Book of Aphrodite Chapter Three

The real history of Aphrodite. The third chapter begins shortly after the death of Pathagoras.
Part Seven...
Aphrodite is at a grand funeral for Pathagoras. All the great pantheons and houses have gathered. It is a deeply sad occasion.
The body is Pathagoras is upon the altar. Hades and Zeus stand in front of it.
Tears roll down Aphrodite's face as she listens to the haunting sad melodies of the choir. She notices that all are sad and crying except for one.
She glares at the Elven King Yserah. He is standing there straight faced with no expression at all. This slightly angers her while at the same time fills her with curiosity.
The choir finishes singing and the attention is back toward the altar. Hades casts a spell and a black glass forms around the body of Pathagoras.
Hades places his hand on top and says 'Goodbye my son. Wherever you are, know that I love you.'
Zeus places his hand on the shoulder of Hades and says 'I promise you brother. I will not let the death of your son go unavenged. Know I am with you. When the time comes we shall avenge his death. Where will you take him?'
Hades says 'I have prepared a tomb in the underworld for him. There he will rest in hopes that one day I shall see him again.'
Two of his servants collect the casket and take it through a portal. Everyone bows their heads as Hades leaves.
Zeus makes his way back up to the grand steps. He passes Aphrodite along the way. He places his hand on her chin and lifts her head to look him in the eyes.
Zeus says 'Do not blame yourself young Aphrodite. This is not your fault.'
Aphrodite cries and says 'But it is my fault.'
Zeus places his hands on her shoulders 'It is not that and I promise you this will not go unavenged. We shall bring Pathagoras justice and we will bring you peace. I may need help of you.'
Zeus comes in closer and whispers in her ear 'I may need your help in times to come. I will call upon you.' He turns and walks away. The funeral is finished.
Aphrodite notices Elven King Yserah speaking to one of the Arcturians. They walk away together looking over their shoulders to make sure they are not followed.
This strikes curiosity in her and she follows them. They go down a long hallway and then stop. Aphrodite hides behind a statue and uses an incantation to listen in.
Arcturian says 'Are you sure you have the situation in Alfheim under control?'
King Yserah says 'Yes everything is going according to your master's plan. Remind your master again of the deal we made. Alfheim shall be mine and he can have the rest.'
Acturian says 'I will remind him again. My master has requested that I join you in Alfheim. He wishes to see for himself that progress is going according to plan and that these dark elves do not reveal the truth.'
King Yserah says 'You are welcome. You will need to give me a few days to calm everyone down due to the death of Pathagoras. They are all in fear. I will contact you soon.'
Acturian says 'I do not have a few days nor does my master. I will arrive there tomorrow evening and you will receive me. Be prepared to show me the progress. I want to reassure my master that the dark elves do not expose anything of his plan.'
King Yserah says 'Then I will be expecting you tomorrow evening. I shall tell my servants to prepare quarters.'
Acturian bows 'Until then great king.'
He then turns and goes down the hallway. King Yserah goes off in a different direction.
Aphrodite finds this curious. 'Who is this master? Why would the Arcturians and King Yserah wish to silence the dark elves?' She decides then and there that she will find out for herself.
She returns to her palace with her brother Poseidon and does not speak much that night. During dinner Aphrodite says 'I think I shall retire for the evening.'
Caretaker says 'Sleep well my dear.' She stands up and embraces Aphrodite then says 'Everything will be alright.'
Poseidon says 'Sweet dreams dear sister.'
Aphrodite makes her way up the stairs and into her room. She gathers some things into a small bag.
She already decided to journey to Alfheim and discover the truth. Then after that she will inform Zeus.
She does not trust King Yserah. His look at the funeral of Pathagoras was all she needed to decide.
Aphrodite comes up with a plan. She decides that she will wake up Poseidon before she leaves and tell him. She trusts him more than anyone to keep a secret.
In the early hours she goes to Poseidon's room and shakes him in bed. He turns to her and says 'Sister is everything alright?'
Aphrodite says 'Yes it is, but there is something I need to tell you.'
Poseidon sits up and she sits next to him on the bed. He says 'What is it dear sister?'
Aphrodite says 'I need to go to Alfheim for a while. I cannot explain right now but I need you to cover for me.'
Poseidon asks 'What do you mean cover for you? You are not going to be in any danger are you?'
Aphrodite says 'Don't worry about me brother. I can take care of myself. I promise you I will not do anything that will lead me to danger.'
Poseidon says 'I trust your word sister. Tell me, what is it you need me to do?'
Aphrodite says 'I need you to tell our caretaker that I am going down to the grove for a few days to mourn the loss of Pathagoras.'
Poseidon asks 'Is that all?'
Aphrodite says 'That's it. As simple as that. You cannot tell anyone that I went to Alfheim. Not even Apollo or Artemis.'
Poseidon says 'My lips are sealed sister.'
Aphrodite kisses him on the cheek then embraces him and says 'Thank you so much brother. I promise I will be back very soon.'
Poseidon says 'Alright but if you don't come back I am going to come looking for you.'
Aphrodite smiles and leaves the room. She uses the incantation to open portals and sets it to the royal kingdom in Alfheim.
In Alfheim it is early morning and not many have begun to rise. She is in the grand elven kingdom and is overwhelmed with how beautiful it is. From the architecture to the way nature flows.
She sees a little garden gnome raking and watches him curiously. He stops raking and looks around. He becomes a little more frantic. He calls out 'Jimjin! Jimjin my boy where are you?'
Aphrodite walks up and asks 'Is everything okay little one?'
