Book of Aphrodite Chapter Two

Book of Aphrodite Chapter Two
The real history of Aphrodite. This second chapter continues on after the formation of Poseidon and the Erotes.
Part Five...
Aphrodite introduces her brother Poseidon to the other Olympian children. When they meet him all the young goddesses are taken by how handsome and charismatic he is.
The young gods are also intrigued by his strength, intelligence, and personality.
All of them except for Ares who looks at him. His eyes go up and down examining Poseidon.
Ares says 'Just another one to run around and cause problems.' He walks up to Poseidon and stares him in the face. 'You seem like that type to cause problems. Just make sure your problems don't come my way Poseidon or else.'
Poseidon pays this no mind. Aphrodite tells the other young divine how how she made him and her time studying at the great library with Thoth. This fascinates all of them.
The time comes for all the young Olympians to attend and observe the great councils of the houses and pantheons that gather and meet to discuss all the situations of the realms and the governing of them.
Most of the time Aphrodite finds this completely boring. She falls asleep wishing she could be off studying new spells and magic within Thoth's library.
She had visited there quite often after she made Poseidon, but only she was allowed to go there. She wasn't able to take her brother there with her.
When Aphrodite would leave to go to Thoth's library her brother Poseidon was always the center of attention among the other Olympian children so he was never alone.
Aphrodite never felt alone studying the scrolls and manuscripts learning new magic and wisdom.
As for attending the councils of the houses and pantheons, Aphrodite was utterly bored. Poseidon sitting next to her was her only source of entertainment during these long boring proceedings and discussions.
Poseidon would sometimes doodle on scrolls and make funny images that would depict the different beings. Aphrodite chuckled and giggled at these while never trying to draw the attention of Zeus or the councils.
One particular day while attending these sessions something caught Aphrodite's attention. It is King Yserah of Alfheim himself. He is there accompanied by a handsome Elf warrior.
The Titan Ra looks down upon him and says 'You come with urgent trouble King of Alfheim. What is it you wish to bring before the great councils?'
King Yserah says 'There is trouble within Alfheim. The other nature folk, some of the darker ones, seem to be drawing more and more deeper away. There is something luring them. A presence of great evil. My general here will explain.'
Prometheus speaks out loud 'The council recognizes General Alakin Silverleaf. Please let us hear what you know.'
Alakin says 'There have been many raids within Alfheim. The dark elves and other darker nature folk have been attacking settlements.'
Ra says 'But the dark elves have always had their ways. Small raids are nothing new.'
Alakin says 'It is the nature of these raids. They become more violent and war-like. They are dragging off some of the dead.
When my soldiers and I discovered a village that had been raided we also found an object of great power. I dared not touch it for the evil within it is overpowering.'
Hecate says 'Did you bring this object so we may examine it?'
General Alakin Silverleaf nods and signals to two Elven guards who carry a magically sealed chest. The energy in the room changes to overwhelming fear and dread.
Hecate stands up from her seat and goes down to the main floor where the chest is. She opens it and her eyes widen in shock and fear.
Ra asks 'What is it?'
Hecate closes the chest and says 'We must convene council right now.'
Prometheus rises and heads down to open the chest. He peers inside and gets the same look of fear and dread.
All the young divine are curious, especially Aphrodite. She tries to catch a view of what they are staring at but she cannot see it from where she is.
Prometheus closes the top of the chest and turns to Ra. He says 'We must all speak in private. Send the young children home. This is a great matter.'
Zeus signals to the young Olympians 'Run along now. Enjoy the rest of the day. We will gather tomorrow and I shall tell you the news of what we discovered.'
Some of the young Olympians say 'But we wish to stay.'
Zeus answers 'No, run along. I promise you, tomorrow I will give you all the explanation you desire.' The young Olympians start to leave.
Aphrodite walks next to Poseidon and whispers in his ear 'I want to know what is inside that chest.'
Poseidon looks at her and says 'But Zeus has sent us away. Once they seal the doors to the inner council chamber we will not be able to get back in.'
Aphrodite says 'My dear brother, we can just teleport inside. They won't notice us if we are high up on the ceiling behind the great statues.'
Poseidon smiles and says 'Yes sister you are brilliant. Come quickly, around the corner.'
Aphrodite and Poseidon sneak away around the corner. She casts a portal. It opens and they both step in. They are now up high on top of a towering statue within the council chambers.
She can see the leaders of the pantheons and houses below. It seems they are very disturbed. She uses the incantation to amplify her and Poseidon's hearing so they can both be in on the conversation.
Prometheus says 'This inside it contains more than what you think is just a great evil. There is power inside this. This object and the evil you sense behind it are those who wish to possess it. Zeus, you remember the attack upon your Queen. The one she is still very weary from.'
