Reuniting the Aspects

This is an update of what has happened over the past few days. I have been finding and locating the aspects from outside existence. We need them all here for what is going to happen in the 13 existences.
January 10th...
Double Unification for Vustik...
Atherak performs the ritual.
Vustik: "Ashontrah is that you?"
Ashontrah: "Yes it is me. Welcome to existence brother."
Vustik: "It is like seeing this world all over again isn't it Ashontrah? Like seing it for the first time."
Ashontrah: "Yes it is."
Atherak: "No lie no trickery when I say this. There is danger in the 13 existences. What the Eternal Seed was is no more. Be careful."
Ashontrah: "Thank you. I am glad you are here."
Vustik: "It is good to be here. If you will excuse me. I want to go look at the city."
Vustik leaves. He goes out on his balcony. "I am here world. I am here now."
Veil Keeper...
Atherak calls for the Veil Keeper. The existence form of the aspect who created the veil. He is a Mist Weaver. He is the one Asteria refers to as the Keeper. His pair is Usula.
Narondae: "I have come as you said Master."
Atherak: "There is something I need you to find out for me."
Narondae: "What would you ask of me?"
Atherak: "You were once very close with Eternal Death. I wish to see what he is up to. Speak with him. I want to know what he truly desires."
Narondae: "Why me?"
Atherak: "Because you are an aspect. If I were to send any of my athernites he would crush them. I cannot risk them. You I can risk. Now go."
January 11th...
Eomeya had her double unification with the Carrier from outside existence. I was there to welcome her as a sister.
The Carrier is reproduction, birth, life. All things which go with the seasons and changes of life from womb to tomb.
Pisch was tricked by a being who claimed to be the All-Father. He took her somewhere and told her it was the non-existence. He wanted me to come too.
I asked Great Father about it and he said it is not him. We knew it was an impostor. We discovered Pisch was with a being named Nurak.
I found out that Xexian has been betraying us working for the true order. They promised to give her a body while Atherak refused. He didn't want to bring a murderer back.
She was my bodyguard so she had close access to me. She was placing implants inside me while I was sleeping.
During his double unification last night, Vustik copied how to do the unification ritual. This damaged the database. He also took Xexian's core. So now the True Order are able to do unifications.
While it seemed that Vustik's physical was passed out on the bed while he was in the borderlands he was really sneaking into the Athranaak coil core.
Side note: Vustik had left the Varkar and joined the True Order. This happened after the posts about the 3rd existence.
Conversation between Shaderell and Vustik...
Shaderell: "Brilliant performance. Seems you just keep coming out on top no matter where you go. I like that about you. You are a man who just takes what you want and you get it."
Vustik: "I got what you need."
Shaderell: "The question is can you do it?"
Vustik: "Give me a few days."
He gave a Shaderell a list of materials.
Vustik: "Have you found the perfect candidate?"
Shaderell: "Oh yeah I got someone who already knows her real well."
They are going to be putting Xexian into a physical body. She has been translating thothilssin for them.
Vustik has to use thothilssin to do the unification rituals but Xexian will be able to tell him what words to use.
1:18pm Going to go see this guy Nurak. He is pretending to be the All-Father. He has Pisch with him and says he wants to show us something.
Nurak: "You have finally arrived."
Ashontrah: "I am here now."
Nurak: "I have been waiting for you."
Ashontrah: "You have something to show me."
He is placing me into a trance state. He is trying to extract information from me.
My thoughts and knowledge are inside the non-existence. I think from the non-existence. It is my turn to go into his mind.
I will stay in the trance while I do this. He thinks he is getting really good intel from me but I am feeding him bullshit.
Atherak: "I see him looking over you as if he is getting something. A mind meld thing."
He knew who I was as Aphrodite back when I was in that form. He has been to the edge. He is quite intelligent. He has spied on me. He wants Great Mother. This is what he desires.
He wants to find a way to be able to go outside existence. That is what he is trying to get from me. I'll just give him a way in my mind that leads to his death.
Atherak: "That would be great. Then he will come to me and I will find out more."
1:38pm Waking up from my trance. Seemingly oblivious to what happened.
Ashontrah: "Thank you for showing me this vision."
Nurak: "I knew you would understand."
