Demi-Aspects Part Four Dolloiandea and Set

This is the story of Dolloiandea and Set. Both children of the Aspect Usula. Dolloiandea from Ashoweah and Set from Vustik.
Ashontrah: "Asheahwah I see you visited with your father Ashoweah last night. How did that go?"
Asheahwah Pisch: "It went surprisingly well. I was a bit surprised on what he had said to me but I think it was worth going I feel lighter getting up today."
Ashontrah: "Ashoweah told you that he missed you and wondered where you ended up. He is glad to have found you again. He wants you to visit him more as there are things he wants to teach you. You are very unique and he made you for a purpose.
When you asked him why he used the water lily he told you it is because of its unique properties and that they relate to you."
Asheahwah Pisch: "I found the Lily last night all shriveled up and it still had a gold color lining the leaves but it had a gold necklace in it and when I put it on it made me float up and it dissolved into pure energy and it got absorbed into me it's also why I decided last night to visit My father."
Ashontrah: " I am going to cry. Yes I can confirm that happened with you."
Asheahwah Pisch: "Aww don't cry mom you're gonna make me cry. I also drank from the eternal sea and I felt refreshed and went into the water and felt the water around me I stayed there for awhile under the water it felt amazing."
Charlie Heti Elio...
Dolloiandea Demi-Aspect of Usula and Ashoweah...
Ashontrah: "I find it interesting that Set, Dollo, and Melkor are all children of Usula but through different fathers.
Yet they all share common traits. There must be more to Usula than we realize for her children to have these traits.
I am going to do this more past vision style. Piece together as much of what happened with you as I can.
The story of Dolloiandea...
This was a conception of fire, rage, and chaos. Ashoweah and Usula are swirling together. It is very chaotic.
The pregnancy was very difficult for Usula. She could not contain it due to the chaos inside. It almost killed Usula to give birth to Dolloiandea.
Afterward Usula was so weak she could not even hold her own child. It took a long time to recover. The child was taken care of by a priestess of Usula for a short time.
It was hard for the priestess and Usula to contain the chaotic power within Dolloiandea. When she would become angry it was explosive.
The priestess tried to convince Usula of the danger of the young child and the chaotic energy that flowed within her.
Then it was decided, much against Usula's feelings about it, it broke her heart to do this. She had her priestess take the child to the father Ashoweah.
When the priestess arrived to bring Dolloiandea to Ashoweah he was not very accepting. He did take her but shortly after that he left her on a dying world.
Her chaotic energy along with her loneliness and desperation led to the destruction of this dying world even faster.
In the climatic chaos of the destruction of this world Dolloiandea was pulled up through the athranaak. But however, she was sent somewhere else almost immediately right away.
Still a young child maybe no more than 2 or 3 in what would be considered human years she was in the borderlands wandering.
She came to the river of bones and out of curiosity like any young small being she reached into it. The river of bones pulled her in.
As much as the bones tried to rip her apart it seemed impossible, but she was terrified and scared. Her chaotic energy became stronger.
Dolloiandea tried to swim the best she could to free herself from the river of bones. But every time she would make her way to the shore the bones would pull her back and she would flow down the river.
All seemed hopeless for her as she was swept away by the river. She tried once more to make it to the shore and as she almost reached it a bone hand grabbed her by the ankle.
She tried to back it off with her chaotic energy but more and more hands kept grabbing her.
They start to pull her under. She can feel the shore with the edge of her fingertips slipping away. She felt herself slipping underneath the bones and they kept grabbing onto her pulling her down.
On her tiny wrist she felt something tight wrap around it. Almost like a rope. She looked up to see some type of black tentacle. It pulled her out of the river of bones.
Dolloiandea was tired and delirious. She noticed a black robed figure standing above her with a face that seemed to be that of elongated bone. The figure reached down and picked her up and walked away from the river of bones.