The gnome turns to her and she notices he has a long white beard. He looks up at her angrily. 'Little one?! My dear, I am nine-hundred thousand years old.'
Aphrodite is taken back by this 'Nine-hundred thousand years old? That's impossible.'
The gnome says 'My dear lady you do not know how old we gnomes can be. Now if you will excuse me I must find my boy.'
He then takes off his long pointy hat, bows, and reaches his hand forward. 'Where are my manners? My name is Saumjin.'
Aphrodite greets him back and tells him her name.
Saumjin says 'Oh yes an Olympian. Always nice to meet an Olympian. Now I have something to tell the ole boys back at the tavern. It nice to meet you. I must go and find my boy.'
Off in the distance she hears a small shout. 'I am here father!' She sees a smaller gnome without a beard.
Saumjin says to him 'Jimjin my boy don't go running off like that. You give your old man a heart attack.'
Aphrodite leaves the gnomes and continues to explore the grand palace of Alfheim. She wanders through a beautiful garden. In the distance she sees King Yserah.
She hides behind a bush and uses her incantation for greater listening. He is approached by General Alakin Silverleaf.
Alakin takes a knee and King Yserah motions for him to rise. Yserah asks 'What is it General?'
Alakin says 'My King we have them. We know where they are.'
King Yserah says 'Then there is no time. I shall deal with this myself personally. Prepare my armor.'
She notices an Arcturian step in from behind him. This is not Nummandor. It is someone else.
King Yserah says 'I am sorry we do not have time to make council but you may come along. The kingdom of Alfheim needs me.' He then turns to Alakin. 'Prepare our royal guard. We shall leave at once.'
Alakin bows 'Yes your majesty. There is one more thing. Larkin Shadowfall is with them. It appears he has been the leader behind this the whole time.'
King Yserah says 'I am sorry my friend. I know you and him share a long history together. But if he is behind this great evil and is a threat to Alfheim I must ask you now, who is your loyalty with?'
Alakin says 'My loyalty is with Alfheim and with you my King.'
King Yserah places his hand on Alakin's shoulder and says 'Good. When the time comes you must do what needs to be done.'
Aphrodite decides to follow Alakin Silverleaf. She sees him gather other guards to prepare. She knows this is leading to something.
She wonders 'How will I be able to keep up with them to find out? I won't be able to run as fast as their steeds.'
Then she remembers an incantation she learned in the library of Thoth to shrink herself. She tried it in the library several times so she knows it well.
She sneaks her way to one of the steeds. She notices a small satchel at its side. She places her hand in it and speaks the words.
In a flash she has shrunk down. She is holding onto the side of the satchel bag as she becomes smaller than it. She pulls herself up with all her strength and crawls down inside the bag.
She can hear elves speaking Elvish all around her. Someone comes closer to the steed and mounts up on it. She is suddenly jerked against the inside of the bag as the steed rides off.
Back on Mount Olympus Poseidon covers for her well. He also added in that Eros and Himeros are also with her and she is in no danger. No suspicion is raised.
The journey in the satchel is long. Aphrodite falls asleep and dreams. In her dream she is in a deep dark chasm. She can hear sounds echoing around her and she sees a bright fire-like light in the distance.
As she walks forward to it she hears different smaller sounds. She is at the entrance of a large cavern. There are fire nymphs gathered all around.
In front of her she sees the great Titan of Chaos known as Kronos. There are two other smaller beings standing behind him. As she focuses she realizes they are the beings she saw inside the Void.
In her dream Kronos speaks in a language she does not understand. There seems to be strange dark eerie things inside the cavern walls.
As Kronos speaks the cavern walls begin to crack and come to life. They form into large powerful monstrous beings. This frightens her. This was about the Hungali but she doesn't realize it.
The power energy from it pushes her back and Aphrodite drifts into another dream. She sees the faceless one. She is on the ground in a place she does not recognize.
In her dream the faceless one is hovering above her. Panic and fear overtakes her. She cannot speak and she cannot scream. Then two hands pull her away and raise Aphrodite to her feet.
When she lifts her head up she is staring into the black pale eyes of Pathagoras. He opens his mouth to speak when black blood pours out of his mouth along with a black mist. He says in a loud whisper 'Asherah!'
Aphrodite suddenly awakes from her dreams by a jolt. The steeds have stopped. She can hear the dismounting of soldiers and King Yserah's voice.
He says 'Be careful. There are quite a few of them around here. Alakin Silverleaf come with me. It is going to take both of us to deal with a master illusionist such as Larkin Shadowfall. Remember when the time comes you need to do what must be done. For Alfheim.'
Aphrodite climbs to the top of the satchel to observe what is happening. She sees them run off so she decides to crawl down. She speaks the reversal words to the incantation to return to her normal size.
She follows the warriors deep into the forest. Arrows fly at them. Some of the warriors are struck and taken down.
Alakin steps in front of King Yserah and pushes him aside and takes an arrow to his shoulder. He is not badly injured and pulls it out.
Alakin yells back to his guards 'Shadowfoxes! Be careful. Their arrows are deadly.' The warriors pull out their bows and take aim.
Alakin says 'They are within the trees. Aim carefully. Use your eyes for they may appear as illusions.' The warriors scan the area and more arrows fly down.
Elven Warrior says 'They are in the shadows! Target the shadows!'
The elves choose targets and let loose their arrows. They hear the shriek of dark elves and several others fall from the trees.
More dark elves jump down from the trees and draw their blades. Alakin yells out 'Make ready!' A fight pursues.
The dark elves are no match for the royal guard. Many of them are cut down. Dark mist comes from the shadows.