Zeus nods 'Yes. She has not been herself since that day. But what does that have to do with this strange object?'
Prometheus says 'I can feel the same energy of this being on this object. As if he was desiring it. But there are others. We must lock this in the vaults so none may be able to get to it.'
Ra leans down and picks the object up in his hands. He says 'Yes I can sense it.'
His eyes start to flash and change colors. 'I can see these hooded figures gathering. There is immense power. It is building. It is in the Void.'
Some of the other seem in shock 'The Void?!'
Hecate says 'We have not had much contact with the Void King or the Void in some time. Even in the underworld, those who travel from the Void there do not speak of what is going on inside that realm. Even I have sensed something dark and disturbing.'
Zeus says 'But what does all this have to do with the strange object?'
He leans in closer as Ra holds the diamond-shaped object.
Ra says 'The power inside this object is ancient. Far older than this existence. I must take this to Thoth.
Then we must travel. I need to send for the Ouhrkina Gabriel and EinossArku. EinossArku's knowledge of the borderlands will help us.
Zeus says 'The borderlands. You mean this object is from the borderlands?'
Ra says 'Yes but it is far older and ancient than you think. I will convene with Thoth and the Ourhkina. We will find out what we know. Until then we must find out what is going on within the Void.'
Hecate says 'But all communications with the Void has been cut off for such a long time. I may be able to find a way to see what is inside there. My King Zeus, I will have to speak to your brother Hades. He may know a way in.'
Zeus says 'Yes my brother Hades would know much of the borderlands and the Void. It is said that he has secret portals and connections to both.'
Hecate bows 'Then I shall seek him out.'
Ra says 'Then let us act now. Find this great evil and stomp it out before it becomes too powerful.'
Aphrodite notices that Zeus is leaving. Poseidon says 'Now is the time to get out of here before he notices we are in here.'
Aphrodite speaks the incantation words to open a portal. She and Poseidon go through. They scurry off to find Apollo and Artemis and explain to them what they heard.
Apollo says 'Oh no. This sounds horrible. A great evil.'
Artemis says 'What will it do? What if that great evil comes here?'
Aphrodite thinks and smiles 'We can help. We can discover who this great evil is and then come back and tell the council what we discovered.'
Apollo asks 'What do you mean?'
Aphrodite says 'I can get us to the Void. We can find out what is there.'
Artemis says 'I don't think Zeus would approve.'
Apollo says 'And he would be quite angry with all of us.'
Poseidon says 'He may be at first but if we help them to discover the true identities of this great evil then they will reward us.'
Aphrodite says 'Exactly. We can help them. I can get us to the Void. I have been studying the incantation to open portals.'
Artemis and Apollo are excited and agree to join in. Aphrodite opens a portal and they step through into the Void.
When they come out the other side they are in a strange dark place. There is Void energy everywhere.
Aphrodite recognizes is because Thoth had some in a vial and showed all the students. Thoth explained the history of the Void and that it was a strange and mysterious realm.
They are in the Void at an alley inside a grand city.
Poseidon says 'We should get some disguises.'
Artemis says 'Stay here. I'll be right back.' She creeps out of the ally and out of sight.
Aphrodite, Poseidon, and Apollo wait for a few minutes and then Artemis returns with four dark cloaks. They put them on and make their way out of the alley.
They spend some time looking around the Void. They see many different kinds of Void beings. Void Elves, Void Unicorns, Void Dragons, and more.
They then notice one who is different. They have never seen this type of being before.
He is large and slender with greyish skin, large round eyes, and a small mouth. He is wearing a hooded red cloak with a black crown on top.
This being strikes them with much curiosity so they decide to follow him. He heads down a long dark corridor and comes to a door. He opens it and goes through.
They follow behind him as he go down the hallway they stay back a little bit until he comes to what appears to be a dead end. He waves his hands in a certain direction and speak words 'Nautgru Nautgae.' Then by some unknown power he walks through the wall.
They rush down there to follow him but when they try to go through the wall is solid. Poseidon and Apollo push on it to no avail. No one can get through.
Aphrodite starts think 'Wait a minute.' She remembers the pattern the being had moved with his hands. She follows the same and speaks the words 'Nautgru Nautgae.'
After that she places hand on the wall and it goes through. She smiles at the others and they all make their way through. They go down another long dark dimly lit corridor.
Ahead they can see a chamber where other beings dressed the same as the one they followed are entering in. Aphrodite, Poseidon, Apollo, and Artemis creep in behind them.
There are stairways that lead and drop down into an inner chamber. They can see several beings gathered there. They are hooded with their faces hidden except for the one they had followed. He shows his face.