They went to seven other figures. One of the seven figures spoke to the one holding her. 'This one is not usual to those who are here. She is not unfortunate nor is she meant to be punished. Explain.'
The figure holding young Dolloiandea replied 'This child has been rejected by the athranaak and has survived its time in the river of bones. This child is not meant to be here. I can feel a certain chaotic energy that flows through her. It is familiar in a way but I cannot yet place it. There is another energy there. A powerful energy.'
Another figure standing there asks 'What energy could exist with chaotic?'
The figure holding her replies back 'Aspect energy. This flows through this child.'
Another of the figures says 'Then this child cannot remain here in the borderlands. Where shall we take her?'
The figure holding Dolloiandea replies 'There is only one place that we can travel to take her now. I shall call for the boatman.'
He brings out a small horn from under his robe. The horn makes a loud yet low tone.
Dolloiandea at this time is still a little bit weary from her ordeal. She looks up at the figure holding her but she is not scared. She feels comforted. Then she notices a large bone structure boat coming up the river.
The figure holding her looks at the others and says 'I will take her to the underworld. There we may have someone who can watch over her and teach her as she grows.'
One of the figures says 'And the divine of the underworld will watch over her.'
The figure holding her replies 'I have friends there. Ones who will understand. They may know and will watch over this child.'
He steps onto the boat still holding Dolloiandea in his arms. It departs and heads up the river of bones.
Young Dolloiandea is still very weary however she feels comforted along the boat. Safe in the arms of the being that is holding her.
She sees a very black mist ahead in the river. They approach it and the mist surrounds the boat. She then starts to feel warmer. She can feel and sense and then see the fires burning.
The boat docks at the shore and the being holding Dolloiandea departs with her. He brings out the horn again.
However it looks different. It is more made of flames. He holds the horn up and a loud thunder comes from it. The ground shakes and the fire dances.
Through the flames walks a fire being who says 'You have called to me Myrrdonite of the borderlands. What is it you wish of me?'
The figure holding her says 'This child was rejected by the athranaak. She is not unfortunate nor is she meant to be punished. There is strong Aspect power inside her. I could think of no other place or one I could trust to raise her. Keep her safe.'
The Myrrdonite being holds young Dolloiandea out in his hands to the fire being. The fire being is resistant at first. Afraid that his chaotic fire may harm the young child.
He reaches forward and takes the child into his hands. Surprisingly she is unaffected by the chaotic flames.
The fire being feels the great power within her and says 'It is true. There is Aspect power here. Very much chaotic. But there is something else. Does the child have a name Myrrdonite?'
The Myrrdonite replies 'None that I could find. She came here nameless. I bring her to you. In time maybe she will rediscover what her name is and this other Aspect power that she holds.'
The fire being says 'Then I will care for her and watch over her and teach her. She will be like one of my own.'
Myrrdonite says 'Very well.' He then places his hand on young Dolloiandea. 'We shall meet again. I have seen your future and it is one of greatness.'
He turns and heads back toward the boat. He walks onto it and goes back down the river of bones. This is Xarsha.
The fire being watches as the boat departs. He holds Dolloiandea is his hands. He looks down at her and she looks back up. Her chaotic fire swirling all around her and it grows.
The fire being says to her 'You are unique but yet you are nameless. I shall call you Kariyin (Kar-Ree-Yin). Child of the borderlands.'
The name Kariyin actually means lost child of the borderlands.
Time passes and Kariyin is now about the equivalent of 12 or 13 in human years. This fire being has taken her to a realm of primordial chaotic fire.
There Kariyin grew up into a young woman among other chaotic fire beings. This one who watches over her guides her. His name is Nyuraak. He always keeps a close eye on her.
He instructs her at the times she loses her temper and her chaotic energy flows outwards.
Nyuraak speaks to her and says 'You must control the chaos inside you and learn to balance it. You are unique my young daughter. Certain powers flow inside you. That are part of Aspects of everything around us. In time you will learn this.'