It seems to blind the warriors. Alakin and Yserah cast shields around them and the darkness is blown back.
Alakin Silverleaf yells 'Shadowfall show yourself!'
Then a dark elf in a long black robe appears from the darkness.
Larkin Shadowfall says 'I am not your enemy Alakin. I am more your friend and I have always been your friend. You need to listen to me now.'
King Yserah draws his sword 'There will be no bargaining Shadowfall. Many have died because of you. You must understand this. You will be brought back to Alfheim and tried. If so be it executed for your crimes. Now surrender or face my judgement this day.'
Larkin Shadowfall says 'Judgement? I have seen your judgement upon the other races in Alfheim. The torture. The slaughter. Why don't you tell your trusted General here the truth?'
King Yserah says 'He knows the truth. You shall poison his mind with your illusions no longer. Prepare to face my judgement.'
King Yserah attacks Shadowfall. They are both using magic. Alakin joins the fight in defense of his King.
Larkin Shadowfall is a skilled warrior as well as a magician. He uses a blinding dark mist to knock Alakin back.
With quick maneuvers Shadowfall disarms King Yserah slicing the back of his leg forcing the Elven King to his knees.
As Shadowfall goes in for the finishing blow Alakin regains himself. He throws his dagger striking Shadowfall in the hands disarming him.
King Yserah pulls out his own dagger and thrusts it into Shadowfall's side. This makes him fall to his knees.
Larkin Shadowfall glances over to Alakin and with words near death he says 'You must understand Alakin. A great evil is coming. You must fight it. You must save Alfheim.'
King Yserah takes his sword and with a quick blow decapitates Larkin Shadowfall. The remaining dark elves retreat back into the darkness.
King Yserah says 'We cannot let them escape. Take the rest of the warriors. I will search around here for any clues we may find.'
Alakin Silverleaf says 'Yes your majesty.'
King Yserah places his hand on Alakin's shoulder. 'You did what needed to be done. You did it for Alfheim. Go now. Don't let them get away. Let's end this today.'
General Silverleaf signals to the rest of the royal guard and they take off into the forest. The Arcturian joins Yserah.
When the guards are a distance away the Arcturian forms a ball within his hands.
Arcturian says 'I have signaled to the master that the threat has been neutralized. He has informed me that I should tell you the next part of his plan.'
King Yserah says 'What is it? So we may carry on.'
Arcturian says 'You must continue to hunt down the dark elves and cause dissension among Jotunheim. My master wills for allies in this realm. I myself and some emissaries shall speak to Kronos of what my master has to offer.'
King Yserah says 'What of Valinor? Upheaval in Alfheim would alert Valinor. They will come asking me if I need their aid. Turning them away would lead to suspicion. I would have to accept it.'
Arcturian says 'Do not worry for Valinor. Morgoth's apprentice is there among the young Vala now. In time he will rise.'
King Yserah says 'Tell your master Morgoth that I will continue with his plan. Let us go now and catch the others.' They both take off into the forest.
Aphrodite is there alone gathering her thoughts. She is confused. 'Who is this master? Who is Morgoth? Why would King Yserah want to cause dissension in Jotunheim? There is so much I want to understand.'
She gathers her things and walks off trying to find where the steeds are so she can shrink herself back into the bag.
Aphrodite wanders through the woods for some time trying to find her way. She says 'This is pointless. I might as well just portal out of here.'
She speaks the portal incantation and sets it to take her home. Aphrodite waits for the portal to open but nothing happens.
She sits down with a puzzled look on her face. 'Maybe I didn't do something right.'
Aphrodite does the portal incantation again and nothing happens. She starts to worry. 'Why is it not working here? I wonder what is going on.'
She hears a voice in the woods. It sounds like an old man. He says 'Portal spells don't work within the great forests of Alfheim.
Don't worry. You are in no danger little one. I have to ask you, what is a young Olympian doing so deep in the forests?'
She sees the old man approach her. He is all dressed in grey. She does not know who he is but he has a warm gentle look upon his face.
Aphrodite decides not to reveal too much to him and simply says 'I have always wanted to see the forests of Alfheim so I decided to come here.'
The old man chuckles and says 'Found your way here but can't get back.'
Aphrodite says 'Yes that seems to be my problem at the moment.'
The old man says 'Well don't worry little one. I know this forest real well. I could take you to the edge of it. I was going there myself. If you don't mind walking with me.'
Aphrodite stares at him for a moment trusting her senses. For some reason she has no sense of fear. She feels a warm inviting sense. She decides to take him up on his offer.
Aphrodite says 'Yes I would like to walk with you to the edge of the woods. I would definitely love to go home.'
The old man says 'Then come. In fact, I think it is just right up here.'
Aphrodite walks with the old man for a while gazing off into the woods. They reach the edge of the forest and step out onto a beautiful meadow.
The old man stares out across the meadow and places his hands to his hips. 'There. All safe and sound. Try your portal now young Olympian.'
She speaks the incantation for her portal and sets it to take her home. The portal opens as usual.
Aphrodite says 'I cannot thank you enough. I never got your name.'
The old man chuckles and then places his hand under his chin scratching his beard.
'Well little one, when you are as old as I am and go by as many names as I have. You don't quite remember which one is the right one. Most just call me Father.'
Aphrodite says 'Then that is what I will call you. I hope we will meet again one day Father. You seem like a very interesting and wise man.'
Father winks 'I am sure our paths will cross again. Until then little Olympian, take care and walk with wisdom.'
Aphrodite bows and says 'I will. You take care too.' She enters into the portal.