Aphrodite, Poseidon, Apollo, and Artemis use the incantation to try and listen in. As they do they notice another being enter the room.
He is not wearing the same red cloak. He has a shorter black one. He greets the strange being with the black crown they had followed.
He says 'I have come as you requested Nummandor and I have lots to show you.'
The one with the crown says 'Good Vex. I am glad to hear this.'
Aphrodite and Poseidon's eyes grow wider as they hide next to each other hearing the conversation.
Aphrodite whispers 'Vex. He is the one who attacked the Queen.'
Poseidon puts his finger to his lips 'Shhhh.'
Nummandor speaks again 'Show me what you found Vex. Show me what powers you discovered.'
Vex brings out an orb in his hand and says 'I have been sneaking around the great pantheons. Discovering all their dirty little secrets and some other little hidden treasures myself.'
He hands the orb over to Nummandor who examines it. Nummandor says 'Yes we will gain all their powers. This is my master's will.'
Vex asks 'Who is this master?'
Nummandor becomes stern and says 'He is an ancient powerful conqueror of existences. He will come here. Plans have already been handed down by him which we must set into motion.
You Vex, I have a job for you. You must go to Joutunheim. There you must get them to join our side. I am sure you can find a way of convincing them.'
Vex says 'It will be easy. Giants, well you know them, they are always attracted to a man of great power and entertainment. I will entertain them and then I will smooth them over and bring them to our side.'
Nummandor says 'And I shall deal with the Vala. They stand within their way. But yet there are forces within their own who will turn on them. We must set up more upheaval in Alfheim.
For we must make way for my master to come. We must set this existence into total chaos. We must have them prey and fight among each other. This will empower my master and bring him here.'
Vex says 'Chaos? I love causing chaos.' They both laugh.
Apollo gasps 'We need to get back and warn them!' Aphrodite, Poseidon, and Artemis shush him.
His voice was loud enough to attract the attention of the beings down below they were spying on.
Nummandor says 'What was that?' He walks up towards them and raises his hand to scan the area. 'We are not alone.'
Aphrodite turns to her friends and out of fear says 'Run!'
Nummandor says 'Stop them! Bring them back to me alive.'
Aphrodite, Poseidon, Apollo, and Artemis run as there are dark shadows, strange creatures, and shrieking noises behind them.
Poseidon says 'Quickly! Aphrodite the portal. Get us back. Open one!'
Aphrodite speaks the incantation for a portal to Olympus. A portal opens in front of them.
Apollo and Artemis go through. Poseidon is in front of Aphrodite running. They have almost made it to the portal.
Poseidon gets ready to go through. Just then something catches Aphrodite's foot and she falls to the ground. She tripped on a root.
The portal starts to close around Poseidon. He yells back to her 'Sister grab my hand!' But it is too late. The portal forced him through and closes.
Aphrodite can hear the beings almost upon her. She gathers herself and runs again. She turns down each corridor.
Going left and right, but she cannot find her way out. She is terrified and can still hear the beings pursuing her.
She speaks the incantation again but just as she almost finishes a being grabs her. When it does she feels great energy come over her body.
As Aphrodite finishes the incantation her words come out different at the end to where the portal is supposed to take her. She says 'La Sauxo Vondyae.'
The portal opens and pulls her through. When she comes through the other side she finds herself in a strange place.
It is dark and grey. She feels very weak. An overwhelming sense of sadness and suffering overtakes her.
She tries to stand but she is too weak. She sees horrible rotted twisted beings rising up from the ground. She is terrified. They are coming towards her.
Just then a hand reaches down and picks her up and looks at her. It is Gabriel. He says 'What are you doing here young Aphrodite?'
He opens a portal and she steps through it. On the other side she has returned to Mount Olympus. She falls unconscious.
Gabriel takes her back to the palace and places her in bed. He explains to the caretaker what happened.
Part Six...
Aphrodite is dreaming of walking in a place of complete darkness though she can still see. The ground beneath her is a greyish black color.
She cannot tell if it is sand or ash. The wind blows all around and her skin burns. It feels as though she is lost and wandering.
The before her is a black silhouette. Aphrodite calls out to it 'Who's there? Where am I?' The black silhouette turns to face her. The ash flows around around to form this figure. She notices his dark red eyes.
The black figure steps forward and Aphrodite is frozen in panic. She is frightened and cannot move. The figure walks closer to her and places his hand on her forehead.
When he does she hears the words 'Nokvondrae vatsuraun daialindor.' He is speaking thothilssin. Then the figure touches her head and images start to flash.
In the first image she sees a beautiful woman kneeling upon the sea. She is weeping with a thick mist in front of her.