He would teach her of the different existences, cosmoses, and realms, and the primordial energies.
Then the day came when beings came to this fire realm. One of these beings was Ashoweah followed by his monstrosities and loyal servants.
Ashoweah had come to strike a deal or I should say make demands of the primordial fire beings that existenced there.
The one who cared for Kariyin must have been their leader. Ashoweah demanded that they serve him in an upcoming campaign.
Nyuraak refused and said he would never take the powers of the chaotic fire to side with a being like Ashoweah.
This made Ashoweah angry. He demanded that these fire beings serve him or be destroyed.
When he made this threat Kariyin stepped in front of her adoptive father. She told Ashoweah 'Leave now or you will feel the full force of the primordial chaotic fires.'
Ashoweah looked down at her with a curious look in his mind.
He said to Nyuraak 'I see that you have acquired a very unique child. Hmmm it is no matter. She will serve along side with you and your others in my campaign or she will suffer the same fate.'
Nyuraak pushes Kariyin aside. This threat enraged him and he faced Ashoweah. A fight broke out between the monstrosities and the primordial fire beings.
In the midst of it Ashoweah knocks Nyuraak back and moves in to finish him. Kariyin attacks Ashoweah and as hard as she tried with every essence of power within her she could not bring him down.
He hits her hard with dark energy. This knocks her down. Ashoweah picks her up by the neck with one hand and looks at her curiously.
Ashoweah says 'So one of my seeds comes back to haunt me. This is inevitable. You are powerful child but you will never be a seed of mine.'
In his other hand a blade forms from darkness. He thrusts it into Kariyin's chest. She could feel the life falling out of her. He tosses her aside.
Using this dark energy Ashoweah blasts Nyuraak again and picks him up. 'Your kind will serve me to whatever means I see fit, but as for you. You will be no more.'
Kariyin is on the ground trying to regain her strength but she can feel herself fading. She watched as her adoptive father Nyuraak's core was ripped out by Ashoweah and destroyed.
Ashoweah then turns toward Kariyin and blasts dark chaotic fire over her and burns her away.
Once again Kariyin could feel her spirit flowing through some type of energy tunnel. She was unable to control herself.
There was a dark light at the end of this energy tunnel. As she flew forward towards it she felt herself being absorbed by it. Then she felt herself falling.
She then fell to the ground. As her weary eyes opened she realizes she was again in the borderlands. She had passed through the athranaak.
The wound is still very fresh on her chest. This made it so she could barely move. She crawled across the landscape of the borderlands.
She could hear the sound of what seemed to be tumbling. She recognized it and crawled towards it. She moved her way to the edge of the shore of the river of bones.
There she laid feeling herself as if she were weak and still dying. She was already dead yet the pain and the anguish was still there.
Jolts of pain streaked through her body. She cried out but no one was hearing her. All she could hear was the tumbling of bones in the river.
She closed her eyes and endured the pain the best she could. Then she heard footsteps approaching. She looked up and saw the silhouette of a figure over her. This figure had wings. He then picked her up and carried her away.
The winged figure noticed something about her. It seemed that she was still dying. The pain and suffering was great. He tried to heal her the best he could, but she still shrieked in pain. There was nothing he could do.
But he knew of somewhere he could take her if he could make a bargain. He then walked her back along the shore of the river of bones to where a post was. On the post was hanging a bone horn.
He retrieved the bone horn from it and blew it three times. The same low tone sound from the horn echoed in Kariyin's ears. She had heard it before.
As before she noticed a boat coming through the river. When the boat arrived along the shore the boatman looked down upon the winged figure holding her.
The wing figure said 'I am in need of your assistance and I know the cost will be great. But I need you to take me to the weavers.'
The boatman replies 'To take this child who has been sent to the borderlands to the Norns, that comes at a high price. What price do you offer?'