It takes her back to the garden at her palace. She is excited about everything she learned and cannot wait to tell her brother Poseidon.
Aphrodite goes through the front door and calls for him. 'Poseidon where are you? I have so much to tell you.'
She hears Poseidon with others in the back hall 'Back here sister!'
Just then the caretaker, Zeus, and Poseidon step out. Zeus has a worried look on his face and tears in his eyes.
Zeus comes and kneels before Aphrodite and places his hand on her shoulder.
Zeus says 'Young Aphrodite I urgently need your help. You must come with me to my palace. My wife Phoebias Beatae and our unborn child. Something is wrong. I know you have studies great magic within the library of Thoth. Do you know something which may help?'
The worried deep look in his eyes strikes her. Aphrodite replies 'I believe I may remember something that could help. I will do anything I can.'
Zeus says with relief 'Ah thank you Aphrodite. Now hurry we must go to the palace.'
Aphrodite goes with him and sees many of the other Olympians with worried looks on their faces. As she enters the palace she can hear loud shrieking screams.
Zeus takes her up to his grand chamber room where on the bed she sees his wife Phoebias Beatae. Her eyes are darkened and she is shrieking in pain.
Zeus says 'Help her. Do what ever you can to help her.'
Aphrodite remembers all the medical incantations she learned and anything involving birth. She tries desperately for hours among the shrieking screams. Nothing seems to help.
Phoebias Beatae's belly is contorting wildly. Aphrodite watches it stretch as if something is trying to get out.
With one last shriek of agony and pain Phoebias Beatae's eyes go completely black. Black blood pours from her mouth. Black mist comes out as she breathes her last breath.
Zeus cries out 'No!' He falls to his knees in tears.
Aphrodite places her arms around him. 'I am so sorry my King. I did everything I could.'
Zeus looks up at her and says 'I know child. I know.'
Servant says 'The baby your majesty. Her stomach is still moving. The baby is still alive.'
Zeus stands to his feet 'Quickly. We must save the child.'
He looks to Aphrodite and says 'You may not want to witness this. Please stand back.'
Zeus pulls out his dagger from his side. Looking at his wife with sadness he says 'I am sorry my love.' He cuts open her belly.
Black blood pours out and shrieks can be heard. A monstrous creature crawls out. Zeus is shocked and everyone in the room is frightened.
Out of desperation and anger Zeus thrusts his dagger into the creature. Lightning flashes in his eyes. He cries out 'No! Nooo!'
Aphrodite backs away out of the room. She drops to her knees and weeps.
Part Eight...
Aphrodite has the appearance of around 16 years old in human standards. She is walking with Poseidon up to the steps of the grand hall on Mount Olympus.
Many have gathered and gone inside. She is eager to know what is happening. The young Olympians have not been able to attend the recent council meetings since the death of Phoebias Beatae. Zeus has remained in seclusion and mourning.
Aphrodite has not told anyone about what happened in Alfheim. Not even Poseidon. She decided that the mood upon Mount Olympus was too heavy and it was not the right time to reveal what she had learned. She decided to wait until Zeus emerges from his mourning.
Aphrodite stands on the steps and says 'I wonder what is going on inside. Are you sure Apollo is able to get to the top? I hope he is not discovered.'
Poseidon says 'Apollo is getting better and better at flying. He will let us know what happens.'
A little while later Apollo flies down from the top of the grand council chambers. There is both excitement and worry upon his face. He stands there looking at both Aphrodite and Poseidon.
Aphrodite says 'Apollo? What did you see and hear?'
Apollo says 'There is a lot of fighting and everyone seems afraid. A lot of finger pointing too. No one seems to know what is going on.
Ares has given the word down from Zeus. It seems that all the young of the pantheons will be going to Alfheim where they will be kept safe until they can root out this evil.'
Poseidon says 'Alfheim. That is a great place to hide out and be protected.'
The memory of what Aphrodite saw there flashes in her mind. She wonders if she should describe what she saw there.
She decides not to and keeps it to herself. If she goes to Alfheim she will be able to discover more.
She knows any truth there could be dangerous and she doesn't want to see any harm come to her friends or her beloved brother.
She is keeping the events she experienced a secret and plans to look for more clues when she goes again.
Just then the doors of the grand council hall open and beings come out of the meeting. Aphrodite sees Ares giving a message to a royal guard then make his way down the stairs.
Aphrodite tells Poseidon 'I will meet you back at home. If we are going to Alfheim we should start packing.'
Poseion says 'Oh yeah. I will go ahead and get things together. What are you going to do?'
Aphrodite says 'I need to speak to Ares.' She walks up the steps.
Ares has kept himself secluded from the other young divine for a while and has concentrated on his studies of war. He has been training himself and growing stronger.
Aphrodite notices this in him. He seems prouder and a lot wiser than the foolish child he used to be. He is in more control of his anger and outbursts.
Ares catches the view of Aphrodite in his eyes as she approaches him. He bows to her and she bows back.
Ares says 'Aphrodite it warms my heart to see you. It has been quite some time. You have grown very beautiful and I heard you are at the top of the class in your studies.'
Aphrodite says 'Thank you Ares. I have heard great things of you as well. You have grown quite handsome and strong.' He acknowledges her compliment.
Aphrodite continues 'How is your father Ares? I hope our Great King Zeus is doing well.'
Ares says 'He is still in mourning but I know he will pull through. He thanks you once again for all that you tried to do to help. He also wants me to deliver a message to you. I was on my way to do it now when I saw you here.'
Aphrodite asks 'What message?'
Ares says 'He doesn't wish to see any harm come to you. He knows that you are curious and are wishing to help the current situation that is involving the realms. He doesn't want to see you in any danger that may lead to your death.
