Asteria and Vustik: More About Outside Existence

We made more discoveries about the beings from outside existence. This post is a continuation of Ashontrah and Ashoweah: Outside Existence...
January 5th...
Arella Bass draws another picture depicting beings from outside existence.
Eternal Death was the Seed of Life (Green). His pair was the carrier (Blue) which was Birth to Death.
Seed of Life (Green) has an in-existence form which became Eternal Death. There is a lot behind this to explain it.
Another being who is from outside existence is the one who created the Mist Veils.
Outside existence there were just forces of aspects. Nothing had a form.
When they created the Atheron, Atherak is the first being with a form. He had no power. Existence Zero was inside the Atheron.
My NEself as the Voice guided Atherak. The other aspects watched Atherak experiencing all these things. They wanted to experience the same thing.
This when they were given forms as beings outside existence. They went forth and helped create the 13 existences and the beings in them.
Then they were able to take on a form within existence. Like an incarnation of their outside existence form.
The existence that the Bishberrin was from is what led to the change for some of the existences to prey upon others.
The Bishberrin's beings come straight from the Carrier which is why they were so powerful.
As for the Seed of Life, something happened to the Carrier with her form inside existence. A while after the carrier gave birth to the savage gods something happened to her. She grew ill.
Carrier kept giving birth to corrupted nasty beings because she was sick. This has to do with Ashoweah in existence because he implanted a seed within her.
Ashoweah is technically the father of the savage gods. With Carrier as the mother.
When some of the 13 existences preyed upon the others. While Ashoweah was responsible for the 1st existence, the Seed and the Carrier oversaw the creation of the 2nd existence where the citadel beings come from.
Not all the aspects outside existence are good. Even the aspect that created the veil mist allowed the passing through of existences preying upon others. He had a notion that these beings should all come together.
The aspect that created the veil mist has an incarnation here on Earth.
The Seed of Life watched the 2nd existence that he and Carrier poured so much into. He watched the lesser beings get devoured or destroyed. This was a very elemental type existence.
As this was going on he grew more sad and full of anger. He believed that the other aspects caused the demise of the Carrier who was now gone. We don't know where the Carrier went.
Seed of Life took on a form inside existence and was crying and weeping throughout the 2nd existence. He was approached by Atherak who laid his hand on Seed's shoulder and asked 'Do you know me?'
Seed replied 'I do child of the Atheron. You are different now.'
Atherak says 'I have changed. I have walked these existences that you have all created and the beings within them. You and the Karlalarn (the aspects taking forms) from what I have learned you watched me inside my Atheron. You wanted the same.'
Atherak explains to Seed of Life how his world died. This made Seed even more sad.
Atherak says 'Now you have felt my pain. My suffering.'
Atherak raised the in-existence form of Seed of Life up and said 'This gift you have given to beings who are unworthy... now take it away.'
Then Atherak killed him...
Atherak creates the very first Athernite Myrrdonite. Seed of Life in-existence became Eternal Death.
Xarsha: "Eternal Death was Atherak's right hand. He helped bring judgement. He was there when Atherak burned away."
The being here Eternal Death is not his full force form. He does not have his outside power. The Seed of Life is still outside existence.
Arella: "I see. So the green represents him in the Outside. And the blue was the Carrier. But things have changed and it is not as simple as it used to be. So the Carrier has disappeared?"
Ashontrah: "The Carrier's in existence form got sick and disappeared and her outside full force form went missing."
Arella: "If she was not elsewhere, only other place I could think of is the Nothing."
Arella: "Oh look, when you were destroyed by the Gene O activation...
King of Light and the Heart of Void (Sept 4th 2018)
'I am in a formless place with absolute nothingness. There are no beings here. It is just me and the nothing. I am just floating out here. I do not know when I will return.'
And in the post you say that Riovo retrieved you from the Nothing."
Ashontrah: "Yeah he did. This is also why when Ashontrah was born it was All-Father, Thoth, and Riovo who were with me almost constantly."