The wing figure reaches to his side where a sword was sheathed. He takes it out and hands it to the boatman. The boatman examines it.
Boatman says 'An Orthac Ourhkina blade. This is a good price. Come aboard.'
Kariyin felt herself go under again as if she was dying but yet she was dreaming of fire, chaotic energy, and a black prism shaped object floating above bones.
She again opened her eyes. She was still very weak resting on a stone altar. She moves her head to one side and noticed the winged figure was speaking to three females whose hands were weaving in the air. Threads came from them.
The winged figure spoke to the three females and said 'I come to you asking of a favor. I found this unique child in the borderlands. Sent there by the Great Anger and Hatred.
I must ask of you. This child must not go back to the borderlands. I must find a way to remake her and bring her to this existence if that is possible. She is not from here.'
The three sisters replied 'What you ask we can do but when we are finished you must return her to the borderlands. For we alone do not possess the power to send her back to the living existences.'
The winged being says 'Then I shall do so. What is the name of this being that I must seek out?'
Norns replied 'His name is Naguae. He is a Myrrdonite unlike any others. You must seek him out. Here we have provided a small map for you. This will lead you to him. He possesses a power that may be able to help you.'
The winged being says 'Then I shall do so.'
The sisters then instructed him 'Bring the child to us and we shall wrap her for her journey.'
The wing being lifts the child and brings her to the Norns. The sisters weave a blanket around her. Faster and faster they worked until thread surrounded her whole body.
The sisters said 'Now take this child to the one that we have told you of. She will travel safely within our threads.'
The winged being replies 'Thank you sisters for your help. I do not know the significance of this child yet but she is unique. She must be returned to life.'
The winged being then returned to the borderlands and followed the map that would lead him to Naguae. He found a place beneath the ground.
When he entered he saw a hooded Myrrdonite being and what appeared to be a small athranaak floating in front of him.
The winged being asks 'Are you Naguae?'
The Myrrdonite replies 'Yes. One of my many names I go by. Somewhat of a code. I see you have come.'
The winged being says 'I need your help. It is this child.'
Naguae replies 'I know why you have come and what you ask I cannot do. However this child can be returned to life.'
The wing being asks 'Then will you guide me and help me restore her?'
Naguae says 'Yes I can. We must go to the athranaak in the garden of bones.'
The winged being says 'But that is impossible. I cannot enter there. The guardians will not allow me and in a fight with them they may harm this child even more.'
Naguae says 'There are other ways into the garden of bones besides the main gates. Come I will show you.'
The winged being then followed Naguae down a long hallway into another room where a similar small athranaak was sitting. The athranaak opened up.
Naguae says 'Please. Step inside.'
The winged being stepped inside the athranaak holding Kariyin. He says to Naguae 'You will not be coming with me? Then how will I know what to do?'
Naguae replied 'Once you are there you must place the child upon the bone altar. The athranaak will do the rest. Place this on top of her chest.'
Naguae produces from his hand what appears to be a small burning stone with black fire.
As the winged being took it into his hands, the black fire absorbed into his arm but the stone still burned with it.
The winged being says 'Ah, I can feel it burning into me.'
Naguae replied to him 'It's become a part of you now, for this becomes a part of whatever it touches. But you did not absorb it all. Most of it is meant for her.'
The winged being says 'Thank you Naguae. I sense a feeling that you have known of this. You are a very wise being.'
Naguae says 'And you EinossArku are also wise. We should meet again.'
The athranaak closed around Arku and Kariyin. When it opened again Arku found himself underneath the athranaak. In front of him is what appeared to be a bone altar.
Arku placed Kariyin on the bone altar and as Naguae instructed he placed the burning stone upon her chest.
He stepped back as coils came down from underneath the athranaak. They began moving so fast and the darkness began to surround the body of Kariyin.
When the coils retracted back into the athranaak, her body was gone. Yet there was a small black fiery orb in her place.