He has asked me to inform you not to pursue in your interests of what is happening in the realms. Try to understand Aphrodite. He cares for you and does not wish for any harm to come to you. Nor do I.'
Aphrodite says 'I understand and I will respect your father's wishes. Thank you for the kindness he is showing me and thank you Ares for your kind words.'
In the back of her mind she almost wishes to tell Ares of what she saw in Alfheim. She decides it is best to keep it to herself and continue on her quest to uncover the master and these dark forces.
Ares says 'Thank you Aphrodite. I wish I was going with you to Alfheim but I must remain here. I am the voice of my father in the council while he is in mourning.'
Ares seems deeply troubled. Aphrodite gets the sense that something transpired within the council chambers.
Aphrodite asks 'What happened in there Ares? Why do you look so worried?'
Ares says 'A representative from the Void. The nephew of the Void King. He spoke today in the council and laid threats that any incursions into the Void realm will lead to all out war. The representative of the Light realm accused Void of being behind this great evil.'
Ares turns and looks 'Here comes the nephew of the Void King now.'
Aphrodite sees three Void beings. Two are wearing full scale armor and covering their face. Another in the middle. He looks quite feminine. Is Ares sure this is a nephew and not a niece?
As he gets closer she can tell his facial features are a bit more masculine. As he walks by he turns and stops to face Ares.
Umbranathor says 'I hope for your sake and the sake of the Void that no one incursions from the Light kingdom will attack our land. My father has already raised the defenses. It is up to you Ares here to enforce your father's will and keep peace.'
Ares says 'My father does wish to keep peace and that is what I will represent here with my time on the floor. If we can avoid all out war then that is what we will strive for.'
Ares then turns to introduce Aphrodite. He says 'I almost forgot. This is Aphrodite. Chosen Olympian Goddess of Love and Beauty.'
Umbranathor looks at her with a foul look on his face. His eyes go up and down. He turns and walks away laughing. 'Hahaha Beauty he says.'
Aphrodite and Ares look at each other. She says 'He is a strange being.'
Ares says 'He is a spoiled brat is what he is.'
They hear a female voice behind them with a strange accent and turn around to see three dwarves. They bow before Ares and he bows back.
The female dwarf says 'Excuse me son of Great King Zeus. We are sorry to bother you here and hope we are not interrupting anything. We bring a message from Jotunheim.'
Aphrodite looks at Ares and says 'I will let you get back to your business. I don't want to interrupt.'
Ares says 'Nonsense. You tried to help my step-mother and you have helped my father. Please, maybe this news I receive from Jotunheim you will have some insight on. I would trust your words of wisdom.'
The female dwarf gives him a scroll. There are two other dwarves with her. One has a reddish color and Aphrodite gets a sense of fire.
The other one has colder dark blue colors and she gets the sense of frost. The female seems older and wiser. She is dressed in a light grey cloak.
The female dwarf turns and introduces herself 'This must be the young Olympian Aphrodite. I have heard much about you. That you excel in the ways of magic.
I am Greywillow. Keeper of the Mountain in Jotunheim. These are my kinfolk. This is Flamebeard and his brother Fogbeard, Great Engineer of Jotunheim, Master of the Forges.'
Ares finishes reading the message and says 'So Jotunheim has decided to withdraw from the council and the houses themselves and stand on their own. How can I convince them otherwise?'
Greywillow says 'The King of Jotunheim feels threatened that this great evil may come to his land. He has lost faith in the houses and does not agree with King Yserah.
There is much tension between Jotunheim and Alfheim now. The King and Queen have decided this would be in the best interest of Jotunheim.'
Ares says 'Tell your King he has nothing to fear. The council dispatched the Ourhkina across the existence. They will find this threat and stomp it out.'
Greywillow says 'With the Ourhkina spread so far out my King will worry even more and so will other realms. Many others have already spoken about withdrawing from the council. They feel threatened and unprotected.'
Ares says 'I understand the decision of your King even though I wish for Jotunheim to return to the council chambers and discuss this matter further. I do understand that he must protect Jotunheim.
Send a message that my father will dearly miss his presence in the council and if there is anything Jotunheim needs they can look to Olympus to find it. We will be there for whatever call.'
Greywillow bows 'Thank you young Ares. I will deliver the message to my King.'
The dwarves leave. As Aphrodite stands there with Ares the royal guard comes bringing a message and he reads it.
Ares says 'If you will excuse me young Aphrodite I have to go. There is much work that needs to be attended to. I wish I was coming with you to Alfheim. I always heard it is so beautiful there and the training yards are the finest in all the realms.'
Aphrodite takes his hands in hers and says 'But it is good to know that you are here and Olympus will be safe. You are strong Ares and I know you will do whatever it takes to protect us all.'
Ares says 'Thank you.' Aphrodite kisses him on the cheek and they say their goodbyes.
As she goes down the road toward her home she sees Elven King Yserah walking her way with two Elven guards. He notices her.
King Yserah says 'Young Aphrodite, please.' He signals her to him.
A small bit of fear flows within her but she decides to be strong. She walks to him, bows, and greets him.
Aphrodite says 'King Yserah, I am at your service.'
King Yserah smiles 'As you have heard the news of the young of the pantheons, you will be joining me in Alfheim. There is much talk of you around here on Mount Olympus.
How you tried to help Zeus save his wife from this evil. It seems that you have been studying hard on your lessons. I am curious though, where did you learn such magic?'
Without hesitation Aphrodite tells him that she has been studying at the library of Thoth up until recently when he had to take the key he gave her.