The next images flashes and there is a beautiful woman holding a young boy while staring at a painting on the wall. The young boy asks 'Who is that?' The woman says 'I do not know.'
The next image flash becomes more intense as she sees another beautiful woman standing before an old man and old woman. She says 'I shall sacrifice everything.'
When she does she bursts into bright light. Aphrodite can feel this as if it is in her own body.
The next images flash stronger. She sees a dark corrupted twisted looking being kneeling in a place that almost seems familiar to her. She hears the being says 'I shall bring your final judgement.'
The image flashes again and she sees a being that frightens her down to her core. He is faceless.
She wakes up to the sounds of her brother Poseidon. 'Sister, sister. Come on, get up. We are going to be late. You sleep in too much. I already have your things gathered. Get dressed. Our studies are almost about to start.'
Aphrodite says 'I am awake Poseidon. Thank you for gathering my things.'
Then a rush of excitement comes over her. Today she will be studying under Prometheus he will be teaching her about the realms. She has a question for him that maybe he can answer for her.
Aphrodite quickly slips behind her changing screen and puts on one of her nicest gowns and then comes out.
Poseidon says 'You are absolutely amazing sister. Breathtaking every time.'
Aphrodite smiles 'Thank you dear brother.'
He hands her things over to her and they both rush off. They see Apollo walking with Pathagoras to the great study hall. He is another one of the young divine.
Poseidon says 'Hey guys, wait up.'
Aphrodite and Poseidon catch up to them. She notices that Pathagoras is smiling at her but he looks away when she sees him.
Aphrodite says 'Good morning Pathagoras.'
Pathagoras says in a small meek voice 'Good morning Aphrodite.'
He has had a crush on her for some time, but is very shy and doesn't speak much. He would always wish for Aphrodite's attention.
Aphrodite asks 'Pathagoras would you like to carry my bag?'
Pathagoras smiles with excitement 'I would love to Aphrodite.'
She hands her bag off to him and they continue on their way to the study hall. Many of the other young divine have gathered there already.
Prometheus says 'Good morning to you all young scholars. I see that many of you are here early and I see that some of you have come late. It's no matter. Shall we begin?
We will begin by studying the known realms of our existence. Who governs them and how they are governed. And much more, their histories, languages, and cultures. But before I begin, do any of you have questions?'
Aphrodite raises her hand and waves it in the air.
Prometheus says 'Young Aphrodite.'
Aphrodite lowers her hand and crosses her arms on the table. She asks 'Master Prometheus where is the borderlands?'
The delighted look on the face of Prometheus fades. He pauses for a moment as if not to answer.
He turns and takes a few steps with his hands behind his back. The room falls silent in anticipation of his answer.
Prometheus answers 'The borderlands is unlike any other realm. It is a place of judgement. A place of punishment for those who desire to dwell in wickedness and cruelty.'
Another student asks 'But isn't that Tartarus?'
Prometheus replies 'No. Tartarus is only meant for those of high divine blood as a banishment place for a while. We all know the case of the former Queen Hera.
The borderlands though is much different. It is a place where wicked beings among the existences are judged and punished.'
Artemis raises her hand 'How come there are no representatives of the borderlands on the high council? Is there anyone who rules there?'
Prometheus answers 'From what we can understand, including the Great Houses and Titans themselves, we do not have much knowledge of the borderlands. We only know that it is kept over by a race called the Myrrdonite.'
Apollo raises his hand 'Do they have a mighty fortress?'
Prometheus replies 'Once again, we do not know much of their intentions. We know that they are keepers of this place.'
More hands raise and Aphrodite raises hers as well hoping that Prometheus will call on her again. She wants to ask him about the strange object that floats in the borderlands.
Aphrodite remembers catching a small glimpse of it when she was there after escaping the ones chasing her in the Void. She knows that is where went. It was hovering like a black diamond in the sky.
After she had fainted and was brought back through the portal and laid down by Gabriel she woke up just a little bit. She had asked him 'Where was I?' Gabriel had leaned in close to her and said 'In the borderlands. A place you should never go again.'
Prometheus signals for everyone to lower their hands. He says 'I have given you all that I know children. I know many of you have questions thanks to young Aphrodite here.
But I am afraid my knowledge of the borderlands cannot fill your curiosity. Let us move onto another realm, this is Valinor. It is governed by the Vala.' He discusses the Valinor traditions and culture.
Aphrodite whispers to Poseidon sitting beside her 'I think he knows more than he wants to tell us. I think he is trying to avoid talking about it.'
Poseidon whispers back 'Maybe it is best sister. Maybe whatever he knows is dangerous and could hurt us. I think it is best we just leave it alone.'
