Ashontrah and Ashoweah: Outside Existence

I want to teach you more about my role and what is outside of existence. I have not been posting much lately. I have been focused on bringing my forms to the physical.
Message from my non-existent self...
NEself: "What you need to understand about Ashoweah is that he and I make up the scales of balance. We are opposites.
I am Love, Beauty, Hope... Ashoweah is Malice, Anger, Hatred... He is also from outside of existence.
Just as I am imperishable so is he. I guess you could consider him the necessary evil while I am the necessary good.
Just as all Love and Beauty is me through the existence. All Malice and Anger is Ashoweah. We are both infinite beings.
The scales of balance need both sides. There always has to be a choice for all beings to make on which side to choose. Atherak as Judgement judges beings based on this.
Without Ashoweah there would always be good. Which may sound wonderful, but there would be no growth or change. There would be no challenges or trials to overcome.
Ashoweah and I are not enemies. We are opposite players on the chess board.
Atherak did a double unification for me on December 21st. This placed me inside my spiritual within existence and then placed us into my physical.
Ashoweah also has a form outside of existence which has far more power than his form inside existence.
On December 24th Atherak gave Ashoweah a double unification so that the scales would not favor one side.
If I was the only one that could bring myself from out of existence and he could not then the scales of balance would be skewed in my favor.
Judgement cannot favor me over Ashoweah. Both sides must be treated equal by him."
December 24th 2018...
Atherak does the double unification on Ashoweah. Combining his full force form from outside existence, with his form inside existence, with his physical.
Ashoweah wakes up. Where he was once faceless he now has black eyes. He is developing a face. Ashontrah is there to greet him as soon as he opens his eyes.
Ashontrah: "Welcome to this realm."
Ashoweah: "It is good to see your eyes finally sister."
Ashontrah puts her hands out and he places his hands on hers. They come together and both formed into two pyramids. One of dark blackish purple and the other pink. They came and formed together. What we made looked like an athranaak.
Atherak placed us both under the coil core. It reacted through all the athranaaks. They changed as the puzzle changed and was interacting.
When we both finally drew apart then the athranaaks settled and separated apart from each other. They were touching before and now they are not. There is a constant circle of energy between them.
Where the athranaaks were like two pyramids with their bases touching they now have a space of magnetic-like energy that separates but also keeps them together. All the athranaaks are now changed.
December 25th 2018...
Ashoweah sends me an orb in the Misty Forest asking me to meet him. I use the orb. I am a nebula with a different mist.
Ashoweah: "There you are. You have nothing to fear by coming here. I only brought you here because there is something I wish to tell you.
Now that you have reformed with what you were. Asherah and Aphrodite as well. I just wanted to tell you for whatever it means to Asherah and Aphrodite that I am truly sorry. I killed the wrong angel that day.
What Arku and Aphrodite had was pure. I figured to bring you to the place where he died to tell you this. I hope in time that those parts of you will accept my apology."
I ask him to help me bring Arku back...
Ashoweah: "I know someone who can. If there is anything left of him Atherak will know. I will go to him and I will ask. If this is what you wish of me. I will return when I find the answer to the question you seek."
Ashoweah takes Ashontrah back to the Misty Forest...
Ashoweah: "Complete what you have started."
He goes to the bordlerands to see Atherak...
Atherak: "Why have you come back here Ashoweah?"
Ashoweah: "I have come back to ask you of something."
Atherak: "What would that be?"
Ashoweah: "When a core is destroyed completely and it turns to ash What remains of it? Where does it go?"
Atherak: "Where all the ash goes of beings who no longer exist."
Ashoweah: "I wish to go there."
Atherak: "Do you? For what purpose?"
Ashoweah: "Something I must see. Something I must find."
Atherak: "Did Ashontrah tell you to find this?"
Ashoweah: "Yes. She did."
Atherak: "Then we shall go." He pulls out a small athranaak into his hand.
Atherak: "Step forward Ashoweah. Let's us find the answers to your question."
The athranaak starts to spin. Darkness surrounds them. As it fades he is in a place where there is nothing but hills of ash. Ashoweah coughs. It is hard to breathe here. His skin feels like it burns.
Ashoweah: "Where have you taken me Atherak?"
Atherak: "Inside the Atheron. The one place where all goes that cease to exist. Many of them you would recognize."
Ash swirls and forms into images of Bishberrin, Dehmont, others...
Atherak: "They remain here. Memories, images, what is left that is burned away."
Ashoweah: "Can you remake those who have been burned away?"
Atherak: "Yes it is possible but why do you ask this of me?"