Arku retrieved the orb and says 'I don't understand.'
Then he heard a voice from inside the Garden of Bones. 'Take this to the chaotic titan Kronos. He will be able to place her where she needs to go. She will live again.'
As instructed, Arku reentered the smaller athranaak. When it opened again, he was in a chaotic fiery place. The smaller athranaak closed behind him and disappeared into a rift.
It was then that the ground shook and the large fiery being Kronos appeared before Arku.
Kronos says 'Ourkhina, you come into lands that you are uninvited. What do you come for?'
Arku replies 'To bring you this.' He held out a small fiery orb in his hands.
Kronos reached out his mighty hands and took it from him. Kronos says 'I feel great power within this. Yes, all that you have done Ourkhina, I can make this being live again. Go now Ourkhina and do not come here again.'
Arku bowed his head and opened a portal and went through it. Kronos then began working his chaotic fire to reform the being into a small infant.
Kronos says 'You will be like a granddaughter to me. I know where to place you where you will be safe. Times are coming in this existence. War is coming. A Great Anger and Hatred makes its presence known to tear our existence apart. But you will be safe little one. I will place you with trusted friends of mine.'
That is where she came to the fire nymphs and became Dolloiandea.
Set On Midgard...
Rondoae heads down deep into the library labyrinth and retrieves the ancient black scroll. He then returns to his brother who is already preparing. Dimometriah is laid down on an examining table.
Usula is with her priestess. She is in a garden. There are eyes watching her. Her priestess scurries away and Usula is left alone sitting by a fountain.
She begins to notice small flower petals falling around her. She enjoys them, it brings her excitement. She then notices a robed figure approaching.
He bows to her and holds out his hand. The petals that are falling from the air swirl around and form in his hand into the shape of a flower.
Usula says to him 'Who are you to bring me such things?'
The being replies 'I am just a great admirer from afar. I have finally decided to bring up the courage to introduce myself to you.'
Usula says 'I feel as if I know you. The power of aspects flow deeply within you. Please, come. Sit.
Vustik takes a seat next to her on the fountain. He then reaches down for a handful of water and pulls it up. He begins taking the water and swirling it in between his hands. It rises and begins to form into different things. Creatures and flowers.
Usula finds delight in this as she watches Vustik change the shape of the water. Finally he changes it to ice and it shoots up into the air and snow begins to fall.
This delights Usula. She begins running through the snow happily and joyfully. Vustik follows her and puts his hand around her waist. They begin dancing in the snow. They twirl around for a while as the snow stops falling and begins to settle.
They then return to the fountain sitting next to each other and holding hands. Usula looks long into the eyes of Vustik and sees in his eyes all these wonderful images of places.
Usula says 'Are these places that you have been that I see in your eyes?'
Vustik replies 'Yes. Many places I have seen. This is where I have learned such great powerful magic. But all this time traveling I have been without.'
Usula says with a chuckle 'How could one such as you, who travels so many places, be without?'
Vustik says 'I was without because I walked alone. It is a lonely road and I have felt so alone until now. Sitting her next to you it fills that missing piece that I have long sought for.'
This is overwhelmingly romantic to Usula. She finds herself ever more attracted to this being.
Usula says 'Then let us make this our place. Our secret place. Lets meet here, and you can tell me of your travels, and I will give you comfort in listening and you shall not be alone.'
Time went by and Usula and Vustik shared this secret place. She would listen to his stories and tales.
Gallant tales. About how he was a hero and those in other realms and existences thought of him as a kind and gentle being willing to sacrifice himself and stand up to greater evils.
One evening as the moon shined down upon them Vustik was telling her a tale of how he rescued a certain race from the clutches of Eternal Death. This intrigued Usula so much.
She says to Vustik 'I have fallen so deeply in love with you. You are everything I could ever want. Everything I could ever hope for and wish for. I must ask you. Will you lay with me?'