King Yserah says 'I see, well you should come to Alfheim. There is much there I wish to show you and we can discuss this further. Good day to you.' He smiles and bows.
Aphrodite bows back with an uneasy smile 'Good day to you great King. I look forward to more conversations with you.'
They part ways and she returns to her palace where Poseidon is packing. He cannot decide on what clothing to take. He wants to look his finest, but he also wants to seek adventure there.
Aphrodite walks in and sees Poseidon with many outfits spread out on the floor. Everything from elegant dresswear to rugged leather adventurewear. He looks up at her and smiles 'What?'
Aphrodite rolls her eyes and giggles 'Oh dear brother, sometimes you are worse than me when it comes to picking out outfits. Just take them all.'
Poseidon smiles 'You're right. I shall take them all.'
Aphrodite gathers her things and meets Poseidon at the front door. They journey out and meet up with the other young Olympians.
There is a young elegantly dressed Elf around their same age. He greets the young Olympians and says 'My name is Nastazil. I am a representative of King Yserah and I am here to take you to Alfheim.'
Nastazil reaches into a small sack tied to his waist and pulls his hand out. He opens his hand and blows out sparkling dust that forms into a portal. Through the portal they can see the palace.
The young Olympians are excited as they go through the portal and begin their time in Alfheim.
They arrive in the great courtyard there they see other young of the pantheons already gathered. King Yserah is on the upper steps with Alakin Silverleaf at his side. She also sees the little gnome she remembers from the garden.
King Yserah speaks 'Young of the pantheons welcome to Alfheim. Make this place your home. There are many sights here to see. My kingdom is yours. However I must warn you that some of the outer borders are off limits.
This is for your own protection. I have spoken with your parents and it has been decided. Please do not travel to these outer borders of Alfheim. There is much danger out there.'
Young Thor says 'Ha it is dangerous for them.' Aphrodite notices that Thor has become quite strong and very handsome.
King Yserah smiles 'Young Thor have you ever seen a swamp troll? They are big and might crush you with one blow.'
Young Thor smirks 'Ha one blow huh? Well that is one not enough for what I got for him.'
King Yserah says 'And I believe you young Thor. Your strength is known. But please, your parents have decided that none of you may travel to the outer borders of Alfheim for your own safety. I cannot keep you from doing so but I also cannot keep the wrath of your parents from falling on you if you do.'
The young divine of the pantheons agree. They do not want the wrath of their parents.
King Yserah says 'Then all of you here make yourself at home in my kingdom. Saumjin my gnome here is the caretaker of the grounds. He will lead you to your chambers and show you around.
Now go enjoy my kingdom. If there is anything that any of you need feel free to come to my palace and ask me for it. If there are any questions I will be there willing to answer.'
The young divine gather their things. King Yserah notices Aphrodite and approaches her.
King Yserah says 'Young Aphrodite may I speak with you for a moment?'
She is a bit worried but decides she will go with him and see what he wants to discuss.
Aphrodite says 'Why yes King Yserah I am interested in what you have to say.'
King Yserah says 'Then come and follow me.'
As they walk together Aphrodite looks at the grand halls and the beautiful architecture.
Aphrodite asks 'How long ago was the kingdom of Alfheim built?'
King Yserah says 'The kingdom and the palace itself and the underbelly of it was built long long ago by the dark elf named Haugrin. He also inscribed here on the walls. That is where you see the details of the many stories of Alfheim.'
She looks at the walls as she walks with the Elven King. They come to a point and stop. Aphrodite notices inscribed on the wall a carved picture of a black diamond-shaped object. She stares at it puzzled for a moment.
Aphrodite asks 'What ever happened to Haugrin? Is he dead?'
King Yserah says 'It is unknown. The legend goes that he was in possession of a powerful object. That after the building of the kingdom and the underbelly he went mad and disappeared. None have seen him since. This is a tale I remember from my childhood. Come...'
Aphrodite follows King Yserah again and they continue walking.
King Yserah asks 'Do you find Alfheim beautiful?'
Aphrodite says 'Yes very beautiful. Very grand.'
King Yserah asks 'Have you been here before? According to my wisp in the garden you have.'
A sense of worry falls over Aphrodite. She thinks 'Does he know I was here? What else does he know?'
King Yserah continues 'My wisps have informed me that you were in the garden. They showed me you came here recently. That you were here on the palace grounds. They saw you come through a portal.
Saumjin has also mentioned meeting you in the garden although he did not know what happened to you after your meeting. However my wisps have informed me that you spent time in the garden and then opened a portal and left.'
Aphrodite replies 'Yes King Yserah I always wanted to see the Alfheim gardens and I couldn't help myself. I am sorry. I should have asked your permission first. Please forgive me.'
King Yserah says 'No worries child. No harm has been done. Come, I have something to show you.'
Aphrodite follows him down a long hallway that leads to a door. He speaks some words in Elvish. The inscriptions on the door light up and it opens. They both walk inside.
Inside the room is a grand hall with portals everywhere. Aphrodite is fascinated.
King Yserah says 'This is the hall of portals. Here you can find portals leading anywhere to any realm.'
She walks up to one of the portals and examines it and notices a tall chalice cup full of stones.
Aphrodite asks 'What are these stones for?'
King Yserah says 'When you enter the portal you can take the stone with you. Anywhere that the portal leads you can simply return here by placing the stone in your hand and thinking of Alfheim.'
Aphrodite looks at him with wide excited eyes. 'That's amazing! Have you been through every portal?'
King Yserah says 'Most of them. Except that one over there.'
He points in the direction of a tan colored portal far off in the back.