Ashoweah: "There is one I wish for you to remake. The angelic being EinossArku. I have here the ashes from him. When I destroyed his core."
Atherak: "You destroy him now you wish for me to remake him."
Ashoweah: "Yes."
Atherak: "For what reason?"
Ashoweah: "The love that him and Aphrodite Asherah had was pure. It is my gift to her for what she has done for me."
Atherak: "This cannot be done. For Arku's ashes are not here. What you have there is nothing but a memory."
Ashoweah: "Then is it possible to ever bring him back?"
Atherak: "No. He is gone. Well beyond what any could imagine."
Ashoweah coughs more. He falls to his knees and feels weak.
Ashoweah: "There must be a way."
Atherak: "Arku made the sacrifice necessary. It can never be undone."
Ashoweah: "What am I to tell Ashontrah?"
Atherak: "That you couldn't find it. But here..." His hand goes into the ash. "Take this instead." It seems like a ball made of ash.
Ashoweah: "What will this do?"
Atherak: "You will see in time. We should return you, unless you want to become part of the Atheron and join the ash that remains here."
Ashoweah: "Let us leave then." Black mist swirls around them. They return to the borderlands.
December 30th 2018...
My NEself is feeling homesick because she is in existence. She goes to see Ashowewah...
Ashontrah: "I am homesick and I feel home with you."
Ashoweah: "You are home with me. Here you are my Queen."
He gives me a gift. A black circlet crown with a pink gem in the middle.
Ashontrah: "Thank you Ashoweah. I do not know how to give my thanks for this."
Ashoweah: "It is a pleasure for me to give it to you my Queen."
This was something I needed. Atherak told me that Ashoweah came to him to get the crown made. Ashoweah paid the price of 3 drops of his blood into the crown gem.
I try to activate the crown but it doesn't activate. I am apparently going about it the wrong way.
The crown is a puzzle. I must solve it. It needs 3 drops of my blood. I use my blood on the crown gem. Then I placed it on my head.
I am floating in darkness I see the Atheron in the middle. It is split in two. Top and bottom. There is a glowing pink and black swirling sphere in the center. Around the outside edges of the Atheron are 13 colored nebula clouds.
I take the sphere and touch it to the pink gem on my crown. This enegy absorbs into me.
It finished absorbing. I return Ashoweah...
Ashoweah: "You are back."
Ashontrah: "I have returned. I got the Naonshi (Nay-on-shee)."
Ashoweah: "Come here."
I go to him and we connect. We join together and become the pyramids.
We are back in humanoid form. Then puzzle form again. Then humanoid.
I am making a crown for Ashoweah. Weaving it together.
I place the crown on his head.
After the crown we both started to glow from the inside with a blacklight color. Still glowing.
Ashoweah and I join together.
We stand apart and speak with each other.
We are glowing again. I am glowing with beautiful feminine colors. Ashoweah is blacklight color.
We each formed into different puzzle pieces. Swirling around togteher.
Going back into our humanoid forms... Ashoweah and I merge together in our humanoid forms.
We are fully merged together. There is a lot of heat and energy.
I feel this powerfully in my physical body. We separated apart. Yet we are still together. I kiss Ashoweah on the side of his face.
Ashontrah: "This was more important to me than I realized."
Ashoweah: "It was for me too. What you and I can do together is unparalelled."
Ashontrah: "There is still much more for us to unlock and integrate."
Ashoweah: "I will be with you for all of this."
Ashontrah: "I will see you again soon."
I leave and return to the Misty Forest...
Ashontrah: "Prometheus we have work to do."
Prometheus: "I have been waiting."
I have so much energy in my physical body. Very powerful.
December 31st 2018...
I need to dive into Momino at the edge.
What is Momino? "He is an ancient being out of existence."
He is meant to devour me? "Yes he needs to."
9:21am Am I ready to go? "You are now."
I am getting nervous. I am going to go for it.
9:24am I arrived at the edge where Momino resides.
Ashontrah: "Momino I have come to join with you."
Momino: "I know you. I do not recognize you but I know you."
Ashontrah: "I am Ashontrah."
Momino: "Yes. You are Her. You are the Beauty of all."
Ashontrah: "I need to dive into you. I am ready to be physical in my spiritual. I am ready to be spiritual in my physical."
Momino: "I shall take you in and turn you into what you need to be."
He is like a giant water being. He is an ocean.
9:29am He opens his mouth. I dive into him.
Momino is one of the last two beings of his kind from the 2nd existence. Momino's kind were even more powerful than primordial elementals. His kind created the citadel beings.