Vustik replied 'There is nothing more I ever wanted in all my time.' Vustik reaches to the sky and a light rain begins to fall surrounding them as they make love. This is the conception of Set.
The birth of Set was somewhat peculiar. While he grew inside Usula he would play tricks on her. Wishing to be born and then not wishing to be born. Usula dealt with this the best he could. Until one day she forced him out of her womb.
She named the child Dimometriah (Dee-moh-mee-tree-ah). She never saw her strange lover again even though she traveled many times while pregnant to the fountain. He never returned after that night.
Even after Dimometriah was born she took him there as a baby and held him high. She said 'Here is your son. Wherever you are, wherever you have gone, know that I love you and here is the product of our love.'
Dimometriah was a rather unruly child. Always playing tricks on the priestesses. He would hide and they would search for hours and even days to find him.
Usula would always set him down and explain to him 'You must be patient, you must remain more calm. Not always be the wild wind that you are. My priestess complained to me of your antics many times. Please my son, there is more to life than tricks.'
Dimometriah would look at his mother and in her eyes he would find consolence. He would say to her 'I am sorry Mother. I will try to do better.'
One day Dimometriah had taken something from one of the priestess. In a panic the priestesses began to blame each other about the stolen object. Dimometriah sat by and laughed.
When Usula discovered Dimometriah with the object, she grew very angry. Dimometriah tried to apologize. She yelled at him 'I need time from you. You will stay here until I return and if there is any more antics then I will be forced to punish you.'
Fire burned in her eyes. Dimometriah knew she had recently had a visitor. A strange being that frightened him. Usula then left. For a short time Dimometriah tried to be on his best behavior. The priestess was not having it and treated him very cruelly.
Then Usula returned. He was happy to see her. He did not tell her of the cruelty the priestess dealt him. He was just happy to see his mother in the moment.
Dimometriah became more helpful towards his mother and stayed near her in fear of the priestess. Usula became somewhat ill with a pregnancy that she was having. Dimometriah was always by her side. He was around 3 or 4 in human years.
Then came a time in her pregnancy and she set Dimometriah down and said to him 'My dearest child. This pregnancy with your young sibling inside me has caused me great illness. I have had nightmares that involve you. I am sorry. I love you with all of my heart but I must send you away.'
Although it was upsetting to Dimometriah, he understood that his mother would never send him away unless she was truly worried. Usula had one of the priestess take him to another place where there he met other beings.
These beings were very large, almost bear-type creatures, except they did not quite look like bears. They were called the Nokragin. Dimometriah enjoyed his time with them there.
They were quite humorous and also loved playing tricks and pranks. They were very skilled in the ways of magic. He thought about his mother from time to time as he grew a little older. He didn't desire much to return to her.
He felt that in time that his mother would come to him and they would meet again. He spent his childhood growing up among the Nokragin.
When Dimometriah was about 14 or 15 in human years, there came a time when he was amongst the Nokragin. They were telling jokes after finishing tasks for the day. They would sit under the seven great moons and tell humorous stories.
Most of the Nokragin would wait patiently and with their large ears perked up they would listen to the stories Dimometriah would share, always anticipating the punchline.
It was on a night like this that Dimometriah was interrupted in the middle of his tale by a familiar face. It was one of the priestesses of his mother. She seemed weary and she had an urgent message for him.
Dimometriah read the message from Usula 'My dearest son. You have been gone for some time now and my heart yearns and misses you. All my love has always been there with you as yours has been with me. But I need you to come to me now for there is a great threat looming. There is something I need to give you. Your uncle, my brother, the Eternal Death. He has come to my place.'
Dimometriah felt dread inside as he read the message. He began to pack his things. The Nokragin who were waiting patiently for the punchline of his long comical tale look at each other strangely. They had never seen him in such a state. He did not seem his usual humorous self.
He was worried. He packed his things and then returned to the priestess. He spoke to her 'Take me to my mother. She needs me.'