King Yserah says 'That one remains a mystery to me. I haven't had much time to travel with the recent events unfolding in the realms. But I grant you this gift, I will let you come here and use any of the portals you would like.
As long as you can give me your word that you will not travel into any dangerous places. If you can give me your word on this then these portals are free for you to use.'
Aphrodite says with excitement 'I give you my word. Thank you King Yserah. These portals lead to everywhere.'
King Yserah smiles 'Yes every portal to every realm is here.'
Aphrodite asks 'Does the grand hall of portals have a portal to the borderlands?'
King Yserah says sternly 'No. No place has a portal to the borderlands.'
Aphrodite notices this disturbed him. She does not wish to continue on asking more.
King Yserah smiles again and says 'Come, I have the grandest gift of all for you.
They leave the grand hall of portals and travel down another hallway to another door. This is a large wooden door engraved with elven symbols. There is a large keyhole.
King Yserah brings out a key that is hanging on a necklace around his neck.
He says 'You have studied at the library of Thoth. I heard it is a grand library. But I myself am quite a collector.'
King Yserah places the key in the lock and turns it. The door opens and they step inside the grand library of Alfheim.
Aphrodite is amazed. It is almost as impressive as the library of Thoth.
King Yserah says 'Yes I am quite a collector. I have gathered much knowledge and wisdom in these scrolls and books. This shall be my gift to you.'
He gives her the key and says 'Feel free young Aphrodite to explore the library as much as you want.'
This delights Aphrodite and she thinks 'Maybe I was wrong about King Yserah. Maybe he is trying to help. Maybe whoever this master is might be a force for good.'
Aphrodite smiles at him and bows 'Thank you King Yserah. Thank you so much for the kindness you have shown me.'
King Yserah says 'You are very wise Aphrodite and very beautiful. Enjoy my gifts. I must go now. I have matters of the kingdom to attend to.'
Aphrodite says 'Thank you so much again.' Then she goes off into the library to look at the books and scrolls.
After a while of reading she feels quite tired. She has not yet found what she is looking for. Although there is grand knowledge and wisdom in here there is nothing that speaks of the borderlands.
Aphrodite decides to take time away from the library and see what her brother Poseidon and the other young divine are up to.
She goes back out to the courtyard of the palace. She sees the gnome and asks 'Have you seen the others?'
Saumjin says 'Yes they went down to the royal training grounds. I can take you there if you want.'
Aphrodite says 'I would like that Saumjin.'
He leads the way to where the other young divine are in the training grounds. On the way down she sees Artemis and Apollo and catches up to them.
As they get close to the royal training grounds they hear the sounds of a contest. They arrive to see Poseidon with a spear.
He is sparring off against Thor with no luck. Thor keeps pushing him back and Poseidon lands flat on his back.
Thor laughs 'Oh you Olympians. You got the fight in you, I'll give you that.'
Poseidon stands up a bit out of breath 'You are a challenge Thor. Thank you I have learned much.'
Thor stands next to his sister Freya who looks at Aphrodite, Apollo, and Artemis. Freya notices the bow on Artemis' back.
Freya says 'Ah I heard you Olympians are extremely skilled with the bow. Shall we have a little competition?' She draws her own bow from her back.
Artemis draws her bow and says 'I am ready for any competition you have.'
Poseidon greets Aphrodite 'Dear sister it is good to see you. Where have you been?'
Aphrodite says 'I have been looking around the palace of Alfheim in the great halls. I have been to the library. There is so much there.'
Poseidon chuckles 'Just like you sister, always in search of wisdom and knowledge. You should join us down here. This is archery competition is going to be a sight to see.'
Aphrodite thinks to herself for a moment and decides that she will stroll through the groves of Alfheim. Archery, competition, and combat is not really her thing.
Aphrodite says 'I am okay brother. I think I am going to take a walk in the groves instead.'
Thor smiles 'I hear they are beautiful here. But now that my eyes gaze upon you, I believe there is no beauty greater anywhere than your beauty.'
Aphrodite smiles 'Thank you. You are quite strong Thor and very handsome yourself.'
Thor blushes 'Awww. You are almost going to make me want to cry. Thank you so much.'
Aphrodite says to the rest of them 'I am going to take my walk now. Enjoy your archery competition.'
She leaves and goes toward the groves. As she approaches she sees the Grand Tree of Alfheim.
Her eyes light up in delight. She wants to see it up close so she walks through the grove forest.
In the distance as she walks she hears voices. She decides to go in their direction. She can see two figures. One smaller and the other extremely large.
They are speaking to each other. One of them is young Loki and the other is a large troll. She sees Loki hand something to the troll. The troll acknowledges this and leaves.
As young Loki turns he sees Aphrodite approaching. He waves to her and smiles. He comes forward stops and bows.
Loki says 'Aphrodite. It is a pleasure meeting you here.'
Aphrodite bows and says 'The pleasure is all mine. I didn't know that trolls came down from the high mountains of Jotunheim. It is strange to see them here.'
Loki says 'Who him? Oh he is uh, a friend of mine. An old friend, yeah met him a long time ago. Um sorry to rush, if you will excuse me I have somewhere I need to be.'
Before Aphrodite can even reply Loki scurries off. She then continues her way to the Grand Tree of Alfheim.
As she walks she can hear whistling and smells sweet smoke on the air. She decides to follow it and comes to a clearing in the forest.
There is a man sitting on a log with a pipe in his mouth. He is whistling and doing something.
As Aphrodite approaches she can see that he is dressed in the same grey cloak as the old man she met here in the forest before.