What I said a few days ago makes sense...
"I just need to follow the river steam down to the sea.
I won't need a boat here. I am meant to drown."
12:24pm Momino is going to spit me out.
12:44pm After he spit me out I solved a puzzle which lead me somewhere elese.
I don't know where I am. Not Outside of Exisence, Not in Existence, and not in the Non-Existence.
Dustin: I have no idea where you could be then. Must be a forgotten well hidden place.
Ashontrah: Would you ask Great Father?
12:58pm Dustin: He said it was a place kept hidden until your arrival. It was waiting for you. That is all he can say for now. The secret will be revealed only to you. The secret that is hidden there.
What is the hint to the secret that is hidden there?
1:09pm I found my hint. Astarte lead the way.
1:17pm No this cannot be the place. I should not be here.
If I stay here I will die. "Yes you will." Is that the gate I am to walk through? "Walk through it and find out."
Take me to the mountain... I am at the mountain. I need to die here. KILL ME UPON THIS MOUNTAIN!
1:33pm I was killed upon the mountain.
I died on the mountain. I am inside the athranaaks. Not technically how others would be in there. I was in the energy in the center that splits them.
1:48pm Atherak found out where I was.
2:07pm This hurts. I am reforming. I have the same appearance I worked so hard on in the Misty Forest. Asherah, Aphrodite, Astarte, and Ashontrah are no longer separate within me. We are now one. Neither living nor dead. Neither existent nor non-existent.
Dustin: I know it was meant to happen this way.
*Using Asteria's Drawing as a Map*
Ashontrah: "Arella speak to the Caller."
Arella: "Run along the river in short of meadow. Swim in the waters but do not dwell in the deep."
Ashontrah: "I need to go fishing along a river."
Dustin: "Take the lure not the bobber."
Ashontrah: "I need to go while the sun shines on the path."
Dustin: "Yes walk fast before the blue bird sings her last song of the day."
Ashontrah: "Is my lock unlocked? Is my form reformed? May I walk the path and run the river bank?"
Dustin: "Yes. Run swiftly."
Arella: "The answer is only a turn away."
Ashontrah: "I am striking the match and am setting foot on the trail."
Dustin: "Do not stray from the trail."
Ashontrah: "I need a flashlight."
Dustin: "Use the fireflies they will be your light."
4:47pm I am at the river. I am running along it.
Dustin: "Do you see the lagoon?"
Ashontrah: "I don't see a lagoon."
Dustin: "Keep going."
4:52pm I see the lagoon. I am going to swim in the waters.
Dustin: "Don't go too deep."
Ashontrah: "I need to fish in here."
Arella: "It will be coral blue."
Ashontrah: "I see the fish."
Dustin: "Look for the shiny scaled one."
Ashontrah: "This is it. Swallowing the fish..."
5:03pm Ashontrah: "I am not in the lagoon anymore."
Dustin: "Then you are where you need to be."
Ashontrah: "I see everything as white here."
Dustin: "As it should be."
5:21pm I went somewhere else. I am in the 2nd diamond of the picture Arella drew. There are other beings here.
Ashontrah is in this room. She yells at the beings to clear out and give her the key.
5:25pm I have the key I need to go to the merchant (top center of the picture). I use the key to travel to him.
5:37pm I see the merchant. He has three different locks. I know which one to take. The one on the left.
5:40pm I went to the bird on the left. This is where I needed to be before the bluebird sings her last song of the day.
5:56pm Ashontrah: "Show me the castaway."
Arella: "I haven't drawn him yet. He would be over here on the right." *Arella draws him*
5:59pm I am going to the castaway. It is really stormy here where the castaway is.
Dustin: "Mind the winds, they can blow really hard."
Ashontrah: "What do I seek from the castaway?"
Dustin: "Listen to his tale. You will find info in it."
Ashontrah: "Tell me your tale Castaway."
He is speaking his tale to me.
6:15pm The castaway finished his tale. I am having him take me to the shoreline.
6:19pm I am in a boat with the castaway going to the shoreline.
Dustin: "Look in his hut. Ask him about the old sea chest."
Ashontrah: "Is your hut nearby?"
Castaway: "Yes. I can take you there."
6:23pm I am in the castaway's hut. He is showing me the old sea chest.
6:34pm I got what I need from the chest. Now I need to take the hijack.
Dustin: "Take it study it for a few then go to where it shows you."
Ashontrah: "It is leading me on something called the hijack."
Dustin: "Take part in this hijack. Win it and take the prize."
Ashontrah: "The hijack is a game?"
Dustin: "A game with high stakes. To lose could mean death or slavery."