Aphrodite turns away and stares back at Prometheus. She says 'Yeah maybe it is best.'
Poseidon sighs 'I know that look. You are not going to leave it alone are you? Well, I cannot let you go alone with whatever you do. I wouldn't want to see you get hurt.'
Aphrodite smiles and says 'I know you wouldn't Poseidon. You are the best brother a sister could ever have.'
She leans in and whispers to him 'After class get Apollo and Artemis. Thoth is away and I have the key to his library. We should go there and see what we can discover about the borderlands. I believe it ties into those beings we saw in the Void.'
Poseidon says 'You mean the ones I would like to forget? I don't know if we should go about doing this dear sister. If they would have gotten a hold of us, if they find out who we are... I mean, it could turn out really bad.'
Aphrodite says 'I don't think they saw us dear brother. I think we're okay. Besides, no one would ever try to take siege of Mount Olympus. All the pantheons would go against them. They would never win.'
Poseidon says 'Yeah that's true and that does make me feel a little better.'
Aphrodite says 'So you are with me then.'
Poseidon sighs 'Of course I am with you. Aren't I always with you?'
Aphrodite says 'Good then after studies today do as I say. Get Apollo and Artemis and we will travel to the library.'
She then notices Gabriel walk into the room. He walks up to Prometheus and whispers something in his ear.
Prometheus looks at Aphrodite. A sense of worry sets inside her.
Prometheus says 'Aphrodite you must be excused for a moment. Gabriel wishes to speak to you alone.'
They both step outside the room and go down a long hallway. There at the end they are greeted by Melek Taus. Gabriel stands to salute him.
Melek Taus says 'Thank you dear brother. I will take it from here.'
Melek Taus looks down at her and smiles 'Young Aphrodite I am sorry to pull you from your studies but there is something urgent I must speak to you of.'
Aphrodite says 'I am listening.'
Melek Taus says 'Gabriel has informed me of your little ordeal with the borderlands. I want to know how you got there. I need you to tell me everything that you know.'
Aphrodite explains to him how she and her friends were trying to help. That they used a portal to go to the Void and search out any information they could find. She tells him everything up until Gabriel found her.
Melek Taus sighs and has a serious look on his face.
Aphrodite asks 'I am not in trouble am I?'
Melek Taus says 'No. I appreciate the information you gave me. But you must understand something young Aphrodite, there are events unfolding that are even unknown to the pantheons, Great Houses, and even to the Ourhkina.
Let us take care of it. If there is an evil in our existence then we shall seek it out and strike it down where ever it may appear.
As for you, continue your studies but please let the Great Houses, the pantheons, and the Ourhkina take care of this. Have I made myself understood?'
Aphrodite bows her head and says 'Yes I do understand.'
Melek Taus places his hand on her shoulder 'Good. You should go back to your studies now.'
Aphrodite comes back into the study hall as Prometheus has moved on to the culture and ways of Alfheim. She returns to her seat.
Poseidon whispers 'What happened?'
Aphrodite whispers back 'I will tell you later, but we really need to go to Thoth's library now.'
Poseidon sees the serious look on her face and says 'I have already passed a note to Apollo and Artemis to meet us after studies.'
Aphrodite looks down the row at Artemis who winks to let her know that she is with her. Aphrodite then looks at Apollo who has a big smile on his face. He gives her a thumbs up.
Next to Apollo is Pathagoras. He looks over at Aphrodite with a look as if Apollo has been speaking to him.
Aphrodite smiles at Pathagoras and nods her head. She realizes from the look on his face that he wants to join in.
After studies the five of them meet.
Aphrodite says 'There is something very serious going on and I believe we can get to the bottom of it. We can help.'
The all agree to join and listen to her plan. Just then they are approached by one of the royal guards.
The guard says 'Aphrodite, Poseidon, Apollo, and Artemis... you need to come with me.' They follow the guard. Pathagoras goes with them.
Poseidon asks 'Where are we going?' The guard does not answer.
Apollo asks 'Are we in any kind of trouble?' Still the guard does not speak.
Artemis says 'I would like to know what is going on.' The guard stops and they stop behind him.
Guard says 'I am taking you before the great council. They have questions for you. Now come along.'
They all look concerned at each other and go up to the main hall of the council. There upon the steps they see Melek Taus.
The guard brings them to Melek and then leaves to continue his usual duties.
Melek Taus places his hand on Aphrodite's shoulder and says 'Do not worry. You will be alright. The council wishes to hear your explanation of what happened.
Where you have been in full detail. None of you are in trouble. You have information that concerns all of us and this information may help.'