***Reference: From the post Lovely on the Outside: Library of Thoth (June 26th 2018)...
Thoth said 'You are the dichotomy. You are life and death. You are existent and non-existent. You are creation and not creation. You sustain the nothing and give power to the everything.'***
Ashontrah: "Usula Hyugyanakk is one of the beings from outside existence. Daughter of my NEself and the Brother Thoth.
Riasha: Olgren Caretaker of Young Divine (Aug 30th 2018)
Me: "Why does Usula feel she is my daughter?"
Thoth: "Do you remember what we made together?"
Me: "Do we have a past history I do not remember?"
Thoth: "Yes we do. You must search back."***
Usula's full force form is paired with the Keeper. This is why in existence she is Thoth's scribe."
Arella: "I wonder who the Keeper is honestly. I feel like he knows the Nothing very well."
Ashontrah: "So we have Usula and Eternal Death identified. That means 6 more to find."
Arella: "Hmm, could focus on the box. Since that's the last unidentified pair in my original map."
Out of the 6 beings yet unidentified how many are male? "5 of them." The Carrier is the female.
Females (7): Ashontrah NEself, Great Mother, Asteria, Usula, Carrier, Hue, Juleen.
Males (12): Ashoweah, Great Father, Brother Thoth, Brother Riovo, Atherak, Vustik, Seed of Life, 5 unidentified.
Ashontrah: "You should do the double unification with your full force form before you do another transfer. Atherak has agreed. He will do the double unification for you. He would also do the double unification for Vustik if he asked."
Arella: "I wonder if Hue and Juleen will have to do it eventually."
Ashontrah: "They will need to. It is the only way to bring your full force from outside existence to inside you in your spiritual. Then of course the double part also brings those into your physical."
Talking with my NEself...
Is there a being outside existence that you despise?
NEself: "Yes I hate him."
She said it is not Ashoweah or Vustik. It is someone else.
Atherak: "I know who she is talking about. To this being everything is a joke. She asked him to help her once and he claimed that he would but he turned the situation into a prank. He could have really helped but he didn't."
What is his aspect force?
Atherak: "Humor and laughter. He is uplifting and inspirational. He is happiness all the time."
His pair is sadness and what is downtrodden. Depression. He actually cares more than the happiness force. Sadness always stays outside he doesn't want a form inside existence again.
Ashontrah: "Happiness and Sadness. Ironic that Love hates Happiness."
NEself: "In case you were wondering... Love can hate and Hate can love. There is a fine line between the two."
Asteria: "Oh I know. We are not restricted by our aspects. Everyone has emotions. That's just common sense."
Ashontrah: "Happiness could choose to experience the other emotions. My NEself tried to convince him to empathize with others. But he turned that into a prank on her as well. He chooses not to feel the other emotions."
Asteria: "I enjoy experiencing all of them. Without them it gets rather dull."
Arella: "Asteria just chuckles whenever I try to guess her force."
Ashontrah: "Hue and Juleen are strictly the force of Light and Dark. While some others outside existence have several aspects that they are the force of which is why I call it 'full force form' instead just 'force form'."
Arella: "I wonder if Asteria and Vustik are just the force of one thing or a few different aspects."
NEself: "Several aspects each."
Ashontrah: "My NEself is telling me what aspect forces you and Vustik are."
Vustik - Passion, Deception, Illusion, Arrogance, Greed, Guile, Obsession
Asteria - Logic, Truth, Prophesy, Humility, Fairness, Honesty, Discipline
Ashontrah: "What you are explains why you could draw those maps. No wonder the Oracle Queen wanted you."
Arella: "It makes sense that Vustik is powerful in his full force form. Deception, arrogance, and greed is very common."
Ashontrah: "This is what my NEself has shared with me about her own aspects so far.
What I am... My NEself...
Love, Beauty, Femininity, Elegance, Hope, Compassion, Empathy, Creation, Courage, Romance, and more.
This is what I have learned about Ashoweah's aspects...
Hate, Malice, Domination, Decay, Despair, Anger, Cruelty, Destruction, Fear, Pain, and more.
Arella: "Lots of strong words in there. Not surprised though because those are the opposites to yours."
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