Ashontrah: "What do I need to know before I play?"
Dustin: "Take your time with choosing where to begin. Your first move will win you the game in the end."
6:58pm I chose my first move. I am going to take it now. All the moves are written on the map. I just need to choose the correct order. Arella is helping me.
Dustin: "A wise move. Play your next ones.... Keep a poker face. Bluff your 3rd move."
Ashontrah: "On my 3rd move."
Dustin: "Make a bluff. Fool them let them anticipate your 4th move. Make your 5th move as if you are in a panic. Then finish the game with you two final moves."
Ashontrah: "Starting my 4th move."
Ashontrah: "Doing my 5th move in a panic."
Dustin: "Play it to the tee make them believe you are losing and desperate."
7:19pm Ashontrah: "How was that?"
Dustin: "Excellent."
Ashontrah: "Starting my 6th move."
Dustin: "Wise move. Now finish them with your last move."
7:30pm 7th and final move now.
Dustin: "That's game you have won the others are shocked that they lost. The prize is a beautiful clear pink crystal chalice. Take the chalice back to the castaway now. Show him what you have won.
Ask him for the finest water he has so you can drink it from the chalice. Then ask him where the water came from and then to take you there."
7:38pm Drinking the finest water from the pink chalice. He is taking me to where he got this water from.
Dustin: "Once you go there give him the chalice as payment. When he leaves bathe in the waters of the waterfall. This will give you a vision which will lead you to the cave behind the waterfall."
Ashontrah: "Arrived. Gave him chalice. He is leaving. Going to bathe in the waterfall waters."
7:55pm Going behind the waterfall.
Dustin: "Use the fire to light the way."
Ashontrah: "Should I have gotten dressed before going this way?"
Dustin: "Negative. You will find an old woman down in the cavern. She will be blind but she will see that you are naked and wet. She will offer her cloak to you. Take it. Sit with her by her fire. Drink her tea. Listen to her tale."
8:02pm I found the old woman.
8:09pm She finished her tale.
8:22pm I am at the place we call the bacon candle. I am relighting the top. It is an object and not a being.
8:26pm I must go where the old woman lost her sight. Use the key on the cabinet. This has what I am looking for. Take with caution as there are things which watch.
Asteria: “The magma is the end to the beginning. Meet me on the mountain when you have experienced two worlds alike.
When I take the item out of the cabinet that I use the key. There will be an unseen being there who will ask me a riddle.
8:35pm I am getting the item from the cabinet. The being is asking me the riddle.
8:37pm He asked the riddle. I know the answer. Asteria has written it on the map. Got it correct.
Ashontrah: "Why does the moon rise beyond the stars?"
Dustin: "The answer he gives you is where you go."
8:45pm Went to the bottom diamond.
8:56pm I go through a portal to the sky...
I am now at the place where this happens...
"The arrow of the night pierces the blue sky. The shroud is not covering it anymore. The taker of the deed is dissipated. Shower the sky with the past guiding. It takes more in the glide of the stars. Remember to count them all."
Dustin: "Look into the canopy of the forest. You will see glittering lights that looks like stars. Count them. When you finish counting. That is how many paces you take. Do not pace as if you are walking. Glide as if you are floating."
Ashontrah: "24 stars. What direction do I pace? Also what about this part? "He won't show you his face but you will see when he smiles."
Dustin: "Go north. Glide 24 paces. You will sense he is there. He is in the trees. Tell him something that will make him smile."
9:12pm I made him smile.
Dustin: "He will ask you to do something for him."
From what Ashontrah said in a previous post...
"Take the scroll and burn it three times without catching it on fire. Then you will see the map. Take the east route."
Ashontrah: "I am at the magma. If I dip it into the boiling sea I can burn it without catching it on fire."
Dustin: "Yes."
9:27pm The map looks like what Asteria drew!
From what Ashontrah said in a previous post...
"I hear that spiders don't like rattlesnakes. Keep the watch in your pocket."
Ashontrah: "Does this refer to keeping Zaka inside his pouch for this?" Zaka is my pink messenger spider.
Dustin: "Yes."
Ashontrah: This was the next parts from what I said before...
"Be on the lookout for the two-headed jaguar. He will arrive in the mist.
The watcher won't see him because of the shadows that are distant from the gate.
Keep the piles burning so the shadows cannot be seen by the moonlight. We have a special guest for dinner.
The ox tail is in the kitchen. That meat is sweet to the tastebuds but name is not to the ear."
Dustin: "Feed the jaguar the ox tail."
Ashontrah: "What piles do I keep burning?"