They go into the council chamber and see the representatives of the great pantheons and houses standing there. Zeus is standing in the middle of the floor. He turns and greets them.
Zeus says 'My young Olympians. Please step forward. There is nothing to fear. Melek Taus has informed us of what he spoke about with you Aphrodite. We wish for all of you tell the council. This may be valuable information.'
Aphrodite tells of their adventures. Poseidon, Apollo, and Artemis help her fill in details.
She speaks of the strange grey being but she cannot clearly remember his name. Then she speaks of the being known as Vex.
She tells them he was there within the Void. That they had chased her. She explains everything in as much detail as she can.
Zeus nods and says 'Thank you Olympians. You have done a great deed for us and all the realms today. We will take it from here.
As for now I must make an order only to protect you. No Olympian children shall be allowed to leave the mountain until we discover the true identity of this dark force.'
House Phoenix representative speaks 'We must find Odin.'
Ra says 'The All-Father is unreachable. He has been wandering the realms. I will try to send a message to him and see if he has any insight to what may be going on.'
Zeus says 'Should I inform Kronos and the rest of House Titan? Should we awaken the Hungali if there is a dangerous threat to the realms?'
Aphrodite and her friends have a surprised look of shock on their face. They have only heard of the Hungali but have never seen them.
She knows they are the great defenders and bring upon total destruction of dark forces that try to undo the balance within the realms. They have only ever been used a few times. Until then they rest deep in a place unmentioned.
Ra says 'I believe that won't be necessary at this time. We must first discover if this force is mighty or just something simple we can contend with and stomp it out as fast as we can. We will gather more information then reconvene here in three moons time.'
Ra then looks down at Aphrodite and her friends. He says 'I thank you young Olympians for the information you have brought us here. We owe you a great debt.
But I must ask you now to abide by what Zeus has instructed you to do. Stay upon Mount Olympus and do not journey from here. Do I make myself clear?'
They nod in agreement. Zeus looks on them and says 'I thank you my young Olympians once again. You may return now.'
The royal guard comes up and escorts the four of them out of the council chambers. As they exit they walk together.
Aphrodite says 'Pathagoras! He still has my bag. He was holding onto it for me when we went into the council chambers. We need to find him. I have the key to the library and many of my scrolls in there including the teleportation scroll.'
She is overtaken with a deep sense of dread. 'Oh no, I hope he didn't try to go to the library without us.'
Poseidon says 'Then we must find him. He has to be around here. We should search here first and if he is not then we should try to go to the library.' They agree and spread out to search for Pathagoras.
Pathagoras is at the door of the great library. He used the scroll from Aphrodite's bag that Apollo told him about. He also has the key with him.
He decides to himself that he shall go and find out as much as he can and bring it back to Aphrodite so he may win favor with her.
Pathagoras places the key in the lock and turns it. With all his might he pushes the great door open just enough so he can squeeze through. He then removes the key and places it back inside the bag.
He is overwhelmed by the grandness of the library. Shelves towering almost to the sky. He walks around and rubs his fingers against the scrolls and many books.
Pathagoras says to himself 'This is fascinating. All the wisdom and knowledge in here. No wonder Aphrodite is so amazingly wise. With all this? Her wisdom almost matches her beauty.'
He thinks of her and daydreams of them running together on Mount Olympus holding hands.
Pathagoras then hears footsteps approaching. He hides behind one of the shelves. He looks down into the lower level lobby. He sees a strange being he cannot describe.
He remembers Apollo telling him of Aphrodite's stories of a scribe within the library. This must be her.
Pathagoras hears the opening of the grand doors and more footsteps approach. To his amazement he sees Prometheus.
Prometheus says 'Usula, I have arrived on time.'
Usula say 'Yes my master is awaiting you. Stay here. I shall inform him you have arrived.'
Prometheus nods to Usula and she leaves the room. It seems as if he is worried.
Pathagoras hides behind the shelf and watches.
Thoth comes and greets Prometheus 'I see you have arrived just in time. You have informed me of urgent news. What is it?'
Prometheus says 'It is of young Asherah. I feel she is in great danger.'
He explains what he discovered about Aphrodite and her friends traveling to the Void. Then Gabriel finding her in the borderlands.
Thoth gets a concerned look on his face 'Does young Aphrodite have any knowledge that she is Asherah?'
Prometheus says 'None that I believe. And the other Aspects, the ones who are already here. Do they remember who they are?'
Thoth says 'No. The ones that have been placed here in safety and even the ones that can be harmful do not know who they are. They must not discover that.
Hear me now great Prometheus, what is ahead could bring about the end of all. I feel a great disturbance. The faceless one.
He is trying to make his way here and there are those who are trying to bring him. Including an Aspect who does not know he is one.'
