I connect better with you?
Diaxah: "Connecting with nature and Nature Folk in Midgard and in Alfeim."
6 - How can i prepare and survive the plague?
Diaxah: "Learn the ways of nature. Go into nature and practice and study. Learn about the plants and animals around you."
Atherak: "Time for you to go. I have business to attend to."
An Athranaak takes Diaxah to Alfheim...
Lyindrinar: "Greetings. You are welcome here. I will introduce you to some of the other High Priestesses and show you around."
Atherak goes to the little boy...
Atherak: "Let's take you where you need to go. Mevinah... Take care of this one. Do not let anything happen to him."
Mevinah: "I understand Atherak. He will be happy here with the others."
Atherak: "See that he is."
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