The priestess took Dimometriah back to the temple of Usula. There he finds her waiting on the steps. She is worried. He runs to her and embraces her. She has tears in her eyes.
Dimometriah looks at her and says 'Mother what is it that is troubling you? I come as you have called for me. Tell me please, is there something that I can do? Who threatens you?'
Usula says 'It is your uncle. The one they know as Eternal Death. He has come to me asking for the knowledge of the Great Library. I told him I will not give him access to it. He has given me an amount of time before he returns, for me to decide to show him the way to the library and how to access it.'
Dimometriah says 'I will not let him harm you mother. Let him come, I will stand up to him and I will give him his own eternal death.'
Usula replies 'You mustn't my son. You do not know the power that lies within him. His power was given to him by an ancient one. One that has come and gone. But I fear that who your uncle once was, he is no more. He still craves what the power placed inside him desires.'
Dimometriah says 'I am not afraid. I will stand up to him. There is no one who will harm you mother. I will make him pay for what he has threatened.'
Around them everything begins to go dark. Usula pulls him close to her 'Stay with me my son and please calm yourself. Speak nothing. He comes. He is here.'
Black mist begins to form around the temple. Then it parts and appears from it a large dark figure. This is Eternal Death.
Eternal Death says to Usula 'So my sister, have you decided? To show me this library and take me there. Give me access to it. I have given you time to think. Now what is your decision?'
Usula replies 'Like I have told you once before dear brother, I cannot do this. It is not within my means, nor will I. You have a poison growing inside you. The time of judgement has ended. Atherak is no more. You must stop this. You cannot continue on this way. You are causing imbalance for the balance that you seek.'
Eternal Death says 'You know nothing of the balance I seek. Do not stand in my way sister or I shall force you to take me there. Any of our other siblings who wish to stand in the way will feel the wrath of a judgement long overdue.'
Usula says 'That is what you truly wish. To punish us. Punish us all. I will not allow this.'
Eternal Death says 'So you stand with those who have defiled and keep defiling balance. Then I shall take you...'
He reaches forward to grasp Usula and feels something slash his hand.
Dimometriah says 'Step away from my mother coward. Fight me!' He is holding a long blade.
Eternal Death turns 'Who is this foolish being who wishes to challenge me?'
Usula steps in front of Eternal Death 'He is no one. Just a temple guard. Please, he is only doing what he is meant to do.'
Eternal Death says 'He called you Mother! You try to lie to me with trickery? How dare you!'
He pushes Usula aside and reaches forward. A coil goes and wraps around Dimometriah's neck and pulls him close.
Eternal Death says 'This is no temple guard. I sense the presence of Vustik. This is one of his offspring.'
He used a different name for Vustik but we couldn't quite get it.
The coil pierces into the neck of Dimometriah and he begins to feel as if he were on fire.
Usula cries 'Please, no. Let him be. He is not like his father, leave him.'
Eternal Death scoffs 'Dear sister, you will not lead me to the library nor give me access. Vustik eludes his punishment so I will take your child.'
Dimometriah feels himself begin to burn away. He cries 'Mother, help me!' Usula with all her might produces an energy blade and cuts the coil.
She begins to spin a white mist around her. Coils begin to shoot around her and Dimometriah but the white mist covers them and they teleport away.
When the mist clears, they are gone. Eternal Death is angered by this 'You will not escape me. None of you or your children. Balance will come. I will have it.'
He turns around and coils comes from his hand pierce into all the priestesses. They turn to ash.
Inside a white mist, Usula cradles Dimometriah in her arms. Tears fall from her eyes 'Hang on my son, do not go.' He can feel himself burning away. Usula says 'Please, just a little longer.'
When the mist clears they are in a hall with many scrolls and books. It is an ancient library. The library of the Brothers. Keepers of magic and knowledge. Rondoae who is known as Riovo comes to her side 'What has happened dear sister?'