Prometheus says 'Then the threat is worse than I could possibly imagine. As for the young Asherah Aphrodite. What of her?'
Thoth says 'For now, she must only be Aphrodite. In time Prometheus, you will need to guide her. War is coming. A great war that will tear this existence apart.
When it does you must help her. If she is to fail, then a great darkness will rule our existence. There is a destiny within her. You must be there to see her fulfill it.'
Prometheus bows 'I shall be to whatever end. I will protect young Asherah.'
It is shocking to Pathagoras to hear this. He slightly sits up and bumps one of the scrolls above his head. It falls to the floor making a sound.
This attracts the attention of Thoth and Prometheus. Pathagoras is worried. He does not want to be caught sneaking into the great library. He quickly makes his way down the rows of books and scrolls.
Thoth says 'Did you hear that? It sounds like somebody is in here.' He calls for Usula.
Pathagoras reaches into the bag and pulls out the teleportation scroll. He is in a panic as he reads the incantation.
He hears footsteps approaching. Before he finishes speaking it he gets confused and says 'To the last location.'
The portal opens and he goes through. When Pathagoras steps out on the other side he is not where he expects.
He is in a land of darkness. The landscape is grey surrounded by jagged black mountains. There is a thick dark black mist.
Pathagoras turns to go back through the portal but it closes. He is worried and wanders around. He hears voices in the distance and makes his way toward them.
He climbs a small hill near black jagged rocks. Down below he can hear cries. He looks down and sees five beings.
One is suspended in the middle with what appears to be tentacles piercing through him. He is similar to three of the other beings. They look mutilated as if tortured.
Pathagoras gets a very deep sense of dread. The final being is standing there with his back toward him. He is wearing a short black cloak. This is the being who speaks.
Vex says to the suspended tortured being 'Where is your master? Tell me. Where is Xarsha? Where is he hiding out?'
The suspended being says nothing.
Vex says 'Look, I don't want to take all eternity with this. Just tell me where your master is, where he is hiding at, and I can end this quickly. Or else we can just rip you apart until then.'
The suspended tortured being again says nothing. He just stares at Vex with a defiant face.
Vex who is also known as Vustik raises his hand. He hears a voice coming from an orb. It is in a strange language.
Vex replies 'This being is not going to give up his location. Why is this Xarsha so important anyways? I have been hunting around and it has been costing me personal time.'
The orb speaks again but the words are understandable. 'My master chooses to find this one. He is in possession of knowledge my master needs. Keep searching for him.'
Vex sighs 'Alright.' Then he closes the orb in his hands. He looks at the other three beings around him. 'Get rid of this one and continue the search for whoever he is, Xarsha. Find him and when you do inform me.'
Vex turns as the other three beings raise their hand. The suspended being in the air is torn apart by the coils which pierced him.
This frightens Pathagoras and he tries to move knocking down some of the rocks. As they fall down the hill they attract the attention of Vex.
Vex raises his finger to silence the other three Myrrdonite standing around him. He says 'Someone is here. Find him.'
The Myrrdonites raise their hand scan the area. As Pathagoras peaks over to look at them their hands focus toward him. They begin speaking angrily in an a language he does not understand.
This frightens Pathagoras and he stands up to run. He feels the presence of something behind him, but he dares not look back.
Instead he reaches his hand into Aphrodite's bag and pulls out the scroll of teleportation.
Pathagoras speaks the incantation and just as he gets to the location and says home. He feels something sharp pierce into his side. He leaps into the portal.
When he comes out the other side he is in the garden of Aphrodite's palace. She is sitting there next to the fountain with Poseidon, Apollo, and Artemis.
They all rush over to him and Poseidon picks him up. There are black lines going through his skin. It appears to be some kind of poison.
Pathagoras cannot speak. There is black mist coming from his mouth and his eyes are blackening over.
Aphrodite says to Apollo and Artemis 'Quickly get help! Hurry!'
She looks down at Pathagoras and he looks up at her. With a shallow voice he says 'Asherah. Your name is Asherah.'
He then takes a deep breath and blows out black mist. He is lifeless.
The caretaker and a guard come rushing over with Artemis and Apollo. There are tears in Aphrodite's eyes. She is weeping. The guard quickly examines young Pathagoras.
Guard says 'Inform Zeus and tell his brother Hades that his son his dead.'
He then looks at Aphrodite and Poseidon and says 'You will need to come with me.'
Aphrodite and Poseidon follow the guard up to the royal council chambers. They wait in a room along with Artemis and Apollo.
They eat some of the food there while Aphrodite sits too saddened by the death of Pathagoras.