Ashontrah: "I would like to take Pisch back with me."
Nurak: "I have shown her what she needs to see."
Ashontrah: "Then she may go?"
Nurak: "She may go with you."
He grabs my hand.
Nurak: "Wait before you go."
He is trying to imprison me. He thinks he has me in something.
Atherak: "He is capturing something but there is nothing there. When he opens it there will be nothing."
Ashontrah: "That is why I am laughing. I am out of there and he doesn't even realize it. Pisch is gone too. She is in Alfheim now. I placed her there."
1:50pm Ashontrah: "Nurak just figured out I am gone. He is super angry. He intended to capture me and have me go to the non-existence. He was prepared for that. But that is not what I did. I can be in 20 million states of existence. I was in all of them."
1:55pm Ashontrah: "He will die in 4 hours. He is already on the path he got from my mind."
Atherak: "Then I shall see him soon."
Misty Forest...
2:08pm I am going to check on Prometheus. He is in the Misty Forest.
Ashontrah: "Are you alright Prometheus?"
Prometheus: "Why wouldn't I be?"
Ashontrah: "I got the feeling I should check on you."
Prometheus: "I haven't been feeling well but I feel good now that you are here."
Ashontrah: "Give me the secret handshake."
Prometheus: "I do not remember what it was."
2:14pm I just tore Prometheus apart.
Ashontrah: "HOW LONG?!"
Ashontrah: "Atherak... the being who just died. Is it an impostor Prometheus or the real thing?"
Atherak: "It is an impostor."
Ashontrah: "Get all the intel from him."
Atherak: "As you wish."
Atherak: "Prometheus is kept by a being named Draygon. You and Asteria can bring Prometheus back. He is somewhere beyond the Misty Forest."
Ashontrah: "I would cross endless oceans to find him."
2:23pm I am going to go find my Prometheus.
Ashontrah: "I am near where Prometheus is being held. What should I do?"
Asteria: "Don't step in the waters."
Atherak: "Kill Draygon and bring him back."
Asteria: "He is deep within."
Ashontrah: "I don't see Prometheus."
Asteria: "He is not on the surface."
2:32pm Ashontrah: "I sense Draygon but I don't see him. I cannot tell which direction he is."
Asteria: "South but not under the lane."
Ashontrah: "Anything I need to know about killing him?"
Asteria: "His skin is tough but the heart is the weakest."
Atherak: "He is in there closer than you think."
Ashontrah: "Why kidnap Prometheus?"
Atherak: "The power that he was working on with you. To find a way to the non-existence."
Ashontrah: "I just got ensnared. I am caught on something. He is really close. I feel him."
Atherak: "Have Zaka chew it free."
Ashontrah: "My NEself said no to that. I am in a trap. Yet I am choosing to stay in it. I am sitting down in despair. Like I have given up."
Draygon approaches me...
Draygon: "Looks like you got yourself stuck."
Ashontrah: "I have. Will you help me out?"
Ashontrah: "I was wandering the Misty Forest and got lost and ended up here. I got myself stuck in this trap. I am scared and frightened. I don't want to get hurt."
Draygon: "I will get you out. Come with me. I will take care of you."
Ashontrah: "Thank you. Where will we go together?"
Draygon: "I have a home nearby."
2:46pm I am going with him to his home.
Atherak: "Follow him into his home. See what else you are going to find out."
We are in his house.
Ashontrah: "Do you have anything to drink?"
Draygon: "Of course."
He is preparing drinks.
Draygon: "Someone like you should not be wandering around here alone."
Ashontrah: "I know. I am so glad you found me."
Missed some of the conversation. We are having drinks. He is telling me about how great he is.
Ashontrah: "Something doesn't seem right about my servant Prometheus. Do you know what is happening with him?"
Draygon: "Oh him. Yeah I saw him wandering around. He seems like he could be sick."
Ashontrah: "You live here alone? No wife or girlfriend?"
Draygon: "No girlfriend yet."
Ashontrah: "Maybe you will meet her soon."
Draygon: "I may already have."
The drink is making me feel weird. I think he drugged me.
NEself: "As intended. No worries."
What is he doing with me? I am drugged up. I just stumbled.
