War of 13 Existences Part Two

In the borderlands...
Atherak: "It is time to go be with your brothers and sister. You are Athernite afterall."
Mevinah: "I shall do as you command me master." He stands there looking concerned.
Atherak: "Speak your mind."
Mevinah: "Will you not intervene master?"
Atherak: "I shall not intervene. What must happen is meant to happen. Choices have to be made. Sacrifices made. This is the key to restoring the balance in the 13 existences. Even you Mevinah will have a choice in the end. Now go."
At our citadel in the 3rd existence...
Asteria is with the aspects. She met up with Dolloiandea and the other Athernites as well as Varidon and Baradin.
Asteria: "There is no time to lose. Eternal Death makes his move to gain the last two pieces."
Dolloiandea: "Is there any way to stop him?"
Asteria: "In truth, no. But you can slow him down and give Ashontrah time. Protect the Light and Dark and bring them back at all costs."
Dolloiandea: "I will return them."
Varidon: "You shall not go alone." He has his Myrrdonite army. Baradin is also going with them with his Nether army.
Asteria: "He will pull Hue and Juleen from the outside."
Dolloiandea: "Does he have the power to do that?"
Asteria: "Once again in truth, yes."
Fenrir: "But wouldn't them being the aspects of Light and Dark be able to defeat him?"
Asteria: "As Eomeya knows because he has become so twisted he has become more powerful than any aspects can handle on their own. This is why he must be slowed down. We all must come together to stop him. He has gone beyond what he is."
Eomeya and Ashoweah agree with this.
Ashoweah: "We will also need Ashontrah so we must buy time."
Asteria calls the others over and tells them to make preparations.
Asteria: "It is time you all know."
She cracks the sphere and Tuberose comes out. She is happy to see Asteria. She has always been Asteria's loyal priestess. She is holding something. It looks like a little golden Athranaak puzzle. It contains everything about truth and all of Asteria's aspects. Asteria opens it and looks at Tuberose.
Asteria: "Thank you for your sacrifice and all you went through to protect this."
As it opens it shows an image of what these 13 pieces are that Eternal Death is collecting. These were the original 13 puzzles Atherak set over the 13 existences when he was going to destroy them all. Eternal Death plans to sit in the same position.
Asteria: "When he has them all he will be able to control the Atheron to do this. Yet there is more. Not only will he be able to control those 13 pieces, but eventually he will be able to control all the Athranaaks to destroy all the existences."
Usula already knew about this. Eomeya and the others are in shock.
Mono: "This is not victory. This is injustice to everything."
Ashoweah: "We are all in it for survival."
Dolloiandea: "Then we will go and slow him as much as possible."
Varidon: "Hopefully with what I have we will be able to stop him there."
Asteria: "Then you must go."
Dolloiandea leaves with Varidon and Baradin.
Asteria says to Ashoweah: "We must prepare. Hopefully we have enough time for Tulkas and them to achieve the mission which so many sacrificed for. It may give us a little bit of the numbers to hold them off when they come. They will keep coming until we all lay beneath their feet."
Tulkas, Valeyta, Amerriah, Yayentae...
They are in a room. Yayentae is mumbling.
Tulkas: "What is he trying to say?"
Amerriah puts her ear close to Yayentae but she cannot make it out.
Valeyta: "I recognize that language. He is speaking thothilssin."
Tulkas: "Quickly go get Rurxaxia. She can translate this."
Female Light Champion stepped into the room: "I know what he is saying. He is speaking of the subjugation of Light and Dark. The reunification of an ancient weapon that will kill us all."
Amerriah: "It sounds like gibberish to me. He is hallucinating."
Light Champion: "No I have already seen partially what it can do."
Tulkas: "You were thrown into our group and you have not spoken a word until now."
Light Champion: "I was a champion of Hue and Juleen. I was entrusted by the King to protect something."
Tulkas: "Protect what?"
Light Champion steps over to Yayentae...
Light Champion: "I think I should explain."
She is talking about the Light Yiyl where they were all protected while the King and Queen were gone.