The door opens as Thoth and Prometheus enter the room. Behind them are two Ourhkina she does not recognize.
Thoth says 'You must all come with me now. The great councils have convened. There is much that needs to be said.
Young Aphrodite, it breaks my heart to say this to you, but I need the key to the great library and the scrolls you have in your bag.'
Aphrodite says 'I do not have it with me. They are in my chambers.'
Thoth says 'I will send a Ourhkina to retrieve them. I am sorry, but for now I cannot allow you to have them. I know it wasn't your fault. Pathagoras had made his own choices and his father Hades is not angry with any of you. Come, the great council has convened.'
They go into the council chambers and see the representatives of the pantheons. Zeus and Hades are on the center floor.
They take their seats along with the other Olympian children and their families. There is much discussion in the room and the voices are loud.
House Unicorn representative says 'We must have the Hungali deployed now. If this this can kill a young Olympian there are forces that could be unleashed upon us that could kill us all.'
House Dragon representative says 'There is great evil in the borderlands. We should go there with armies and stomp it out before it spreads onto all the realms.
Already in Jotunheim and Alfheim races are warring upon each other as if they are drawn to this darkness. Is it not so King Yserah?'
Elven King Yserah says 'It is true. There have been raids upon villages. The dark elves and many others seem to be under the influence of a great evil.
But fear not, my armies will assemble and we will declare martial law. We will stomp this out and banish it from Alfheim.'
Jotunn King stands 'Do not go committing genocide as you do. We know your ways Yserah.'
Elven King Yserah replies 'My ways are to protect all nature folk. I do what is best for Alfheim. Maybe you should pay more mind to your kingdom. Trolls and even dwarves turn against you now. Do not think me so blind as to not know what is going on in Jotunheim.'
Jotunn King says 'The problems of Jotunheim are my concern not yours. I do not approach these problems with persecution, genocide, and torture as you do.'
Elven King Yserah says 'You consider me a despot?! How dare you!'
Many of the elves stand ready with their hands on the hilts of their swords. On the other side the Jotnar stand up with the Jotun King. Tensions rise within the room.
Light realm representative says 'And what of the Void? The Void has always planned to overtake the Light.
It is all known to us the travelings of four young Olympians to the Void and what they have seen. We know this.
The Void is behind this. I guarantee it. We should make an incursion into the Void realm and stomp out this evil.'
A being then speaks form the far side of the room. Aphrodite has never seen him before. There are several of them. They have golden skin that glitters.
Next to them are other beings with pale blueish skin but their structure and image is almost familiar to her.
The being with golden glittering skin says 'Our Arcturians are here and they bring much information. There is great dissension upon their realms.
There is a dark force rising there known as the Bentian. They are part of this. We can feel it within our own realm. They bring upon war.'
Elven King Yserah says 'It is Jotunheim who is pushing war with Alfheim now by insulting me.'
Jotunn King replies 'If it is war you seek King Yserah then it is war you will have.'
All the crowd argues with each other again. There are many angry voices.
Just then a single voice yells out upon them 'Enough!' It is the voice of Hades.
Hades continues 'My son is dead. My son who only wished for the goodness in all is dead. Do you not think that I want justice? I do, but in the underworld I deal with the dead and the transitioning of souls.
I have not seen the soul of my son walk through there. I have searched for him. I cannot find him. My heart hangs heavy with sadness and also rage.
But I will not let my rage blind me and I will not stand by and watch others rage to tear our realms apart. We must stand together now.
We must discover whatever this darkness and evil is that descends upon our realms and leads us to conflict. I ask all of you great houses and pantheons.
We must stand together and not against each other. If we do we shall find this evil and stomp out this threat before it can tear our existence apart.'
These words of Hades seem to bring the tension of the crowd down. They all acknowledge in agreement that they should work together to find this evil and bring it to an end before it destroys the realms.
Aphrodite keeps her gaze upon these Arcturians. They have the same shape as the one she saw in the Void realm although their skin color is not the same.
As she looks over the group of about a dozen of them she notices a face in the back. Her eyes fixate on him and fear enters her.
Aphrodite is confused. Has she seen that face before? Is that the one? The one that was in the Void? It couldn't be.
Although he almost looks the same his skin color is different. He is not dressed in the dark robes and black crown.
She is broken away from her gaze by the voice of Poseidon. 'We should go now sister. Let me take you home.'
Aphrodite and Poseidon leave the council chambers and go back to their palace. On the way back Poseidon notices the look on her face.
Poseidon says 'I know so much has happened sister, but please try to smile.'
Aphrodite looks up at him as a tear comes down her cheek. 'Asherah. He said my name was Asherah.'
Book of Aphrodite Chapter One...
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