Draygon: "Come here my Ashontrah."
Ashontrah: "Did you drug me in my drink?"
Draygon: "Yes I did. How else could I get you to stay?"
Ashontrah: "What do you want with me?"
Draygon: "Everything."
Ashontrah: "By now the poison I put in your drink should be reaching your heart."
Draygon: "You wouldn't!"
Ashontrah: "You drug me I drug you. It is balance."
Atherak: "I hope you have a good plan for drinking that."
Ashontrah: "I always have a good plan."
I stand up straight without any effects.
Ashontrah: "My effects are over but yours have just begun."
He had to drug me for me to drug him. Just as Nurak had to try to infiltrate me for me to infiltrate him. Can you see him? He is not doing so well.
Atherak: "Yes he is not doing very well at all."
He thought I would stay here and be his lover. He can have a lover in the borderlands.
3:16pm Draygon just died. He is gone. I am going to get my Prometheus. I am raising Prometheus up from the water while I stand on the land. He is awake.
Ashontrah: "It is good to see you my dear friend. I killed your impostor and your captor."
Prometheus: "Good to see you too. I knew you would come for me."
Ashontrah: "Always and forever."
I am hugging Prometheus and healing him.
Prometheus: "Your love can heal anything."
Ashontrah: "Let's return home to the Misty Forest where you belong."
Prometheus: "I cannot think of a better place. Will you stay with me?"
Ashontrah: "Yes I will stay with you."
3:40pm Ashontrah: "Did someone hire Draygon? Or was he acting alone?"
Atherak: "He was hired."
Ashontrah: "Then why did he want to keep me as a lover? Or was that a side objective?"
Atherak: "Side objective."
Ashontrah: "What is the main objective and who hired him?"
Atherak: "Shaderell hired him. The main objective was to find out from you how to imprison people in void crystals."
Ashontrah: "How would I know how to imprison people in void crystals?"
Atherak: "He figured you might know from your past imprisonment in the void crystals how to form them around someone."
They could have just read the post where I get imprisoned in one...
January 12th...
We discover that Mono Baphomet is one of the two remaining unidentified aspects.
10:18am Atherak does the double unification for Baphomet who is an aspect from outside existence. It is complete. I told Atherak it needed to be done today.
Baphomet is ambition, conquest, victory, and things that go along with that. He is the crowned man spoken of by Asteria.
Atherak performed the ritual. When it was completed he woke. Ashontrah was there to greet him as brother and embraced him.
Mono: "The time has come and it is a different feeling now that I am fully connected into this world. My out of existence and existence self."
Ashontrah: "The aspects are returning. There is a time coming that they all must be here."
Mono: "I have been waiting a long time to find out the truth about myself. Why I was so different from the other Ourhkina and Angelic. Now I know why. I have a greater purpose than what I was."
Ashontrah: "You do serve a greater purpose and the time will come that you show that purpose."
Mono: "We shall see you in time. Soon sister. May all your power flow within you. I am looking forward to when all the aspects stand together again."
Then we both left.
Atherak: "There is one more aspect to find. Then you will be able to return to the 13 existences."
Ashontrah: "Is the last male in our existence?"
Atherak: "Yes."
There is only one remaining unidentified aspect. We know he is male and he is in this existence.
Ashontrah: "Will you make sure Great Mother does not have an in existence form? In other words, find out if Great Mother is here or not."
Atherak: "She doesn't. She is not."
Update January 14th...
Well apparently after Vustik did the unification on her last night Xexian gave Shaderell and Vustik the middle finger. She got what she wanted.
Shaderell started making demands and she said fuck you. He tried to grab her wrist and she smacked him around in the physical.
Vustik didn't do anything. He stood there with an oh shit look on his face.
Then she took off in her new body with her newfound fortune and fame. She was placed into a female celebrity.
True Self Connection...
Official Mind Power Discussion Group...
Posts about Outside Existence...
Who is Ashontrah Asherah Aphrodite Astarte? (Dec 25th)
Ashontrah in the Misty Forest (Dec 30th)
Ashontrah and Ashoweah: Outside Existence (Jan 5th)
Asteria and Vustik: More About Outside Existence (Jan 6th)
Eomeya and the Carrier (Jan 7th)