Light Champion: "Then they appeared. They came through dark rifts. The bone army came through and descended upon us.
We fought bravely and honorably in the name of the Light King and Queen. But none of our powers or anything we had affected these creatures.
It was as if they weren't living at all. As if they have already died. Then he came striking down champion and commoner alike. We fled. I had the piece that Hue gave Danel. He told me to take it before he was struck down.
I felt his presence upon me. Because I am light he followed me I couldn't get away. Everywhere Eternal Death went turned dark and died.
As he was almost upon me I felt myself surrounded by darkness. I heard a voice that said 'Quickly come with me.' I raised my head to see King Varidon.
I told him there was no time, take this. Take it far away. Get it back to our King and Queen. They will be able to destroy Eternal Death. I gave him the piece and Varidon took it.
He told me 'I will save as many of you as I can.' He shrouded the light beings in darkness and pulled them out to the Void realm.
He fled with my people and the darkness unshrouded me. I was at the mercy of Eternal Death who was standing over me.
Eternal Death said 'What to do with you.' I told him 'Torture me, destroy me, I will never tell you where it is.'
He laughed and said 'It will come to me child. You think I would have done all this if I didn't know that? You will make a fine prize for a very loyal servant of mine if you prove yourself.'
He gave me to the Yarkin. By the grace of Hue and Juleen I ended up in the same cage as you guys."
Tulkas: "And fortunately we had a plan and you went along with it. Thank you for not blowing our cover."
Light Champion: "You are very welcome." She is feeling pain.
Tulkas: "Are you alright?"
Light Champion: "Something is happening." She falls to the ground. "My King. My Queen." Then she passes out.
Tulkas: "Valeyta see if you can help her."
Yayentae is getting louder and he is in a panic. He is speaking. Ruraxia shows up.
Tulkas: "Rurxaxia what is he saying?"
Yayentae is laying down with his head shaking. Speaking louder and louder then he stopped. His eyes and mouth open and all this light and darkness comes out and dissipates.
Yayentae: "He's there."
Eternal Death is there pulling Hue and Juleen from outside existence...
He pulls them to a place that keeps flashing with light and darkness.
Eternal Death: "Now give me what is mine."
Hue steps in front of Juleen: "I am ready to face you."
Eternal Death pulls one of the pieces out of Juleen.
Hue: "You think I didn't foresee this? You will not get the last two pieces."
Eternal Death bone army comes up.
Hue: "Instead they will be the destruction of you."
Eternal Death: "So it is a fight you want. I see you don't stand alone."
Varidon with his Myrrdonite army along with Baradin and his Nether army come up behind Hue and Juleen.
Juleen: "And you think we didn't know where you would take us to?" She looks at the bone army. "You have an impressive army but you will pay for those you slaughtered."
Hue: "Today the dead will face the dead."
Eternal Death laughs: "I see you both have done your research little sisters."
His bone army are the dead that he made out of athernites and myrrdonites.
Eternal Death sniffs the air: "I know you are here Athernites."
Dolloiandea and the other Athernites come to their side.
Eternal Death: "You should be standing with me. I served the master. I served the master before any of you. I was the first. I was the one shown the truth of the faults of the aspects ways."
Eternal Death points at Hue and Juleen: "Your ways! Now give me what is mine."
Varidon brings Hue the other piece.
Hue says to Eternal Death: "Then come and get it."
The bone army rushes forward. Varidon's myrrdonites with the Nether army also rushes forward.
Eternal Death floats back and just lets his army go. Hue and Juleen are fighting alongside the Athernites.
Hue with the others are pushing the back and killing many of the bone army.
The two pieces that Hue has are empowering her and her allies. One is Light and the other is Dark.
Hue points at Eternal Death. She is working her way towards him along with Juleen.
Dolloiandea notices that Eternal Death is doing something....
Eternal Death: "About time you brought them out."
The other 11 pieces float out of him.
Eternal Death: "Rise my children." The bone army resurrects.
Danaark is thinking about something he said to Asteria before he left. He said: "If this be our last moment... when your moment comes shine."
Danaark looks at Dolloiandea: "Is now the time?"