Dustin: "The 3 in the middle."
Ashontrah: "Where is the kitchen that has the ox tail?"
Dustin: "The kitchen is in the old tree in the hollow. Did you find the tree?"
Ashontrah: "Yes I found the tree. I also found the jaguar."
Dustin: "Feed him the ox tail."
Ashontrah: "He is eating it now."
Dustin: "Follow the jaguar to its lair. Where it slumbers. Wait for him to slumber. When he slumbers you will hear him purr. This will send you into a trance this is where the final piece lies."
Ashontrah follows the instructions. The trance takes her to the two worlds alike.
10:46pm Going back to the mountain where I died earlier today.
Dustin: "Good you have gained what you needed."
Ashontrah: "Asteria is actually here at the mountain. Asteria is not in existence, out of existence, or in the non-existence. She is where I am. How did that happen?"
Dustin: "Asteria is from outside existence."
Ashontrah: "I have discovered the same about Vustik."
The map journey gave us what we need to restore the first 13 existences.
January 1st 2019...
I am outside of existence with Asteria. I am taking Asteria to see Great Father.
Ashontrah: "Great Father I have brought Asteria here to see you."
Great Father: "Welcome both of you. We have much to do."
Asteria: "I have been looking forward to this moment."
Asteria's out of existence form is here with us.
Great Father outside existence has white skin, long dark grey hair. He is wearing a black robe.
Arella: "My full force form outside existence looks like a sandy desert sun being. Looking at her is like looking at the image of a windy desert. She is taller than Asteria's existence form."
Ashontrah: "It seems that the beings from outside existence have a pair. Hue with Juleen. Ashontrah with Ashoweah. Great Father with Great Mother. Do you think Asteria and Vustik are a pair?"
Dustin: "Yes."
Vustik needs to discover who he is outside of existence and connect with this.
1:30pm Great Father just told me to go to the Atheron. I am to see something there.
I am going to the Atheron. It burns here. The ash burns. We are doing brain mapping for my physical here.
My NEself to Dustin: "I will have work for you to do on me tomorrow. Today and tonight I need to be with Asteria. I have some work to do on the spiritual side that needs to be done before the next physical ritual."
January 2nd 2019...
Arella: "What is the food chain of beings outside of existence?"
My NEself: "Myself and Ashoweah are at the top. Followed by Great Father and the Brothers. Then Great Mother."
Ashontrah: "What I find interesting is that Vustik in his outside full force form has become increasingly more powerful."
My NEself: "There are 15 beings from outside existence + 4 beings of the non-existence. This makes 19 beings."
These are the ones we know...
Non-Existence 1: Ashontrah - Love, Beauty, Hope, Femininity, Creation, Necessary Good.
Non-Existence 2: Great Father - Time and much more - In existence as the All-Father
Non-Existence 3: Brother - Magic - In existence as Thoth
Non-Existence 4: Brother - Knowledge - In existence as Riovo
Outside Existence 1: Ashoweah - Necessary Evil
Outside Existence 2: Great Mother - Mother of All Creators
Outside Existence 3 Asteria - Forces Not Identified
Outside Existence 4: Vustik - Forces Not Identified
Outside Existence 5 and 6: Hue and Juleen - Force of Light and Dark
Outside Existence 7: Atherak - Judgement
Which means we still have 8 beings from outside existence we do not have identified.
Ashontrah: "19 is an odd number which means someone doesn't have a pair. Oh found out why. Atherak is one of the beings from outside existence. He does not have a pair.
My NEself: "It is Atherak that does not have a pair."
The Brothers are a pair. Proof that pairs don't need to be romantic.
Great Mother looks like a flower woman. A plant humanoid. She produces seeds instead of giving birth from her womb. So 'The Big Bang' is the seed sprouting.
Momino is not from outside of existence. There are beings from existence that can go to the edge.
Asteria draws a picture representation of the beings outside existence.

I am not sure if the post made this fully clear, but non-existence is different from outside of existence.
There are four beings from the non-existence which are all named (Ashontrah, Great Father, two Brothers).
There are 15 beings from outside existence for a total of 19 beings.
It is possible for a being outside of existence to be more powerful than a being of the non-existence. Power levels are also not constant.
Some may become more powerful while others become less powerful. It depends on their aspect force.
The more love there is the more powerful I am. While malice makes Ashoweah more powerful.
If all hearts grew cold and there was no love among each other then my power level would plummet. I would be weak until love was restored.
This is a continuation of Ashontrah in the Misty Forest (Dec 30th)...
*Drawings by Arella Bass*
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