Usula says 'It is my son. He has been in the clutches of Eternal Death and is burning away. I cannot remove the rest of the coil from around his neck.'
Rondoae Riovo replies 'Let me.' He reaches down and grabs the coil with one hand and produces a golden blade with the other. He cuts through it.
Dimometriah breathes in deeply and as he breathes out, ash comes out of his mouth in the form of breath.
Rondoae Riovo says 'We are losing him. I must call for our brother.' He then takes his hammer and hits a large gong which echoes throughout the library.
A bird type creature appears on the high ceiling of the library and flies down. This forms into Okrahdyn known as Thoth.
Okrahdyn Thoth asks 'What has happened here?'
Usula looks up at him 'Dear brother, my son, please. He is dying.'
Okrahdyn looks down and examines Dimometriah 'My dear sister, he is more than dying. If we do not act now he may forever burn away into the non-existence. Erased for all time.'
Okrahdyn turns to Rondoae and says 'Quickly brother. The black ancient scroll. Bring it. There is no time to waste.'
Rondoae heads down deep into the library labrynth and retrieves the ancient black scroll. He then returns to his brother who is already preparing. Dimometriah is laid down on an examining table.
Okrahdyn Thoth is working fiercely preparing for the ritual that must be applied in order to save Dimometriah.
Rondoae Riovo says 'I have it here brother.' He hands it to Okrahdyn.
Okrahdyn says 'You know what else to do.' Rondoae takes his place on the other side of the examining table at his feet.
A golden scroll floats over to Rondoae. At the same time him and Okrahdyn open the scrolls and begin speaking and chanting in a language that is unfamiliar to Dimometriah.
Dimometriah then feels to burning increasing. He raises his hands to his eyes and watches them burn away. He looks at his mother before his vision fades 'Mother... what is happening?'
Dimometriah loses consciousness and enters a dream where he is a child, playing with his mother in the garden where he was conceived near the fountain.
Back at the library the ritual has been complete. There is a small black orb floating where Dimometriah's body was.
Usula is in tears. She knows that her son no longer has a form. But the core and the essence of everything he is still exists.
Usula says 'I love him so dearly. But I know he will never be safe here. What should we do?'
Okrahdyn Thoth says 'I know of a Great One in another existence, who goes by the name Ra. I will bring him to him. Ra is expecting two other children. They shall grow up together.
He will have a life far away in safety from the danger of the clutches of Eternal Death. Although, he will not remember who he is. Nor will he remember you.'
Usula says 'If it is to save him, I rather lose the memory than lose him. My love will always be with him.'
She places her hand on the orb 'Goodbye my son. In time I hope I will see you again. All my love will be with you always.'
Okrahdyn then takes the orb in his hands and places it in a chest. 'I promise you Usula he will be well taken care of and you and him will never have to fear that will fall into the clutches of Eternal Death."
Okrahdyn Thoth then turns back into his bird form grasping the chest in his talons. 'Goodbye dear sister. He will be well taken care of. I promise you this.' He then flies away into a great light.
Thoth enters into another existence where he is met by the powerful being Ra. He takes back on his humanoid form with the chest in his hands.
Ra says 'What is this you bring me Thoth?'
Thoth says 'A gift. A treasure. And also a son if you choose.'
Thoth steps in front of Ra and opens the chest. Inside is the black orb. Ra looks at it and sees that there is a being inside. A great aspect of power.
He picks the orb up in his hand and replies 'I will take care of this as if he was my own son. But first he will need a form. What kind of form should I give him?'
Ra looks around at all the statues that reside in his palace. He sees a statue of a jackal. 'That one will do.'
Ra starts to weave the orb in his two hands. He makes a small child with a jackal head.
Ra says 'There now. He has a body. What name does he go by?'
Thoth says 'A name that cannot be replied. You must choose anew.'
Ra says 'Then I shall call him Set.'
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