Dolloiandea nods her head. The Athernites go towards Eternal Death.
Eternal Death lands on the ground and has the 11 pieces floating around him.
Eternal Death: "I see you made your choice."
Dolloiandea blasts all her fire at him. Everything around him is getting scorched.
He puts his hand out and absorbs all of it. Then he rubs his hands together. Then he reaches to his side and grabs Fenrir by the neck. Fenrir was about to pounce on him from behind.
Eternal Death: "Bad dog." Then he slammed Fenrir on the ground.
Moidaybe tried to get behind him but as he did Eternal Death disappeared and reappeared behind him. He grabs Moidaybe by the back of the head and picks him up.
Eternal Death: "Oh you are quick one. Be gone."
He made Moidaybe disappear and then reappear somewhere rolling on the ground.
Eternal Death gets fried on his right shoulder but it absorbs right into him.
Eternal Death: "I am getting tired of you burning me. You want to feel what it is like to get burned?"
He is frying Dolloiandea. It is harming her but she is not burned up by it.
Eternal Death: "The master has made you all strong. Pity to kill you."
Then he gets rushed by Danaark. They are fighting back and forth.
Eternal Death: "You are magnificent. You should be mine."
He put his hands up and froze Danaark in suspended animation.
Eternal Death: "I might keep you."
Then Eternal Death gets cut across his neck by Mevinah. He turns to Mevinah...
Eternal Death: "So you are the master's new cutter." Then he brings up two knives from his sleeves. He holds them up.
Eternal Death: "Magnificent aren't they? Much like yours. I remember when the master gave them to me."
They go up out of his hands and hit the blades out of Mevinah's hands. Every time Eternal Death strikes back the 11 pieces react.
Rovitomial hits the 11 puzzle pieces and ensnares them in orbs.
Eternal Death: "What is this? And who the hell are you?"
Rovitomial: "A friend of your master. A good friend."
Eternal Death: "Well you don't matter anyway."
The orbs around the puzzle pieces shatter. He force pushes Rovitomial back.
Hue: "It is time to end this."
Hue and Juleen form together into a swirl of Light and Darkenss. The two puzzle pieces are swirling around them.
Light and Dark energy comes out of them and hits Eternal Death and his 11 pieces.
It is so overwhelming that nobody can see anything. Then it stops and dissipates.
They see Eternal Death lying face down. The 11 pieces fall to the ground. All the bone creatures dropped.
Hue and Juleen walk up to him. Varidon is with them.
Juleen: "It is done."
Hue: "Sad to see our brother come to such an end."
Juleen leans down to touch Eternal Death on the head.
Juleen: "I am sorry it has come to this."
Hue: "But it had to be done."
Right then Eternal Death opens his eyes: "Oh yes little sisters. It had to be done. Thank you for giving me what I needed."
He rises up and puts up his hands. The 11 pieces rise up with him.
Eternal Death: "Now for what is mine." The two pieces from around Hue and Juleen go to him.
The puzzle pieces are all reacting. All 13 of them are empowering Eternal Death.
Eternal Death: "Finally I have what I need. Now only to complete what I must do."
Hue and Juleen are about to try and take them from him but Dolloiandea stops them.
Dolloiandea: "You cannot stop him now. You need to come with me."
Eternal Death raises his entire bone army back up. He looks to Varidon's Myrrdonite army.
Eternal Death: "You serve me." They all turn to him.
Dolloiandea: "We must go!"
Eternal Death: "Bring me my sisters. Kill the others."
The Athernites are trying to help Hue and Juleen leave. Eternal Death is coming after them.
Varidon hits Eternal Death from behind.
Hue: "Varidon!"
Varidon: "Go! Go!"
Eternal Death turns around and kills Varidon.
Eternal Death: "Pity."
Eternal Death speaking: "Go little sisters. Go to our siblings. Gather them all. It will be a grand family reunion."
Hue, Juleen, the Athernites, and Baradin escape into the Veil Mist... They see the Veil Keeper.
Hue falls to her knees: "Varidon."
Juleen: "We were wrong."