The man turns notices her and rises. With a smile on his face he takes a puff on his pipe and blows it out. He says 'Young Olympian we meet again.'
Aphrodite smiles 'It is good to see you Father. What are you doing here?'
Father replies 'I came here to find some of the finest branches. I like to whittle things and carve things out of them. You can find some of the finest branches just laying around on the ground here in the groves.'
He brings something out in his hands. It looks like a small creature he is carving out of a branch.
Father asks 'What are you doing here within the grove?'
Aphrodite says 'I wish to come see the Grand Tree of Alfheim.'
Father says 'I know that tree well and the history of it. I come here quite often myself to see it. It is a beautiful tree. You really must see it up close. Come and walk with me if you don't mind.'
Aphrodite says 'I do not mind Father.'
They walk together toward the tree. She is silent as she thinks of everything that has happened.
Father says 'Is there something troubling you young Olympian?'
Aphrodite explains the past events of what happened on Mount Olympus and some of the dreams she has had. She also tells him of Pathagoras and how he called her Asherah.
Father takes a puff on his pipe and says 'Asherah huh? That is quite interesting.'
Aphrodite asks 'Father what do you know of the borderlands?'
Father gets a concerned look on his face and then returns to the same warm look he usually has.
He takes another puff on his pipe 'I know it is a place where those who dwell in wickedness and cruelty are punished. I know it is ruled by strange mutilated beings.
Aside from that I do not journey there and I have just as little knowledge to give you as others. I apologize young Olympian. I wish I knew more to help you.'
Aphrodite says 'That's okay Father. Thank you for what you have shared.'
They come to the clearing of the Grand Tree of Alfheim. Aphrodite looks up in amazement and takes a deep breath.
Father says 'Beautiful isn't it?'
Aphrodite says 'It is the most beautiful tree I have ever seen. How old is it?'
Father says 'No one really knows. Legend goes it is one of the first trees to ever grow here in the realm of Alfheim. It is knowledgeable and much wisdom resides in its bark and branches.'
They both stare at the tree for a while. Then Father says 'Well young Olympian I must be going. You should be returning to the palace. It is getting quite late.'
Aphrodite says 'Thank you Father. I hope to see you again soon.' She gives him a hug.
Father says 'I am sure our paths will cross again. Until then, take care young Olympian. Walk with wisdom.' He leaves and Aphrodite decides to make her way back to the palace.
Along the way she thinks 'Why do so many choose not to speak of the borderlands? They know more than they tell me. Why do they try to protect what they know so much?'
She sees King Yserah and he calls her over to him and says 'Young Aphrodite how have you been enjoying Alfheim?'
Aphrodite says 'It is so grand and beautiful. I have just come from seeing the Grand Tree. It is the most majestic thing I have ever laid eyes upon.'
King Yserah says 'Yes it is majestic. Oh I have something for you.'
He signals to his servant who brings forth a beautiful gown. Aphrodite's eyes light up with joy and delight.
King Yserah continues 'I am having a banquet tomorrow and I would like you to wear this. If that is alright with you.
I have given the other young divine attire as well, but had this one specially made. It is a representation of your beauty.'
Aphrodite holds the dress in front of her and says 'It is the most beautiful gown I have ever seen. Thank you so much King Yserah. I would be delighted to join you at the banquet tomorrow.'
King Yserah smiles 'It will be quite grand. The banquets here in Alfheim usually are. I shall grant you a seat up at the royal table, you and your brother. We shall see you then. Enjoy the rest of your time.'
He departs and Aphrodite returns to her chambers to find Poseidon sleeping. She holds up the gown and looks at it again before placing it on a rack next to a few other dresses.
She stretches and yawns then retires for the evening. She gets into bed and drifts off to sleep.
In her dreams Aphrodite sees wars and beings turning upon each other. Fighting and bloodshed all over the realms.
Like in the dream she had before with Kronos she sees large dark powerful beings fighting with the Ourhkina. Many are dying. Aphrodite feels fear, dread, and overwhelming sadness.
Her dream shifts and she is in the borderlands. She sees Pathagoras standing up on a hill.
She calls out to him 'Pathagoras!' His head turns to look at her and then he turns away and walks up over the hill out of sight.
Aphrodite runs after him calling his name 'Pathagoras!' When she reaches the top of the hill she sees down in the valley below millions of dead like an endless sea.
She cannot see where Pathagoras has gone. As she looks over the endless dead she sees something in the sky.
There is lightning and thunder as she looks up. She sees the black object floating in the sky. She fixates on it as it starts to change shape.
Aphrodite becomes overwhelmed by the sounds of a language she does not understand. It hurts her ears and affects her mind. This language of course is thothilssin even though she does not realize it.
The speaking becomes more intense and she covers her ears. It seems to pour into her very core. She can feel it through her body and she starts to ache.
Then the speaking stops and Aphrodite pulls her hands away from her ears and opens her eyes.
She sees Pathagoras standing in front of her. He reaches out to touch her. He opens his mouth and again speaks as black blood pours out 'Asherah!'
Aphrodite then wakes up from her dream. She notices it is not yet morning. She feels troubled and cannot go back to sleep. She puts a robe on over her nightgown and leaves her room.
She walks along the long hallways of Alfheim with the strange language of the dream still in her mind. She decides to go to the hall of portals. She opens the door and goes inside.
She looks around at the portals and then hears a faint whisper. Aphrodite recognizes it as sounding like the same language from her dream. It is coming from the portal King Yserah told her he has never taken before.
She walks over to it and can hear the whispers coming from inside. Aphrodite takes one of the stones and walks through the portal.
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