Veil Keeper: "Remember what he sacrificed. We must all stand together now. I have remained in the mist too long. Away from all the existences.
Thinking that nothing, no matter what was happening there, it would never affect where I am at. What I keep. But the time has come to where it has. We need to join together to stop our brother or there will be no veil mist, no existences. Come."
The Veil Keeper brings them back to where Asteria is at the citadel.
Slavers board and the seven houses watched this all happen. Then all the images disappeared.
Yarkin: "Now is the time. Let us finish this."
He goes out and makes an announcement to his slavers.
Yarkin: "We have all vowed to serve the true master. Our time has come. Let us go and claim what is ours in the name of our master."
Our infiltrators are playing along. They discovered some things and put in the word to the conscripts who they really are.
They let the word spread among them that this is the chance to be able to turn on their slavers.
Asteria is feeling that all the enemies are on their way to where they are in the 3rd existence. They are coming for us.
The aspects are preparing what they brought with them to be able to make this stand.
Paravahn is getting his orders directly from Asteria. He is gathering up many others. Many of the ones from recent IG sessions. All the dwarves have come.
The citadels that were holding the conscript slaves took off. Yarkin gets the report that all the conscripts left with the citadels they were in.
They were hijacked by Tulkas and the infiltrator group along with the conscripted slaves.
Yarkin: "And for a moment I was going to trust them." He calls over his emissary.
Yarkin: "Your service is no longer required." He reaches up and squishes the eyeball and pops it. Then another eyeball being comes up ready to serve.
Yarkin: "This is no loss. They have an army of weak slaves. Which we will replenish. The master has promised us this. His great army moves into their home existence as we speak."
Ashontrah is now 57.6% formed.
Hue is concentrating to try and get her piece back.
Juleen: "Let it go."
Hue: "I can't. I have to get it back."
Asteria: "There is no regaining it now. He has not formed what he needs yet but he will. We must be ready."
Ashoweah: "We come together. Maybe this one time only. But it is for our survival and the survival of everything that we have seen before us. You must focus and be part of this or there is no hope. To think, here I am crossing my fingers on Hope. Where are you sister?"
Usula: "There isn't much time. We must stand together as Father intended us to."
Lyindrinar walks in. He comes before all the aspects and kneels...
Asteria: "What is it?"
Lyindrinar: "Tulkas and the rest of them are back. They accomplished their mission."
Mono Baphomet: "This may give us enough to hold them as long as we need to."
Ashoweah: "Then it is time."
Asteria: "Then we must begin."
All the aspects are leaving. Hue was hesitant but Juleen convinced her to go because it is more important than getting the piece back.
Valeyta runs up and embraces Lyindrinar. She has Yayentae with her. He is calmer and more himself. He looks at all the aspects.
Yayentae: "Brothers and sisters. Good to see you again."
Asteria places her hand on his shoulder: "It is good to see you too brother. We need you to come with us." He nods and joins her.
Doumarae is positioning the citadels. He is speaking with Dolloiandea.
Dolloiandea: "Have you figured them out? Have you spoken to them?"
Doumarae: "I have, but I will need you to help me with what I must ask of them."
He places his hand on Dolloiandea's head and raises his other hand up. He is speaking to the citadels with the help of Dolloiandea. They come close together almost stacking into one larger citadel.
The way they stacked together leaves it open on the inside. Everyone is watching this happen. As they finally all come together Doumarae falls to his knees exhausted. Greywillow approaches and helps him.
Greywillow: "You have done well."
Doumarae: "Let us hope I have done enough."
Eternal Death is with the Slavers Guild and the Seven Houses. They are amassed close to where the citadels are.
Eternal Death: "Now the time has come to show these outsiders who truly rules the existences. All of them."
He has all of them under his control through the 13 pieces.
Eternal Death: "Devour them. Spare no expense. For soon I will have formed the power that I need and we will conquer all. My army has already descended upon their realms that some of these beings call home. It is time to finish this."
Eternal Death is forming the Atheron key in his hand from the pieces. It is about half way complete.
They are getting ready to move upon us. Ashontrah is 60% formed.
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